Sonic Shorts Volume 5 HD Edition

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Ladies and gentlemen! The Beijing Olympics are well underway! Now competing, Sonic! What a spectacular dive! And now we go to our judges. A perfect score! Lets go to Sonic to see his reaction to his score. *screams* *screams* Well, son, today I think you're ready to ride on your own! Without your training wheels. But Daddy, I don't think I'm ready. Nonsense! Just give it a shot! There you go! I... I'm doing it. I'm doing it, Daddy! That's it, son! Ride like the wind! Hey. What's with all the ruckus? My son is riding on his own for the very first time! I see, but... should he be riding near those spikes? I totally called that. Sonic is destroying the city! That's not me. Sonic has stolen the Chaos Emerald! That's not me! Woah! Sonic is flying! *screams* Sonic! *laughing* It's no use. My design is flawless. Hmph... There's only one thing I haven't tried yet. Ow, man! Ah, son of a... Say something, you fake hedgehog! Chaos Control! Chaos Control! What the... *laughing* *screams* You got the Light Speed Shoe! You can run along a trail of rings at super speed! You got the Magic Hands! They're useless though, so ignore them. You got a ring! You got another ring! You got the Fighting Gloves! They're yellow. What the hell!? Why don't you just give me some gloves with "I Am Gay" written on them? You got the "I Am Gay" gloves! You got mail! You got herpes! You got serious issues. You got the Iron Boots! You got the Life Belt! It'll stop you drowning! You got a serious spinal condition from carrying so much junk. You got a tombstone! You got the Omochao Gun! Aha! A key! I'll bet this means there's treasure around somewhere! Ahh! Uhh... Amy? The reason I run away from you... is, well... uhm... Yes? Is because I don't... ...go that way. Wha... What do you mean? Heya~! You've gotta be f****** KIDDING ME! Come on. For the last time, I'm NOT a hooker! Sally girl, are you sure sugarhog will recognize us with these on? Sonic's a smart guy, it should be no problem for him. Quick, someone's coming! Huh? SWATbots here? Oh well, more for me! Oh yeah, two for one! *laughter* ...Blood? Ohhhhh... You might know everything I'm going to do, but's that's not going to help you since I know everything you're going to do! Strange, isn't it!? I'm free! Sonic, look out! *laughing* *screaming* I can't swim! For the love of criminy, Tails! Do something! Oh, for crying out- Sonic... You... think you can... stand to- Lose a little weight? What? And look like the 'new generation' Sonic? Are you out of your mind? *Tails hyperventilating* Alright bud, let's dive! GERONIMO! *Tails growling* Hello? Eggman? Good to see you, Sonic! Now, you can bear witness, to my latest ultimate weapon! Wonder Man! Wonder Man! What!? *Sonic screams in anger* Sonic! Prepare to meet your doom! Coconuts... Hehe. Hey, Tails. 'Nuts'. *laughing* Oh yeah!? Attack, my Crabmeat! Crabmeat? Is that legally your name? Right! I'm a crab! What did you expect!? Enough of this banter! We will destroy you until you're nothing but dust. I, the Mighty Penguinator, will personally send you to HELL. What? How dare you laugh at my mighty powers!? I'll make mincemeat out of you! I don't like the way you attacked Chris and Cosmo! It's one thing to take them prisoner and threaten them... But when you actually hurt somebody, that's going too far! You said it, Doctor! Even we have some principles! Snively!! Oh no! *screams* Yes, sir? I hate him! I hate him!! HATE HIM!! Hate! Hate!! HATE!! HAAATE!! Die! 4Kids executives, once again we've done it! Sonic X is our most popular show on the whole lineup! What with our wonderful editing work, and not hiring those god awful voice actors from the video games. There's only one way I can think that we can make it better. Which is, we need a spin-off! Oh, yes! And what character should we use? Tails? Knuckles? Shadow? Oh, pffffft. Noooo! None of those boring characters! What we need is a spin-off of the most popular character of all... CHRIS THORNDYKE! Okay, that's as far as I can stand. That is without a doubt one of dumbest ideas I've ever heard of in my entire life! No one likes Sonic X! Nobody! Are you... purposely trying to piss people off even more!? *babbling* And what are these so-called people gonna do about it, huuuuuuh? *more babbling* Oh crud... Target has been completely destroyed, sir. Oh, it just makes me tingle all over... YES! Oh, very good, sir. I'll see if anything else is on. Hmmm... Snively!! I'm working on it, sir! Ugh... give me... I don't know, just... lots to drink... Woah, Knux! Uh, whats the problem? I don't believe it, she left me! My life is OVER! Hey, hey, slow down. Tell us what happened. It was supposed to be a romantic evening. Hey, sweet thing. Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. *gasp* What the...? Why did... Oh no! Can't believe it, after all this time... It's gone forever! *crying* Um, Knux, the Master Emerald didn't leave you. I... What? It's an Emerald, you moron! It can't just walk away on it's own!! Well, I guess you... I... uh... you... ...Huh. EGGMAN!! Darn it, this is the LAST TIME! Hey Eggman, did you steal the Master Emerald!? No? Ah, fair enough. WAIT A MINUTE!! Subtitles made by: Dwight Watae, Drflash55 and ThatAwesomeGuy173. Edited by: Drflash55 Minor edits by CelestGaming
Channel: Sonic Paradox
Views: 13,077,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic shorts, volume 5, episode 5, the sonic paradox team, sonic paradox, sonic, the, hedgehog, knuckles, tails, animation, shorts, HD
Id: q2Po_CoURDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2016
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