CHEAP , DIY Hot Tent , from a tarp !!!

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hello everybody my name is Justin thank you for joining me today we have a very special guest on the show a familiar face hot 10 2.0 and what I'd like to do today is show you guys exactly how I built it so let's do that I've got some grommets some flex seal tape gorilla tape and a 16 foot by twenty foot tyres let's build a ten the heavy-duty type costs $54.98 the heavy-duty roll of Gorilla Tape cost eight dollars and ninety eight cents the Flex tape was $12.99 and the grommets were for forty nine currently that brings the total up to eighty one dollars and forty four cents I already have a grommet kit if you don't have one of these you're gonna have to get one the kit comes with these three pieces and dramas anyway I already have one so I'm not including this in the cost of this kit so now what I'm gonna do is lay out that tarp on the ground and stake all the corners and get it nice and tight [Music] now what I'm going to do is find the center point the long way and run a line right down the middle at that center point is where we're going to start swinging the arch this right here is that Centrepointe so I'm going to take the whip my rope and run it all the way across this center point right here gives us the center for the swing of our arch I'm going to take this string and run it all the way to the back corner and I'm gonna make a mark just to be sure I'm gonna check it on this side the purpose of swinging this radius is to find the next point for our next radius so where this string and that string intersect is our next point I'm gonna mark it and this is our new center point to swing our next dream this now I'm gonna take this spike and drive it right through the time okay now we have our new center point for our new arch this is where we swing the next radius from with this radius it's very important that you use the same measurement that used to swing the first radius those measurements have to be the same in order for this to work out right so I've taken the same rope with the same mark and I'm gonna swing the new radius from this different point it's also worth noting that are not swinging it from that side I'm reversing it and swinging from this side so we take this point and find out where it touches this side of the tire which would be right here I have this measurement tied off and I'm going to do my best to go around with a sharpie and Mark this out that was the perfect event in the center awesome okay now that that's all marched out I'm gonna take my trusty utility knife and start making some cuts that worked out just about perfectly the set that's the center nice drying out the line helps so much [Music] alright guys there's the outer shape of it now I'm gonna go Reese take it down and cut out the door hole [Music] I'm gonna bring it break down to the bottom of where we started pulling this radius and I'm going to cut this I'm going to do the same thing on the other side and the opening that this creates will eventually beard work same thing on the other side we now have our rough shape through that don't throw this away this is not junk you're gonna be now what I'm going to do is go around the whole perimeter of the bottom of the tent with this Gorilla Tape that will prevent the tarp from pulling apart and fraying at the bottom where I cut it and it will also reinforce the tarp where I put in the dramas [Applause] [Applause] now it's time to install some grommets I'm going to put the first grommet in at the bottom of the tent at the base of the door and then I'm gonna work my way all the way around to put in grommets in every four feet but before I do that I have to reinforce this spot with another piece of Gorilla Tape everywhere I put a grommet I'm going to wrap around another piece of tape [Music] [Music] [Music] at the intersection of the cuts that I made for the doors right here it's basically going to be the top of the tent so what I'm gonna do on the inside of the tent I'm going to take some Gorilla Tape and reinforce this area so that the pole doesn't poke any holes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we're at the point where I've got to pitch the tent I got to lay it out stake it out pitch it find out how big of a pole I need mark out my guidelines mark out where I want my stovepipe Jack to go figure out how I want to get my door installed so at this point I'm just gonna try and get it pitched make all those marks and measurements and move forward right on let's do this it's very important that both ends of your door right at the same spot now from here I'm gonna go around the whole thing stake it down alright that's looking pretty good I have this old pole from an old tent that I had that I no longer have and the packrat gearjunkie and me just could not throw these away let's see how this works out guys that's not so bad for a first pitch Wow the poles in theirs it's a little bent but I'm gonna go take some measurements and we'll figure all that out it's seven feet three inches tall and about 14 feet wide lot of room this is where you really want to check and make sure that everything is the way you want it before you go around and start making all those fine-tuned adjustments I've got a seven foot three inch pole in there what I'm gonna do now is take some gorilla tape and go around the top of it to make a sleeve for that pole to fit in and that also really tightens up the walls of the tent so that's next let's get to it now at this point I don't want to do too much because there's still much work to do right here but I'm just trying to make that sleeve the stove Jack that I'm going to use for this build is from my luck's hiking gear tent they made these so that they're removable and I'm going to take advantage of that so I'm not going to include this in the cost of the bill luxe sells this very stove Jack on their website it's like $45 I think other companies make them or you can go on Amazon and there's a bunch of options there this is the stove jack that i used for my smaller hot tent I got this on Amazon I think it costs $25 I'm not quite sure I don't remember it was a few years ago once we have the stove jack we can start making cuts for that so let's get to it all right I'm just gonna put a little bit little piece of tape right here that's where I want my guideline as you probably know this these pieces just come together whether water snow wind it could all blow right in so I'm gonna take this piece right here which is my drop from this cut don't throw this away you're gonna need this later I'm gonna make it I'm just temporarily tapping it in place once it's pitched take out this one stick right here a good one there it is for the most part I have to finish taping it up I have to use the Flex seal tape for the guy out points and cut the hole for the stove jack install some velcro tape BAM on our way pretty exciting my tent [Music] all of this right here is the extra material on the inside of the door but this grommet right here is very important because when you set the tent up you want this one and the other one touching in the same spot to make a complete circle so I'm going to leave this and reinforce it we're gonna make a cut like so and then I'm going to cut all this excess material off [Music] and then tape it all together on the backside [Music] okey-dokey guys the door is done I might reinforce it a little bit later but I'm calling it good for now and now it's time to move on to the guy out lines using this piece of tape as a reference I'm going to place this right there I'm going to be very careful to make sure that this is pointing towards the top of the tent and I'm going to take the backing off of my flex seal tape being very careful not to let these touch each other because once they grab each other you're never getting too undone right in the middle hold it on over and I'm gonna put a grommet in it when this guy outline is pulled its gonna pull on the top of the tape which will allow the tape eventually to pull off so what I'm going to do is cut down along here and then reinforce the top with another layer of tape and that extra piece of tape will take the tension of the guideline and help it disperse it throughout more of the tent instead of on this one little point [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is it guys the finished product the last thing I had to do was put in this little rain flat break I still have a little bit of tinkering to do some adjusting and some more chafing and reinforcing the tape and stuff but this is pretty much it I did buy another roll of duct tape because I'm not done taping up the tent and reinforcing it I'm gonna put a little bit more time and care into that that was eight dollars and 98 cents and that brings the total of this tent up to one hundred and thirteen dollars and seventy six cents that's pretty awesome I'm very happy with that and if you're gonna buy a budget hot tent it cost you a hundred dollars anyway give or take and they're usually about five feet tall you know they're way smaller than this so but I'm not trying to compare the two it's definitely apples to oranges but for a hundred and thirteen dollars I'm extremely happy with this tent beyond happy it's huge it's just what I wanted and it was cheap I'll probably buy some more flex-fuel tape and make some more guy out points there's only three guy out points on this whole tent and the thing is huge so I'd probably like to get about three more on it that would be good I'm gonna throw a bunch more money at research and development into this thing because it's extremely high-tech make sure we get it right and onward to more adventures it's just a matter of more adventures more time more adventure to great car camping tent campground ten you know maybe if you're only hiking in a mile or two you wouldn't mind hauling something like this in a sweat so I hope you guys like this if you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments and yeah here it is I'm not 100% satisfied with how the video came out I did the best I could and I think it came out alright but I still think it's a little vague and spots and I could have done better but it is what it is and I'm rolling with it so if you guys do feel a little bit unfulfilled or feel like this was kind of vague go check out far north bushcraft Lonnie built a tent like this a few years ago but he does a really really good job of explaining the process and breaking it down when he even does a little modeling to show you exactly how he did it so he's very clear about it his process is worth checking out so go check him out if you're left a little confused by my video thanks for watching guys I appreciate it it's good in the woods talk to you later
Channel: It's Good in the Woods
Views: 65,319
Rating: 4.8912263 out of 5
Keywords: It's good in the woods, Homemade hot tent, How to make a hot tent, how to make a hot tent out of a tarp, DIY hot tent, hot tent, make your own hot tent, how to make a hot tent from a tarp
Id: H1516IAqihQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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