Sonic Frontiers, but if I get hit I Reset My Run

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so in today's video we are finally doing a Sonic Frontiers Challenge and with the arrival of update 1.20 we have what is called extreme mode and in this game mode this mode is for battle hardened veterans taking a single hit will mean game over and I've played a little bit of it and yes having a ring does not mean anything at all in this game mode you will die but you will not get reset to the beginning so in this challenge if I get hit which means I die if I die I get resets at the beginning and since I'm not that much of an egomaniac I would be doing this by Island by dying like Aries Island I'm not gonna go back to the first island and redo the whole game I will go back to the beginning of Aries Island so with that being said let's get started so for today's video we're only going to be doing Chronos Island so and here's another thing when you die like just by dying like let's say like you just jump off right that does not actually count as getting hit so I am free to die as much as I want I'm free to die as much as I want as long as I don't get hit it will be okay oh my God what the hell just happened so me personally I know a lot of the skips for Sonic Frontiers so I think that the first island will be the easiest island of them all mostly because of the skip for Kronos island is huge so this is where we have to be cautious and oh my God can I get rid of the I don't know how to get rid of all the the notifications you get like I have everything off right but I don't know how to get rid of like at like this I don't think you can we got our first batch of enemies done right there oh and that's another thing you are slow as hell in this too because I'm starting from the beginning I'm gonna try to get as much xp as possible right now so I don't have to worry about it later as well because we do need to stomp so we could do a couple things all right here's the first boss right here so see pretty sure all you have to do in this boss battle is just Parry so it's pretty fine okay I did not expect that already this challenge is already off for a great start I did not expect that at all all right and now we're back to ninja no we only missed two minutes of time basically so it's very good I'm honestly I'd rather miss two minutes of time and then just be at the end of the boss battle and having to restart the entirety of like Aries island or something or chaos oh my God chaos island is going to suck so much all right now we can unlock side Loop and we actually got a lot of skill points what the hell okay pretty sure we can just unlock anything okay we just unlocked everything right there how much is sonic boom sonic boom is extremely useful okay it's five I know how to use side Loop already we're fine all right now we do this hopefully we make it we make that right we make this we make this we make that yes sir we do see I've tried to skip this part but I just cannot do this skip to save my life this part really sucks though because I just hate all these like Tower boss battles they suck I'm gonna be straight out they suck oh my God I'm so surprised dude I hate when that that counts as a hit oh okay when you get hit by this Tower but it doesn't register it just so it confuses me so hard because I'm like how am I not dead also I'm pretty sure that in this game mode you can't upgrade any of your moves like you can upgrade like the skill tree and whatnot but you can't upgrade like the speed your power your defense you can't upgrade any of that all right now that we cleared level one two now we should be able to go straight to the boss battle from here all right afterwards we go up here and oh I forgot you can actually change the music here let's go put some Mr gron Sonic Heroes season Hill to go with some wave ocean right now I'm feeling the vibe of a way to Ocean all right we go over here and then we nope nope nope nope nope try that again uh there we go absolute perfect slingshot right there if I could get this one perfect no I wonder if any of the music actually plays in the boss fight or if you have an option I'm pretty sure it doesn't but imagine just hearing wave ocean as the giganta boss fight music I don't really like going on this one because this one doesn't actually take you as high I highly doubt it's gonna take me oh it is oh wow it actually took me across the barrier all right now we go over here all down and we press deactivate let's see if the music stays does not stay oh well okay now we cannot mess up here because there is a possibility that we can mess up here as you guys can see so I'm going to go slow because I do not want to die right here this is the last place you want to die at oh that's another thing we can't get hit by him too so we gotta be extremely careful with our Perrys I'm pretty sure that oh my God excuse me excuse me I'm pretty sure the Perry's the same though let's see if we can actually upgrade anything can we upgrade this no we have no skill points could have got some more skill points so I can upgrade we cannot get hit by that go what's up Rush is garbage right now I literally have no power right now and the pair is the exact same nothing changed about that we're just gonna have to rely on an old pal stomp literally the only move that's actually useful here is stop it's actually doing 2 000 damage all right there we go we got half of them I'm already starting to regret this challenge to be honest all right so I actually read this on Twitter but if you get hit by one of these lasers you actually get reset so we actually have to be very careful and not Beat It we cannot hit those lasers at all in the actual playthrough of Sonic Frontiers yeah those lasers are like whatever but like in here that actually matters those lasers can actually kill you it's even more dangerous because I have the stomp is literally like you know as you guys can see it kind of oh my god dude this is scary this is so scary just having the knowledge that one of those lasers can just end your run is terrifying I might honestly have to instill a new rule that as soon as you get the Chaos Emerald for the the boss battle the Titan boss battle it acts like a checkpoint for me because honestly dude the laser is ending my entire run three times has maybe realized maybe he needs a needs a couple more rules that right there is exactly what I'm talking about that right there is proof that as soon as I get the chaos story mode it is a checkpoint now Kitty what are you doing what happened now guys I have a special guest again the kitty well never mind I don't have a special guest anymore she left okay so it turns out you can actually Parry the lasers or whatever I don't even know I don't know how that works but I can actually Parry the lasers so knowing that is actually a huge Advantage for us so Point still stands I do get a checkpoint as soon as I get here look at that it's not scary bro look at all that lazy oh my God come on he needs a couple more hits bro please I sort of gotta find out about laser right now come on carry that yes yes this is it this is it this is it oh my God yes [Music] oh my God you know The Challenge on a scale of one to hell that's probably like a good eight that's a good eight this is a good this is a good challenge right here I like this I like this challenge but I do get two checkpoints I will say that the one checkpoint is at the beginning of islands and the second checkpoint is as soon as we get the the uh the cat is back guys I don't know if you guys can hear it properly but she's like meowing really loud with that being said we do have two checkpoints now so now we are on Aries Island let me know what you guys think of this challenge in the comments down below and let me know if you guys actually want me to continue this challenge by liking this video and also commenting down below but yeah thank you guys all for watching leave a like if you enjoy it subscribe for more content and see you guys next time
Channel: GloKaze
Views: 38,627
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Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sonic frontiers, minecraft but grass can kill you, fastest sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator but i cant touch green, how fast is sonic, sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator update, sonic game, sonic games, blue television games sonic, classic sonic in 3d, blue tv games sonic, sonic games roblox, roblox sonic games, sonic speed simualtor, sonic blue television games, sonic speed simulator how to get shadow, super sonic
Id: oPnBjI4Hz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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