Some Handy Hints for Horsemen 1

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all right folks I just wanted to get you caught up I know everybody's sick of winter and uh relatively speaking so are we but um my friend Sean made this bosal for me it's a half inch and I really like it and uh the bossa one that's when it's made correctly you want it to kind of fit like a hat and so there's no daylight around on this one there's just enough room in here for my hanger and then it lays flat against the muzzle the drop is that is is less now here's the drop okay that collection is starting there it is okay that's with just fingering this playing with it there so in other words he's not intimidated by it he's not threatened by it and he's not running through it so I want to thank Sean because that was and it's amazing how people can do this anyway but he did a good job and we're going to cover a lot of subjects here real quick and there's different things that keep coming up and a lot of them have to do with tradition versus real um things people don't have any idea about and they're curious and as you know by now we've been at this long enough where we've got people that like to trail ride and some cowboys and that's the perfect clientele for me that's the perfect group to watch this whatever you call that because then we don't have to deal with Riff Raff so I appreciate that but something I do I tend to take my knife to everything I own and a way to lock down the Latigo if you're like me and you you choose it is to just take your pocket knife and cut a slit in your saddle and what really happens is that I can hide this tail of this Latigo now and it's again a bite it's got a bite on it and then I don't have anything up here and there's nothing wrong with anywhere you want to put it I'm just uh Deb's reminded me that I take a lot of things for granted and I just I've got this on my other saddle and I really like it so there you go now the for these folks that are grazers that are really interested in the grazing I'll show you the secret tool steal it from your wife that's a meat thermometer no it's a bread thermometer it's a bread thermometer so if you need to get bread this is what you use and check the temperature so I checked the temperature of the ground and if it's 47 degrees and going up it means I'm on my way so you have a window between 47 and 57 degrees of the Earth and you can just basically Ride Along get off stick it in the dirt it kind of gives you an idea where you're at on your range and the other option is just pay attention but I'm just telling you there's a tool if you want to uh use it [Music] now the Latigo the Billet you off Billet I want to show you something well I know it's on the other horse anyway this pretty well covers what I need to talk to about this horse but while I'm standing here there's a deal about branding irons and a lot of folks Europe over here they don't know anything about branding irons or how it works or anything so I want to show you something this is called an open Iron that's a CV okay the reason we like open Brands is because that c all the heat is equally distributed and it's not too hot inside outside anywhere on this V the hottest point on it is the bottom of the V so if you saw my Brandon iron you would see there would be an air vent underneath that V part so that the air can get through and then you don't get a circle which is known as a blotch now a lot of people are getting creative with their brands and that's wonderful but I got to tell you these are what we call closed irons and when you make a box and you make this all one iron it turns into what's known as a commemorative stamp if you haven't made a good iron and understand what that means is every corner here is going to burn twice as hot the corner of that g is going to burn twice as hot and having the steel on the inside of this makes it burn from there out there is no problem on this side the r everywhere that there's a 90 degree turn you need to have an air vent right there there there there there and so a lot of us don't prefer closed irons and especially if it's made into one iron there's nothing wrong with having two irons folks so that's my thought of the day for you is that that's open that's closed this is known as a commemorative stamp so to clarify for people who don't know what one two irons would look like you'd have a a box which you could turn into a diamond and you have an R right so you'd have two separate deals each yeah you put the Box on if you're gonna do this then you take it off and you saunter over to the fire and get the G and then put the G on got it but personally if I had this iron I would put a box and then on the right I would put a g be a better arm well to me I just have a they're too busy they're too tight too close too hot so there's my thought of the day and that always breaks up some conversation of people explain to me how I don't know anything and that's fine but I just wanted to share that with you okay folks now we're going to talk about the missing link Snapple and there's people that okay folks now we're done to talk about the missing link snaffle and uh there's it's I'm tickled to death that there's been some chatter about it meaning questions because for a while it was just a novelty and now people are starting to figure out how it actually works but a question that's been brought up that I need to address is that some people are worried that it's too wide and what my feeling is is I want the corner of the mouth and I want to be able to have a space between the ring and the side of the mouth so you can see that space there that's what worries people is they think it's too wide now I'm going to explain to you why I use it and why I designed it that way okay so you can watch this horse because he's not he's never had this in his mouth so it's a novelty when they first put it in but we picked him just so you could see what it looks like when you first put it in their mouth and you'll see the sliding ring how that works where you can pick it up and our friend Peyton and Jennifer in Georgia they they commented that they had a couple horses that were mouthy as in you've we've all seen the horses some of them that come off the track they're real bothered and they stick their tongue way out the side of their mouth and it's a it's a habit it's a nerve thing and they can't keep their mouth quiet so this bit they said work like a pacifier for him and the horse's mouth got quiet and so that's one of the reasons why the bid is what it is the other one is like I talked about is that I just wanted the corner of the mouth I don't make five wrinkles I don't do all that and about a sliding ring one of the advantages of it is that a horse can pick it up okay so later on when I put a solid mouthpiece with a western cheek he's already had a solid mouthpiece with a cricket in it and when he picks it he'll understand about picking it up like he's doing right now but the big deal that I want to talk about today is when you can see the mouthpiece on the side of the head that's what people are concerned about well what it is is a pre-signal and if you'll watch that side of the skull when I pull on the rain the mouthpiece slides and and makes contact what I've found is that all I have to do is start to move the ring and it's because they feel it in their mouth you gotta understand how sensitive A horse is so if you watch the mouthpiece move now the ring is on touching the left side which is how a Snapple works and now pull it the other way in the mouthpiece slides across the mouth about a quarter to a half an inch depending on the horse well that's a pre-signal right there and this way that's never too tight to bother the horse that's the way I designed it so you can call it a New Concept if you want but anybody that's fed with the team has seen this on their on their Snapple uh driving horses I notice a lot more shank bits on driving horses which is an indicator of I don't need to go into but old school guys just use snaffle bits and I noticed there was a space and when you pull the lines the bit would move across the mouth that's where I came up with this idea so that's why you see the side of the bit now I want to show you something about the off Latigo people that buy our saddles on the offside the right side of the saddle there's a lot to go that's not the type of Deb come over here a second this is a regular Latigo you cinch them up you pull the Cinch and you go right and you tuck it in the Bell okay that's fine when I was riding Colts I always had double latigos I had one of these on each side because in the Colt world we all know that it's a real plus to be able to adjust your saddle from either side well I don't ride outside Colts anymore don't start Colts so I've got a regular Billet okay now you can see real easy what I'm talking about here's your off Billet now when we send them to the people it's just in with the saddle so the way it works is you thread it onto your cinch then you put it through the top and back through your cinch so for those of you that think it's too long this is actually how you do it that's the way it's designed oh so I hope that covers that okay folks now we're gonna do the the Rope strap there's a million ways to put a rope on a saddle and if you watch YouTube You'll see every way the known to man and um they call this Oregon Style and even in the Oregon style I've seen it wrap different but it doesn't matter I'm going to show you what we're talking about somebody wanted to know how long the strap was well it's almost to the knee of the horse it seems like it's in fact for most people that's what they don't get about this they're like you don't need a strap that long well I'll show you why we do it there's a reason for everything we do in this particular discipline in the the size of the saddle horn the diameter is too big to grab a hold of if Things Fall Apart so I like this style of holding the Rope on because I can grab my Lariat a lot easier and I can grab my saddle horn and I've noticed over the years no matter what the size of people have grabbed a saddle horn and the horse bucks hard enough they'll break their wrist so there's three wraps going towards the candle that makes four two go around the saddle horn then back to the buckle on the other side okay so now we'll come over here and do the buckle so your Buckle comes out on this side there's that's why it is because you've got the strength of this strap going across here now let's go back over the other side but what we do is we grab the Rope here when we're going down a steep Hiller horse blows up you can it'll give you I don't know extra half a jump before you get dumped anyway but you grab that instead of the saddle horn I grab this all the time I've got a habit of holding it not because I'm scared to death but it's just a habit so after if you were doing wheat pastures under pivots in Amarillo you wouldn't bother with any of this you'd have a piece of rubber or bungee you hook it over the horn and you'd go because you're roping like Bam Bam Bam that's what they do all right us we work by the month so it takes us a while to get everything in order which I don't care but now I made a wrap on this this is a cult deal for you guys that ride Colts I did this so I could keep my rope closer to my saddle and I can grab it if things start to fall apart once again when I grab my rope here I've got the stability of the horn and the strength of the saddle string that's helped me a lot of times because horses crater in the front like guys that ride outside will tell you their horse will trip and start to go down the front end you just grab this rope and lean back and it'll help you and this keeps your rope hard against your leg and not flopping around okay the California style is to have the loop ready to build well if I was on the feed ground or doing a lot of Doctrine in the Corral that's exactly what I'd have on there but when I'm riding outside I make this the same size simply out of practicality I don't want it hanging up on anything just the fact that this doing this is enough for me to be worried about sticking a branch in it so that's how the Oregon style rope strap works and in the Oregon Style this isn't part of it and we're not going to call it the pat style we're just going to say this is something else I do to add for a little more insurance which reminds me is somebody you know we get a lot of emails everybody knows that now I love it but somebody watched a video we made of Doctrine and he made the comment it was the most boring thing you ever saw well I'm kind of proud of that so if you want Razzle Dazzle there's there's all kinds of people on YouTube now but if you want to watch a turtle die just watch How I doctor and you'll see how it's done but that's it are you still filming that's the sound you hear once a horse gets over the novelty of a cricket so he's had it in his mouth 10-15 minutes and that's where he's at now so I like it personally I'm used to crickets I like to hear a curl full of crickets that's pretty darn nice to hear because you know you're riding with some pretty good hands and then nervous anxiety thing about the cricket that's just one of the reasons why the bits designed the way it's designed that's that helps calm a horse down and relax but remember the reason for this bid is about the concept of release stay right there now folks the final question was somebody who's asking about a Spur counter you know this Vulgar Display of wealth belongs to my bride and what you're going to see is that this is a Spur counter the bit is made the boot is made for the bit the excuse me the spur just sit on the ledge we have a strap underneath that's real light leather that will in fact break that is what they don't put on boots anymore I mean they do but you got to go to Alpine Texas or somewhere where there's people that actually work on ranches a lot and you'll find some boots in a small section that have a Spur counter all the rest are that's a leather sole it's not a four-ply neoprene and most of us what we do is when we get off our horse we take our boots off and put on our Farmers shoes and go to the house that's kind of how it works and it it's just a habit and Dwayne Combs over Nevada he had a recliner in his saddle house he could sit down and take his boots off he had a boot Jack and he had his shoes there and always got a kick out of that he was kind of high-end anyway that's why these stir Spurs stay where they belong when you do it right with the correct boot thank you yeah keep video we watch him take this that's a pretty shiny bit this is Deb's new head stall I made here and she didn't want no Buckle near the eye she earned every piece of this bridle she wanted to buckle here instead of here and I get it well if you're got an amble-headed horse like chinaco you're gonna have to have a lot of leather but a regular horse like this you can get away with a short tab off the end and it's basically custom made for this horse but I've always I've always tried real hard which I haven't won had one that didn't do it yet over time was to present a bit to a horse and have them reach down and take it I think that's a polite way to put a bit on a horse and to take it off you let them spit it out okay folks now once again there's your way my way the highway all those funny little sayings you hear this horse doesn't have a remote rain yet he's going he's going to have a rawhide ramal rain when this is over once again he's was he seven come out of Mexico and he's getting transitioned into riding off of your leg okay I don't want him to do the bank robber thing on the B westerns I want him to keep his head quiet and down so we will use a split rain on him until I can transition to a straight up ringer Deb can what we're doing is she he's coming seven so she's got a long time to work with him let me lead him ahead a little bit and show you why and uh to me this is that thing about don't be afraid to take your time so this is the new bit you know watch what his skull does you see my right hand now I'm going to ask him to walk backwards there he's going to search for the release and that made the foot move and watch his ears they moved he's already he's fine with it oh he's got a kick out when I saw Tom Doris's wife get on from the door of the tack room of the trailer I always thought that was pretty cool [Music] the Doris family are like a National Treasure and I don't mean just Tommy bill that whole dang outfit there's just a bunch of really good people they did what they did for the right reasons let me walk around a little bit I've got my left leg on him now I'm going to make contact keep him walking now folks we've been through this before but I want to show you something here I am he's getting used to the bit look right between his ears stay up there dad and you watch the width of my hand is about the same as his mouth and that's why I ride in a flat hand and that's why the ramal rain comes later for me transitioning a horse to a western bit I've been over this before but evidently I need to mention it again if I was to try to teach him everything this way I would waste my time and he would be slinging his head more because I have to do more of this if I can leave my hand flat and if I'll get right between his ears I'll show you I can make my hand do this that's why I ride with a flat head now I'm going to pick up my hand it's on the neck that's neutral I just picked it up I stood up and I asked him to walk backwards now he's watching work it out [Music] I'm going to leave my hand I hope you can see it yeah I'm going to lean back my legs are off he's working out his options option release all right that's a brand new bit that's a way to print to enter to introduce it I think now remember he's been roding a slicer he's been roading the curb bid he was roading Mexico in a curb bed this is a different bit you know we all can hear all the bit stories but it only takes minutes if you'll present this correctly now I'm going to ask him again I need you to walk backwards now options thinking processing made it all the pretty stuff is going to come out the other side later right now I need my body to come out the bottom of his feet it's irrelevant about his head I'm going to show you again now he's I'm going to present my skeleton and he is going to move off of my skeleton which means it's going to come out the bottom of his feet right now there it is that's my point he did that intentionally without me pulling on the bit and the reins okay so now the stuff you're seeing now is the busy part of a horse getting comfortable with a bit which moving right along I think you can appreciate why I hung a spade on chinaco riding outside and let him get comfortable with it without me having anything to do with it now he in fact understands what I want so as I touch the reins and as I raise my hand I will put a dish in my spine take my legs off lean back and exhale laughs I can feel his skeleton loading up this is just an exercise there that's how it starts that's why I ride in a flat hand split reins thank you
Channel: Pat & Deb Puckett
Views: 34,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pat Puckett, The Disciplined Ride, Deb Puckett, Missing Link Snaffle, Horsemanship
Id: Cy36vq6aU-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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