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[Music] one of the biggest mysteries in Five Nights at Freddy's security breach and something the game teases almost constantly throughout the playthrough where is glamrock Bonnie the community has done a fantastic job so far but it's not 100% solved and it gets even more confusing in ruin because they give us this so we don't have our 100% definitive solved answer well that is until today and that's where I come in I do not come up here anymore I miss him now C your minds back to security breach where we have one basic full image of him in Bonnie ball and a drawing from a kid and that's basically all we have to go on that is it but we do have the entire Bonny Bowl area and some messages from the staff such as this security report which says 12:24 a.m. Bonnie is seen leaving The Green Room in Rockstar row heading east towards the auditorium 2:40 a.m. Bonnie enters East arcade 4:12 a.m. Bonnie enters Monty golf very ominous there we also have the ree message which is a management report which says the bowling alley needs a reframe While most of Bonnie art was removed kids keep asking where is Bonnie do we have an official approval response yet this is obviously in response to the other message we have which is a management report which says Bonnie is out of commission we are making M the new base player parts and servers already done the proper adjustments this could be a good thing Monty could be even more popular than Bonnie so from that string there we already know that Bonnie was operational he was in the band and something really bad must have happened to him well we know something really bad must have happened to him because we see him in ruin but did Monty actually scrap Bonnie to take his spot in the band I mean he was last seen heading towards Monty golf but we find his body in ruin in Bonny bowl and we also know from the vany ending after credit scene that Monty is happy to even abser even Freddy and become the face of the new band because we see in that finale a news paper clipping of Monty becoming the band's lead singer so it's not difficult to imagine that he could and would kill for a better spot but is this what actually happened now there's also a theory that vany could have actually killed vanney because vany has seemingly been resurrecting spring trp aka William Aton beneath the pizz Plex now it's never divulged how vany managed to accomplish this but it stands to reason that decommissioning Bonnie could potentially play a part of the process Aton is known for being trapped in the spring lock BN suit after all so perhaps vany used elements of glamrock Bonnie's Exo Suit to construct aton's new form now I don't think that is the case or the answer to what happened to Bonney at all and here's why cuz in ruin we do obviously see Bonney as you can see here there's a broken bowling ball above his head we'll come back to later and also his eyes are still on another thing we will come back to later but the main thing about vany decommissioning Bonnie which doesn't stand right is the fact that he still has nearly all of his animatronic parts and not to mention when you do see burn trap Willam Aton he also has his old body inside that suit them two points just on their own proves the fact that vany did not kill Bonnie so who did and was he actually dead because as I said just a moment ago his eyes are actually on when we find him in ruin and they only fully got out after we decommission all the pat pants but that's something I will talk about later further to this there's even more questions which need answering such as what actually happened to his hands as he's seen here with his hand but originally we know they took off his old hands to give to Monty because they were used to play the base so why would they replace his hands if he was dead and how come no worker would have found him in this room in the pizza Plex I mean they just leave him there on the floor abandoned now one of the theories out there on the internet at the moment is that Monty didn't kill Barney and the fact of the matter is that it was actually the Prototype Freddy functional now let me explain the theory is that Monty had no animosity or aggression towards Bonnie and all of it was directed towards Freddy now there is evidence to back that up in the game and in ruin but there is no evidence to back up that this prototype Freddy would kill Bonnie there is no motive or no real evidence so we're going to discard that one today so what culprits do we have left and what connection is that to the pat pat Bots well we obviously still have Monty on the table we still have vy/ Vanessa and we also have Roxy believe it or not now we know Freddy and Bonnie were extremely close I mean extremely there was a poster in The Green Room which says you and me forever and ever always now it is Cannon that their boyfriend and boyfriend that is Cannon I don't make them rules that's the cannon stuff so it is possible that the Prototype Freddy got extremely jealous cuz it'd obviously be programmed the same way as Freddy would that it wasn't the main Freddy and sharing that level of relationship and decided to go haywire and attack Bonnie much like we see the original Freddy short circuit because it sees Gregory maybe it's short circuited because he seen Bonnie and all that aggression jealousy came to the front thus killing Bonnie I don't think that is the case though but let's get back on track with these pat pat Bots they are 27 pat pat bots in the game you deactivate them one more spawns in bony Bowl it opens a secret room with another four pat pat Bots inside you deactivate those and Bonnie's lights actually go out signaling he's died so in total there are 32 patpat Bots now there are various theories out there on these patpat Bots some people say they're Bonnie Soul some people say they're the kids Souls some people say they're the staff members Souls all gone into this service equipment now I'm not going to go along any of them theories cuz I don't believe that to be true and there's various Arguments for why but if you want to know all about it Ry toast does a great theory on just that now I'll come back to finish the pat Pats in just one second but I want to touch on something I spoke about earlier and that is the motive for Roxy potentially decommissioning Bonnie now one of the main bits of evidence people say about Roxy killing Bonnie is the fact that she has green Claws and there are green slash marks seen on Bonnie's chassis hence Roxy killing Bonnie it's an actually rather interesting story this way that the most sympathetic animatronic and ruin Roxy ended up causing bonney's death get out of here run now there are several things wrong with our Theory one it is completely out of character for Roxy two is unrealistic three is unsatisfying from a narrative perspective for there's literally no point in doing this besides subverting people's expectations Barney's body seems to have been shattered and sunken a bit to the floor like something grabbed him and slammed him into the ground sometimes the most obvious answer is an actual fact the right one such as Monty or could even be Freddy is less plausible but a narratively tragic but before we finally decide who killed Bonnie let's put them Pat Pats to bed what I personally think the pat Pats are and have a little bit of evidence for is the fact that it's Bonnie he is there in that room he's still alive as indicated by his eyes but he wants to move he wants to get out he wants to warn people of the pizza Plex he tries to reach out into anything close by the pat Pats and that's what he does he's not strong enough to control anything else and there's nothing else nearby so his Essence goes into the pat Pats around the pizz Plex but what happens Cassie comes along she starts deactivating these one by one essentially killing off what is left of Bonnie's Essence until finally she comes to the last pat pat deactivated essentially killing what is left of Bonnie because Bonnie would have no power in that room God knows how long he's been in there he would need a recharge but he's unable to but these service Bots they could go on for days weeks months even hence why he's still alive in these Bots but in extinguishing that last pat pat bot you extinguish the remnants of Bonnie that covers the pat Pats but it doesn't fully explain who actually put Bonnie there in that state what happened to him so let's finalize and box that off as I said earlier when Bonnie was destroyed they tuck his hands SL Claws and gave them to Monty one would have thought that Bonnie would have been left without his hands well that's not entirely true because as we see with the maintenance protocols and procedures in the original game they retrofit Freddy with a complete new hand we see the blueprint of it it's completely new and a brand new hand for Freddy the same would go towards Monty they wouldn't just add clothes from the old Bonnie they would completely upgrade and give him a new hand in retrospective of fitting these new clothes he would need a full complete hand hence why they didn't remove the hands from Bonnie while I really enjoy listening into all the other people's theories and stories and I think this is a great investigation there's simply just too much evidence pointing to it to being Monty so let's finally solve this case in the gondola ride when Monty is making a cyclone with his guitar you can see that the Freddy statue is being beheaded by it but way up at the top there's also a glamrock Bonnie cut out being blown away and we also have the claw marks which are green a lot of people are saying that's roxxy's CLA are you forgetting that Monty is green he would attack Bonnie so violently that he could completely destroyed his own hands in the process let's not forget he would not have had the claws used to play the base at this stage simply his own hands which would leave the residue green paint not from Roxy and in turn is also a great reason for fbe entertainment to go ahead and upgrade Monty's clawes to play the base in reality they don't need a good excuse but that is as good an excuse as any there's also the fact that under Bonnie's body is actually Monty's Gator golf carpet and the big kicker for me is Monty's glasses or Bonnie's glasses in the room with the Freddy and Bonnie Forever on the wall poster you can see the neon Bonnie head logo and it has the same star shape glasses that we see Monty have in security breach Bonnie took them glasses from him after he' killed him Monty had savagely destroyed Bonnie in Monte Gulf and he was in pieces and in order to transport him all in one go he used that carpet he dragged him all the way up to Bonnie bow on that carpet it was easier to drag all those parts on one thing and just replace the carpet as opposed to try and gather up every little bit of Bonnie that's broken off the bowling ball around his head was probably the killing blow my guess is Bonnie's death wasn't pretty and Monty taking the sunglasses is particularly an evil detail which is why I'm inclined to believe he took them rather than him having them assigned to him he took them as a trophy as his trophy and the reason he was taken to Bonnie ball is somewhere no one would ever go if he threw him down into parts and service a technician could find him we see in the other Bonnie bow backstage room that the whole behind the scenes process is automated by staff Bots and they only programmed to report on humans not other Bots which is why you see the pat Pats around him they're programmed to contain a mess with Bonnie's little strength left he decides to go into these Pat Pats to warn people about the pizz Plex to tell people what's actually going on what Monty had done and thus the rest is history and what we explained earlier now don't get me wrong it's not as natively satisfying as some other theories but it is the most logical and has the most evidence but you never know they could pull a fast one on us like they always do and red Cony later if you enjoyed this video hit that like button and subscribe for more Five Nights at Freddy's content I'm Twisty the Twisted animatronic and I'll catch you Superstars later
Channel: Twisted Animatronic
Views: 83,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf security breach, security breach, fnaf, fnaf security breach gameplay, fnaf vhs, fnaf theory, fnaf ruin, fnaf glamrock freddy, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's security breach, fnaf security breach endings, glamrock freddy, foxy, foxy fnaf, fnaf foxy, twisted animatronic, mimic, bonnie, glamrock bonnie, bonnie fnaf, bonnies death, bonnie ruin, fnaf security breach ruin dlc, fnaf security breach ruin
Id: La7GpBp2344
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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