Sons of the Forest Tips - 3 MUST HAVE Builds for your Base!

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today we're going to be covering three unique structures every base should have if you're anything like me you're probably looking for ways to keep this game from getting boring so without further Ado let's get on with it first one I call the log Harvester 3000 this bad boy is capable of destroying every habitat within a few hundred yard radius if you want the most efficient system for collecting logs look no further my friends my very real life laziness is now benefiting somebody else you're welcome now first thing you want to do is build a post grid that's at least three by two but the larger you make it the more squirrels you can make homeless now it's very important to get the hide your structure correct you want it to be up off the ground safer than the baddies but you mainly want it eye level with your zipline Archway the idea is simple as you may already know if a zipline is placed at a lower height and you build log holders around the perimeter of the receiving end of your zipline the logs will simply pull themselves off the line and auto the holder this is nice because you can fill up the log holders closest to the line before the log starts popping off at the end this will give you a nice deep pile on top of several log holders full of logs but let's say you're like me and you want to take it up a notch when you get your platform built roughly eye level with the zipline Arch the first thing you need to do is start placing your log holders I was able to fit 12 log holders on the platform but you could easily amplify this and make it a lot bigger then simply cut the post at the halfway point like so now from here you're going to continue with the joists or horizontal framing as it's also called and cover it with planks until you've effectively built a floor on top of your log holders then you probably guessed it do it again you can repeat this process as often as you'd like to achieve whatever level of insanity you so desire but the next part is crucial to get this working right anchor the zip line directly between the two columns of log holders like so then walk to your tree farm and line up the zip line till it's roughly in line with the whole column of holders look down and click right then you're going to remove a stick from your inventory and stick it in the ground and Mark that spot then you're gonna go and grab three logs and build this structure as close to square with a log Harvester now you can use a single log as a single pole but during my playthrough I found that this can be easily destroyed by even the smallest and most feeble of the island natives then you're just gonna do the same thing on the other side Pro tip you can build a half wall like this and flip-flop it so the other side of the Harvester can actually receive logs this is future proofing so you can build this in a place that is surrounded by trees for maximum effect now for the cool part you can actually build a set of stairs or anchor a zip line so you can get to just underneath the lower level of the log holders in the current build of the game you can actually then grab the logs through the floor and send them wherever you need them and voila your Lumberjacks will thank you on to number two my wife affectionately calls this the fish catcher 4000. I gotta hand it to her though is mostly her idea the idea here is pretty simple you build the structure right above the water you open the floor place the traps hang the fish and eat it's like ice fishing but again if you're anything like me let's take it up a notch why not utilize a second floor deck for a grow area this is a great place to throw all the important plants that you need like devil's club Fireweed and horsetail let's move on to number three this is less important than the other two but hey you made it this far so maybe you'll get something out of this I call this the terminal now you can call whatever you want but it's pretty self-explanatory my Base is located kind of out of the way from everything else I have my back to the ocean an old Brucie boy so I need a good way of getting two things like water and other pois I currently haven't hit the max allowed zip lines but if there is a Max I'm sure that I'm getting close to it I built mine three stories tall which seems to work pretty good for me but by doing multiple levels you can cram in even more zip lines and keep the confusion to an absolute minimum well there you have it folks if you want more tips like this or new ideas smash that like button and tell me what I should build next in the comments sub if you're a real G and I'll catch you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Savvyy
Views: 43,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny moments, the forest, sons of the forest, sons of the forest game, sons of the forest gameplay, sons of the forest multiplayer, sons of the forest guide, base building tips, best builds, best sotf base, faster logging, log duplication glitch, easier food sons of the forest, creative base builds sons of the forest, sons of the forest tips, sons of the forest best base ideas, sons of the forest log zipline, sons of the forest logs, sons of the forest easy logs
Id: lHelfYsO7sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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