Sonic Superstars - Takashi Iizuka & Naoto Ohshima Interview (Extended Cut)

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foreign [Music] this year we wanted the classic Sonic series to undergo a significant Evolution that's why we started this project [Music] the goal was to reproduce the feeling of that pixel art that touch and feel of classic Sonic that everyone is familiar with now in the world of 3D [Music] it was quite challenging to express 2D gameplay in a 3D world that inherently has depth this process was challenging and enjoyable [Music] we were creating the latest installment in the classic Sonic series and we wanted to bring back some nostalgic characters that's why we chose Fang in this game bang is a character affiliated with Eggman he's a bounty hunter who will do anything for money and he persistently gets in Sonic's way as one of eggman's henchmen foreign there is an ability called Avatar Sonic can create many clones simultaneously that run around the screen it's really fun because it creates a chaotic feeling [Music] try it out four-player cooperative play in Sonic games but it was difficult to integrate that with Sonic's gameplay and had given up on the idea in the past however osama-san expressed let's work together to develop four-player gameplay with such passion I felt determined to make that come to life speak speak of the original Sonic or the classic Sonic I was very concerned about how to express it in 3D based on the 2D art from back then I was able to reproduce things in 3D that I wasn't able to back in the day so I'm really grateful to Mr izaka I believe that the most important aspect of a character is their personality for example if the character is easy going how can we convey that in their design so when creating a character I focus more on creating a Mark or representation that conveys their personality rather than just drawing an image of a character [Music] he is an incredibly creative person and discussing ideas with him is really enjoyable [Music] Mr izaka is really talented I think he's one of the few Geniuses out there we always have fun and positive conversations and sometimes we think did we overdo it is this game features four player co-op play and is packed with fun for everyone so I hope that both Classic Sonic fans and their family and friends can enjoy the game together for all the fans who have loved and supported Sonic for so long my heart is full of this feeling of wanting to give back to the Sonic Community I hope you guys enjoy it foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: Sonic the Hedgehog
Views: 62,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic, sonic the hedgehog
Id: tmIZm8wrqqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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