Sonic the Hedgehog Fell in Love With Rouge! Amy Rose is Missing!

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who's this pink baby back off I have a kissy kissing me monster kissy Missy wait till we show you how to play does she have long arms and legs oops Amy who hurt you I can take you down in no time Sonic You're My Superhero let's go what about a ride Amy swings are the best thing ever [Music] that's high even higher no no [Music] missing you is exhausting Let's Dance hey sweetie what is it here's an appreciation kiss bam caught it it takes me for granted who is that in my spot hey Peach get out of here new girl come over this is Rogue our new student be nice to her what the heck yeah don't get any ideas Sonic I can't even meet people you have a hand in that room there's more [Music] there was a chair we gotta run we'll see that whoa what are you plotting I want to show you something you'll love it oh that's a Charming mustache Doctor Eggman you know this is even nicer I think he looks younger with no stash thinking [Music] what's going on here Amy that's not what you think wait you rat do you have any love interest hush you jealous girl all I wanted was to ask him out to a museum two Museum tickets okay the third ticket is for you I'm really in the museums hey it's that way wow oh cool stuff they are called exhibits never been to a museum before Here Comes Amy hi oh got it what's that Mom rope you're wearing it's a designer dress there is no dress code all the visitors are dressed casual that's awkward excuse me I gotta go to The Powder Room hey Amy where are you headed let's go Sonic I'll introduce you to the world of R look it's an exclusive unicorn Pub the banana looks plausible don't you think two weeks Centric it's a masterpiece yeah right and it has a lot of calories exhibit stolen everyone freeze I'm coming Grace it is something seems off herbs caught red-handed it wasn't me I'm literally on vacation did you guys see who actually stole the exhibit comment the name down below so they let me go there was a mistake ask Sonic Eggman it's on you you villain now you are a villain too me no my hero will teach you a lesson stop no hammers in prison I'm taking it away it's mine baby Amy lost her toy ow girly stuff [Music] what again no one can take away my Pico Pico hammer no no no no what an aggressive Hedgehog you'll be wearing an anti-teleportation bracelet what I call the hammer your good behavior allows you to do War thanks what about me officer you can have a notepad and pencil I'm the most generous Warden dude [Music] I'll draw a stress reliever Sonic he never fails to soothe me my mom what and what that wannabe DaVinci go officer Eggman is missing bearish can broad daylight huh a moment all units emergency an inmate has escaped oh lucky me [Music] it's electrifying gotta stay here I guess I mean where did Eggman go after all surprise mean was that even an option you miss big ears out you're free no freedom is electrifying I'll take the bracelet off I'm sorry for the mistake stuff happens all that matters is that my hammer is by my side fine Freedom what I see you clicked lovebirds do you think Rogue is trying to steal Sonic's bag of rings comment down below Rogue is a Thief comic Amy I was worried sick well I was behind bars you got yourself a new girlfriend and here and here's the Intel I have on her no one else is stealing my belt got it is this a prank no it's true it's a lie yes saw it with my own eyes no you are making me mad okay breaking out the big guns no no kissing in class so much for the love vibes what's going on friends [Music] another day another messed up class gotta tie up Loose Ends is up to something I'll explain the thief active Amy steps up I will uncover the darkest secrets where would I hide if I were a bat here I guess let's check out the locker [Music] [Applause] that's weird I didn't found it here are the footprints looks a lot like Rogues where are they take me ouch my first detective bump where on Earth could Rogue be oops gotta disguise what's in there was I wrong I guess awesome she didn't see me [Music] I knew it you gotta tell Sonic everything Sonic oops I won again the teacher is not supposed to know I'm a detective so much better gambling is not your thing I'll see you again at the exam poor thing Sonic hey this monster with wings is plotting something gross gotta see it watch closely Focus see the jewels should be enough [Music] you were right I know turn over makeover oh no wrong Sue it's for Halloween Sonic hold on yeah I'll handle things no worries I I got it all we did have a deal we're looks like gold fine by me here's your money I told you there was a trick we're doing business with you bye-bye you nasty bats the Rings must be back where they belong before I get spotted go get her hurry up I'll put them back in the locker that's an unusual box wow why is she there [Music] busted what's so funny you know it was for you who's there just seeing things the disguise is so romantic pull yourself together Amy that's what the thief stole from you my portal rings I did put them in my pocket thank you Amy Sonic the other way get in what who are you oh right let's change we're Sonic and Amy you guys you are a thief why did you steal so much money [Music] okay you're free you'll get it when I tell you it all started with an innocent barbecue what an amazing day off hey here don't touch anything I'll be right back who's that hug doesn't matter a turtle can't put itself together [Music] so bored [Music] it worked oh one meatballs it's fascinating I think this screw is unnecessary [Music] the fire is out all good broke it no you are not getting away with this let's go stay here clean up your act you guys if you if you're looking to help me please hit the like button I'm begging you if you want your sister back bring me a million bucks sister where are you what is this hey man kidnapped Betty he's asking for ransom a million yeah Eggman is a bad man you've been through who's your sister [Music] we have a plan I got the money Eggman oh my money hi hey let go of my sister no I need more cash okay Sonic Sonic this what you're looking for Egghead I'll dispose of her if you don't get all the money I don't even know her hi she's my sister surprise Eggman I beg to differ oh a heavy weapon for babies what my Pico Hammer what happened to you what is this fun thing my hair is now a baby hammer and you are following what's happening wow hey you guys great job baby just look at Eggman what a cute little guy in the jar okay the Eggman is in the jar [Music] that's a lovely happy ending no you'll have to leave the money case Sonic let's use this money to throw a fabulous wedding and we can buy you a new Hammer with what's left uh-huh bye everyone yeah whoa not bad wow legit box well well well let's see got it hello I'd like to donate a large amount hey you are not getting away with it [Music] oh eggman's flash drive I What secrets he's hiding let's see come on Sonic Ready set go seconds [Music] too slow I can do better is that alive or something some kind of stones and a message save the emeralds save the world that's dumb the emerald is pretty though [Music] got it yeah look the record I wonder what my gem can do wow my favorite toy the emerald and I are stuck together for good this Emerald is always by my side hey Sonic you're back here Kiss the Rain ew it's gross [Music] I got a hold of it my green emerald it was worth it I'm full of energy Emerald did you do that let's do a bunch of experiments with this Emerald there's nothing I can't do I can finally finish my experiment time to get down to business well let's roll come on Emerald work [Applause] thank you I am Shadow oh my treasure stunning the world is on the edge of disaster if all the gems are collected that can prevent it from destruction give me a minute to write it all down we can save the world and make it a better place will you help me so you must find all five emeralds and get them to me got it right on it please be safe bye-bye oh hedgehogs are so gullible all the gems will be in my belt of chaos very soon I'll conquer the whole world [Music] [Applause] [Music] you the woman of the hour where's the yellow Emerald I don't know we could have done it the easy way oh I think that turns out of you from the looks of it there's no Emerald [Music] what is this dangerous Lego oh hi my strong leg kids room more like a torture room thank you that's what I'm looking for yellow Emerald nice deal I'll buy myself some new toys thanks for the ice cream you weird Hedgehog gosh why is my TV remote missing again it was here somewhere the Magic Jack should save the day [Music] [Music] wait Emerald here is what you are looking for and I'll take the dab oh there you are [Music] oh here it is I knew it'd be here that was easy I'm out of here I have the power emeralds [Music] it works great another Chaos Emerald Down hey stud looks like you've lost something looking for this who are you that's so rude of you oh I see you collect Chaos Emeralds didn't your parents tell you stealing is bad wait a minute is this yours too oops that's not nice crazy bath bye handsome hey you guys do this video get 50 000 likes I will help Sonic defeat Eggman and get it Emerald back [Music] you need [Music] oh that's who I need where is he ran off I need help from an emerald my Emerald is gone the lunatic stole it oh snap I have to warn Amy here comes my hedgehog did you get my gems wow oh yeah there they are the real thing yellow energy Emerald this robot needs a yeah it works blue emeralds oh yeah lightning speed fabulous oh yeah this is Jeff you lost Eggman ouch what's wrong with him forget it Sonic you can't defeat me ouch my poor hand Sonic look [Music] s oh yeah much better hey are you there you an idiot with bags you forgot another Emerald bring it to me right now Sonic is big on pizza oh I'll surprise him with dinner the key is to put all your love into it good day it's ready time for the topping [Music] it doesn't look like the pizza in the picture now it's a thin crust pizza Sonic's favorite you guys cut your favorite dish oh the pizza I saw him but he ran off so I started chasing him I was so close to catching him what about a pizza wait I was running and then I jumped first pizza then the story where's your hammer and emerald Amy here they are all in place I have an idea who is this hey colorful Hedgehog hey why is this wrap with huge ears in my house for the record I'm a bat oh hell I'm here for the emerald do you mean this pebble see if you can snatch it fine foreign get right to it the key is to be accurate oh no Sonic I am so sorry what have I done wake up the emerald is mine thank you blue loser fine I'll have to do CPR man I didn't make it well friends did the plan work out Sonic is alive Amy keep it together at the last Emerald oh thanks my precious what [Music] that'll make me Almighty activate the belt hey what's the problem hmm one last Emerald you got me a knockoff you stupid Hedgehog give me the real Chaos Emerald right now [Music] on your side Sonic you can be strong except for Revenge you feisty Hedgehog no stop stop I came in please pull off Sonic hear him out yeah I have something to say I escaped the nasty mustache guy who plans to take over the world this guy looks like an evil walrus is this charades or what it hit me it's him wearing my hatred pendant Eggman the stash yeah I wrote down his plan he's trying to collect all the chaos emeralds to activate the chaos Bell become super strong and take over the world what no well I did warn you you take it from here we need to team up with him forget he's a bad guy all right stop let's join forces all right Eggman we're out to stop you hey there you Beast I was just getting ready to meet you ready Shadow ready ready Sonic luckily I saw that coming with my vision Emerald come on attack [Music] foreign I'd love to do that [Music] one down bestie you know I need the last Emerald a activate my chaos Bells it's about time I became check out the muscles oh yeah the whole world will be mine before you know it holy needles what Amy are you okay still breathing oh you're all right okay we're the shot I'm ready to carry on fighting go Shadow use all your power come on super power he started moving the furniture we can handle it right Shadow Let's Roll [Music] are you okay oh handle it come on bat what are you gonna do about it back from my friends a slap so disrespectful I'm about to kick look down my pants are villain with no pants here is your chaos Bells this Emerald is mine super strong dang toodaloo mustache [Music] my nose and my bell and my pants I won't let this slide done the building ran off run loser what wow we won the bounces ours where's the power Emerald this one it's my share of the jump amen time to get the emeralds back to their owners come on nice work you guys hey baby Pichu hey Sonic and you see me no Sonic will tell you all about it you can have your Emerald back Sonic bad timing for a break we need to get back all the other gems I'll Take Five [Music] hi Wednesday doing magic I believe this belongs to you could you do us a favor in return for getting your Emerald back out Sonic this is for girls only good love potion for him let's check out this thing [Music] oh we might want to return the emerald and clear and close the portal ASAP what is that I think I've seen this before that's right I need a box for emeralds will this one work I'll leave a message for myself great send them there here what are these [Music] emeralds here's the message save the emeralds save the world great job buddy not feeling it whatever oh gotta go [Music] whoa
Channel: WooHoo
Views: 2,924,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog fell in love with rouge, amy rose is missing, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, rouge, amy rose, hedgehog, fell in love, missing, teens, woohoo, troom, 123
Id: rV7e5-Gsruc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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