I Wish I knew THIS Before Buying a Lumix

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oh my God this is a really nice camera maybe I should switch not going to lie I've wanted to throw it out the window a few times I am going to get a lot of hate in the comments I can feel it people think that I'm sponsored by Lumix and that they pay me to say nice things about them they don't it's not true yes they send me cameras to test but they do not tell me what videos to make or what to say so in this video I want to discuss the six things that I actually don't like about this camera but why I still continue to use it above everything else despite those things because it's a very interesting and important discussion to have I think and let's face it the perfect camera doesn't exist so it's natural to have things that bug you or bother you or that you'd like to change about what camera you have and I'm more than happy to admit that so do you think the perfect camera exists let me know in the comments if if you do let me know what it is and why but for me the Lumix s52 is my almost perfect camera I'm also going to tell you what I think Lumix should do or what they should bring out or at least what I'd really like to see in the next few years for Lumix but let me start by telling you about the things that really me off about this camera and Mr or Mrs Lumix if you're watching please fix these little things they're only small and if you could change just these few little bits it' be epic and it' make it the best camera that I've ever used and I've used quite a lot of cameras so if you're filming Live Events or anything really it's important to work quickly and smoothly you don't want anything that stands in your way that's why a lot of people use the iPhone because it's intuitive it's fast to use it just works and we want the same thing with a camera we don't want anything to stand in our way we don't want to miss any moment but what I have found is I don't know if it's the processor or what but sometimes when I switch the camera on it's quite slow to turn on when I press record it's a little bit slow to start and then when you stop recording it takes a few seconds for it to write to the memory card now I'm using the fastest memory cards that you can can with this camera there's a bit of a lag there sometimes you want to start filming again instantly once you've stopped to clip and you press the record button and it's still right into the memory card and it slows you down that needs to change I want to see a faster system I want to be able to make changes quicker I want to be able to start and stop recording quicker to make sure that I don't miss anything it's just a little bit slow I know this is more affordable than a lot of other cameras out there that you can buy but that's one of the things that's separating it from other system that I've used I think rather see an update or an upgrade in the next camera that focuses on these issues rather than something entirely new if we can just fix this that's all we need as a YouTuber I often film alone and take thumbnail pictures as well and that's difficult to do all by yourself and having an app on your phone that connects with the camera so that you can control the camera is an absolute godsend when it works when it works it works great but when it doesn't it's a pain in the body it's slow to connect it loses connection sometimes it's it's just unreliable that's the thing sometimes it connects better indoors than it does Outdoors you know most of the time you want to be using that outdoors I will be fair though I've used other camera systems apps and it's the same across the board and I've heard other people talk about the apps they never use them but it's a feature it's available it just needs to be updated it needs to be able to work because it's great it's it's amazing when it works it really helps I use it in a very simple way I use it to change a few settings start and stop recording or take photos and that's it that's all it needs to do I just want to establish a connection with the camera I want it to be stable and that's it we spend a bit of time focusing on that getting that right amazing not going to lie I've wanted to throw it out the window a few times cuz all I want to do is take a couple of thumbnail photos that should take a couple of seconds and then it's Di in and out of connection and it's it's frustrating now this feature I rarely use but I know a lot of people do and a lot of people rely on it most of the time people use this mode and that mode alone so the s52 does have 50 frames a second slow motion but there's a crop so we're not getting that full field of view anymore it doesn't bother me but because there's a crop sometimes you have to move back a little bit to make sure that you've got the right framing that you need when you haven't got the space that can be tricky so it' be nice if it was full frame but the main reason for me is just to keep the Sony fans quiet should we just should we just be quiet about it the thing is with slow-mo is people feel like they have to use it and they end up using it as a default it's almost a bit of a cheat code so I don't know I I don't ever miss it whatsoever maybe there's a reason why there is a crop I don't know much about technical stuff but is it something to do with the sensor the speeds I don't know is there a compromise if it's fullframe I'm not sure nonetheless if they had 120 frames per second in here full frame and 50 full frame I think they'd see a lot of people switching to this system over the Sony's for example so when you film in with the S5 Mark II I noticed that there's two audio tracks instead of the one so I find myself having to mute one of the audio tracks so that it's not duplicated and causing my audio to clip it's not a big deal but every time I go into the editor I have to mute that track and it's just wastes a little bit of time hopefully it's just a quick fix and it's not a stereo thing I've gone into the menus maybe I'm missing something I don't know but that's just a teeny tiny little thing the image quality of the lenses are really really nice especially for the price I love the fact that all the prime lenses are the same size and a very similar weight because that means you don't have to rebalance on a gimbal everything just feels comfortable and natural because there's there's no changes when you switch lenses and they're extremely welld designed as I said image quality spectacular even the kit lens is really nice however if you coming from Canon or Sony for example you're going to notice that the lenses look a little bit cheap and feel a little bit plasticky and because a lot of people buy with their eyes it makes them feel like they're not as premium as they are and that's disappointing really because it's it's not until you use these lenses and look at the image that you realize how good they are and it could put a lot of people off I'd love to see a lens lineup where it has a manual aperture ring as well as the focus ring and just a little bit more of a premium feel I think having said this I've dropped these cameras a few times and I've never once broken one so you know maybe maybe they are fine and this is the thing the overall image quality is good enough that I don't let the look of those lenses me but when you show a snobby other camera user these lenses they turn the nose up at them a little bit and they're like o that's cheap you know just saying just saying using these tools every day means that you want it to be comfortable and also feel good to use and that's going to do two things it's going to make your job easier and it's also going to make you feel a little bit more inspired to pick the camera up and go out and film and enjoy it more so I was in wax the other other day and I was sorry Lumix you're going to hate me but I picked up the fx30 I've messed about with the fx3 a few times and they feel like such nice cameras it's a really premium feeling camera it's nice to hold all the buttons and the dials feel com like it premium basically they are they're extremely welld designed and the quality is Stella I must say it's the nicest feeling camera of this size in comparison you know I'm not saying the Lumix is bad it's very wellmade it's durable as I said I've dropped it a bunch of times no damage luckily but when it comes to the dials they they feel fine but in comparison to some of the newer Sony cameras there is a difference there now obviously it's not a deal break it's really not for me but I know some people think about that stuff personally when I picked up the fx3 it made me think oh my God this is a really nice camera I maybe I should switch maybe I should maybe I should get a Sony but don't fear not because I quickly realized don't just choose a camera based on how it feels that's the worst thing to do people are easily LED down that path at the end of the day it's how the image looks looks it's the end product that counts yes the usability and the feel of the camera needs to be good if you're using it every day but the end product is what matters right and because the Lumix Vlog image is everything I ever wanted from a camera easy to color grade great dynamic range it looks fantastic I've used Lumix ever since because I love the image every single time I put it into my editor even over some of the higher end Cinema cameras that I've used because this has ease of use and IM quality and colors and what I really like is you know when you're first switching camera systems it takes a little bit of time to get used to the menus and that was what I talked about in my first video I ever made about Lumix but actually after a few hours it made total sense and it's easy to navigate in my opinion it's intuitive but the best thing about it is yeah you've got your standard picture profiles but then you've got Vlog and that's it there's no other combinations there's no other pairings that you can use you get a Lumix camera you get Vlog it's that look that camera and that's what you want when you buy a camera oh that looks like a black magic that looks like an a camera that looks like cannon that looks like Lumix Sony you've got a million different combinations of picture profiles and log profiles and it can cause a little bit of paralysis by analysis you're not sure if the one you've chosen is the right one you're always going to be thinking oh maybe I should use that one instead of focusing on your skills so something with just one thing in set it leave it go out and film done I like it simplicity so this is what I would love to see in the next year or 2 with Lumix I'd like them to bring out an fx3 rival and an fx30 rival as well the S5 Mark I with a few more video Centric features like slow motion for the more video Centric people like myself it's got all the monitoring features on it that You' need love that but maybe just in a mini Cinema Camera body like the fx3 with a handle on it that would be great I'd love that a more premium feel with the dials and the buttons and then maybe a slightly bigger box camera like a black magic Ursa mini or a Sony fx6 with the built-in variable ND filters something like that it would I feel like it would really I know Lumix are known for like having really good video features and image anyway but I just feel like they just need to bump it up to that next level to compete with you know Sony let's just say lum they've got the image they've got the features just need to take it to that next level I think lastly what is your favorite camera and why let us know in the comments I love hearing about what people prefer to use and the reasons why and have you ever thought about switching and why or if you didn't why didn't you by the way I've got a cool little setup with the new DJI lidar Focus Pro system and the Lumix S5 actually so if you want to see that check that video out here until then and and and if not you know I'll see you I'll wait for you in the next one
Channel: Sam Holland
Views: 21,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumix, Lumix S5, Lumix S5ii, Lumix S5iiX, S5ii, S5iiX, Best video camera, which video camera to buy, which is the best video camera, Lumix Review, Lumix S5ii review, S5ii Review, best video camera 2024, should you buy the Lumix s5ii in 2024, videographer, videography, camera, camera gear reviews, camera gear review, videography tutorials, videography tutorial, camera lessons, Sam Holland, filmmaking, film making, video camera, beginner videographer, beginner videography
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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