Sonic, but he's really really small! - Sonic 1 Rom Hack

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we're sonic he's so little he can't jump up to hit the monitor right there like he normally good poor little guy hey everyone its Darby from Blue Tom's games back with another Sonic the Hedgehog rah Mac and this time he's really really really really small and that's pretty much the basis of the sack you have Sonic and he's super tiny let's see if he still does a vital animation yep he still gets impatient he just looks more adorable than usual alright so there are a few small changes to the sack one your hitbox is obviously changed cuz you're tiny - though as it takes more hits to kill enemies and bosses look at this a guy hit him once twice that's two hits take out an enemy this is a vanilla hack though as far as the levels go now the levels are changed at all so we'll skip around a bit and I'll just show you guys some of the coolest stuff we'll probably check out one level from every zone and all the boss fights to see if I can complete the boss fights now that they take more damage look even invincible Sonic takes two hits to kill the enemies this is awesome what to try to get all the Chaos Emeralds - I love it alright it's definitely gonna be more of a challenge but I I don't know I like the idea of when people take old games and they just switch up something small and it changes the experience so much hope we didn't make it but we're on the other sides for some reason okay we got plenty of rings we don't say kill any of the enemies he just gives the room basically oh we don't wanna lose the rings we got plenty enough now to where we could get the bonus game and we want the bonus game eighty rings oh jeez please don't kill Sonic he's very tiny there we go let's see if the bonus in the bonus room if will be tiny peices small around the sign at the end - I love little details like that so good alright so guess what Sonic is super tiny in the bonus room as well that's pretty awesome we're just gonna let ourselves kind of fall down here normally you can fall down straight to the Emerald kind of but I think is he's smaller and hitbox is different it's actually changing it up a little it's interesting or if it's harder to get through leaves if it takes more hits to get through the little gems or whatever these are it might I don't know one-hit seem gonna change the color of it okay so it doesn't seem to take more hits to hit those that's good and we got a first Chaos Emerald good job Sonic you are a robot crap and I am a hit chunk it doesn't look like a chunk at all oh wait here's a breakaway wall there's something I wanted to try yup look at that okay hold on let me grab this shield just to be safe but look at this so it actually did change his hitbox normally these bricks up here that are slightly different checkered pattern what break as well as you can see here since we're a little sonic we only break the bottom that's pretty cool so the hitbox is confirmed to be smaller great alright before we get to level 3 and fight the boss let's quickly see if we can get another Chaos Emerald alright here's exactly where we want to be I'm almost Sonic we can do this man you might be tiny but you can do this I think these bonus games might actually be a little easier seemed easier to kind of bounce off the walls and stuff as little sonic I don't know but Chaos Emerald 2 in the books now time for that first boss but I'm curious to see if it'll be much harder for Sonic he's so little he can't jump up to hit the monitor right there like he normally good poor little guy alright checkpoint before the boss we've made it to our first boss let's see how much harder he really is and it's a pretty easy boss anyway so I'll have to change up my strategy I can't really cheese it you can't get above them because you're just too tiny to get up there this seems pretty easy still because the boss fights easy but it's definitely taking a lot more hits for poor a little tiny sonic I guess once the ball starts catching up you guys start jumping over it to be safe it's a boss fight number one nip I'll try not to get hit when that be sweet if we can beat all the bosses without getting hit once we robably not gonna happen this is definitely way more hits oh geez okay place your bets am I gonna get hit by the stang ball nope good job little Sonic all right can he hang off the edge he doesn't really get as animated as the original Sonic but he moves his arms a little what was little Sonic's voice be like probably not like that I'm trying my best here alright Zone one in the books Q alright marble zone it is so let's play through the first level and then we'll jump to the old boss fight and see how it goes okay should be easier to target his head as little guy you gotta hit twice that's kind of scary those things used to scare me on the kid I felt like no matter what I did the caterpillar spiky tooth robot guy always got me back in the day me some goodies it's easier to not get smashed as little Sonic 355 rings already that's a good thing to have means we could probably get the old and I'll simmer what if i play my cards right wouldn't that be awesome ooh and we got a shield little Sonic's looking good right let me through well I must push through the wall little Sonic's tough man tough little guy don't underestimate little Sonic it's not the size of the sonic that counts it's how he does things wait dang it you stupid bat trying to push a block it definitely seems like it's harder to push the block which is pretty funny really don't want to lose all my rings checkpoint and a shield as I like to call it a bubbly shield because it looks like a Bubba it does come on some people agree with me on that it looks like a bubbly shield the very bubbly looking shield if I've ever seen one okay look walk spawn now never hurt anybody that's not true give me the spy keys I've been spiked by that chain a few times in my day so some of you guys know this because you've watched a lot of my sonic hacks Oh hack videos I mean and marbles owns actually my favourite zone in Sonic 1 I always thought was cool cuz it it kind of focused more on platforming than speed and you know I was a big Mario fan when I first played Sonic's always thought this was a really cool zone hey done one in the books very impressive little Sonic alright bonus stage number three we got this new big deal ok think the snip think this way looking good Sonic m'kay there it is okay cool we found it everything's fine oh look how much he's here it is with little sonic you just kind of make his own little way up there nope it's easier but it's harder to does it make sense but that's okay and do the sonic oh it's great [Music] yes dang no as hard as little Sonic alright three Chaos Emeralds cube stuff being a little guys and it's Sonic for a little Sonic so heavy alright a little sonic can outrace the lava no big deal right look at that we can even slow down the slowest moving lava ever seen oh no spikes okay I always liked this part where the lava chased you but they should have made it a little faster alright I gotta say after playing a few levels it does take more hits to kill the enemies but overall it feels easier I don't know what it is being small Sonic seems like an advantage alright time for another chaos center [Music] whoo there it is okay now if I can just get it that'd be nice seems like a pretty easy one babe nice work mini sonic are we up to four or three or four Chaos Emeralds holy cow my voice change I get excited when I get Chaos Emeralds I guess all right almost made it to a good old dr. Robotnik or Eggman is a lot of you like to call them all right so it's gonna take a lot more hits here we go oh I can't even hit him I can't hit him there oh geez Sarepta hit him when he's swooping down look oh I can get to some little Sonic in jump quite high enough well see that I can't get as many hits as usual I must say there we go got to be quick so once again this is definitely harder than the original fight obviously more hits but it's a pretty easy fight so it shouldn't be too bad oh yeah cool we could do it with no damage that would be sweet how many hits does it take a million oh that was a mistake and try to go for three hits all that was easy in the first boss fight Robotnik got beat up by little Sonic how's the feel Robotnik getting beat up by a little tiny blue hedgehog sucks to be you man sucks to be you sucks to be you spring yard zone here we come let's do it oh no we're gonna die no we didn't die don't kill me I got too much to live for I have little sonic babies at home all right we are a tiny sonic and we are pretty dang small we are a little sonic doot-doot doot-doot boobs dang it alright spring your exam I actually pretty tough I was just saying this hack seemed a lot easier then I thought it would be OH [Music] this time jerk one step ahead of you oh man he's really out to get me though it just wants to destroy little Sonic oh that was a good dodge oh no go away man as a church certified jerk all right use some more ringing twenty-nine is not enough for the old Chaos Emerald though [Music] that was the spirit look how big these enemies are that's a giant spiky ball okay 37 check boy boo boo all right we're getting closer to the 50 rings can do this there's a few rings back there that's not enough we want to keep them on move only need 50 there's like a bonus area back there but what's not was disappointing there's like five rings back there maybe not five there's not very many which thought was a little disappointing let me up here let me up finally geez all right got for the spiked balls a little too close for comfort on a crappy guy throws out those little like ball things and they hit me every time okay I don't wanna go up there this guy's suck I'll just go this way let me through okay right the end how am I gonna jump high enough to hit the ring give it oh that's it possible I get hit it it's not extort to grab the dang bonus Gabe dang it alright yes okay they put the ring lower on that one dang well bonus ring was so high on the first act I could get it alright so we're gonna have to get the cast I'm rolled in the next zone we can get one more here maybe here we go if you see those little peppermint looking things you know you're going the right way give me my Chaos Emerald thank you oh no don't fall in there it's just right there get it get it all right we got it all right Chaos Emeralds we got five nice job Sonic all right so in my mind this boss in particular could be really tough cuz he slowly takes out the ground it's a little glitchy over there and it takes more hits to kill him now so theoretically this could be really bad for Sonic because he could take out every block and we'd have nowhere to stand okay I just have to get a lot of hits each time I was like three oh hey this is that gonna be good come here Robotnik okay maybe we'll be okay all right we're going to go for this edge one because that's probably our safest bet as far as getting hit oh man this is not good I guess we'll go for this one this isn't good man it takes too many hits now oh I had a few blocks left all right that was a cool fight with little Sonic I like that edge of the seat all right the old labyrinth zone everyone's favorite people say what's your favorite Sonic level of all time nine times out of nine people say labyrinth zone sure honestly though I love the music of the labyrinth zone I love the way the labyrinth zone you know looks but man this was one heck of a tough zone back in the day sounds bad now but you know trying to balance out breathing underwater all that good stuff can be quite tricky we made all the enemies twice not gonna help matters we lost our bubbly shield which is bad and we need one more Chaos Emeralds there's a lot of things we need to take care of can I have a bubble please for little sonic please don't drown little sonic that would really suck doo-doo-doo-doo alright alright more rings we got 30 rings almost boop boop I'm gonna take the time to kill these drill guys cuz they're kind of jerks and they deserve it we're smaller than the drill guys head I recently played Luigi and Sonic and he could swim underwater and it made the game a lot easier or a little Sonic he cannot swim underwater can't breathe underwater new no thank you I will take that gladly though okay we messed that up I think we can make it from here yeah peasy okay please don't spike me can I have another bubble please I love the sound when he gets more air very nostalgic for me hey don't hit me please cool probably should have got an iron bubble about probably me okay I mean we're almost out of here but we can breathe again it's a miracle all right I activate the old switch at a time make things a little easier need some ringing okay how about a bubble bubbling bubble thank you doo doo doo soup you're dead beautiful yeah this music is definitely classic Check Point beautiful oh no not pokey pokies they're always the death of me alright easy peasy we almost got 50 rings I don't need no air all the waters about to drain down I remember this part oh maybe I should have gotten some air huh no that was close I'm sorry little sonic I hope you can forgive me all right here we go gonna be careful Sharky guys no big deal I like Sharky guy he's pretty cool I'll give him Sharky go how do we not get spiked there I don't know but I'm glad we didn't hmm Spinney spiky ball throw a guy now that guy's notorious for being one of the biggest jerks in this game he's just a jerk and those lava Spiti statues and other jerks another jerks other jerks they are jerks as well Hawking's hard new-new not happening drill guy I want this bonus game I need my Chaos Emeralds oh don't get spiked now Sonic we've come too far you can do this man yeah this is the stuff that makes people hate Lab Rats and these little spiky things move we made it though cool now if I can just jump up and get the bonus game perfect get our Chaos Emerald it works Sonic all right another cast I know this one is an easy one and it's just like hey you know what you want the Chaos Emerald you can have it it's just right here you don't have to go searching for it break on through this tiny little Sonic and get it Ben look at that doesn't get any easier than that Sonic got them all we got all the Chaos Emeralds whoo nice job little mini Sonic all right I'm kind of curious how this boss fight will go it might be easier as small sonic but it might be harder I always hated this boss fight [Music] man come on little Sonic you can do it man just don't rush the fight Robotnik because there's no points make sure you make big jumps I knew I get hit there no I didn't because we're small and we pulled it off somehow [Music] so far we've done pretty yes yeah yeah see you later about Nick all right whatever we did it listen that bad no we did take a little damage on that boss life but that boss fight so weird all right cool labret sewn in the books all right star light zone act 1 cool funny alive I got all the Chaos Emeralds we can pretty much just enjoy ourselves at this point we don't got to worry about taking damage and losing rings all we gotta do is worry about getting a little tie Sonic through the level I don't even know it just hit me I get hit by a little flyaway guy you know we are gonna do that we're gonna get the 1up I always liked getting this one up boom they might need it too since you know that jerk just took away all our rings there we go no more rings I love this little mini sonic axe so much I hope you guys are enjoying this video next time I play Sonic it's gonna feel weird having them full-sized again dude you don't hit me laughs a bubble you aren't your earth dude do it would suck if L lose my ten rings that's all I have right now howdy-doody but do you do all right oh my phone just went off if it picked up in the mic I'm sorry you might think that someone just texted you but nope they texted and I haven't muted it yet I should probably find a good spot to stop and meet it but instead we're just gonna continue on come on little Sonic you can make it up this little hill no big deal two little Hills in a row no big deal get up there man all right little Sonic ring ring thank you bought this so it'll come down jump over here easy peasy mini snut subsonic mini sonic sneezy that was hard to say mini sonic I want that box of rings give me the monitor stupid fan these fans are also jerks a member of the jerk Club starlight stone one easy-peasy see you guys at the boss fight all right so this boss fight could be interesting but I bet we can do this just fine oh I missed it dang it if you time it out just right you can hit them as soon as he throws one down that was bad too early charlie okay we can get this it's like boom like that yep and he throws one here we can go boom boom okay I think that's gonna be our goal here wait till he comes back get up and I'm again okay yep oh I threw one on that one dang it he's ruining my little pattern I had killing well did you all right another hits yeah we got this easy-peasy non-action energy boom right back at you jerk oh man but when he does the double drop there on some things go back quickly now cool drop it alright I feel like we've hit him a million times but you know there we go finally that what's sick forever alright definitely more challenging than it used to be a little tedious alright cool star light zone in the books getting closer to the end of the game alright I just stood still for 18 seconds for some reason but that's okay scrap rains out what is wrong with me alright let's try this again less death strap brings in shouldn't be too bad right how hard could it be I mean me playing bad is my own fault right should be it a lot easier to not get smashed in the old scrap brain zone right little Sonic he's a little tiny Sonic he might be the smallest Sonic ever we got some rings now can't smash little sonic he's too fast and too small look at that what did I tell you so much easier to dodge stuff when you're tiny oh my gosh that's always close that hook is awesome see it sometime sometimes it does feel easier as a little sonic as I get hit okay I'm trying to rush through now so I think I can just do whatever I want and it's not really working out that way we're basically damage boosting through this whole level you know what it's all about having fun and I'm having fun most longshadow club we're both having fun we are a good team look at all these rings I never need to worry what are these little guys anyways like little pig bears that throw out bouncy bowling balls doesn't seem like a thing that should exist but here we are you are a jerk man who hear her play and really sloppy everyone pretend like I'm playing really good everyone pretend like that was really impressive at least we got through the level quick I mean that was pretty fast for as sloppy as we did it [Music] hey little Sonic guess what man this is where dr. Robotnik's a huge jerk he jumps on the button and we have to play his stupid water level luckily for those watching at home I'm not gonna make you watch me play this stupid water level bubble sucks I will see you guys at death row button and if you like this level you know that's okay reach through dang it oh now we got okay while starring uh means we have to beat the final boss of their rigs daggit that level sucks okay it's kind of a cool level because it's challenging this reminds me elaborate soon I don't know what do you guys think about level so this is gonna take a million hits cuz normally it takes a million hits so I guess it'll take like 2 million now well we can do this little sonic versus Robotnik and giant steel contraptions it seems like a fair fight right you can't even hit them twice unless maybe we like to do some sort of a little Rollie role or something ah ha ha sik was give all a little sonic we could do this man [Music] okay it seems like we can only hit him once this might take a while alright if I'm in 23 seconds and I have no idea how many times we've actually hit him but I would say probably a million it's gonna be over here this time oh we almost got smashed good thing we're little Sonic because he can dodge stuff a little bit easier up here maybe BAM no penis time I want to kill you whoa that was a good hit a little daring at this point since we've been playing forever been there eight years okay jeez how many hits is it gonna take yeah socks another crazy over here nope oh oh we gotta move you're getting daring with our hits and thing cuz we can pretty much dodge no matter what no reason to worry yes we got them we're gonna hit you again right here come back here Robotnik little science going get you yep sonic gotcha now you like getting killed by the little sonic Robotnik probably he doesn't like it look at this so we get the ending with a little mini sonic running around he's pretty much the same size as the Penguins this is so cool and we got all the Chaos Emeralds so we get the special ending he shakes his head in disbelief pretty amazing a lot of people recommended this mini sonic hack to me and I had a blast with it keep them coming with your suggestions down in the comments below let me know some other sonic hacks you'd like to see me play [Music] the ending change there cuz he's supposed to push the block and get on it because he was so weak he couldn't it's changing up these little scenes cuz he's smaller and there we have it Robotnik mad that we got all the Chaos Emeralds at the end we got the good ending that's awesome I hope you guys enjoyed this playthrough if you did be sure to hit the thumbs up button and if you haven't yet consider subscribing and hitting the notification bell so you know when I release new videos thank you guys so much for watching in until next time I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 1,815,509
Rating: 4.8355026 out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, sonic the hedgehog 2 xl, sonic 2 xl, sonic but rings make him fat, funny sonic rom hacks, btg rom hack, blue television games rom hacks, rings make sonic fat, sonic rings, sonic rom hack, sonic romhack, sonic rom, sonic 1 rom hack, sonic 1 romhack, sonic but hes really really small, tiny sonic, tiny sonic the hedgehog, sonic mini all bosses, all bosses, sonic all bosses, mini sonic, mini sonic in sonic 1, mini sonic the hedgehog
Id: tayksHo-2xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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