Soni Bringas chats about her acting career, Fuller House & her future

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welcome back to the show Isaac here with you till 9 o'clock for Youth Jam right across the platforms of you've talked on the phone a vertical guess he's 18 years old and it's being part of fuller house since season 1 as well as starring in beautiful and twisted from 2015 of the show so neat bring us how are you good how are you thank you for having me my pleasure first of all how are you and how is the family going during Kovach 19 in the lockdown in the US right yeah no it's definitely been a big change for everyone we're all very lucky that my family is safe and healthy because we know a lot of people are struggling but it's been it's been an adjustment on some levels we're not used to having everyone at home 24/7 had to find a lot of things to kind of keep busy and not lose our minds my mom and baking a lot which has been great you know my parents are still working so while they're busy I'm calling friends and I'm you know just trying it as an actor you kind of got to keep your creative juices flowing so I'm Lady crypts I'm watching a bunch of shows in movies because luckily as part of our job that's what you get to do that's brilliant meanwhile I'm working from home it's one of those things we'll get used to is welcome home and doing and then the family walking way working on my words it's crazy back it's different now as mentioned previously you're 18 years old I've been active for quite some time but how did he get into it where did you start it's actually an interesting story because I did not grow up thinking I wanted to be an actor um I was a dancer since I was six years old and so I kind of just did that for about eight years and fortunately that brought me to LA and you know la is the hub of acting in movies and so while you're here you kind of just naturally wind up in the business yeah and so I was just I just started taking acting classes and realized that it was something I really enjoyed doing and so I balanced that with dancing for a couple years and then when I got fuller house I kind of saw that that was where my life was going and I was like alright let's let's roll with it this is fine but you still dancing for the house so you've still got the balance they're really it still do ya know it's not as much a priority in my life but but no that is something that I grew up with and so I was really happy that they were able to incorporate that into the show definitely and what do you love about acting what what makes you want to keep doing it every day many things well the typical answer that people like going tour is that you get to play a bunch of different characters and its really true I mean there's an endless array of different people that you could play and so I'm a big fan of history so I think that there's a cool aspect of being able to maybe play a character from the 1800's or play a character from the future and so there's so many opportunities that you can do as an actor and then I guess on the other hand it's almost like therapy you know you're you're playing people who are dealing with emotional situations fun time and so you as a person you can kind of deal with that and process whatever's going on with you but in the safe space of being on set and being in that world so I really think that it's just you grow a lot as a person from it that's really brilliant you've been a part full house since 2016 what's it been like being there from the start first of all but also progressing as you mentioned before with the character right well I started when I was 13 and I finished right before I turned 18 so those are those are five of my teenage years Oh school life pretty much of secondary lived life pretty much and so it was really a great experience and unlike most people who get to you know grow up on on a sitcom where I learned so much about myself just being surrounded by a lot of really smart and talented people and so it was really a great opportunity I think for me to kind of you know make some friends and just grow as a person but it was so much fun it was one of the best experiences I think I could have ever had and and you know with the cast being so close as they are it was really a safe space for me mmm I think that how what was it like to work along the big cast and to progressive them and now that you've finished what's it like you know constantly away from that massive like family I suppose it's it's it's kind of crazy really because even though you understand that it's a job and that is acting you form these attached with these people especially spending just like every day with them for five years sometimes shows go on longer and so it's a really interesting disconnect having to spend that much time with people and then not being able to see them they become your second family and so and especially with them they were such a wonderful cast to work with and and we all really got along and so I think I'm very grateful for that because I hear that that doesn't happen that often with a group yeah it's very lucky on that is amazing and I think for me I didn't see I didn't see acting as that but that's just our standing tomorrow on the show tonight on the show sorry Michael Campion's also on what was it like being with him and working alongside him there in fuller house we start I'm like so fun you know again because the cast is mostly adults it's really nice to be able to have another teenager there with you to kind of when you're not being on sudden being professional you can kind of goof off with him and so so Michael was really great because we were in the schoolroom together we were all we were doing high school during the show and so we spend most of our time doing school together and some people I think he might he's gonna share it with you he's a magician and so he don't he did so as the seasons went on he he got better and better and he would do so many tricks for us in the schoolroom and he wasn't obtained I never caught on I never learned anything I just loved watching him it's really good so yeah it was great especially with the lives too even though he was younger just having that kind of kid fun vibe on set was really it was really nice that's one thing and ask him tomorrow is magic brilliant thank you this is fair question we're full house if the final season as mentioned previously I supposed to see the simple question is are you gonna miss filming it oh of course I mean I don't know who on that set wouldn't miss it I mean we we had such a hard last day because like I said earlier you these people become your family and not just the cast even the crew people who did cameras people who did light all of the directors we've really had such a close bond on set and so of course I'm gonna miss it but I think because of that bond we all stay in contact and we're all gonna see each other and who knows you never know happen in the future we might have some type of reunion for another so exactly fullest house you never know everywhere all the fans are really wanting that they are wanting that and that's one thing that we guys should consider in the future fullest outside watch it anyway I'm the season ready the new one coming out is it a tearjerker she presume it is it's the last one and yeah I think anything we would have done would have been a tearjerker because you know fans have followed the show you know over 35 years and so when it comes to an end it's gonna be emotional regardless but I think especially since we're not only saying that the fans are not only saying goodbye so the goodbye to the characters but we're saying goodbye to each other and so I think that this at least this last chunk the emotions that we have on the show I think some of the most genuine we've ever had because we're feeling everything that the characters are feeling and so it was very hard but at the same time we do we wanted to kind of go out with a bang so we do have a triple wedding we have gay and Steve we have Pino Fernanda or we have Stefan Jimmy and so you know how much fun you could have with it with the triple wedding so it's definitely a lot of fun we have a lot of nostalgic moments that show up I think fans need an eye out for that brilliant my guest on zoom' is Sony bring us from fuller house we'll take a break come back talk some more it's you've jam right across the platforms of Yves talk hello Eric welcome back to the show itseif Jam right across you've caught my guest on Zoom is sony Sony bring us welcome back how are ya I'm good are you very well thank you moving on to your acting career what does the future look like for you well I'm only 18 so I feel like a skinny I have I have so much life ahead of me hopefully and so I'm really looking forward to to what's to come and fuller house gave me a great opportunity to really get to know a bunch of people make connections and get my name out there so hopefully you know it only goes up from here and I want to keep pursuing this this is a passion of mine and so I'm really excited brilliant and you're only 18 before I'm 18 as well what would you say our age who's kind of considering getting into acting and doesn't exactly know the best route to go um well it can be very difficult this is a very tough business and I was fortunate enough to kind of make connections along the way but but for people who are coming from a different city maybe or kind of out of town it's a big risk and so it really has to be something that you're passionate about because like I said it's a tough business you're gonna deal with a lot of rejection you're gonna deal with with times where you're not working and so you kind of have to keep that motivation going or else it's gonna be very hard to make it or to have it turn into something that you enjoy so I think keeping that determination having a really good support system I was lucky enough to have amazing parents who supported me at every step that's really important yeah but I think it's it's such a fun job so I think as long as you have fun within you don't stress out too much what's meant to be will happen I think the importance really look into his starting local cuz I think any Aussie child actor who wants to go into acting in the u.s. that's a big risk going from Australia to the US so maybe something local would you say something important oh definitely I think getting as much experience as you can you know people I know a lot of actors here that started that with theatre at their school I did that but I think dancing being a performer that kind of helped me along the way anything creative that you can do from whatever age will definitely benefit you and I think it'll it'll kind of give you that confidence and and really show it this is something that you're excited about or not because sometimes going into it without having any background you don't really know what you're getting into and so I definitely recommend people doing theater or any type of performing dancing all of that stuff is really key and what's been the heart for your career what's been the best moment well like I said I just I feel like I just started and a lot of people like you're so young so you all you yeah definitely fuller house because it took up such a big chunk of my life and that's where I started acting a really almost two years before I got fuller house so I didn't have that much experience so I think I really grew as an actor and being on set with different directors and working with different actors it was a really great learning experience for me so I think that this is one of the things that I'm always gonna be the most proud of and always look back on with fond memories but it's really a jumping off point to endless opportunities out there exactly my guest on the phone has been Sony bringers from fuller house it's been a privilege he's 18 years old just like Michael I believe only 17 I'm not really sure he's turning 18 yeah so they're both young and it's fianza she speaks very maturely and if you've got any acting questions I'm sure you can send them through and somehow we'll get them to you Sony thank you your time on this one for Friday evening in a pleasure it is if jammed right across you've talked very soon Michael Campion on the program and asking some magic questions that's next you
Channel: Youth Jam
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Id: r4fD-3xwGSc
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Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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