SOLVED: How did Jesus Fulfill the Law?

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hello I'm Chris Greenock here now jesus said I am not come to destroy the law but fulfill it what does that mean what does fulfill the law mean how did Jesus fulfill the law now that's a question that every single Christian must know the answer to you must know the answer to how did Jesus fulfill the law now in order to really understand the scripture properly you must do two things number one is you must look at the full entire scope of Scripture you must look at what everything says you must look at what the whole Bible says and all of Scripture says it what I mean is you can't just take a verse here and a verse there and just kind of make it go against everything else no you got to take the full entire scope of Scripture in order to really understand what Jesus is saying here and number two you got to look at this in the original manuscript language in in this case it's the original Greek so let's get right into this let's look at the very verse that this is based on this is Matthew chapter 5 verse 17 jesus said think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill so once again we got to ask the question what does this really mean what I've heard a lot of people say and I've heard a lot of people you know a lot of people understand that what Jesus basically said in more or less words that he didn't come to destroy the law but he really just come to just kind of gracefully bring it to an end just kind of wrap it up and put it on a shelf he didn't come to destroy it but he just come to just kind of put it away let's look and see if that is exactly what he means here now be a full entire scope of Scripture is one thing we must look at and number two we must look at the original manuscripts the original language the original Greek now let's look at number one the full entire scope of scripture if you know the scripture at all you know that in the law being the Hebrew is Torah and it's commonly known as Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy now we know that in the Torah God said 22 times at least 22 times explicitly he said this is eternal is forever for throughout all your generations this is perpetual this is forever I mean he sent it over and over and over again 22 times now if Jesus come just to kind of wrap the law up so to speak and put it up on a shelf or just kind of gracefully bring it to an end well we have a big problem here because God said many many many times this supposed to be in effect for ever you are supposed to observe this forever it says that explicitly so if Jesus come to just kind of do away with it not destroy it but just kind of put away put it put it aside like now we're entering a new age if that is what if that's the case then God is a liar God is a liar yes you've heard me right if that's the case God is a liar and we know that I don't think there's anybody watching this broadcast that would say oh yes God is alive no I'm pretty sure we'd all say no he isn't life so we got a problem here if Jesus meant that he wouldn't bring it to an end gracefully or that he would just kind of wrap it up and put it on a shelf so to speak and just kind of put it away and now we're in a new age we're not in little age of the law anymore if that's what he meant then God is a liar it's no more no less than that we cannot come to any other conclusion now let's look and what the original manuscripts really say the word that's translated destroy here Oh means to dissolve to disunite to deprive of force to annul to abrogate or discard now I want you to think about this for a minute jesus said I am I am not come to destroy he said I'm not come to just to deprive it of force I'm not come to make it a little bit I'm not come to say oh okay that's not in force anymore I'm not come to a knowledge he's not come to throw it away he's not come to abrogate it which means he's not come to add to the law and he's not come to discard it okay he said it very specifically he's not come to dissolve it to disunite it to deprive it of force to annul it to abrogate it or to discard it now let's look at this word abrogate hasn't a lot of people I'm just going to touch on this and make another whole video about this sometime in the future about the abrogation of law which a lot of people think there is abrogation absolutely not the law again in in the in the Hebrew the law is the Torah and it's commonly known as Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy now it says specifically in the law in the Torah that no one is to add to or take away from that law you cannot add to it you cannot take away from it you can't touch it you just can't touch it that's what it says in the law so if Jesus were to abrogate it to add to it or to take away from it to make it a less force to annul it then he would be a law breaker he would break that law which would make him a sinner and not a Savior so we know that this is completely not the case he did not come to dissolve it to deprive it of force he did not come to annul it he did not come to abrogate it he cannot he did not come to discard it he made that very clear but he said I come to fulfill it so what does that mean let's look at that Greek word that's translated fulfill it's the Greek word play rah which means to render fall to complete to consummate to number to carry into effect to bring to realization to realize matters of duty to perform to execute of sayings promises prophecies to bring to pass to ratify our accomplice to fulfill to cause God's will to be obeyed as it should be okay so let's look at that that's exactly what we get what we have here according to Thayer's greek lexicon okay the most trusted authority in all of Christianity Faiers Greek lexicon it says that this word that's translated fulfill means to cause God's will as made known in the law to be obeyed as it should be now let's look at this again Jesus said I'm not come to dissolve it I'm not come to disunite the law from you I'm not come to deprive it of its force I'm not come to annul it I'm not come to abrogate it I'm not coming to add to it I'm not come to discard the law I'm not come to do any of that but I am come to fulfill it which means I am come to cause God's will as made known in the law to be obeyed as it should be now doesn't that make a whole lot more sense you see a lot of people believe that Jesus was just saying well I'm not come to destroy but I come to fulfill it meaning well I'm not coming to destroy I'm just caught I just come to just kind of put it away gracefully just kind of I'm not going to destroy it just kind of you know just kind of take it up now and just kind of put it on the shelf and now now we're not in the age of the law so now that's kind of past but that's not destroyed the past does that make any sense no it doesn't because number one that makes God a liar and number two that's completely against the original manuscripts in the context the original language here is telling us he come to cause God's will as made known in the law to be obeyed as it should be that is what this verse means my friend no more no less
Channel: Christopher Enoch
Views: 54,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christopher Enoch, Bible, Jesus, God, Christian, teaching, Holy Spirit, anointing, gospel, lord, truth, christianity, word, salvation, holy spirit, bible study, prophet, preaching, pastor, messiah, salvation (Christianity), bible study (Christianity), study, prophecy, law, end of the law, came to fulfil the law, fulfil the law, destroy the law, torah, came to fulfill torah, fulfill torah
Id: SOAd3sGft4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
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