Songs of War: BLOOPERS FULL VIDEO (Minecraft Animation)

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but perhaps the truth will help you one day find peace no not peace peace help you find peace lots of delicious Pease Valley OSes brand own brand peas come to the countryside we've got fields of peas all around cut to like a farm Griffin it's like in the shape of a yin-yang like it has an overhead or I'd like for a peace sign or maybe the hand gesture for a peace sign or a thumbs up if I say one guy's flying his plane like one way he's like hey thumbs up the other guy's fine is playing the other way this place now remember you cannot let us Sevilla no values is that you fail yes I specifically told you to stay away from San Doria you do not know when to admit defeat you traveled all this way for us aren't flattened however you should have got better prepared what's that or where are you from why aren't you at the rest of your family my family is round igneous [Music] [Applause] read in agreement I'm gonna be rich to deny the usage is to deny the very thing that makes us our Dhoni will you teach us how to use them no Taliesin Doris Solomon what do you want Thalia's about as a cop [Music] take him back to his room and make sure he gets there this time I'm really going to travel with you no are the undead out every night dahlias not anymore I'm a death singer I will hunt down the prize songs and destroy the Masters and the Adoni describe your character in three words from right oh three words all right go naive I got swagger swagger I never really fit in the society I think three it up look in we're ready to swim unless you'd rather sail front son now [Music] [Music] but most were just glad the wall was finally over salius do you know where I'm from no interesting you mentioned shipping because some people have had some quite obscure shipping by Taliesin tigrin I'm not saying I'm not down I'm just saying I'm open to opportunity as long as we're flexible with each other that's all I'm saying Tigra this respect our boundaries first you mean this old thing I told you that I'm hunting the necromancers alone hunting this necromancer skilled with the songs achillion estas was able to you know unite you know what yeah we're gonna need only the armies the victory returning its orders don't sing you know retort singer it's when you put your laundry soap dead singer did you at least harvest the sugarcane how peculiar why would they leave their belongings where others might find them because they are still here yeah yeah I'm fine how long have you been in the military only three years sir in those three years these necromancer's had more training than any of you scum when we find this necro lord I'll kill you myself welcome to Jurassic Park safe travels to you both farewell Oh sybian come on son we ride south with all haste I brought you here to inform you of this leading it has been years since I've year years what's going on mouth why is going why is our God law Cydonia and carthan have the two largest armies of our donia uniting them is a necessity and who better than a magnet off the Heartland igneous wait up [Music] my village was attacked it's not far we need to look for survivors yeah we don't sell that here you can buy it what is it Sam I hope it's better than tomorrow's breakfast because you just fo may a lifetime of wielding songs has had certain adverse effects on my health ooh I need to come out did you ever meet the tide singer oh yes we fought together on occasions there damn it and he definitely would not want you to have what I'm about to give you and also you cannot tell anyone about this what did you bring us I noticed you moved up rhyme songs I need them can you not see look look what you made me do no I just said that was legit I wasn't trying to do it was like oh why am i rolling I I can't start the breathing without laughing a village a few hundred cheeseburgers Dyke whatever you guys are cooking I want more no I can't I came back to send Arya for this a prime song one of the for one of the for one of the for one of the for one of the full one of the full one Lord oh don't see much fun salius I specifically told a lady for Syria card sure you've told me before and Sen I wish you would respect my wishes no no no get back they're doing now follow us now with kung fu action want to try it out of course but now I'm going to destroy you with a weapon like this things might get a little bright and and loud oh you'll see boltar tartar tar bald Haar's bald har arse both tires fallows is a pirate now deal with it it was at this time that the vault are is class the necromancers will soon rise and cover the world in Java you heard him Taliesin Doris Sullivan come on Sen we have another long journey back home what was their attack strategy like go away look lady I don't know anything about attack strategies or necromancer plots or mining duty Oren Grove repair duties or necromancer beauty I just got forced into this I'm not a warrior or a hero or a minor or a quilter or baker I'm just a necromancer did you at least harvest the sugarcane before you left yeah I got it I'm sorry mr. Finch I was going to get it this morning you know it was the reckless actions like this that your parents got themselves killed I shall await your returns that we may have ourselves a proper reunion valley's I expect more from you I next see [Music] I should ride to mount veltrin and see for myself ah hold up there Elias no I will do better I promise climb on upset [Music] if you wanted to kill me we cut of this gone with an execution [Music] [Music] help somebody my village was attacked it's not far we need to look for survivors no there it is grim if we Beach listen I'm about to become a very healthy man Yoshi fancy seeing you here Lucan you must be the listened Doris no I need to report this to Feldon I guess this is um where we part ways I'm out of here I have subtle eyes can you not see look look with your sensual eyes my brand I need you to safeguard a prime song can he do that for whoever did this could still be here wait here Sen No stay stay in your room no you're not going no no no you you put that you you put that 2x4 down get out captain Kiyoshi sir Betty's soldier no sir daddy's so no I see you have quite the appetite fatty can you not see look look what you made me do I have fought against your kind for 200 years tigrin whatever the vaulters were there that was wrong there it goes can you not see look look what you made me to I have fought against your kind for would keep adding over for over 200 years this sale can beat you all still will never drop our prices ever ever ever ever ever ever can you not see look look what you made me do I have fought against yes I need again look look what you made me do I have Tigers you guys for zoology is Tiger 200 years and not one comes to visit me um would you look at that my flint and steel appears to be broken here take mine [Music] well go on then finish the job my plan whoa wait a minute where'd you go sorry about your tree fort you're the worst human I've ever seen well have you tried asking it to leave like anyone's dumb enough to go near that thing [Music] hello there general Kenobi long has it been an honor for us masters to Massacre innocents but today we massacred via the clans unbelievable master irelia slaughtered all for our Dhoni clans I will do what I must to eliminate master or Elias you should be asleep said so should you therefore may a lifetime of wielding songs has had certain adverse effects [Music] welcome to the countryside Valley us here from fally us own brand peas we've got fields fields of swag swag everywhere heady their fields a swag everywhere we've got songs of war designs on t-shirts hoodies mugs and yes even pillows why only get one when you can get as many as you want you can visit our store by clicking on the end screen element here or by following the link in our description I'm I'm pointing down downwards that's where the links are thanks for watching and enjoy your merch I've got peas to tend to I have two peas the please I have to please the peas pea yes I have to pee
Channel: Black Plasma Studios
Views: 4,798,386
Rating: 4.9232192 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft animation, black plasma studios, animation, bloopers, song, songs, songs of war, funny, peas, thalleous, grim, minecraft funny
Id: TmErrDqnBf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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