Sonarqube install in your local windows machine

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hi all today we will see how to install sonar cube in our windows desktop machine so open your browser type sonar queue and press enter so with a list select sonarqube now click on downloads here we have a community version so we'll install this community version so give download from here so it's getting downloaded just few minutes so this will be the step one of downloading sonarqube we need to do two downloads one is just sonar key another one is a sonar scanner okay this is done so next we will go to sonos scanner download just type sonos can download for windows so you will get a link like this in description i will give this links don't worry but anyway i'll just give you the suggestion here from windows 64 select windows 64 bit and just click download so it will get downloaded yeah it's download enough so now we have downloaded both uh sonar cube as well as on our scanner will extract these files in the local path itself just like click and give extract all let it be sonar i'll just change to solar cube just q extract striking the files for us okay done the same way we will do for this scholars scanner also sonar scanner also just change the name to sonos scanner and give extract yeah it's done now yeah now we will copy these files to our c drive i'll create a folder i have already created folder called software in it so i'll just paste this here so i've done both the files so i have pasted both the extracts to this particular folder now now we'll go for the configuration change so just click on this go to config go to solar so just you can scroll down so here you can just scroll down to see that it will show us yeah sonar vapor so remove the comment change report from nine zero nine thousand to nine zero nine nine the reason behind this nine zero nine nine nine zero zero zero is already in use in your system so we will change it to a nine zero nine nine and just only this the single change will save this file now nothing else need to be changed just will you save so once we have saved this file we will have to change the same for scanner also so in scanner we will go there so this what it does is it scans the content the code and sends the result to the sonarqube so here also we need to change it for uploading so just we will edit this and change the localhost as 9000 to 9099 and save the fact so once this is done you can go to sonar queue go to bin directory in that you will see windows site windows and you start scanner so you can see start spanner just click on it so this will start your sonar cube on your local motion you take a little bit of time just wait for some time yeah okay at the meantime we will open it in our browser to check whether it is started executing so we will give localhost 9099 so our cube is starting see we can see that this starting here let's wait wow sorry keep us up now it is done just click on the home page so here you will get the username ask prompt for your username and password the default username is admin password is admin just log in first time when you log in it will ask you to change the password so i'll just close this so old password is nothing but admin and the new password whatever password you want to keep so default password will be admin admin so whatever the new password you want to change you can change it this will be the first screen which you will get first let's create changed the password and i give update so now it is ready so you can uh take it directly from you can do a project for direct gitlab or get github or a bit bucket or you can set the project manually also here we will try to set the project manually so you can use the existing thing so this screen is in project stream so now we will go to manually here i create a project say let it be ttg php 3g php i'll give setup so this will be the project name and the project key is okay now we'll go for setting up the locally so to run sona scanner from your local machine so what you'll do we will select locally and it is asking for token so just let it be the same give generate it is providing a token continue choose others python php just click on it select windows machine from this okay now you get the code for sonar scanner to execute in the command line form so just go and copy this you can just copy this okay now go open a new terminal so existing terminal editing so just open a new terminal so command prompt so we need to go to that software directory cd slash cd software and we will enter into the sonar scanner directory so c contents so we get the dirty list here now we'll give series sonar scanner just enter this you need to go to the bin directory so cd bin now paste ctrl v so here you can see the bat file so you just paste ctrl v first you need to change the source directory where the code is so my code is in c drive software code is my part so i change it to c colon software software and i give it as code now i just press the enter but by doing this we will get an issue i'll let you know so first we will face that issue so it is running so we have got uh executed successfully now when we come to the local host we can see that background job is running what is doing whatever the scan files is it is sending to the server yeah now this files are sent now you can see that the main branch has no code so this is so just add sonar project based directory at the end of the paste so i will add this also in the description so that you will be easy to do so now it has started to execute and it has started to running it will take some time yeah you just don't know now open your browser to see the report so here yeah you get the report so this is how the report is created you can go in detail and check individuals okay thank you
Channel: Mr.Expert
Views: 35,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonarqube tutorial, sonarqube, developer, code, code quality, local code scanner, windows, install, how to install sonarqube, sonarqube tutorial for beginners, sonarqube tutorials
Id: bnIvlnu_YL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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