Songs That Sound EXACTLY The Same (Part 2)

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- This video has been sponsored by Honey ♪ Hey hey you you ♪ ♪ I could be your girlfriend ♪ ♪ Hey hey you you ♪ ♪ I wanna be your boyfriend ♪ - [Joel] They must have been credited for that, otherwise I'm, become angry Joel. Welcome back to the channel, BFFs. It's me, Joel from Roomie Official, the biggest music expert in the world, as you can see from the piano I have behind me. Someone pointed it out the other day I said piano, but what I really should have said was keyboard. I don't care. It's a piano. It's got piano keys. That's how much of a music expert I am. Anyway, today we're gonna be looking at more songs that sound exactly the same and try to figure out: do they really sound exactly the same? What are the differences and similarities? I'm gonna put 'em into like, Pro Tools or whatever or play them on the piano. We'll see how similar they are. Please watch this video to the end. There's a lot of interesting examples. Let's get started fellas. Okay, so first off we have a Maroon 5 song, What Lovers Do versus Sexual by NEIKED. (upbeat pop music) ♪ Say say say hey hey now baby ♪ ♪ Oh my my don't play now baby ♪ (upbeat pop music) ♪ You got that thing ♪ ♪ That I been looking for ♪ ♪ Been running around for so long ♪ ♪ Now I got you I won't let you go ♪ - [Joel] I mean, so far that's pretty similar actually. There's different keys and everything, but there's definitely something going on with it that feels kind of, very inspired. Let's get that into Pro Tools. Okay, so I matched the songs up in tempo in my music program. Needed a little bit of tempo adjustment, but there's definitely some similarities. I think especially in the arrangements. So for example. (upbeat pop music) - [Joel] And then. ♪ Say say say hey hey now baby ♪ - [Joel] Compared to this. (upbeat pop music) ♪ You got that thing that I been looking for ♪ - [Joel] It's more of a sound and arrangement thing than exact, because the chords ar a little bit different. It seems to close for comfort I would say. What happens if I pitch it at the same key? (upbeat pop music) - [Joel] Compared to. (upbeat pop music) - [Joel] Then suddenly it starts feeling a lot more similar. ♪ Say say say hey hey now baby ♪ ♪ You got that thing that I been looking for ♪ - [Joel] There's also something about the vocal melody as well. It's kind like, you know, they're repetitive that way. If any of these things were just alone, I wouldn't think that, oh yeah this is a copy. But when it's like all of them together, it seems very, very heavily inspired. Let's keep watching. ♪ Gotta tell me if you love me or not ♪ ♪ Love me or not ♪ ♪ Love me or not ♪ ♪ You are you are ♪ ♪ You are you are ♪ - [Joel] Okay again, that's very similar I arrangement, like the long path in the back, and it's just too similar. It's definitely inspired. It's copied, okay? ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, been wishin' for you ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Tryna do what lovers do ooh ♪ ♪ Just say you feel the way that I feel ♪ ♪ I'm feelin' sexual ♪ ♪ So we should be sexual ♪ - [Joel] Yeah, it's definitely, definitely inspired and copied. Big ole' copy on that. Let's see if they actually credited that. Okay, so it says in the Wikipedia page that it contains an interpolation and that they are credited as songwriters on it. So that's cool. Rip offs that are being credited. I wonder if that happened before or after people pointed it out though. It seems like a really weird add-on here on the end so it feels like maybe it happened later. Therefore they're credited as songwriters, but I don't know. It's interesting. Funny if they ripped it off and then just got put in place. That's funny. The might be liable for a law suit but I'm also like, the base line (imitates melody) I very similar to many, many songs, including stuff like Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. Those chords are like-- (piano chords) - [Joel] Oh no! I just realized they do use the same chords. Oh my God, I'm an idiot! In the verse, the chords are exactly the same! That puts it in a whole other ballpark of rip off. Oh, that's hilarious. Okay. There's only one tiny difference in the chords so, basically the Maroon 5 song does this-- (plays upbeat pop music) - [Joel] And the only difference is one base note in the sexual song. It's like, they go here. That's the only difference, oh my God. Okay. It's totally ripped off now. I can see it. Sorry for being so slow. The whole arrangement, the chords, the little flutters of vocal samples, even kind of the concept of the melody in the verses. Oh my God. By the way, 63.7% of you guys watching are not subscribed. How could you do this to me? Please subscribe and turn on notifications for my channel. I upload new videos every day. Thank you so much. Next. ♪ I'm losing my self control ♪ ♪ Yeah you're starting to trickle back in ♪ ♪ You hate that I usually don't open up ♪ ♪ I know when I say it doesn't say enough ♪ - [Joel] Okay so chords are similar, vibes are similar. But it's not close enough for me yet to say that it's a rip off. It might be that the songwriters of Katy Perry's song dd work with it as a reference, and they were just like, "Yeah, well let's keep it in the ballpark of this, but be far away enough so that it's not gonna be incriminating." ♪ Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over ♪ ♪ And if I think it over maybe I'll be comin' over again ♪ ♪ And I'll have to get over you all over again ♪ ♪ You know how they say you got the real thing ♪ ♪ When nothing else matters I love you like that ♪ ♪ I love you like that ♪ ♪ I love you like that ♪ ♪ I love ya, I love ya, I love ya like that ♪ - [Joel] Okay, there we have it. It's very similar. Come on! That's pretty much stolen. Of course, like if you went note by notes, no it's not the same. But it's the same key. It's the same beat. And almost the same melodies. Definitely the same melodic concept. Come on. ♪ Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over ♪ - [Joel] This is the one note thing here. ♪ You know how they say you got the real thing ♪ ♪ When nothing else matters I love you like that ♪ - [Joel] They did end on another note there, so you gotta point that out. It's so close. Definitely inspired, I would say. People get inspired by stuff, and the pop music industry is like, "Yeah, that works. Let's do a version of that." You can discuss to what extent that's cool or good, but it works. Like, I haven't heard this Dagny song that much, but when I heard the Katy Perry song, I was like, "Oh, this is good!" It's sad that it's like that. People hear something that sounds good, and then they're like, "Okay I'll just change it up a little bit." I'll probably end up doing this in the future as well. Maybe unconsciously, but still. And that totally seamlessly takes me into today's sponsor Honey. Online shopping is supposed to be easy-peasy. You can without any clothes on. On your computer, you can type with your bits. So why, oh why, is it so hard to find online coupon codes that work? Well, with Honey, it doesn't have to be. Honey is a free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them to your cart. "So Joel," I hear you ask, "how does it work?" Well, imagine you're shopping on one of your favorite sites like eBay or Dominos. When you check out, this little box drops down and all you have to do is click Apply Coupons, wait a few seconds for it to scan promo codes from all across the internet, and bam! It will save you money. Would you look at this! I just saved a hundred and fifty-five pounds on this Alienware gaming monitor. Honestly, that's unbelievable! It went from three hundred ninety-four pounds to two hundred fifty-four pounds! 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It's also like kind of the natural thing you play on top of those chords, and it's not the most uncommon chord progression ever, but yeah, I kind of want to put them together in the recording program, because that will sound funny on top of each other. I was like, yeah this is just gonna be a few notes that line sup, but it lined up pretty well throughout. That's crazy! Okay, so I've overlapped 'em, put them in the same tempo, and pitched the Satriani song so it's in the same key. And it's, it's petty similar. I'll put them in the right and left speaker for ya. It's a bit ridiculous how close it is. ♪ Roll the dice ♪ ♪ Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes ♪ ♪ Listen as the choir sings ♪ - [Joel] Yeah, it's, it seems too close for comfort. It really does. God. Okay so apparently this one went to court, but it was dismissed by the judge, okay. They both had to pay their own legal fees, and it seems like they settled out of court. Most likely that Coldplay paid Satriani off. Makes sense to me. Next. Okay so next up is Ed Sheeran's Shape Of You versus Sia's Cheap Thrills. Let's have a listen. ♪ The club isn't the best place to find a lover ♪ ♪ So the bar is where I go mmmm ♪ ♪ Me and my friends at the table doing shots ♪ ♪ Drink it fast and then we talk slow ♪ ♪ C'mon c'mon turn the radio on ♪ ♪ It's Friday night and I won't be long ♪ ♪ Gotta do my hair put my make up on ♪ ♪ It's Friday night and I won't be long ♪ - [Joel] Okay, this one I just don't hear at all. Potentially, maybe there was a little bit of inspiration, but like, nah, I just, I don't see it. It's not the same chords. The melodies aren't similar. Even if it was inspired It's such light inspiration. Come on. Who I thinking this? The only thing is like, there's a certain rhythm in the chords. Imagine if every rock song that had eighths on the guitar, like (imitates beat) would be like, oh yeah, that's a copy. Come on. Okay, let's move on before I get angry. Okay here we have Fun Some Nights, versus Simon and Garfunkle Cecilia. Interesting. ♪ Some nights I wish that lips could build a castle ♪ ♪ Some nights I wish they'd just fall off ♪ ♪ Oh Cecilia I'm down on my knees ♪ ♪ I'm beggin' you please to come home ♪ ♪ Anymore oooooh oooooh ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ - [Joel] Hmm that's interesting. Like it sounds very inspired, but not the same still. I could see Fun having used Cecilia as the reference for that song, writing of course. Rather, I'm certain they must have had it in their back of their heads that they liked that song and they wanted to do something similar. Especially the chords seem a little bit too close, because it's kind of like a weird "rhythmisation" with the (imitates beat) And also the "oh oh oh" thing is probably one of the things you can pick up if you're like, oh yeah they had that, so I'm gonna do the "whoa whoa whoa" thing. Sounds pretty similar. It's more inspiration than something else. ♪ Cecilia you're breakin' my heart ♪ (overlapping singing) - [Joel] Yeah, totally pretty close. Okay, so Avril Lavigne Girlfriend versus The Rubinoos I Want To Be Your Boyfriend. If this is similar, then it's pretty incriminating with the titles. Let's have a listen. ♪ Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend ♪ ♪ No way no way I think you need a new one ♪ - [Joel] Ugh, I hate this song. ♪ Hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend ♪ ♪ Hey hey you you I wanna be your boyfriend ♪ ♪ I'm tryna say I wanna be your number one ♪ ♪ Hey hey you you I wanna be your boyfriend ♪ - [Joel] Okay, that's just a straight rip of the first half of that chorus, I mean, come on. They must have been credited for that. Otherwise, I'm become angry Joel. That's crazy! Okay, it's written by Lavigne and Dr. Luke. The songwriters of I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend sued Lavigne and Dr. Luke for copyright infringement. The suit was later settled. Yeah, they paid 'em off. Of course they did. That would've been an easy win. Come on! Oh my God. They did not, like reach out to them before they released that? That's insane! Did they think they could get away with that? ♪ Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend ♪ ♪ Hey hey you you I wanna be your boyfriend ♪ - Now that I'm listening to it again, the melodies are different. The boyfriend version isn't as like-- (imitates annoying melody) It's kinda like, if you would harmonize on the I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend song, you would get that, pretty much. Yeah, still super close. Bruh! If you haven't liked this video yet, please like the video. Every like helps with my confidence, meaning that maybe, at one point after enough likes, I'll be able to ask out my crush to coffee. Jason Derulo Cheyenne versus Taylor Swift Style, okay. ♪ I'm a little unsure how we got so complicated ♪ - [Joel] That's such a good voice. ♪ If I let go I know I'll regret it. ♪ (elevator music) - [Joel] Wait, what was similar here? The synth wave beat? ♪ If I let go I know I'll regret it ♪ - [Joel] Okay, so for a few years there in the pop scene, these synth wave beats with the pumping basses were like on every song. It's very hard to say the two songs that used it are like, the same. And the chords are too basic to say anything. It's whatever. It's fashion, right? It's like Gucci using something and then like, other fashion brands are like, "Yeah we'll do something similar because that looks cool and people will like it, because Gucci did it." Not saying that like, Jason Derulo is a rip off and Taylor Swift is the original. I think both of them are really big and awesome artists. It's just fashion. You look at each other. That's how trends persist. Taylor Swift's Look What You Made Me Do versus Right Side Fred I'm Too Sexy. ♪ Oh look what you made me do ♪ ♪ Look what you made me do ♪ ♪ Look what you just made me do ♪ ♪ Look what you just made me ♪ ♪ I'm too sexy for Milan ♪ (Laughing) - [Joel] No, not at all. It's just talking. Like, it's not close! It's not even close to close. It's far from close. They're just talking. Oh look what you made me do. I'm too sexy for my shirt. It's one of the very natural rhythms you can get when you're talking. It's whatever. Thanks for watching. Click here for more music reaction videos. Click here for videos where I sing and whatever. And I will see you in the next daily video. Bye.
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 3,789,737
Rating: 4.8922381 out of 5
Keywords: songs that sound exactly the same, mind blowing, camila cabello, crying in the club, avril lavigne, jason derulo, maroon 5, what lovers do, compilation, singer, singing, joel, roomieofficial, roomie, hilarious, comedy, sound the same, sound, sound exactly the same, taylor swift, look what you made me do, react, reacting, reaction, plagiarism, copy, song, songs
Id: ipVLBKAsvsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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