Solomon's Gold Series - Part 7: Track of the Hebrew to the Philippines. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the god culture where we urge you to challenge tradition as 1st Thessalonians 5:21 tells us prove all things hold fast that which is good we do not intend to be confrontational but to compare what the Bible really says versus the traditions of men which Jesus himself rebuked jesus said to the Pharisees full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition mark 7 9 we are continuing Solomon's gold series with part 7 the track of the Hebrew to the Philippines we have put forth extensive research on this topic and this video especially was quite a challenge as we really wanted to dot our i's and cross our T's we embarked on this journey because we wanted to find out if the Philippines is in addition to matching the Bible history and geography from our search for Solomon's gold thus far actually had some residual elements of Hebrew in some of its names or languages somewhere this would prove further the match of the Philippines with OFIR Sheba Tarshish and ancient Havilah even though we are not necessarily Hebrew scholars we have been able to find more evidence than we could have imagined it seems every facet of this topic that we delve into has an abundance of factual support we did not expect this initially but as we said before we are now 100% convinced that Philippines is in fact the land of Oh fear if you are a Hebrew scholar and you are viewing this series please understand that we are not Hebrew scholars but we are looking for possible links here in our crusade for knowledge in locating Oh fear which we believe to be the Philippines if the Philippines is Oh fear then we believe there should be some connection to Hebrew in some way we believe we have already supported our case conclusively and we are adding this exhaustive study to prove all things on this topic it only takes a few Hebrew references to strengthen our position here and we have found what appeared to be several regardless we apologize in advance as some of our pronunciations may be off but we will not allow that to intimidate us if you are not a Hebrew scholar please understand that you do not require one to conduct your own research there are plenty of cross-referenced websites out there and Strong's Concordance is simple to use if nothing else it may actually be better because these so-called Hebrew scholars have missed all of this in the Bible for thousands of years we will discuss this in detail in another series today we are looking for a connection to heat the Hebrew language in this video especially in place names there is no doubt the Spanish named cities and areas of the Philippines however we believe some Hebrew survived as we will show you the Spanish attempted to even rename areas that were never changed the Filipinos never accepted this renaming by the Spanish as for the Philippines there is far more Hebrew there then most everyone realizes join us as we follow the track of the Hebrew to the Philippines our story begins with the separation of peleg who headed west fathering Abraham Isaac Jacob Israel and Jacques Tania's brother and Jacques Tain's sons who headed east about 100 years after God confused the languages of the earth at the Tower of Babel and dispersed the people we believe both families still spoke the original Hebrew language of Noah and Shem as they do not appear to have been involved in the Tower of Babel confusing of languages so in Genesis 10:25 through 30 in the table of Nations it says and unto Eber were born two sons remember Eber is Hebrew from Eber is Hebrew the name of one was Peleg for in his days was the Earth divided big key and his brother's name was Joktan and joktan begot as you see 13 sons we won't try to pronounce them all the ones that tie to this story however are Sheba and OFIR and Havilah and then there's Joba all these were the sons of joktan and their dwelling was from Missha as thou goest unto so far a mount of the east eber is where we get the word Hebrew from Eber Peleg indisputably fathered the lineage including Abraham Isaac Jacob and the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel through David Solomon all the way to Jesus and beyond they are Israelite Hebrews note you don't see Ashkenazi in this lineup anywhere in the Bible the Torah however Abraham's descendants are not the only Hebrews as chalked in' and his sons and his lineage are also from Eber Hebrew this is why we make the point that the Queen of Sheba in first Kings nine and ten was not likely hearing about the God for the first time but she was happy to find kin in Solomon whose wisdom ministered to her and we're gonna bring this home in this video we believe she returned to her land in the Philippines Cebu and shared this message with everyone which we believe Jesus tells us was well received and this was why he compared Sheba Philippines to the repentance of Nineveh in Matthew 12:40 - so the sons of joktan lived from Missha to the east - so far we had determined in our first video that Misha is Mossad Iran and here is the map indicating Misha and the areas to the east as the passage says notice again Ethiopia Yemen Spain there are west not East they don't fit and their dwelling was from Missha Mashhad Iran as thou goest unto safar a mount of the east so this is where we pick up where is safar mount of the east you are going to love this safar Saphira in Hebrew means towards a numerous population no in the original Hebrew this word is not capitalized as a name instead this is a clue and a direction not a name where is the most numerous of populations well the Orient we know someone is thinking however well not back then right well of special note Joktan also had the most numerous of sons in the entire table of Nations yet another coincidence huh maybe also the name Joktan means small this is another clue however before the political correctness police step in height is not might no matter what Sheriff er tells you Pacquiao seems to do quite well without being six feet tall then we have a mount of the east in Hebrew haha Kadeem translation a mountain of the Orient so we are looking for a mountain in the Orient perhaps one bearing a Hebrew name if one exists again we do not believe safar was a name but a direction we searched the entire orient and could only find two countries with significant mountains that bear Hebrew names one is Mount Oh fear which was disingenuously named by the British in 1801 in Indonesia as a response to the Spanish finding the land of Oh fear which has tons of support yet no support for Oh fear being in Indonesia this is a bogus name it is not of Hebrew origin as far as being named in ancient times we cannot find any history tying King Solomon were the Phoenicians from tyre to that mount Oh fear and even the locals will not refer to it as Mount Oh fear but its original name in Indonesia however the second country is quite a revelation and they don't just have one mountain but several with Hebrew names at first if you ask the locals few would even know that this mountains name originates from Hebrew and it could not tie more perfectly to our search for Solomon's gold the land of a fear first another quick look at our base Scripture Eber had two sons Peleg and Jacques t'n Hebrews from Eber all Jacques Tain's sons Oh fear Sheba and Havilah headed to the Orient towards a numerous population of smaller people Jacques Tain's meaning could there be a mountain that fits this narrative somehow well your search is over because this one is so obvious it is going to bump you in the head the third tallest mountain in the country of the Philippines and the very tallest mountain on Luzon Island is mount Pulag wait you see where we are going here Pooh lag and Peleg are similar so they must be the same right oh no no no this is far better than that Pooh leg is not just similar to Peleg it is the very same word in Hebrew in Hebrew the letters within a word can change modifying the definition of the word to match the use of the word in this case Peleg Eber son and jock Don's brother and the grandfather of Abraham Isaac Jacob means divided however changing the e Peleg to a you pool egg modifies the meaning to say it was divided what would that have to do with anything you say well Genesis 10:25 tells us that Peleg was very significant as in his days was the Earth divided whoa are you getting this there is a very significant mountain in Luzon with not only a Hebrew name but the name of Jacque Tain's brother Peleg who fathered Israel and the variation of the name bears the same exact meaning as his purpose stated in the table of Nations with all the other evidence that has been mounting in the series this is int we could end this video right here and even Hebrew scholars could not argue at least not effectively however this is only the beginning at the foot of mount Pulag lies kabayan which is also of Hebrew origin meaning yah or God has hidden God has hidden what well there are mysterious mummies found in the caves in this region called fire mummies that were preserved through a lengthy dehydration and smoking process which actually is similar to that of ancient Egypt but how did that get to the Philippines hmm also some assert that this ritual may be more than two thousand years old what if this were a ritual handed down from times even before the flood no one knows the origin of it sound crazy let's go a little farther north Sagada is an area which also bears a name of Hebrew origin meaning to no praise appropriate there they have yet another very rare burial ritual where they hang caskets from the sides of cliffs nobody knows once again where this ritual came from and it appears to be more than 2,000 years old again hmm could it be that this ritual began prior to the flood and the inhabitants of ancient Havilah Oh fear Philippines today raised their caskets to the highest level possible so they might survive the flood makes sense perhaps we'll cover the tribe that does this later we took a look at the most significant of mountains volcanoes which would be more difficult for the Spanish to rename we searched throughout the Philippines for more Hebrew names and do you know what we found Mount area in Hebrew literally means earth covered what are the odds of that could this be the mountain that Noah built the ark if you have not seen part 10 of our series that may seem like a large claim but we proved this in great detail odd it also sounds very similar to Ararat which are the mountains where the ark landed which we know was not Turkey but more likely Mount Everest we are not suggesting this is where the ark landed however we are suggesting that based on its hebrew name and the fact that we believe this to be ancient Havilah home of noah see part 10 that Noah built the ark near the top of Mount Moriah and was lifted from there we thought perhaps Mount oppo might bear this honor but further research uncovers that the earth was covered at this point thus the name Wow but that's nowhere near all remember in the 1990s when the mighty Mount Pinatubo erupted well once again two Hebrew words God raises his goodness Wow or how about Mount kibou yow great house of the Creator God Mount Mayon spring of water in Hebrew to all volcano and Lake called out for a specific purpose is anyone else noticing a pattern here not only are these Hebrew words but many refer to God and even make sense calculate the odds of that then show us another country on earth that has such certainly not Ethiopia Yemen or any of the other places claiming to be Oh fear Tarshish or Sheba but this next one is going to blow your mind Mount kabali on is known as the hidden mountain today did you know the Hebrew definition of these two words is greatly hidden that's an impossible coincidence again this is enough evidence already to call it a day but we are nowhere near done Mount Bonnell how built by creator God coincidence how about one that ties directly to solomon's temple yep we got that too Mount mater tomb motto means to totter shake slide no volcano would ever do that right tomb is the Hebrew plural of Tom meaning perfections or jewels but not just any jewels no one of the epithets jewels of the objects in the high priests breastplate as an emblem of complete truth to meme Wow wait a minute so there's a mountain actually named for the jewels worn by the high priest of Solomon's Temple an emblem of complete truth is this the actual location where the jewels came from for the breastplate of the high priest statistically this is impossible as chance there is only one way all of this ties together this well God put it there for us to find this is how the Bible works when you are seeking truth we are not stretching definitions that might possibly fit here this is an exact match to the search for Solomon's gold including a mountain bearing pay legs very name one citing the flood several expressing God's goodness in his creation one that bears the same meaning in Hebrew as has been given to it in modern times no this is not a possibility of chance whatsoever the ancestors of this land are speaking to us and their names for these mountains have survived but we're still not done Araya wakefulness of creator-god and here's one that's really gonna shock you everyone in the Philippines knows what balut is but did you know it's Hebrew the balut volcano and Island in Hebrew balut means a corn we know this doesn't sound like the duck egg that you bury in the ground and then eat does it well unless you consider that this is the exact same process that a squirrel uses to bury an acorn if you haven't tried balut well we wouldn't know because we are too chicken to eat it but maybe someday okay we have exhausted the volcanoes for the most part but remember we mentioned that the Spanish attempted to rename some areas on successfully here is a map of Luzon Island in which the Spanish called it Luzon if you remember this is a variant spelling of Lucas referring to the Phoenicians that Solomon sent to trade there in 1571 it's simply Luzon but in 1734 and 1785 the maps attempt to rename it unsuccessfully as nueva Castilla never took though in fact everyone assumes that isabella province is named for queen isabella but what is spanish cartographer actually get away with misspelling the queen's name with only one l without losing his head or is this the actual Isabella of Hebrew origin according to Wikipedia we don't know but it's certainly worth questioning just as the gold region and river abra wikipedia tells us it's of Spanish origin maybe but you did you know Abra is also a Hebrew word meaning mother of multitudes it is also supposed that Solomon's favorite concubine was named Abra though we cannot find that in the Bible what we do know about Abra is that history documents it as an ancient gold mining area according to a case study from the Ilocos Sur archeology project who also cites the Philippines as the famous Indian islands of gold funny that some claim India to be a fear yet India even named the place where they got their gold and we have already shown you evidence that is the Philippines the Indus Valley which supposedly has a claim of being OFIR wasn't even a thriving civilization at the time of Solomon and it's a ludicrous shot in the dark just look at the regions around Abra for more we already covered several mountains near Abra with Hebrew names as well as Sagada and kabayan but did you know that Appa Rao Cagayan if who Gao and possibly even Isabella yield Hebrew names as well and could Ilocos be a variant of the Lucas or the Phoenicians who traded in the coastal areas of the northern coast of Luzon could be but if a Gao is of special note in Hebrew it means son of the honored one which honored one well likely Peleg who had the honor of having the earth divided in his days maybe this even points to a population of Israelite Hebrews well the agura people who live in Ifugao and surrounding areas are a mystery agura is a Hebrew word meaning letters we do not know a certain application for this meaning in this case but their language has been likened to that of Hebrew and even their law ranks fairly with Hebrew law the purpose of this video is not to prove the eager ATS or other tribes are Hebrew but we are seeking Hebrew words and we have already found many there is another people worth noting however the Ischia tribe of Bohol actually claim to descend from the builders of solomon's temple this is quite a claim and we cannot prove it to date but we cannot deny it either and with all of the overwhelming evidence this should be completely explored and not placed aside by scholars it very well could be true justbe Tyrol wrote extensively that this language was similar to Hebrew and he believed that they were actually of Hebrew origin again we are not linguist and cannot conclude the same at this point but find this to be very likely another point raised by padre Corino where he even said that it the tagalog language has the mystery and obscurities of the hebrew language so he even believed that there were similarities between tagalog the national language of the Philippines and Hebrew Steven Levinson a linguist wrote at the end of the workshop one mother tongue translator remarked that had he known of the parallels between Philippine languages and Biblical Hebrew he would have found the learning of the latter Hebrew much easier his remark led me to raise the matter with a couple of seminary professors who teach Hebrew in Manila are these professors ignoring all this evidence have you ever heard the things we have covered in this series before certainly not in Jesuit schools because those are the same Jesuits who began to document the culture of the Philippines and then hijacked it and its history somehow though most Filipinos remain Catholic and we urge you to connect the dots and see the truth ready for more did you know sabah Sabah does not only mean banana but in Hebrew the word means abundant fill to satisfaction don't those definitions fit one of the most abundant fruits in all of the Philippines and we already covered the Nara tree the national tree of the Philippines which we believe was used to build the ark and that is why it was so significant that Solomon desired it to build the pillars and terraces of the temple and again it ties to the queen of sheba she who must be admired so now we're gonna hit you with several other Hebrew words we found in our search all around the Philippines this is not all of them but some we felt were significant in Hebrew Laoag mock deride stammered in speech caballo hiding-place BuChE de Manila depopulate not sure about that one naga city touch reach probably reach strike be cool I pray ordinarily Wow passage pursuing gold did that happen in the Philippines of course palawan yas extraordinary grace we can't think of a more appropriate description of Palawan one of the most beautiful places on earth and being discovered as we speak Samar to bristle up but could this actually tie to the Samaritans the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel lived in the northern kingdom and was actually called Israel which became known as Samaria Judea was the southern kingdom the Ten Lost Tribes were taken away by Assyria but no one knows where they ended up from there could some of them have traveled to OFIR very probable there are claims of such in fact but that is beyond the focus of this video the whole originally ba o Hebrew it means their job was to go or come they were merchants travelers of the sea more than likely Mindoro kind gift of God Wow many dart greedily from dwelling serega defiled princess we have no idea how that story came to be but let's keep going south because these words are everywhere miletto river were filled a river was filled really could there be a better fit mindanao be eminent precious Sulu Sea Sulu is Acadian or Phoenician for highway might Hiram king of Tyre have referred to the Sulu Sea in his own language as a highway certainly celeb Sea Dogs many referred to pirates as dogs were these waters known for pirates Messara in Compostela Gold territory means deliver yet another match to another Gold region Cagayan de Oro of course this one must be Spanish right or does the Hebrew meaning mountain of the Feast of yah makes sense as well but this is the most significant of all just what God did the Philippines serve before being conquered by the Spanish Catholic Holy Roman Empire a pagan one as we are told what did the Spanish historians observe when they arrived from the Journal of Antonio Pigafetta who traveled with Magellan the inhabitants Filipinos responded that they had no other God but raising their clasped hands and their face to the sky and that they called their God Abba ABBA who is ABBA this doesn't sound like the supposed pagan god of the Philippines that the Catholics had to eradicate doesn't nope Abba is Aramaic for my father not just father as you may have heard but the more endearing my father which was spoken by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane mark 14 36 and he said Jesus Abba Father my father all things are possible unto thee take away this cup from me nevertheless not what I will but what thou wilt how did the Filipinos know how to speak Spanish and worship their God in Spanish before the Spanish ever arrived answer they didn't they were speaking ancient Aramaic just as Jesus was referring to the God why HWH yahuwah so what exactly did the catholics eradicate well we learned practically all Filipinos had lots of gold inherited over thousands of years from their ancestors yep that was eradicated all right we learned Filipinos had a flat level government in which the barong guys were the very highest authority similar to the culture of noah abraham adam and moses gone no longer there eradicated and now we find they were already serving the god that jesus served before the Catholics even arrived they had to wipe that out too along with your history and you allow them to control the masses of your country still today your education institutions hmm perhaps it's time to follow Jesus prophecy and rise up and condemn this generation as he says you will we will discuss this further in part 9 future prophecies of the Philippines now for some conclusions based on our research we believe we can point to the general areas of Oh fear Sheba and Tarshish within the Philippine Archipelago remember though that just as the whole country is referred to as Philippines today as well as the Luzon Empire prior and other names in the past we believe the entire country was known as the land of Oh fear even though Oh fear itself refers to a region within this is our hypothesis based on evidence we have tied together the Lukas we covered are the Phoenicians Solomon sent to trade for gold wood and resources Hiram king of Tyre the Hebrew definition of the word even fits nicely Luke oh s--- equals Luzon which equals o fear even dr. Jose Rizal Fernando bloomin trip and James Alexander Robertson contended that Oh fear was the whole of luzon there is a claim from Mindoro as well as Oh fear which again all of the Philippines would have been known as a fear but we believe Mindoro which sits just south of Luzon would have fallen under the banner of Oh fear as well as some other islands therefore Luzon and some of the surrounding islands are Oh fear in our queen of sheba revisited video part 2 we drew the conclusion that Cebu formally spelled with an S and an SH was shabu which is a variant of Chiba we have heard from some who believe it to be Sabah but we have never found any evidence leading to their but further evidence that Cebu is in fact Sheba in fact one of our viewers pointed out that Cebu is actually named Queen City of the south and that is too much of a match to Jesus's referring to the Queen of Sheba as the queen of the south at the uttermost parts of the earth therefore we hypothesize that subbu and probably behold and other surrounding Islands fell under the kingdom of Sheba Oh fears brother not the grandson of cush from Ethiopia remember the final area of Tarshish would be kind of obvious at this point but why settle for the easy route we have even read claims online that Samar and even portions of Mindanao have claims to have been Tarshish but is there evidence there's one mountain we have saved for the last and it holds the clue to Tarshish we believe one we have never seen anyone propose but first who was Tarshish again Genesis 10 4 and 5 and the sons of joven Elijah and Tarshish kinam and Doda NIEM Odin didn't buy these were the Isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands every one after his tongue after their families in their nations Javan founded the area of Greece and that's pretty well supported from what we've seen in other words he probably spoke Greek and not Hebrew we know that his sons took to the Seas began boating and founded the isles according to this very passage after their own tongue Greek so we are looking for a Greek tie in language to the land of Tarshish not necessarily hebrew how about a big one now we mean a really big one no we mean the biggest one how about 9,000 feet tall okay you guessed it it's Mount Apple the tallest mountain in the Philippines the grandfather of all philippine mountains oppo is a loanword from greek it means away from denoting the farthest point in the orbit of a body in relation to the primary it is practically the further aspyn east in the philippines at the uttermost parts of the earth we've seen that as a description of a fear and Tarshish many times in tagalog oppo means elder ancestor or grandchild perhaps regarding Tarshish the grandson of Japheth Noah's son and survivor of the flood or even better Noah himself the ancestor or elder both of which who lived in this area prior to the flood we believe but this is Greek certainly not a Spanish word in any sense and Tarshish son of joven who founded Greece likely spoke Greek and would have named the largest mountain in his land in Greek after his ancestors in his own tongue as the passage says or it was referring to himself either way but if this is true wouldn't there be more Greek near there maybe something really significant closeby that would be undeniable well we'll get to that but first we wish to note that the Spanish attempted to rename this mountain as well unsuccessfully proving its name oppo is of more ancient origin and not Spanish you here is a Spanish map from 1570 one in which Mount oppo appears but with its new Spanish name Mont AD Cullotta notice the list of rich resources this map documents in the Philippines as well very close to the description of Solomon's Navy in 1734 same Mont AD Cullotta in 1785 same Mont AD Cullotta know the name Oppo did not come from Spain so are there other landmarks with Greek names well just the very city at the foot of Mount Abu Davao this is also a word of Greek origin meaning menstruation we know yuck right why would anyone name an area after a woman's cycle well wasn't this the curse of Eve doesn't this bring us back to the land of havilah the land of Adam and Eve after the flood which bore a similar meeting that suffers pain that brings forth was Tarshish actually honoring the ancient Hebrew name Havilah which is defined with Eve's curse from the garden as the Greek word for the same curse hmm now we're talking Wow and here's another for posterity's sake mount Conlon in negros occidental is greek for at least god's people there we go again we do not place Negros in Tarshish but perhaps it is therefore it is our hypothesis that Luzon and surrounding Isles are Oh fear Cebu Bohol and surrounding Isles our Sheba and Tarshish is Mindanao Samar and in between and the area of Tarshish includes the areas of Tarshish whose maritime brothers kit 'm Elijah and Dan doden DotA neem whichever name you wish to use remember there are over 7,000 islands in the Philippine archipelago thus plenty of room for all of these names and many many more Wow this is exciting we truly believe that God is unveiling his word here and everything history geography and now even language tie into the Bible account for our search for Solomon's gold no other area on earth fits like this and anyone watching this entire series can scarcely question that the Philippines is Oh fear Tarshish and Sheba stay tuned for our final two videos in this series part 8 not Oh fear exploring the other claims in obliterating them and part 9 future prophecy of Oh fear thank you for watching our Solomon's gold series please subscribe to our YouTube channel and view our website at the god Culture calm always remember to prove all things for yourself thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The God Culture
Views: 515,715
Rating: 4.8181348 out of 5
Keywords: ophir, havilah, sheba, solomon, gold, duterte, prophecy philippines, pacquiao, Flat earth, God culture, becoming filipino, ancient magostribe, parvaim, def noodles, kasaysayan hunters, itinagoong, mygad?, philip secret place, nystv, sangkay janjan, solomons gold, PROOF THAT PHILIPPINES WAS A BIBLICAL OPHIR, SEBA, TARSHISH AND ANCIENT HAVILAH, pinoy mystery channel, ophirian heritage conservatory, garden of eden, mocha uson, totoo ba?, two witnesses movie, timothy jay schwab philippines
Id: WlFBxwiDKiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 15sec (3015 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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