Solo Car Camping in Heavy Rain and Hail | Van Life Movie

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what is that what the oh my [Applause] God [Music] me 12862 all right all right bro we'll have a good day man yeah thank you you as well thanks bro thank you have a good day [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] right is you is what's up guys Matt over so I'm going to show you guys my setup here if you hear some bullets going off it's because there is a gun range in this state forest I shouldn't be anywhere near where the those bullets head thankfully and there's a big dirt hill behind where they shoot been enjoying the fan right there just chilling no mosquitoes or nothing on me with that netting there they called the tail Veil so here's our setup for today guys it's always our little white van got a new ebike this is the kbo compact it's actually really foldable I got all my weather tech window shades on here so it's helping kind of keep it cooler inside the van even though I'm not really in there right now you guys see me pick up this solo stove at Shields and we got some little wood pieces to try out in there and then uh got some color stuff so this should be pretty sweet tonight and I do want to have some s'mores cuz I had some extra from last time brought to have some food here and then uh we'll go do some exploring on this ebike for oh yeah perfect well guys in my opinion we have the perfect grilled cheese two different kinds of cheese and a little thin uh piece of turkey in there just add a little protein and then we got some of these uh sweet potato like chips so about to eat this listen to some gunshots and then we'll uh go ride that ebike and do some exploring there's a lot of cool lakes and stuff over here so I keep hearing Thunder I don't know if it's going to rain again or not hopefully not cuz I'm not really prepared for it but I can pack up quick if I need to so good these chips are really good too I highly recommend these got them at Costco well food was delicious I turn the fan off when I'm talking to you guys just because you probably can't hear my audio but it feels so good to have that even on low but this tail Ville thing is amazing guys honestly I recommend it it just gives you so much more space to the van feels so good get a shot fan and run it on a big Power Station even on low I don't care how hot it is if you got a fan like that blowing on you it feels amazing got to keep it clean well it's only like 6:30 and we got some pretty dark clouds and radar looks like potential rain so I'm actually going to take the tail Vil down I've been back in there for a few hours enjoying myself so there's not too many bugs so let's take this down get stuff inside the van and let's go ride the ebike by some lakes and see if we can see anything cool by the way it is raining now all we need is the fridge going while we're gone so we're down to 73% 40 some Watts with the compressor on turn these lights off make sure this AC is off you don't want that on I double pressed it and now everything's off besides the fridge well it's starting to rain kind of heavy so hopefully this ebike likes rain we're going to find out here you can kind of hear it on the window here maybe that hail earlier was crazy I had to pull over oh yeah that's picking up more I can hear it on the trees ring hard W we'll uh test out the ebikes waterproofness for sure guys sorry for letting you guys get wet out there we'll get dry now well the rain is done temporarily we'll see if we get more all I got is baby wipes I forgot a towel so uh see if we can dry this off off a little bit so I don't get my butt all wet so to turn it on the key hold down the power button 21 Mi see how many we can put on it I just put it on max assist mainly just going to probably do thumb throttle I don't know if I'm going to be doing much pedaling so let's try her out you do got to Pedal a little bit to get it going woo look this D might as well turn our headlight on hold the plus still pretty bright out here as you can really till not a bad little Lake I think it's mosquito Central since it's pretty small but hasn't been too bad out here thankfully wonder if we got some fish under those lily pads probably some turtles and frogs for sure I don't know if there's anything big in there but never know let's go head to another Lake here woo definitely going to have to do some more camping at this state forest because there's a lot of uh spots to pull over and Camp see there's like a trail right there but I found quite a bit of spots where I could pull over my beautiful little foldable ebike hello I think Bigfoot's out there I can hear him what's up bro he answers he's like sup it's super deep the deer looking at me sup bro sup buddy oh he dipped oh my God look at him should try this Trail see what happens so I'm slight I'm barely paddling right now like barely but I am Full Throttle oh it wants to go a little too fast oh God this is sketchy all right guys this is where we'd see animals for sure you can tell a lot of animals been through here if you look at the dirt W well these mosquitoes are majorly out now so we're going to test out this bug zapper and this thermacell because I'm getting eaten alive currently time to open some goodies here I have a little fire maybe a colorful fire I know I have massive uh mosquito wels on my shoulder I can feel it brand new I forgot to bring mine from home so we got some brand new ones here here it is guys got a little stand there rubber feet got this lid there just put the wood or whatever in there it's got this pellet thingy you can put in here if you got pellets got these little wood pieces so we're going to put some of these in there has this little lid I just don't think I'm going to use that CU I can put more wood in here make this a little bigger I did bring this other piece of like pine wood cuz those light really easy so we'll try I don't know how big I should make this but go bigger go home right that should be plenty we'll try to light these and if that doesn't work I'm going to light this try to light one of these first uh it's not lighting too easy so try this piece of pinewood here see if this will light easier seems like it pinewood's going really good I'm hoping this other wood starts UNF fire I'm not sure if it is yet oo that Fire's getting huge look at that it's like curling up that Pinewood it's crazy how something so small can put off that much heat you can see because it has those holes in it it like makes so much circulation of air that it kind of almost turns into like a mini tornado fire it's pretty cool yes I like M [Music] crispy the design of this Burns for this wood super fast there is so much heat coming off of that though we're going to put a little bit more on there because woo it's kind of dangerous there's insane amount of heat coming off of that oh my gosh like almost burning my hand just putting it on there I almost probably should have got the one bigger it's called the XL of this just because these wood pieces barely fit in there hearing owls and crows and all sorts of stuff predators are definitely coming out they're ready to eat I'm going to try one of these little packets here see if it'll even fit in there these are pretty pretty big I'll try to jam it in there I already see some color doesn't show up on video but it's like a really cool bluish green it's like too bright for the phone or something well we're out here with the Predators it's very dark now a lot of weird noises got a lot of bats flying around look at that tiny Crescent of a moon guys it's super dark out here this is awesome I can actually see down there with my phone but I can't with my eyes that's weird it's like extremely quiet out here well it is really dark let's turn on this light and let's see if the bugs come to us o That's bright watch all the bugs come in here now I had this open for a thumbnail smells like smoke that thing's kind of blowing some of the smoke up thankfully but things you do for a thumbnail guys well guys we're out here with the only source of light and I'm here in Breaking branches now so it's getting a little sketchy I'm going to put my ebike right next to the van because I'm not putting it inside leave it right there should be here in the morning hopefully there's a lot of braking branches now that way and that way I'm going start putting stuff away bugs the light I think it's dark enough now and all the Predators are out so uh I think we are going to head in this will continue to burn down it's safe get off of my light bro so we're going to head you want to see how dark it is nothing absolutely nothing so we're going to leave that all out here let's head inside the safe van there we go so for the thumbnail I had all these doors open for a minute look at the bugs right here I got a mosquito eater mosquitoes we got this little uh thing on now so hopefully the bugs will go in there and get killed you can tell a couple got killed for sure this fan feels so good right now it's kind of drying off my feet and pants from that bike trip there but it's pulling about 90 Watts it says 9 hours if it continues at that rate 61% but I don't think I'm going to run this all night I just might use that little fan because I want to have coffee in the morning and I don't know when the sun's going to come up high in enough to use that solar panel I don't want to be here all day so what well it's coffee time guys it's currently pulling about 950 Watts if you can see it's really bright out here see how long it takes to boil this this thing works so good it's already getting close it's been like maybe a minute morning guys just starting the day off right here with some coffee got a lot of birds chirping just relaxing for a moment just surrounded by Woods once in a while you'll hear a car drive by or an ATV or something like that but pretty much there's just been nobody out here so uh it's been nice the sun's starting to pop before those trees so it is heating up a little bit I think supposed to get up to 90 today so even warmer than yesterday what is that what the oh my God [Music] for [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] sh [Music] sh [Music] [Music] sh what's up guys Matt tolber is just out in the middle of the woods 3 hours north of where I live uh in Minnesota so we're way up here we're up where all the wolves and black bears and all those uh big animals are in Minnesota I'm actually in this like Campground in this national forest and there's literally nobody here so I found the best spot in the whole Campground it's like really secluded didn't even have to pay for it and it's already got a fire pit and uh picnic table so as you can see got my little tarp set up here um I'm all good to go got my little candle going got my therel going uh there's a few mosquitoes out here but it seems like this is kind of working tonight I'm going to obviously lay this seat down flat and then I'll put up my cot and get ready for bed but uh this is my setup for chilling until tonight when I go to bed got the seats pushed up all the way got my ice cold water here I was thinking about bringing some firewood but uh it was so wet I wasn't sure if it was going to like rain a lot looks like they got some big logs over there but those are soaked so there's no way that's lighting here's a little picnic table over here you can see where I set my temperature gauge right here you can tell these people put this little stick up here and they put some like those fly traps or whatever which are soaked but here's a little area I'm in you can tell there's like a little Trail well I didn't do this but you can tell people purposely like cut branches here like look at you can see they cut half of it on both sides but you can see they did that quite a bit of trees down here I think they don't want people coming through here I guess how beautiful this is though Northern Minnesota man out where all the big animals are we got a little bit of little bit heavier of rain now it's still like a Sprinkle but it's not missed anymore it's actually like light rain I don't know if you can even hear it or even see it but it's coming down I'm nice and dry under here though Perfection burgers were a little fatty got some grease so we going to clean up here quick before the Bears come our squirrel friend's definitely not scared of me buddy hi he's like I don't know bro get he's like back up bro he actually was or either him or another s rolls up in these trees up here they were knocking stuff I could hear it hitting the top of the moonshade they're having some fun out here but at least I got the moonshade keeping me from getting acorns and little pieces of branches to the Dome well we're cleaned back up like nothing happened but we got some uh grease and garbage so I did see a little garbage over there away from the van so let's go throw this trash away here um to hopefully lessen the chance of a bear raccoons or whatever coming over here at the campground 10 which is the best one in my opinion what if they get animals in here at least has a top no raccoons thank God don't want nothing jumping out at us but yeah there still still nobody here dude see this is what I came in and I read everything but see this Campground is available to use as no Feast service so originally you'd you know obviously get your little envelope get your little envelope and pay and then you'd have your Dropbox thing but you can see that's not even closed up they took that off I definitely brought some cash expecting I was going to have to pay so pretty happy there's the entrance right there and my Campground is just right back here so like I said it's I think it's the best one for sure you can see Campground public water access so we're going to go check out this water well here's the lake guys it's so foggy out looks beautiful it's so quiet out here hope you can see over there you guys can see here's some more of the lake I want some rain let's get them some thunderstorms let's see how well that uh moonshade handles just blows off that would suck but I got a strap pretty good I think it'd have to be some pretty high winds to take that thing off so and we're kind of protected by trees so I think we'd be okay as long as the tree doesn't fall on it it's actually like light rain now you can't really see it sometimes video doesn't pick up Rain very well unless it's like absolutely pouring but hopefully you can hear it let me put it close to the awning thing you can see the rain through it that's weird but yeah it's it's coming down a little bit now tends to run off this spot right here if I can focus on it but yeah hopefully get some heavy rain that'd be sweet well light is getting a little bit lower I brought in the stuff that I'm going to bring in I'm going to leave that tripod I'm going to bring in my water obviously but uh and my bare mace but the rest rest of it we're going to put the candle out here pretty soon and uh yeah look at all the safety we got we got cords here we got a tripod there cords cords cords cords I got my chair so nobody's getting in here be safe in the van I don't think I'm going to actually put the window shades on tonight cuz there's nobody out here once I shut this up and turn off the lights and go to bed it's like you will not be able to see inside unless you have a really bright flashlight and you like walk up and aim it right inside my phone is is making it look brighter than it is but it's getting dark dude Northern Minnesota some big boys out here I'm not in Steve Wallace neck of the woods where there's Grizzlies but uh there's some big black bears which we got wolves too so and I know there's other big animals too but those are the main ones I hear a car and it's late guys it's almost dark he's back here first visitor huh late night you know how you feel safe in the dark in the middle of the woods that's how put one in the chamber guys look how dark it is out here I don't I know if my phone's making it look brighter but it's super dark the candle's the only thing out here like you can super see the candle because it's so dark look at that just shows how dark it is actually out here I'm starting to hear some weird sounds like I think I've heard like kind of like something howling type thing but it's like super far away it's actually starting to rain again here so I think I'm going to head into the van for the night and uh let's relax in there and hopefully it rains it' be sweet oh no freaking big bug came in here Ah that's what I didn't want they see that light one of those oh mosquito [Music] eaters I had to have gotten it thck those big mosquito eaters and then another mosquito flew in right after maybe I should have let them live right killed the mosquitoes you know what you do once you get inside the safe van feels good to be back in the safe van so far I'm loving this solo trip it's just a very fun experience very very fun experience I'm going to be doing a lot of uh going really far north so you guys are going to have some sweet videos coming soon and like I said uh I got new camera setups and drones and all sorts of cool stuff coming just kind of working with what I have right now I just have my iPhone and uh older GoPro but I have a new GoPro I'm going to be getting a new drone and my new camera and all that which will be way better on low light going to wind down a little bit here and if anything cool happens I'll let you guys know and otherwise I'm really looking forward to do uh some thunderstorms hopefully tomorrow have some coffee a little breakfast and uh have some thunderstorms that will be sick you can feel that wind really good just chilling got the boots off oh feels so good Everything feels so far away I could scoot the table closer but I'm just winding down I'm going to be setting on my cot here and stuff pretty soon so uh glad you guys are hanging out with me I have those in the morning those are actually really good I had two of them already so so uh going to have some coffee in the morning it's going to be fun guys we're going to have a good time so uh I got some breakfast in there I don't I didn't bring any more buns or anything for uh more Burgers but oh well just make sure don't limit God imagine yourself successful and some people might take that in the wrong way but uh just read it for yourself trust me uh God is good man God does not want us in poverty or lack or anything forgot even though I don't have the shades on it or the uh yeah the window shades on it have these are these going to do much no but I guess it'll make it a little bit harder to see it I feel better with them on grab my flashlight out just in case one 2 3 4 five oh I got to go turn my game camera on well we're going back outside guys we thought we were safe in the van for the rest of the night we got to go check the game camera it's out here yet sketchy let's turn this bad boy on got to check your surroundings before you get hunched over right you guys probably can't see anything I'm trying to do this onehanded turn it to setup I want to make sure it's on night mode I think so right now it's on night mode Let's get back inside shut that door don't want any bugs in all right hopefully we're done going outside for the night double lock guys so I set up my bed sorry I had didn't film it um I did not put the extensions on my cot I just keep it nice and low that way I got a little bit more privacy you know I don't have the window shades on so um we're nice and low got my nice kingchi 3-in foam sleeping pad got my little thin summer sleeping bag I don't think it's going to get too cold uh got my pillow there look at the angle of this nice fan you know good that's going to feel and yeah yeah so that's kind of my setup you know I got my little it's the temperature it says currently it's actually feels a little warm in here 70 so it's 62 out I left this seat up cuz I figure that way tomorrow night I'll have the bed set up and I'll still be able to come in here tomorrow and sit down on the chair if I need to and uh relax during the thunderstorm oh it feels so good to lay down this is really comfy and I'm kind of angle down a little bit so obviously my head's higher but it actually feels very comfortable but you'd be surprised you can do them one of these Vans man because of the seats folding flat it's like I'm ready to go tomorrow got my little taable still I mean I could make the setup better than this or a little bit cleaner but this will be fine look at that fan got my little accent lights we're nice and low so once we turn the lights off nothing's seeing us in here I don't know if I ever showed you guys but I actually do have a TV in here I just never use it so I could like play DVDs or I could actually hook it up I think to like sorry if you can't see but there's like connection to hook it up to like a Playstation Xbox or whatever right there so technically I could watch TV but I'm not much of a TV person so uh I don't my first van camping video I actually watched Jurassic Park I think Lost World in here yeah I'm not much of a TV guy so uh I never watch TV unless it's the Vikings I'm a Minnesota Vikings fan but other than that I just don't watch TV it's just not my thing all right guys well I'm getting a little tired here so I'm going to crawl into the sleeping bag and uh hit the hay so we'll be dealing with that that thunderstorm tomorrow but for tonight as long as nothing messes with the van and I can just fall asleep I'll see you guys in the morning guys there's like a weasel or something it just did something to my van I think where'd it go it was like under my oh it's right there I don't know if it ran under or what that was sounded kind of weird I hope he didn't do anything to the van he might have just bumped his head into it or something and then I looked and he was like right there all right guys it definitely wasn't a weasel it's either like a Martin or like a mink or something like that a weasel's like really small it was like more of the size of like a beaver but it didn't look like a beaver you know I only saw it for a few seconds and it was dark and I'm not like super good with those type of animals I honestly like never see them but up here in northern Minnesota they're probably more popular let's go check this game camera see if it picked anything up what the oh my God something massive is down here dude oh my gosh time to get the be me so there's water somewhere holy crap that got my heart going there's a huge animal somewhere down here something was just like heard me obviously cuz it's like super quiet out here and I've obviously been in the van for hours then it sound like it just dipped through water like it was huge hopefully I didn't say a swear word or anything I got a little nervouser bro it was super quiet and all of a sudden it was like that was a big animal that was at least a deer at minimum deer bear wolf something of that size cuz that was a lot of noise I don't even think a coyote could make that much noise dude there's a rabbit there's a rabbit there's all sorts of creatures out here dude there he goes you see him guys look at him that's a big rabbit dude he's just out there chilling dude he didn't even see me in the van he just I think he just ran right under the van too that's cool I don't know if that's the same type of rabbit uh where I am it seemed like it was jumping different it's like bigger I don't know if you call that a jack rabbit or what I could be incorrect on that I literally just hopped in this van I don't want to even turn the light on yet because I can see out better when the lights um not on and they can't see me so so uh that rabbit's still sitting there he doesn't see me cuz these windows are kind of tinted animals are running around I'm just watching them for my dark little cage I don't think it picked anything up guys um it should have definitely picked up that uh mink or whatever I think I have the setting on too like difficult I think I need to go to like a low but like you can see where it picked up where I was like getting out of the car to come get it but I don't know if that little animal is too far away or but see I have it on medium I think I'm going to put it on high it might wear down the battery more because it might trigger it more often but I don't really care cuz I'm trying to pick that up dude I should have got that mink or whatever on film this must been it that must have been it what is that what is that bro a mink I'm going to lay low cuz I want them to get closer animals out here like seem to be like a little different than where I'm from at least like the RAB we have rabbits everywhere but these ones seem a little bit different I could be incorrect but I've never seen like a mink or whatever that is you guys tell me in the comments what that was I mean even the squirrels look a little bit different up here it's cool coffee time best time of the morning squirrels are up here making noises again they're fighting up there having themselves a good old time at some point I do want to walk down here and try to figure out what water that large animal is running through cuz it sounded super close [Music] you know what I was thinking what if that little sound I heard that little dink sound I heard what if that was a rabbit running from that mink or whatever that was and it kind of like ran under the van and made a dink or whatever as it hit its head or whatever because when I looked out that little mink thing was like right there and then he like went that way and I caught him at the last second way over there so it's almost like he was chasing the rabbit or something like that cuz not too long later remember I saw that rabbit come out through here and then he was sitting over here for a while like he was like cleaning himself off or something and then we saw that little like mink thing come back down that trail and then he kind of like whipped around back here like he's hunting it or something like he can smell it I don't know I was just thinking about that going for the double that's right cup of Happiness morning and cheers guys probably not morning when you're watching this but just pretend it's morning we'll uh go see if we can find where that water was wherever that big animal was the reason I kind of want to see where that is cuz I want to see if I can see some tracks like in the mud be sweet to uh you know I just like to know what stuff is that would be cool it's like bear or like a wolf track that would be sweet you know I always think oh it's probably just a deer but sometimes it's not so especially up here there's like bigger animals and uh it's like the trees and stuff are different I can't remember like there's certain types of forest I don't know the names of the different types of forests like the woods and the Prairie Land and the whatever well Minnesota has like all three like they all combine in Minnesota so uh we get like all the different ones and up here it's like a different type of terrain that we I'm at so like things are just a little bit different up here and the Animals seem a little bit different up here too so it's really cool be cool to have a fire but it's so wet out here and we got storms coming so it's like whatever let's go take a quick walk and see if we can find any water like where that uh big animal ran through the water I swear it sound like it was right down this way a little [Applause] bit some had some ducks they saw me from oh we got some uh dang I wish I had my drone look at that you guys see those swans way over there I don't want to mess with them but it'd be cool to get a look at this would be a sweet shot with the Drone oh there's some more swans you probably can't see them but they're like back through there guys all these trees are going to be changing super beautiful colors here probably in like less than a month cuz they're already starting to I don't know if you can tell on camera like they're starting to have a hint of yellow on some of them and on my way up here I saw a little bit of red there's a couple red ones the colors on the leaves always change well last year at least they changed like a month earlier than they did where I live and I only live like 3 hours south of here but for some reason not even 3 hours difference the trees change like a month earlier than where I am it's kind of crazy see if you can see any fish be cool look at these little lily pads you can tell there's some deer right there oo I don't want to walk through all that mud here so this is close I'm going to get to those lily pads but look at that is that I don't know that is that a that's got to be man that's big is that a wolf or I mean it could be a dog obviously but that looks like a wolf that's too big for a coyote dude coyotes are like really small oh that looks like some kind of wolf or something of that size definitely not no track expert but uh I've seen enough now enough of the coyotes at least the coyotes where I am and they're pretty tiny up here is where there's actually wolves it seems like I guess like not many like wolves and coyotes stick together so like if there's wolves in the area there's probably not going to be any coyotes and then uh if there's not wolves then obviously coyotes will do well but that's big that's a big track right there well starting to get some super light sprinkles there is a pretty big storm just south of me a little bit that I don't think I'm going to get much of that one the the main storm is coming later but I might get some of it so we'll see if it starts raining here is that a woodpecker the sun's kind of out currently there's like little birds just popping up everywhere all sorts of cool Birds honestly guy right here they're all over okay so the easy dirt bikes ripping around couple of them I knew people are going to start coming out cuz it's Saturday and it's like really beautiful right now but uh I'm sure once the storm starts coming people will be getting out of here little chili mac with beef little watery I put how much water they told me to but and then we're about to have this ice cream sandwich I actually had the mint version of this it's like a dry ice cream sandwich but it tastes really good so have this vanilla one and uh see how it tastes yeah pretty good chili mac with beef a little protein so it looks like a regular one obviously just uh not cold the other one was broken last time I had it oh it's not even broken at least it keeps its flavor that's kind of cool I don't know how they do stuff like this like they take a real one and they just like somehow put it in something it dries it out I don't know you guys probably know got a bee over here get out of here bro haven't really opened this side of the van much here might as well come on the sunny side and grab myself a little uh oo there's a lot of water in here I'm going to have to drain some of that water I it's going to get all of this meat the van's so dirty it looks like salt like that's what it looks like in winter so this is what we got left ice see it so we still got quite a bit ice in there it's still definitely cold in there so hopefully that'll last us till tomorrow it' be nice to keep all those Burgers these are one of the only like energy drinks I really drink anymore Celsius I think it's called this is really cold sitting in that ice I know I said mink is it a Fisher that thing I saw I don't know I looked that up they're out here too so kind of looks like a fisher fisher I don't know not like a fisherman but does these like little yellow dots on you know you can see quite a few trees here I would assume does that mean they're going to cut these trees down or that kind of sucks these little things are definitely not working anymore they're so wet like I tried to touch it with like a little needle and little uh pie needle and it definitely was not sticking so they have uh done their time I'll probably throw them in the trash here when I leave tomorrow if I remember it's a good thing about Minnesota is like we do have a small window where there's a bunch of mosquitoes you know you get your gats and all that stuff and flies mainly only about 2 months of really like thick mosquitoes and then like they just start thinning out real quick like there was not even that many mosquitoes anymore and it's you know the middle of September whereas I'm sure in some states there's still tons of mosquitoes and stuff like that out here so like ticks and stuff like that like you only see them for a short period of time so it's kind of nice oh he's like what the heck is that he just saw my little camera that's funny bro was checking me out he's like ah he's like I ain't scared of you bro the squirrels are probably sick of waiting me out they're like dude I'm done with this like I'm going down there and getting some acorns or whatever they're eating they're like I can't wait any longer he's just sitting here sculping us out they're like I'm taking a risk well there's definitely somebody really mad uh they were like I could hear they were down by the water there and then not long after that yelling a truck came and then the truck turned down and I could tell it went down into this campsite back there but like I keep hear I heard cussing like more yelling when he came over here so hopefully uh everything's okay A little chicken fried rice looks like that storm st's getting closer here so just enjoying this and uh still kind of read my book and stuff just just relaxing right now all right guys so kind of a change of plans this storm uh looks like it's pretty serious it's got like some pink and purple and all that in it um looks like about an hour and 20 minutes or hour and 30 minutes it's going to be here so what I'm going to do now is I'm actually going to take down this little uh moonshade here get everything inside of the van and we're going to ride out this storm inside of the van and it might be really high winds I would like to test the Moon shade out in this storm but uh it looks pretty serious super severe storms are probably best to be in a hard shell uh an awning and a severe storm might not be good and I might be happy that I put it away here in the next hour so we'll find out I'm going to turn this thing on and I'm going to climb in the van mosquitoes are coming out I do not have that thermos cell on anymore Auto record ready okay I have it on sensitive high so we'll see if she picks anything up tonight I think I can check it I should be able to check it from my phone tonight it's finally starting to rain it's like a medium kind of lightish medium rain right now but it's uh it's picking up and it looks like we're going to be getting quite a bit of rain so finally it's literally like almost 900 p.m. I think it might even be 900 p.m. all right now it's more of a medium rain so uh let's uh let's chill in the van yeah it's picking up oh it's picking up finally we've been waiting all day for this rain this is a good life right here hopefully no hail I hope no hail but I want some heavy heavy rain we haven't got to the heavy heavy rain yet but it's raining pretty good hopefully you guys can hear it once I get my real camera and real mic this will be a lot better [Music] [Music] she's raining pretty good right now that fire pit soap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh last little view cuz I am about to close up shop cuz uh it is very dark now and uh that's when the Predators come out I already saw a hawk literally eating a mouse like he flew by with a mouse in his mouth so let's uh shut this up and get in [Music] there well we're back in the safe van I got my ice cold water my tlur cup it's currently 68 Fahrenheit outside and 70 Fahrenheit in here which is a little too warm for me cuz it's kind of like a little bit humid so hopefully it cools off I think it's supposed to get into the 50s tonight which would be great I did bring my summer sleeping bag so very light sleeping bag supposed to have some rain in the morning so I plan to set up the tarp and have some coffee and that should be epic in the morning so I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight I actually just brought one of those like dry Foods tonight so all I got to do is just boil some water and just uh put that in there and mix it up and I should be good to go give you guys a little preview of tonight's situation so I did leave the seat up or half the seat up right now um because I didn't bring my cot this time or I'm going to do an air mattress and we do have my carbon monoxide detector because I will be boiling water and having that dry food we have the uh air horn just in case something gets a little too close to the van and I have to scare it away got my blue and purple accent like going T night cuz I love uh just relaxing got my lanterns and then I got the three string lights so it's just like a light you know very low light I like that it's very relaxing to me got my Tober camping cup and then my like storage box is kind of used as like a side table so that's uh very convenient for me so I'll be folding this flat tonight before blow up my air mattress got some more water more lights got the remote if I wanted to watch TV cuz this van does have a TV but I don't really watch TV and then uh the three string light again and then I have my ice cold 1 gallon water and then I did bring a candle to dat cuz I love candles it's just relaxing um it's like a pine candle so very fitting for out here cuz there's a lot of pines and it says 67 F outside and 73 in here which is a little warmer than I like and I got my jet boil so little propane so I can boil some water tonight and this is just so I don't burn my hand and then this is obviously the remote to change the colors of the accent lights here at Power Station to power everything we're going to have this nice and easy dry food chicken and mashed potato dinner so basically I just got to boil water here so this should be pretty simple you got to take out the mashed potatoes I guess that right there and then obviously you want to take this out so that's ready to go now we just got to boil the water I'm to crack those windows a little bit more too just got to let it sit for five minutes and then I get to put this pack it in there and then let it sit for two more minutes and then we should be good to eat there's still a lot of water in there so hopefully it dries up now with this mashed potatoes in there oh yeah it's starting to soak it up about to try out this chicken mashed potato dinner oh it actually tastes pretty good it just tastes like it's all Blended together what the for for good morning guys just having my first cup of coffee relaxing in the back of the van just listening to the sounds of rain and just enjoying the dry environment in the middle of the woods this is awesome I can kind of see my breath a little bit though it's pretty chilly out here thankfully I have this warm tarp kind of like draped to the side so it's actually keeping a lot of the wind out of here I know you can't see a lot when you look out but I'm okay it actually is really good for privacy you guys can see I left all the window shades on so it's nice and dark and peaceful in there and then uh basically the only way somebody could even see me would be like right through this crack and I could always just back up if I wanted to not because I'm like nervous somebody's going to see me it's just kind of fun to like have some privacy but yet I can still look out there at the rain and whatnot and then over here at blocking all the wind so um nothing can see me from that direction and then right here if somebody's coming they can see me a little bit I got to do just back up now they can't see me so just relaxing out here um just kind of you know sometimes you want to be by yourself and just have a little coffee and listen to the Rain run off of the tarp this is so relaxing I lit up the candle to make it even more relaxing [Applause] the sleeping pad I used last night actually was not very comfortable at all a lot less comfortable than my cot obviously this air pad is just meant to be like a lightweight like backpack camping setup that it's better than sleeping on the floor it's definitely not comfortable for for S sleepers inside a van where weight's not an issue hope you guys had some fun and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Tolbers Camping
Views: 453,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, car camping, camping in the rain, van camping, camper van, van camping in the rain, car camping in the rain, camping, solo camping, rain camping, van camper, solo car camping, solo van camping, van camping in heavy rain, van camping in rain, car camping in rain, car camping in the woods, campervan, minivan camper, boondocking, boondocking van, camping in the van, camping in heavy rain and hail, heavy rain and hail, camping heavy rain and hail storm
Id: tJdbTZnyGvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 24sec (4884 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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