SOLVING the Mystery Behind a Soviet Spy Bug : A True Masterpiece of Technical Elegance!

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in this episode of Machining and Microwaves, I'll  explain in detail how the Great Seal Bug worked   and show you the design of the replicas I made  there'll also be a bit of ... and even some ... as   a sneak preview of how I machined the replicas.  As I explained in an earlier episode, the famous   Bug was found in the U.S Ambassador's residence in  Moscow in 1952. it had been eavesdropping on the   top secret conversations in his study since the  spring of 1945. The Bug has no battery, no power   supply and no active components. Let's have a look  at what the bug looks like. There's a cylindrical   metal body a little under an inch in diameter and  three quarters of an inch long with a thin round   rod sticking out of the side the throttle has  a threaded end and fits through a plastic bush   with an internal thread. The rod's two millimeters  diameter and the threads are 0.4 millimeter pitch   in Imperial that's about 64 teeth per banana. On  one end there's a grille with eight pierced holes   around a central round hole on the other end  there's a plane cap under the grille there's a   thin metal membrane fixed to a threaded bronze  ring. Inside the cylinder there's a part with a   central post that's formed into a wide threaded rim  at one end and a small flat grooved disc at the   other. The threaded rim fits into an internally  threaded section inside the cylindrical body   The post's two millimeters diameter and the disc  is six millimeters across. The internal thread is   an M20 by 0.5, so about 50 TPI. Apart from the  plastic bush and a flat ended metal disc on the   inside of that long two millimeter rod, that's all  there is. No active parts, no wires, no trickery of   any sort. To an untrained eye how on earth could  that be a bugging device? Have you ever seen the   demonstration where a singer belts out a loud high  note towards a crystal wine glass? If the note's   exactly correct, the glass vibrates very strongly  as it absorbs energy from the vibrations created   in the air by the singer's voice. It can even  shatter if the singer is loud and exactly in tune   That's a mechanical vibration. The exact note where  the sympathetic vibration is at a maximum depends   on the density of the glass, its dimensions  and its stiffness. How sharp the resonance is   and how long the glass continues to resonate  depend on the material the glass is made from   Individual atoms in the glass don't move much  but the bulk effect of all those tiny movements   at atomic level combine together, and the result is  quite a loud ringing at resonance. Now if you take   a thin metal rod hanging from a fine insulated  thread and expose it to a radio wave at just   the right frequency, it'll pick up energy from the  electromagnetic field of the wave. There isn't any   need for air to be there, it's not a mechanical  vibration, it's electric and magnetic fields  changing intensity very fast. The rod intercepts  those fields in a similar way to how the wine   glass intercepts the sound waves, so instead of  a physical vibration, electrical currents start   to flow in sympathy as the electrons in the  rod are pushed around by the changing field   They don't move far, same as the atoms in the  glass don't move much. As the electrons start   to move they generate a magnetic field. Now the  combination of changing electric and magnetic   field in the rod means it behaves just like a  radio transmitting aerial, and it will radiate energy   But wait! Where did that energy come from? Well, it  was supplied by the incoming electromagnetic   field. So surely they cancel out? What actually  happens is the two fields are superimposed, but   they don't cancel. There might be cancellation at  some specific points, but let's imagine you send a   radio beam up a narrow street of tall houses. You  suspend your aerial rod vertically in the centre   of a crossroad junction. The rod gets immersed in  the electromagnetic field of the radio beam. Those   houses are made of material that soaks up radio  energy which is why I could never get a cell phone   signal inside my house which is made from damp  bricks held together with custard. (Creme Anglais)   for those living in civilized parts of the world.  The rod absorbs energy from the electromagnetic   field and generates its own field. As a result,  the rest of the radio wave energy disappears   straight on from the junction and eventually... Oh  wait. If there are any flat earthers (or in these   political correct times perhaps I should say  terrestrial globularity deniers?) watching please   cover your ears. Eventually it dissipates  or it goes into deep space as it carries   on while the curvature of the Earth drops  away. OK, uncover your ears Flerfers! Hello ???? Now let's see what happens if the rod isn't  there. There's still a bit of diffraction at   the junction and a little of the incident  radio signal leaks around the corner into   the side street, but it's significantly less  and there's some deep nulls with no signal   Comparing the steady state fields with  and without the rod shows clearly that   the rod's making a significant contribution to  the signal down the side street as we'd expect   Now think about what happens if we set up a  radio receiver down the road that crosses at   the junction. It can't see the signal from  the transmitter but it can see the rod and   it can receive some of the energy that the rod  re-emitted. OK, ok, in the real world you'd   get some reflections and some direct signal but  if nothing in town is moving, all the reflections   and direct leakage will superimpose. They might  look like this on a graph of power against   time. All different amplitudes and phases. By some  trigonometric magic, a combination of sine waves   with the same frequency but different amplitudes  and phases will combine into a single signal   I have a wonderful mathematical proof of that but  this margin is too narrow to contain it. The phase   of that combined signal will be fixed so long as  nobody moves anything, so if you collect some of it   on a separate antenna and adjust the delay and the  amount of signal you could cancel out most of the   direct signal you see on the main receive antenna.  It's a similar idea to the way noise cancelling   headphones work, except they do all the maths  and fiddling for you. In a perfect world where   the transmitter's hidden from the receiver, but the  rod is visible to both, you can adjust your receiver   to hear mostly the re-transmitted signal. Not much  use so far but imagine for a moment that you could   stretch and compress the rod so the resonant  frequency can be moved up and down a little   As you change the length of the rod, the amount of  energy it harvests from the radio wave changes, as   does the resulting re-radiation. Now if you could  change the length of the rod thousands of times a   second you could use it to apply audio modulation  to the re-transmitted signal. There's a problem   with a simple straight rod, though it's not  sharply resonant. Unlike a wine glass, it resonates   poorly over several percent of its central peak.  Part of that's because it re-radiates the energy   it receives very effectively, assuming there are  no other losses. In reality, all practical materials   do have a bit of loss, but it's negligible for a copper or silver rod in free space   To make a really sharp and efficient resonator  we'll have to move to a different arrangement.   If you've got a short cylinder, blanked off at one end,  and you fix a thin rod to the end plate, you can   make a resonator that doesn't radiate its energy  away. If you shorten the cylinder and rod it'll   resonate at a much higher frequency. One way to  move the resonance back down is to fit a disc to   the free end of the rod and fit a plate over the  open end of the cylinder. The small gap between the   disc and the plate can store electric charge and  then release it. It does that by concentrating the   electric field much more tightly than where the  rod's just sitting in the open end of the tube.   The effect is called Capacitance. Capacitors  are used in almost all electronic equipment   but they usually have tiny gaps and large surface  areas. Often they're made from foil sheets folded   or rolled up with insulating material between  them to concentrate the field even more. Using   a shortish cylinder and rod and adjusting the gap  to be REALLY tiny, that extra capacitance can pull   the resonance down to a fraction of what it would  otherwise be. Shortening the cylinder also reduces   conduction losses, and as a result, the cavity  can have an extremely narrow resonance bandwidth,   hundreds of times sharper than the rod in free  space. Sadly a closed cavity is no use to anyone.   We need a way to get some electromagnetic wave  energy INSIDE the resonator so it can ... resonate   So how about we drill a hole in the side and poke  our suspended rod into the cavity so the rod end is   fairly close to the central post. A bit of the  electric field from the free end of the rod will   couple with the post, but it won't be a very strong  coupling, so let's put a flat disc on the end of   the rod to increase the area between it and the  post. Now more of the energy in the rod can couple   into the cavity. The energy swills back and forth  like water in a bathtub, making larger and larger   waves, but of course the energy is also coupled  back to the rod and excites a larger oscillation   in it. As before, most of the energy that's  coupled into the cavity resonance is re-radiated   from the rod, however the effect of coupling the  rod to the cavity means that the sharpness of   the resonance in the rod is increased enormously,  while that of the cavity is flattened out a bit.  If you change the gap between the post and  the disc on the end of the rod, the amount   of coupling can be adjusted. Now unfortunately  that also changes the tuning of the cavity and   the rod, so getting the gap, the length of the  rod, and the gap at the free end of the post   all adjusted is hugely fiddly. SIX hours and  FIVE coffees it took me the first time I tried!   So far we still don't have anything useful.  We need to find a way to adjust the resonance   using a sound wave vibrating something like in  a microphone. Spookily enough there's a type of   microphone which uses a stretched conductive foil  spaced a tiny distance from a plate with a cavity   behind it. As sound waves hit the foil it vibrates  back and forth in sympathy with the air molecules   It's known as a "Condenser microphone". Condenser  is an old name for a capacitor! How convenient.  Remember we've got a capacitor formed by  the gap between the top of the post and   the plate at the open end of the cavity? Well,  what would happen if we remove the plate and   stretch a very thin foil across the end instead?  Assuming we stay very very quiet and the foil's   a good conductor at a thousand megahertz like  the plate was, nothing will change. The Q factor   will be the same, the resonance will be the  same, the re-radiated signal will be the same.   Now, if the foil moves a little towards the disc on  the resonator post, that increases the value of the   capacitance at the end of the cavity. The resonant  frequency falls a little because of Physics .  If the foil moves away from the disc,  the resonant frequency rises a little   Imagine we ask our opera diva to sing a note at  the unfortunate wine glass a tiny fraction of   a semitone too high. The glass won't resonate as  much as when they're on the correct note. If they   move the note up a tiny bit more, the amount of  the glass resonates will be even less. Conversely,   if they change their strident yelling down to a  slightly lower note, the glass will vibrate like billy-oh.  Interesting. Let's tune our Bug to exactly  a thousand megahertz and check the response over a   few hundred kilohertz either side. It looks like  the Q Factor is about 1000, with about   1 Megahertz bandwidth at the half power points. Apply  a steady radio signal at 1000 Megahertz and   check we're at the peak. Now let's tune the bug  300 kilohertz down in frequency to 999.7 Megahertz   The amplitude's about half what it was at the peak  frequency. When a sound wave arrives and increases   the pressure on the diaphragm above average, it  pushes it towards the disc on the resonator post   That reduces the resonant frequency down to  perhaps 999.6 Megahertz and the amplitude of   the oscillation falls a little more as we slide  further down the slope of that resonance curve.   A thousandth of a second later though the  air pressure drops below average and the   resonance shifts up to maybe 999.8 Megahertz,  so the amplitude of the resonance increases.   That variation in the amplitude of the resonance  varies with the sound waves arriving at the foil.   The re-radiated energy also varies in the same  proportion. The effect of the variations means   that re-radiated signal has the audio signal  impressed on it as a few percent of Amplitude   Modulation, just like a really terrible sound  engineer might produce on a broadcast AM radio   station, You know, the type we have here that  plays BOTH types of music. Country AND Western! The re-radiated signal also carries some phase  modulation. For hugely complicated mathematical   reasons that's a Good Thing. Now instead of a town  with a crossroads, let's install our transmitting   equipment in a building over the road from the  Ambassador's residence at 10 Spasopeskovskaya   Square in Moscow, and the receive equipment  in a different building off to the side. We'll   arrange for some washing (laundry) to be hung out on  the balconies regularly and make the place look as   normal as possible. The transmitter setup isn't  documented but it should have been simple enough,   just a plain continuous carrier at around 1 GHz with nothing clever apart from good   frequency stability, a stable power supply, and  careful control over amplitude and phase noise.   In 1945. In Moscow. During a long and hard war. It  could have been an injection locked Klystron or   perhaps a UHF tube above its normal limits. I  don't see a suitable vacuum tube in any of the   list of parts made by Svetlana or the other  makers in Russia, so I'll have to defer to   those with more knowledge of thermionic device  history in 1940s Russia to fill in the details, The receiver was probably a Homodyne. If they  picked up a sample of the illuminating signal from   a sensing antenna as I described before, it could  certainly be used as a coherent local oscillator   and, mixed in with the receive signal, tweaked a lot  in phase and amplitude to get the best audio response   I guess they'd have a cabled intercom  to the transmitter site for talkback  liaison or perhaps a telephone to get  the transmit frequency and antenna   alignment optimized, as well as fiddling  with the receiver settings and antenna setup   It's certainly possible to use a modern AM  receiver but local oscillator phase noise   and frequency stability would have been big  issues back in the 1940s. The homodyne might   lack sensitivity, but you just need to make  up for that by using a bit more power at the   transmit site, or higher gain antennas. Helicals and  Yagi-Uda antennas were certainly known at the time.   In a homodyne, the mixer diode operates in  its square law region of forward conduction,   performing a multiplication of the wanted signal  and the unmodulated carrier that results in some   components at the original audio frequency  being produced by the diode. You need to pass   the mixer output through a diplexer and low-pass  filter to extract the audio signal that carries   useful voice traffic. Perhaps from 200 to 3000  Hertz. You also need infinite patience to adjust   all the different parameters as they change  with humidity, temperature, people moving in   the room, foliage moving in the wind, noises from  pipe work and all sorts of other metal objects.   Right that's a very simplified but reasonably  accurate description of what's going on in the   Great Seal Bug system. If you're still with me,  take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on   the back. Now a proper YouTuber would give you a  Zen moment with an ASMR ambient soundscape and   floaty pastel images of wildflower meadows and  nectar-tipsy bees. However it's still March here   in Yorkshire. The wildflower meadow is muddy. It's  raining and blowing a hoolie out, there so I'll   give you a mug shot of one of my Chihuahuas  instead. She's a very nice Chihuahua but I   understand completely if your Meridian Response  isn't being very Autonomously Sensory right now.   As a quick teaser for the upcoming Machining  and Metrology episode here's a bit of calming   lathe work making one of the end covers, I made up  some precise gauge pins to get the fit absolutely   perfect. The original findings from the naval  laboratory and FBI led to the conclusion that   heavy press tooling was used to form the end  covers. Any half decent clockmaker or machinist   would have been able to turn them, but as we don't  have the originals we aren't going to find out. As I mentioned, the thickness of the original  membrane was reported variously as anything   from 7 to 75 micrometers. Now at one gigahertz,  the skin depth where RF currents in silver   drop to 1/e or around 37 percent  is two micrometres. Nickel is a terrible   conductor of RF as it's ferromagnetic. The  RF field lines are forced even closer to   the surface than they would be in silver and  the bulk resistivity is also considerably   higher, so the skin depth is tiny and the  RF resistance losses are huge. To get best   performance, around six skin depths of highly  conductive plating is needed. At six skin depths   the current is reduced by a factor of 0.37 to the  power 6 - about 0.2 percent of that at the surface.  That rather indicated that the silver layer  would need to be around 10 micrometers, so a   thicker nickel foil would appear to make sense , but it's less than ideal from an acoustic and   mechanical perspective. I decided to go with a 10  micrometer copper foil, stretching it radially to   work-harden it on a special jig. see links in the  description to the membrane stretcher videos I found that the best results were around  950 megahertz but because of licensing   restrictions for transmissions in the UK, I had to  do the demonstration at 1.3 gigahertz. That   meant making a slightly shorter model for  the demo to maintain the same performance.   The external antenna rod is supported in  a threaded polystyrene insulating bush   that keeps it rigid, as well as being a  good dielectric insulator. There are some   interesting questions about how the material was  sourced. I haven't got any definite verification   of this, but I suspect it may have come from IG  Farben who, amongst other things, made Zyklon B.   They were involved in technology transfers to  the Russian State during the Molotov-Ribbentrop   non-aggression pact that ended on 22nd of June  1941 at the start of the Great Patriotic War   The material I used was from a  donation by a subscriber - thanks Pete   It dates from the early 1960s, but should  have identical properties to the original   I made the first bodies out of brass rather  than copper because I wanted to check how   tricky the machining would be. The threads  are 0.5 millimeter pitch and proved to be   very straightforward to cut in brass. The  bug I used for the live demonstration was   made from horrible gummy C101 copper, which  is a little more... challenging to machine   The original was polished internally and silver  plated. I reasoned that the performance would be   almost as good with no plating but that it would  degrade over time, so for the purposes of the demo   I didn't bother plating the bodies or resonators. You could argue that a silver plated surface   would allow a better electrical connection  between the resonator thread and the body as   compared with bare copper, but in reality there's  a large capacitance between the two parts across   the threads, and the impedance is very low as a  result, whether or not there's a good DC contact I would imagine that in the original the  plating was made such that it gave a good   tight fit and with silver being relatively  soft and slightly self-lubricating like gold,  it would probably have made rather a  good running fit with zero clearance.   The half millimeter bleed hole from front  to back made perfectly good sense because   if you slam a door in the room where the bug's  installed you don't want that sudden pressure   wave to overwhelm the diaphragm and short it out.  I used a tiny long-series drill to make the hole,   but they probably used a spade bit. Perhaps one  day I'll make a 0.5 millimeter spade bit to try.   The long narrow hole effectively creates a sort  of mechanical audio high pass filter, so the   response below a few Hertz will be severely  reduced and a sudden surge wouldn't be able   to compress the diaphragm very far unless  it was very very sharp and instantaneous.   Closing a door doesn't usually create a huge over- pressure anyway. Tests have been done to measure   the over-pressure from doors closing, and there  are components up only as far as a few Hertz in a   large furnished room like the study at Spaso House.  So let's think about the movement of the diaphragm,   With our one kilohertz signal at 40 dB sound  pressure level, the air molecules are moving   back and forth with about 10 nanometers of peak  amplitude. The capacitance between the resonator   and the diaphragm varies according to the  reciprocal of the spacing. With a 25 micrometer Gap   - that's about one thou (or one mil) - and a six mm  diameter post, the capacitance is epsilon nought   times the area over the spacing. That's only  approximately true where the discs are the   same size. "With a small disk near a large membrane  the analytic solution is much more complex because   of asymmetric equipotential lines, although given  how rough your measurements usually end up, it'll   probably do" She's not wrong! However as I'd removed  almost half of the surface to a depth of half a   millimeter, the result is probably closer to seven  picofarads, including some fringing effects.   The CIA report from 1955 included some  measurements carried out on a copy of the   Bug. They sliced the body in half and fitted a  polystyrene insulating ring into the annular gap   and then readjusted the resonator for the same one  mil or 25 micrometer spacing from the diaphragm.   They used a Boonton 160A Q-meter at a frequency  way below resonance. I think they're rated to 75   MHz and measured a capacitance of 10 pF, although of course they called them   micro-microfarads. It's not clear whether they  zeroed out the capacitance of the new gap when   setting up the Q meter. If the polystyrene was a  sixteenth of an inch thick, say 1.6 millimeters, the   capacitance would be Epsilon naught times the  relative permittivity of polystyrene which is   about 2.6, times the surface area of the cut face,  divided by the thickness of the ring. That's about   2.2 picofarads and rather suggests that their  measurement could indeed include the strays   from that gap. I'd have removed the diaphragm  and zeroed the bridge so the measurement only   included the membrane to resonate to capacitance,  but it isn't clear whether that's what they did.   I'd have recorded my methods too, to remove any  ambiguity. Sorry that's Professional Neil inside my   head, getting all fired up about techies and their  terrible documentation skills. Deep breath Neil. Needless to say, in a future video I'll be  slicing one of my replicas in half and testing   the capacitance using a modern Vector Network  Analyzer. HEY! if you subscribed and enabled   notifications you'd be the first to find out when  that's published! Of course if you really want to   get on the inside track of what I'm working on,  you could consider joining my Patreon page and   receiving the twice monthly newsletter and some  previews and outtakes, or get access to my private   Discord discussion server to help me with ideas  on which projects to do next. The Link's in the   description and on a card at the top right of the  screen. You can view those cards at any time during   the video. Right! now we know the capacitance of  the resonator to the membrane, how do we find the   resonant frequency? Well, any tuned circuit has  a resonant frequency inversely proportional to   the square root of the capacitance times the  inductance. The exact equation is on the screen. There is an analytic solution to find the  inductance of a thin rod in a round coaxial   cavity, so we could start with that to get a  ballpark figure for the inductance. We need to   take into account the changing diameter of the rod  and the end effects, but it's a good starting point   If you've got a coaxial line of length a with a  central rod with an outside diameter of little d   in a tube with an internal diameter of Big D the  inductance is just mu nought times the length over   2 pi times the natural log of the ratio of Big D  to little d. The CIA report shows this incorrectly   by the way. Their equation would show a negative  inductance, which is a wild concept that makes my   brain rattle. Plugging in the values with a length  of 15.5 millimeters and a resonator shaft diameter   of 2.2 millimeters and the body ID of 19.53  millimeters the inductance works out at 2.9   nanohenries Taking the end effects and strays into  counts it's probably more like 2.5 nanohenries   Putting that value into the equation for  the resonant frequency with 10 picofarad   capacitance suggests a thousand and six  megahertz as the result plus or minus a   lot for the fiddle factors. My original test  seemed to perform best at 960 megahertz which   is spectacularly close to the calculated  values, but it certainly wasn't by design   I was still influenced by all the disinformation  I'd read (!), so I had no idea,. Still like a good   Engineer, I recorded my findings even if I  thought they were Wronger than a Wrong Thing   Now the CIA lab did some careful checks to see  how the resonance changed with the spacing of   the diaphragm. They marked 64 divisions around  the back face of the resonator and put a fixed   mark on the body then they tweaked the resonator  in tiny steps of a quarter of a division, always   in the same direction to remove any  backlash. That's 256 steps per rotation   The original and my replicas have half  millimeter thread pitch which is 50.8   threads per inch, but the model they were using  had a 48 TPI thread which is reasonably close.   Each quarter division represented a  resonator spacing change of about 80 micro inches. Their graph shows the variation  of response to a fixed signal versus spacing   I marked out 60 increments on one of my resonators  using a rotary table one of my ticks represents   8.3 micrometers of resonator gap change, so with  it resonated at 960 MHz, it was at three   ticks from the contact point. I used a nano VNA and  a pickup loop to look for movement of the dip at   resonance. Half a division of rotation moved  it from 960 to 1030 megahertz sort of roughly 70   megahertz from a 4.16 micrometer change so 17  megahertz per micrometer as a measured result   Assuming the spacing's 25 micrometers the  capacitance changes by a factor of 26/25   or 4 for that one micrometer move as the resonant  frequency is inversely proportional to the square   root of the capacitance it'll change by about  two percent or 19.6 megahertz I think that's   good enough given the huge uncertainties and  approximations involved. The resonance varied   with temperature and I had to use some thread  lock to keep it completely stable against physical   movement. I imagine the nkvd team would have to  get used to varying frequency with temperature   and humidity changes, but with a telephone link  between the transmitter and the receiver it   would have been simply enough to tweak things for  a maximum performance at the start of each session   if the story about the caretaker's empty room is  true then perhaps he would know when someone's   in the study and informed the operations team  that it was time to fire up Zlatoust. I'll try   to include the fine detail of my measurement setup  in a future video on this channel or perhaps I'll   simply upload the raw footage and commentary on  my second Channel Machining and Microwaves Plus   The links in the description as proper  YouTubers would say. Thanks for watching,   and thanks to my excellent Patreon supporters  for helping me to make more videos. Next in this   series will be the Great Seal Bug Machining  and Metrology episode, which will be up THERE
Channel: Machining and Microwaves
Views: 393,281
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Keywords: manim, microwave, microwaves, machining, lathe, fusion360, great seal, eavesdropping device, bugging device, nkvd, leon theremin, theremin, EM solver, openEMS, GNU Octave, spies, spying, bugging, eavesdropping, espionage, bugs, zlatoust, artek, Termen, Theremin, sharaska, listening device, spy, bug detector, Hannah Fry, secret genius of modern life, secret genius of modern life bbc, secret genius, secret genius bank card
Id: NLDpWrwijE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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