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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by you little don't worry [Music] [Music] they're subsonic I'm sorry really look go easy on me I'll turn over a new leaf I swear just give me a chance well this is new showing remorse Eggman if you played nice I wouldn't have to break all your toys [Music] I've waited a long time for this [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] success a brilliant success it's just as the Gaia manuscripts foretold the entity that was sealed within the planet has awakened now I just need to harness its power eggmanland will finally come to be yeah you really got in Johnny this time Eggman solid that's a good look for you nasty so long friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the heck is going on ah huh hey are you okay hey pull yourself together oh don't eat me I taste bad you okay nothing broken oh I'm just fine thanks for asking mr. monster guy mr. monster guy looks like things have gotten pretty ugly yeah look at those teeth and those claws what's your name anyway I'm Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog and you are but what is my name I don't know I can't remember what you forgot who you are yep I remember something falling from the sky and everything just going all white and then nothing I can't remember a thing past that did I fall on him oh man what am I gonna do what can I do where do I go from here what a light oh oh hey don't worry I'll help you get your memory back really do you mean it absolutely I'm sure we'll find somebody who knows your if we look around oh thank you you're the best mr. monster God I mean Sonic the Hedgehog [Music] huh what that was amazing [Music] what do you figure that was all about the hair and those arms and and look at the Chaos Emeralds so is this what you usually look like yeah this is the real me pretty cool huh huh where'd you go [Music] looks good donut that there chocolate chip green sundae supreme is the pride of the city the whole world can come tumbling down but they'll still line up for a taste hey what about your memories chocolate chip sundae supreme you said it enjoy it chato satisfaction guarantee if you don't love it you get your money back [Music] Wow this ship whatever stuff is great you say so how about you give me a hand and help look for somebody who knows you chip chip I gotta call you something don't I what do you think yeah chip I love it young now what do you say we start asking around and see if anybody here knows you okay [Music] hmm still no luck finding anyone who knows me don't worry about it maybe your memory will come back on its own remember anything yet nope oh well [Music] Sonic [Music] Oh mr. monster guy is back so when the Sun Goes Down I turn into this are you okay Sonic I'm fine I just need to be careful who sees me like this Sonic Sonic look what is it it's hopeless the whole planet is split apart we're doomed hey mister hey don't cry ice cream how about some more of this super tasty stuff what good is ice cream at a time like this your arm just dresses weird [Music] but it could be useful [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hey tails sonic what are you doing out here Sonic is that really you that's a new look what happened you know me never a dull moment want some chocolate Thanks that's some story I'll bet that means that you turning into fat and the planet breaking apart aren't somehow related I need to find Eggman and make him fix this first I think I know someone who might know something about what's going on here oh really professor Pitt go over it's begonia University I came to this city to gather some data if we add that to his research on beans we might be able to get the bottom Spago Nia that's a continent over an easy job if the planet weren't broken my tornado one will get us there in a flash let's get going leave it to you tails let's get moving [Music] [Music] [Applause] what Professor pickles been kidnapped it was a little bit before the tremors hit this old man showed up with a Nana and a whole pack of robots they carried poor professor pickle off lab data and all it can't be that sure sounds like Eggman what a horrible thing to do we've got to go help that Professor guy out and fast if he got kidnapped that long ago he's got to be real hungry by now and and if I was that hungry I don't know how long I would last I'd rather be dead I'm sure Eggman is feeding him even he's not that cruel okay let's go and find the professor we got here as fast as we could hello how dare they call this culinary concoction foo look here do you see this sorry excuse for a sandwich the bread should be no less than 3/4 of an inch thick upon it one tablespoon of mayonnaise and a pinch the contents fresh cucumber sliced thinly if you please I know I learned something here today the menu is thought it was the drift if you ask me it's about time someone taught the chef here having a proper sandwich let's get out of here before Eggman welcoming committee shows up oh yes quite but let us be sure to collect the contents of that vault before departing ah Thank You those documents our only hope for surviving this crisis let's go there's no time to lose I'm half starved after being fed nothing but those terrible sandwiches want some chocolate professor my my don't mind if I do these ancient documents are known as the Gaia manuscripts they tell the legend of a disaster that befell our planet some tens of thousands of years ago quite and according to the Gaia manuscripts this isn't the first time the planet has been broken apart into pieces the cause lies at the very core of the planet all the phenomena we've witnessed are the direct result of one creature the hyper energy organism spawned at the planets core Dark Gaia so how do we stop this Dark Gaia and put the world back together luckily Dark Gaia has yet to be fully reborn we most likely have dr. Eggman streamer to wake up call to thank for that if we act now we may be able to restore the planet by returning power to the Chaos Emeralds Sonic you must travel to each of the temples listed in the Gaia manuscripts the planets power will restore the Chaos Emeralds and in turn the Chaos Emeralds will restore the planet and help it heal naturally [Music] [Music] who are you we are not by good villagers and you all behave I won't have to do anything nasty all you need to do is tell me where the temple of Gaia [Music] so you dare to defy me do you Sonic your egg man thanks for that little skydiving adventure the other day I should have known you'd still be alive you stubborn little Hedgehog what are you doing out here I see no reason to tell you in any case I'm busy farewell hey wait that's playing dirty come back just ignore him is everyone here all right [Music] [Music] how'd you get here so quickly no matter your road ends [Music] [Applause] behold my new power egg beetle is the Hat the temple of Gaia let's check it out what is this place hey Sonic there's something weird here right in the middle hey what's this hole wait there could be [Music] [Applause] [Music] the end will come back to life this was the temple of Gaia that's gotta be why Atman was so keen on taking the place over [Applause] [Music] all right nice job [Music] [Music] excuse to see the world I've been looking for you forever hey let me go you're crazy if you think you can get away from Amy Rose and um who are you yeah oh my gosh I'm so sorry I just completely mistook you for someone else that is so strange I could have sworn it was him anyway I'm really sorry see you later well that was weird how come that girl didn't know you were you Sonic I mean I guess you are kind of you know and uh these guys Oh I mean don't worry Hey you only look really scary Sonic inside you're the same as ever I guarantee it okay Sonic cheer up chocolate want some chocolate [Applause] come on babe let's dance the night away wow there's some kind of party going on no something's not right here [Music] Wow it's a carnival of creeps out there huh what what was I just doing hey wait up just now was that Sonic ah that should calm things down a bit around here chalk another one up for Sonic you know Sonic well of course he was here just a moment ago tell me what's happened to him please tell me everything you know I'll happily explain everything for a plate of cucumber sandwiches [Music] [Applause] you all right yes thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the moment the temple is huh the Beast woke up it appears he's come back to his senses I see I'll bet your job is to guard the Chaos Emerald temple you must have gone berserk when the emeralds lost their power well I'm glad you're back want some chocolate [Music] [Music] [Music] your dinner doctor thank you [Music] what's the progress on the Dark Gaia powered eggmanland construction systems current status is 27 percent complete progress is significantly behind projected timetable presumed cause of delay is dark guy at this person across the globe all the lazy here I go to the trouble of waking that Dark Gaia thing up and it causes me nothing but delays [Music] yeah I don't want to hear about its weight issues so what if I gave it a bit of a sudden awakening this is unacceptable what was that yeah I'm having a bad enough day as it is fast that Professor runs off with the Gaia manuscripts and now the planets coming back together [Music] [Music] quiet you junkie that was all part of my plan part of the big picture where's the fun in having my plans succeed without any challenge [Music] anyway what's the status of the remaining temples of Gaia amen horses have secured all locations defensive preparations are nearly complete that'll take care of Sonic for now which leaves the problem is dark shine it'd be difficult to collect every piece scattered all across the world searching conventional wisdom thanks for topical advice a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step slow and steady caring for race nobody likes a whiner hmm isn't there a more efficient way some way to wool I don't know gather them all up at once wait that's it because with this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all systems are green Dark Gaia Activision is confirmed on all seven continents P electromagnetic homing signals are locked on all units converging on point zero yes yes perfect gathering dot Gaius pieces is such a pain I'll have them come to me instead the brilliant shifted perspective an idea worthy of dr. Eggman super ingenious [Applause] [Music] [Music] activate the Dark Gaia fusion furnace and while you're at it get those energy conversion circuits warmed up which understand commencing project Dark Gaia requesting final Laurentian finally my ambitions will be achieved [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] What's Wrong buddy huh oh right I'm just scared scared it's just another old temple it doesn't look like there's anyone around either that's that's not what I mean that's not nevermind I'm fine let's go [Music] I welcome your return messenger a day of light love me [Music] sonic I remember now [Music] my my real name is light Gaia I draw power from the day and light and guide the planet to its rebirth my job was to protect the planet from Dark Gaia but Eggman broke the world apart himself and Dark Gaia and I were awakened before we should have been that's why Dark Gaia broke apart and I didn't know who I was I didn't remember what I was supposed to do all because this isn't the proper time of awakening time of awakening Dark Gaia grows over millions of years then rises to destroy the world and I put it all back together we've been doing this over and over again and again since the very beginning of time so you were asleep all this time for millions of years yes for ages and ages [Music] I bet it's thanks to you even at night when I'm like this I'm still myself not like all the other people we've seen you must have been protecting me this whole time mm-hmm I haven't done anything Sonic you're the reason you haven't changed at all you're too strong to lose yourself I'm the reason yeah you never doubt yourself no matter what you never give in to the night or the darkness inside your heart I think it's because I knew that about you that's why I wanted you to help me it's been so fun getting to see the world I've lived here since the planet began but I didn't know a thing about it that it's so pretty or that food tastes so good or that people are so nice I'm so glad I got the chance to discover all that with you and I'm so glad that you help me find my memory Sonic I will never ever forget you Thank You Sonic goodbye friend Hey whoa whoa where do you think you're off to all by yourself what but my memory is back now and well from here on out it's my responsibility so um I mean there's no reason for you to come along so I should just do I need a reason to want to help out a friend thanks Sonic [Music] [Laughter] Empire this place is crazy I'll never understand Eggman's tastes ah he's enjoying this way too much Sonic I can feel the last temple nearby he must have built this place on top of it well I guess we'll just have to tear it down [Music] [Music] [Applause] the final Chaos Emerald back at last [Music] this should put the world back to normal Dark Gaia will go back to being sealed within the core and my work will be done [Music] that's great chip yep Thank You Sonic it's all thanks to you yeah [Music] because that sonic has restored the last of the Chaos Emeralds things should settle down that's one all the way to your safe return there it can give me a fashion speak over sandwiches I'll be happy to fill you in professor do you feel that looks like you're a big too late Sonic amen thanks to my wondrous technology dad Gaia is full and complete my behold the ultra paper prototype one for a step [Music] [Music] [Music] this Court will be your truth [Music] how could I lose this isn't over I'll tell the prototype - I did Sanjaya trusted insolent little Hedgehog kick him to the outer limits of space [Music] so honey what's wrong [Music] you've gotta get up Sonic chip one chip seven lights of the earth weekend [Music] the chapel [Music] oh wait [Music] [Music] sign [Music] Valley [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's happening it was broad daylight a minute ago Dark Gaia has regained its true power the Beast is complete it's just as the Gaia manuscripts foretold and the world shall be plunged into the dark of night do this with and is lost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morning wouldn't you say doctor you can't simply begin your plans I knew even all of your efforts this last time we're out early wasted even if it was a complete and after a humiliating loss even the most pathetic [Music] ah the light rains over darkness and the world has returned to peace it's simply a miracle we've been saved by a miracle [Music] there is no way sonic would let something like that happen and right you were still we cannot live without the night we almost sleep we almost rest darkness is a part of our world just the same as light it may be that the darkness has not been destroyed but nearly laid to rest it grows strong over the eons rises up then is put to slumber by the light perhaps that is the true balance of dark and light Gaia that balance may be the very will of the planet itself save the speech for later we've gotta get things ready for Sonic's coming-out party [Music] [Music] sonic sonic you must live [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll never forget you I'll be here my always a part of the birth nutrient [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 16,270,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, all cutscenes, sonic, sonic unleashed, game, game movie, gamer's little playground, ending, final boss, glp, xbox one x, sonic unleashed full movie, gamers little playground, sonic the hedgehog game, sonic unleashed movie 1440o, sonic unleashed full story 1440p, sonic unleashed ending 1440p, sonic unleashed movie all cutscenes full story, SONIC UNLEASHED The Movie 1440p 60FPS
Id: UXK7HEbg1dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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