Somebody That I Used To Know - Pentatonix (Gotye cover)
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Channel: Pentatonix
Views: 74,585,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotye, Somebody That I Used To Know, Kimbra, Pentatonix, Kevin Olusola, Arlington, Texas, Mitch Grassi, Avi Kaplan, Scott Hoying, Kirstie Maldonado, Sing-Off, Season Three, A Cappella, Acapella, A capella, Shawn Stockman, Boys II Men, Boyz II Men, Sara Bareilles, Ben Folds, Ben Folds Five, Nick Lachey, Afro Blue, Delilah, Vocal Point, Backbeats, cellobox, cello, beatbox, Harmony, Singing Competition, Reality TV, Dubstep, The X-factor, The Voice
Id: hOKuAigsrec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Opened this in a separate tab. Listening, not watching, really getting into it. Clicked on the tab, saw a bunch of lurching wankers, magic lost.
Their body movement and gesticulation ruined it for me. Better without the video
Striped shirt guy has a better falsetto than the girl has a singing voice. . . baller
Came for Elliott Smith, didn't leave disappointed.
Most of the other stuff this group (Pentatonix) has done is much better. Check out their version of "Video Killed the Radio Star."
I would have preferred a mp3... the whole "shake the camera to the beat" thing got old real fast.
Besides, this cover is WAY better.
I like this video of them doing a cover of Moves Like Jagger. It looks like they're really having fun.
Something about that asymmetric smile of hers is cute beyond words.
Is it just me or are they heavily auto-tuned?
Am I the only one left who hasn't tried to cover this song?