Sony FX30 VS Lumix S5ii | I Was Impressed…

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let's go man how's it going dude so I was down here in South Florida for the weekend I connected with my buddy Jeff from reach films and we're going to be doing a direct comparison between the s52 and the fx30 what we're going to be touching on in this video is going to be some dynamic range tests we're gonna be doing cinematic sequences so you can see how they both pair up and drastically or not drastically look different in a real world case scenario as well as we'll be looking at how each sensor plays with color most people know this as color science we'll see how they play with skin tones greens yellows and different things like that so super excited and yeah let's let's get into it so before we get into the Cinematic sequence I didn't want to preface how we shot these clips we did use Sigma lenses for both ones in 18 to 35 and one's in 24 to 70. all the clips were graded with Phantom Luts so it does make the colors match a little bit more but I'll be getting into that later on in the video and overlaying some samples how they deal with green skin tones and whatnot [Music] so they're making these clips apparently just didn't turn on so everything I'm explaining with my hands and talking didn't get captured but I think I bit off a little bit more than I could chew and the dynamic range tests weren't as revealing as I wanted them to be but what I did notice and what you'll be seeing is that the s52 did seem to have more dynamic range I know in lab tests it does show that it has more dynamic range but what I've noticed just from pushing and pulling the footage which unfortunately I can't show you entirely is that a lot of time the s52 had more detail in the shadows specifically with saturation so it wouldn't break apart as quickly and it would hold its color when I was either lifting Shadows to match highlights or anything like that those are my observations that the s52 does have more dynamic range specifically in the shadows be it what it may if I'm wrong let me know but so right now we're shooting on the s52 this is going to be an Ibis test and on your left you're going to be seeing the fx30s active image stabilization as well and what do you think so the clear winner in the Ibis test is the s52 that didn't come as a surprise to me the fx30 has a really jittery Ibis it almost feels like it doesn't really have it and this is one of the reasons why I purchased the s52 I like being able to get smooth handheld footage without having to bring out a gimbal or anything like that but the fx30s Ibis wasn't terrible it just wasn't extremely helpful if that makes any sense it does help a little bit but not as much as the S5 too then again Panasonic is known for having the best Ibis in the business so it comes to no surprise that it's better than the fx30 but anyways let's move to color I'm going to show you a couple clips and this is really subjective but one thing I've noticed with the fx30 is that there's a lot of green in the image there's Green in the skin tones the greens just look odd to me what I like about the s52 is that everything right out of camera looks natural sometimes the skin tones do get a little over saturated but that's super easy to fix and I desaturate my images often anyways overall for me personally I enjoy the s52s color much more than fx30 with that being said the Phantom Luts that I used when I shot with Sony and now that I can use on the Panasonic correct all of these things it doesn't fully get rid of the Green in the skin tones for the fx30 but it really neutralizes them to the point where I wouldn't have to do a lot of work in post so if color is an issue or if that's a huge deciding factor personally I wouldn't let that be there are tons of different conversions and Corrections and things that you can do in the editing software or even just buying a lot like the Phantom Luts that save you a lot of time and really get your camera to look amazing anyways that wasn't supposed to be a sneaky plug even though they are linked in the description the Phantom let's but really color science isn't the end-all be-all and if you are a working professional I would highly advise you start learning how to color grade and do all these different things but if you're lazy like me okay Phantom Luts is an incredible option but yeah let's keep going we did do one autofocus test and again I'm not the most technical person in the world I don't get super nitpicky and whatnot but I hope the the test was useful one thing I will say about the s52's autofocus after using it for about a month or two you really have to dial it in there are a couple Talking Heads even after I've fixed some issues that were a little Annoying they were they were jittery and and pulsing back and forth so you really have to learn how this autofocus functions but when you get it right it does work incredible Sony on the other hand is amazing in every single scenario it's amazing I don't know if the fx30 is like this but one thing I thoroughly enjoy with Sony's autofocus is that I can tap on the screen and it'll lock and hold that focal point the entire time no matter where I move the s52 should have this option and it kind of does but it's nowhere near as intricate as Sony's Auto focus in this area so if I'm trying to focus on a product on a slider shot the Sony will lock on and hold it the whole time even though phase detect autofocus and the s52 is great it doesn't do as good in this area so with products or objects it's not as intricate keep in mind this is a first generation a little side note the autofocus in the s52 is better than my Canon C70 so if that means anything to you it wins in that aspect but compared to Sony's autofocus it is a step behind I would give that one to the fx30 and even though I've never used or even watched a video about the fx30 before meeting with Jeff to shoot this video I know that Sony's autofocus is better than the Panasonic because I've used it for many years this last portion of the video is not going to be super technical if you haven't noticed yet I'm not a super spec kind of person and I don't really care about that stuff as much but I do care about convenience so one thing I noticed with the fx30 is that it's basically a super 35 sensor which my C70 is a super 35 sensor and I use a speed booster on that all the time the reason why I'm bringing that up is because the fx30 has consistent frame rates so it has 4K 24 4K 60 4K 120 even and it's all at Super 35 so what that means is that when it's speed boosted I essentially get full frame 4K 24 4K 60 4K 120 and I don't have to adjust for a different crop when switching to frame rates as many of you know the s52 does have a crop at 4K 60 and this is something that's more so an inconvenience when I'm shooting on set it's not a deal breaker because then I don't have to use a Speed Booster when I want to shoot 4K 24 which is 80 of the time but that's one thing that did hit me when I was shooting with the fx30 is that if you do want full frame frame rates 4K 120 even then that might be a better option because you can speed boost it and will be consistent across the board what that also means is that if you're speed boosting it you will get an extra stop of light an area where the s52 does beat out the fx30 and unfortunately almost every Sony cinema camera that exists is the fact that it can shoot open gate this is incredible for anamorphic shooting because you get more vertical resolution which means that when you stretch your footage you have more to play with it's not this narrow little thing and it's great for repurposing content this is a feature that's extremely overlooked but if it's useful for you this would be a reason why you would buy the s52 over the fx30 one huge Factor can be price which the fx30 is 200 less but in my opinion for 200 you are getting much more in the s52 I'm a little biased because I own the camera but that is my personal opinion I want to shotgun a couple reasons why the s52 is a better camera in my opinion it has shutter angle it has better video features in the inside it has a viewfinder if you use that for video it has the real-time Lut feature which is super useful when a client wants the footage straight out of camera or you're shooting for someone to edit as well as for photos it's like a Hidden Gem I made a whole video about using it for photos which I'll link up there there are a couple other reasons but they're a little subjective and I want to stay as objective as possible which is kind of hard when I purchase this camera knowing the fx30 exists so I will be a little biased but I do want to get into the reasons why you would get the fx30 over the S5 too this reason I personally don't care about a lot but if you are wanting 4K 120 the s52 just doesn't have it so the fx30 will be your go-to there maybe if you're doing a lot of slow motion product videos or anything like that then the fx30 would be a better camera for you another reason would be if you really love green skin tones I'm just kidding another reason would be if you are getting the audio handle it is convenient just having XLR straight into camera when caveat with that is the audio handle is kind kind of flimsy but if I could have that for the s52 that would be really convenient with me especially with filming YouTube videos like that so the fx30 definitely wins in that area there's a lot more that I can get into but to sum it up if you're looking for a Content creation Run and Gun overall good camera I would go for the s52 over the fx30 if you're someone that needs 4K 120 or having better audio inputs just readily available as well as autofocus is the main importance and you rely on it 100 of the time I would go for the fx30 but that last point is a little tricky because the s52's autofocus is good as well couldn't tell already I am a little biased towards the s52 hence why I spent my money on it I'm sure Jeff will be hitting the comparison from a different angle so I'll link his channel here if you're interested in hearing my thoughts in the s52 that video will be here consider subscribing like this video comment do that whole thing and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Anthony Rodriguez
Views: 50,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony fx30, Panasonic s5ii, comparison, camera review
Id: pRE5Dm4E1i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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