Solve This Coding Problem and Win $200

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this video is sponsored by skillshare more on that later fellow coding youtuber nick white is flying up to chicago so we can ask people on the streets are you a programmer the answer is yes or even if it's no you'll be given a coding question for the chance to win cold hard cash we're going to be giving away hundreds of dollars today to people on the streets if they're able to solve these coding challenges we've put together a handful of questions starting off pretty easy and slowly working our way up the harder the question the more money you'll get so strap in and enjoy the video [Music] so you're a cs major yes okay perfect candidate so you know what to do okay she's confident how fast do you think you can do this all right put 10 seconds on the clock empty string okay i'm gonna like kind of pipe on it okay you said python yeah i can just do like reverse like return reverse no no no no that's off the table dude she's going quick can you walk us through this yeah so i have an empty string okay so is this starting from the end of the ray and working backwards uh basically yeah okay minus zero minus one so it's gonna start from t then a then yeah that's perfect that's the answer good job i'm gonna give you a hundred dollars yeah congratulations how do i check that's real i i don't know i i don't know i don't have the answer but congrats uh good job [Music] you guys know how to code yeah yeah what'd you think it was yeah that's all you need i don't even know where to start okay all right all right if you can solve this coding problem i'll give you a hundred bucks are you a programmer okay okay do you want to give it a shot all right maybe next time maybe not yeah what is your goal here you're gonna sum this 2d array so you're going to iterate through this array you're going to sum up all the numbers and then return the output think you can do that okay probably yeah what language it doesn't matter let's go dude all right so yeah we need a way to keep track of the current sum i like where your head's at so we'll start off initialize our sum to zero i'm doing this in java okay java doesn't work i'm kidding hey we'll start off we need one for loop to loop through the rows and i equals zero and then we'll have another for loop start in the columns sum we will add current index we should just return some check your loop conditions you're right you're right you're right that's it there we go good job man okay i saw this i saw coding and said bro yeah there's a hundred in there oh my god yeah yeah let's go let's go learn programming and make 100 bucks on the street folks are you guys both programmers yourselves yeah we're uh programming youtubers yeah there's no way yeah so it's a it's a bit lower than average programmers you know what i mean so yeah dude that's awesome yeah thank you that was dope that was dope have a good one [Music] how about this i'll give you twenty dollars if you can name four programming languages one person come here minnesota come here this is the man what are the four programming languages fortran cobal c c plus plus there's some old ass programming languages but uh we'll take it [Applause] there you go there's 20. okay c c sharp c plus c plus plus oh you got them all dude there you go 20 let's go math major let's go java python javascript c ruby there you go congratulations 20 bucks really there you go thank you [Music] we're upping the difficulty we're giving away more money the question now is tucson matter of fact i think this is the first question on lee code so let's get it you have to find the two numbers in the array that equal the sum so in this example those two numbers are three and six and the sum is nine i can start a for loop over here i can save the value you could try uh a double for loop maybe oh but okay what are you doing yeah yeah you know it's all good i appreciate you trying here you go here's 20 bucks i'm good thank you thank you thank you i've seen this problem on lead code before but uh it's been a while i yeah it's i've i would use a hashmap okay that's a good answer i can take the number nine and subtract this number from it and try to see uh iterate over the array and see if that other number is there let's say like i have nine yeah i can subtract one from nine and like look for eight in the whole array i can put that into the hash map like eight like hash map of eight equals to one i do it in python yeah python is great python is great what is this er dictionary okay [Music] yeah yeah walk me through it through the array one and if there is any compliment of one to the sun yeah that looks uh looks good good job i need you to get excited can you guys clap yeah there's 100 there's 200. all right man thank you yeah anything you want to say to inspire the millions to inspire the millions yeah start coding early it's never too early to start coding um when did you start coding pretty late but um there's a lot of websites like code academy exactly very easy to learn like is a great courses for like 10 so yeah i think it's like an essential skill everyone should have honestly awesome that's great advice dude yeah thank you for you know trying it out all right so real quick two things one huge shout out to my boy nick white for flying all the way out to chicago and filming this video with me if you want to see us give away more money to more programmers on the streets make sure you check out his channel for that i will put the link for that in the description and two filming all this was made possible by the sponsor of today's video which is skillshare so if you guys don't know skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators with skillshare you're able to explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in your creativity skillshare is really awesome because it has all kinds of classes from productivity to tips for freelancers and even classes on web development and programming so you too can learn how to code and win 100 on the street one great thing about skillshare is that most classes are under 60 minutes with short lessons to fit any schedule a class that i've been taking on skillshare is color correct and color grade like a pro by jordi vandyput so i can really learn how to make my film pop with color skillshare is curated specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you the first 1000 people to use the link in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare so you can explore your creativity thank you so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video if you enjoyed what we did today make sure you drop a like drop a comment and i'll see you on the next one [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Kenny Gunderman
Views: 525,777
Rating: 4.9411693 out of 5
Keywords: coding, coding challenge, software engineer, computer science, programmer, code for money, kenny gunderman, software engineering, software developer, developer, software development, tech, coder, Solve This Coding Question To Win $100
Id: UsnRGo4y5FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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