Songs vs Other Songs With the SAME Title #1

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Joel looks so happy in this video, I was smiling like an idiot the whole time🥰

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/yelena_the_me 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video has been sponsored by opinion outposts this is huge [Music] okay this is actually really good tell me baby what's your name welcome back to another daily video my name is joe from roomieofficial and today we're going to be looking at songs with the same title there are surprisingly many famous songs that do share the same title and just to have a spin on it let's also select the best one with each title in this video let's get started let's grace our eardrums with some songs that are called the exact same thing okay so first off we have rockstar by the baby featuring ryder rich versus a rockstar by post malone featuring 21 savage versus rockstar by nickelback versus rockstar by nerd brand new lamborghini [Music] [Music] yes that is really good that's a strong contender already i would say this one is maybe like an eight out of ten something like that for me i think it's really catchy and popping pillies man i feel just like a rockstar all my brothers got that guessing they always be smoking like a rash oh yeah i remember this music video [Music] i guess there were many but that was like post malone's first massive hit right let me check if that's actually true see it seems like rockstar was his first number one single even though his previous album did super well as well that sounds like an eight out of ten i'm pretty tired of it now because i heard it too much but it's got to be an 8 out of 10. next up we got rockstar by nickelback classic what i mean [Music] nickelback is hard people hate on nickelback i don't think they're as bad as people make them out to be it's almost like boring to hate tanika back at this point it's just like bro music i do like photograph i think photograph is a genuinely good song rockstar not as much maybe it's like a 6.5 out of 10. [Music] i haven't actually heard that song that much it sounded okay okay so who wins i'm gonna give the crowning yule the rockstar prize to post malone i think even though i'm tired of the song i really really like that song for a long time this is one video where i made like eight different versions of rockstar by post malone check it out if you want it's kind of like a choose your own adventure type of deal the next matchup is very funny we got somebody to love by queen justin bieber and jefferson airplane [Music] every day oh my at the god of the day that voice is there so much fun songwriting going on in that song as well i forget about those backing choirs the falsetto things they're so good yeah that's exactly how it sounds joel weld on me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] isn't that a total ripoff of that other song cry for you so that came out in 2005 so that's five years earlier it goes like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] no one's going to sue anyone over that song but just so obvious how close they were working in justin bieber's early music to these references just basically copying stuff [Music] [Music] people are gonna be very mad with me if i don't say queens i'm gonna say no i do i do believe that that queen song is iconic and so freaking good well done queen you did it again next up we've got senorita by sean mendes and camila cabello versus senorita by justin timberlake and senorita by tenacious d yay okay this is fun yeah that is a really catchy song not gonna like i think that's really great next up we got justin timberlake's senorita which is also a pop classic [Music] things are sick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pretty much all of that is swear words nice okay so for the winner of the senorita competition i'm a little bit torn but i gotta give it to justin timberlake senorita what a tune what a vibe wait do you guys hear that it's the sponsor tuba and today's sponsor is opinion outpost an easy way to earn extra money with opinion outpost you basically get paid for sharing your opinion you can make money while watching netflix waiting to get into a store literally anywhere and since most of us are at home at the minute because of things this is really convenient easy way to make money i tried it out myself and it really is easy the rewards that catch my eye the most are amazon gift cards prepaid visa cards and apple app store gift cards click the link in the description to start earning now thanks again to opinion outpost for sponsoring sponsor tuba play us out next up we got don't let me down by the beatles versus don't let me down by the chain smokers okay if i choose one of these alternatives people are gonna be mad anyway let's listen [Music] he's got a beard here sweet the lumberjack period of the beatles huh don't let me down oh who's singing on this [Music] [Music] ah it's so dumb okay i gotta say it beatles are iconic they have so many great songs this is not their best work i gotta say anyway i'm gonna go with the chainsmokers song i just think that beetle song is one of their most boring and i'm not gonna give points just because it's the beatles okay and i'm not gonna deduct points just because it's the chainsmokers this vocal is great next up we have six song match up we have hello by adele versus hello by evanescence vs hello by lionel richie hello by eminem hello by beyonce and hello by oasis ah this is so fun okay let's have a listen don't try to fix me i'm not broken [Music] is i can see it in your eyes so good i can see it in your smile so funny to me hello [Applause] that lion jesus hello [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay the other ones are about great artists but it's not like their best songs to me i think that both hello by lionel richie and hello by adele are like contenders for their best songs of all time ah i just gotta give it to lionel it's kind of good it's a good song and it's also really funny it's got that mean potential just look at him look at him how could you not give it to lionel next up we got as long as you love me by backstreet boys versus as long as you love me by justin bieber [Music] oh my god this is so close to just satire [Music] [Applause] oh my god i can't get enough of that move whoa he's sitting down move now yes that's so funny bts have really stepped up the game compared to baxter's boys when it comes to the dancing [Music] nice okay so i have a lot of nostalgia towards the backseat boys song i think it is really good you know one of the makings of max martin my favorite songwriter of all time but i think that as long as you love me by justin bieber amazing melodies really a good use of kind of like a dubstep vibe that was going on at the time it's showing off his range really well like the airy falcetto and yeah i'm giving it to bieber it would have been so easy to just go towards the most loved artists in this but i don't want to i want to be objective next up we have photograph by ed sheeran great song versus photograph by nickelback also great song fight me and photograph by def leppard from 1983. i'm not sure if i've heard that even okay [Music] i think that's the sharon's best song i really think so i think that's unbelievable people like shape of you you can dance to it whatever whatever can you cry to shape of you anyone back home just being like that doesn't happen hey i love you next up we gotta photograph my look at nickelback photograph [Music] i think this song is incredible but his voice like it's so perfectly raspy but it's also feels so plasticky in some way or like it almost like ruins any song he sings even though the songwriting i think is great here it's like [Music] oh my god it's this song i love this i love that last song i've forgotten about that to really make this friend i got to look at the lyrics of that because it's been so long okay they're like old rock lyrics passion killer you're too much you're the only one i want to touch i'm gonna go ahead and give this one to ed sheeran congratulations it we love you okay here we go sugar by maroon 5 versus sugar by system of a down [Applause] apparently they actually flash mobbed real weddings for this music video i don't know why it makes me cringe i'm not american i think these types of surprises just makes me really uncomfortable i don't know what it is that is a good party pop song i think i mean it's stupid the whole thing is kind of based on a pun but it's still a really catchy song and sonically it's amazing i think i forget who it is to produce it i think it might be circuit yeah produced by ammo and circuit it kind of sounds like circuit like he's got this really clean style to [Music] [Music] him they're so weird i love it [Music] okay i'm gonna have to give that one to five even though the other song is really funny i just don't think it's the strongest of system of downs discography i mean it's also my bias i do make videos on pop music take from me what you will that i say that that system of a down song is not as good as sugar i'm sure many of you disagree next up we got it's my life by bon jovi versus it's my life by dr adlan versus it's my life by no doubt wow there's so many [Applause] [Music] foreign i used to really love that song i think that might be max martin as well yep written by jon bon jovi richie sambora and max martin next it's my life so this is dr alvin he is a swedish artist i don't know how much international recognition he got i was on this swedish tv show and totally made a fool of myself and he was there as well filming i remember and he was really nice i don't know if i should say this i mean this is like private stuff it's just silly he was stupid i don't know he was like talking about how much he liked the toilets which i thought was really funny like he's a really charming really weird guy yeah i don't know what to say about it he's a great guy guys [Music] this is such a banger too peak gwen stefani whoa it's between gwen stefani and jump on joey i gotta give it to gwen that was just a blast from the past but damn that is really good vocals like really stand out vocals merge here but still just like really iconic and that guitar riff thing or that bass line thing is really really nice and grooves really well i love it okay guys okay for more music reactions and reviews get careful vs commentary videos it's been really interesting to see how many songs are actually called the same thing not all of these are that far apart like rockstar by the baby and rockstar by post malone that's just a few years apart what anyway i'll see you tomorrow in another daily video bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,860,224
Rating: 4.9262495 out of 5
Id: a_fMwGpL6Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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