Song For You

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[Music] so many ways say I miss you [Music] I couldn't count no matter how I tried [Music] they won't feel the hole you left gave me [Music] only driving deeper father down inside [Music] never blame you never blame usually [Music] you didn't have a choice no did I [Music] struggling with the spell better no longer having [Music] my rock Delino the shoulder cry [Music] holiday couldn't get much longer I wish I could say left me stronger [Music] land to myself and change how I feel [Music] [Music] John like hell to move forward [Music] if dambao seems a little hey [Music] stand up till dawn the drinking whiskey can't drown my pain or make a better man [Music] howdy good and much longer [Music] follow memories to be more real now wish I could see you left me stronger lounging still wouldn't change how I feel [Music] I took after you second member [Music] look walking down nearly just the same [Music] I don't think I'm ready ready for the bird [Music] carrying it all off there [Music] I know for thier Marty love me [Music] never mr. chance tell me so I can only hope soon enough I realized [Music] you raised me to not fall but girl [Music] howdy can get much longer [Music] only those memories could be more real [Music] now wish I could say you left me stronger lounging still wouldn't change how I feel you
Channel: Whiskey Myers - Topic
Views: 279,911
Rating: 4.4556088 out of 5
Keywords: Cody Tate, Whiskey Myers, Firewater, Song For You
Id: FBFmnR5EgZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 08 2014
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