In-Depth Car Home TOUR: Living In My 2021 Subaru Outback (No Build) πŸš™πŸ 

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel if you're new here welcome to the channel my name is Bren and I've been living out of my car for the past 2 years and in today's video I'm going to give you a full in-depth tour of how I'm living in here how I organize things from front to back so if that's something you're interested in let me show you around okay let's start with the outside of the vehicle okay guys here's me peace all right so this is a 2021 Subaru Outback I got a about 6 months ago it's got 50,000 M on her it's a beauty it's a beast and I take good care of her as well all right and this car is perfect for New England weather as well it's got that all-wheel drive and it's got plenty of uh cargo space perfect for living in and uh yeah here she is see you later Charlie so I'm going to show you what the car looks like in the daytime which is work mode and then I'll show you what it looks like like in the night time when it's chill mode let's start with the daytime work mode shall we all right let's start up front with the passenger side boom so during the day I like to keep things on the front seat uh and down here so I have um my winter brush and ice scraper right here this is the tripod I use to film my videos down here I got my gym bag all right so in my gym bag that's where I keep my deodorant I got my sun block I've got my body spray I have mouthwash shampoo body wash and I also have the Mach 3 you know got to shave up every once in a while I have my heavyduty winter boots right there these things are impenetrable is that the word impenetrable nothing gets in those boots we have Michelangelo just chilling right here in the front seat we got my denim vest right here I have my towel and I have my journal that I keep for whatever journaling stuff for video ideas um I have my Cy coffee right here right here I got a book that I'm having trouble getting into but that's okay hand sanitizer right there driver's side that's the front all right let's take a look in the back all right we'll start with the door here so in the door hand handle here I have my flashlight and you'd be surprised how often you'd use a flashlight living in your car I use this probably 10 times a night all right have a little LED light here I put uh one here and I also put one over there and there's one back here you can't see whyde now but I'll show you what it looks like at night you'll see why these are so awesome all right down here empty coffee cup this is what I pee into at night right so I always have one of these ready to go um and then I dispose of it the following day and I just keep this loaded up uh so that I can pee in the middle of the night these are great just regular old empty coffee cup so this is the driver's seat and in the back of the driver's seat I keep my wet wipes use these all the time I have my Ninja Turtle Bowl cozy I guess you can say for my uh hot plate for my rice cooker uh this right here is my spray bottle use this for many different things also spray my face with it I clean with it there's just so many uses for that thing right there and then I have my UPS box key right here I have a trash can right here and I also have an empty Walmart bag for my dirty laundry I just did my laundry so it's empty uh but when I do fill it up I just stuff it here also under the driver's seat I keep my jumper cables and my NOCO battery pack I did a review on this thing this thing is amazing just in case the battery dies on me in the middle of nowhere okay I have my jackery explore 240 all right couldn't do this without it this thing Powers my laptop my phone uh Powers my mini fan Powers my uh mini rice cooker and it just Powers my iPad everything you know and I charge it I can charge it in the back here because it has a connection for the car all right back here I got some gum right here all right and this is where I keep my gig work stuff so I have my pizza bag and I also have my other bag inside here I got my computer bag right there I have two blankets right here one of these I use to drape over the seats here at night you'll see that later and then I just have this other one right here boom all right this is where I keep my um Z degree mummy bag folded up on top of that I have the window covers that's where they go during the day and in the back there my pillows and whatnot all right coming around to the other back door all right so as I said I have LED light right here and I keep a for Breeze container right there and underneath the foot of the mattress is where I keep uh grocery items I got my paper towel right here this is where I keep my dinner tray SL workor tray you know I have everything kind of just down here I try to be as neat as possible it's not a whole lot of space but it works for me I have my crackers I have bread I got my spinach there's a particular meal that I like to make and it includes certain ingredients which I'll be using tonight and what I like about the winter is that you know these stay cool down here so that's pretty good so I got my bread I got some fruit down here what else do we got apples I got oranges underneath the apples you know we got to have the oranges we have some whole grain Linguini and we have some raisins right here I just grocery shopping so that's why it's all full I've got two cans of chicken noodle crackers I got some uh Teriyaki Noodles I'm going to show you this right here too this is pretty handy to have this lunchbox uh but this is where I keep my bowl I got a few other containers down there um I have my salsa that I use for my pasta dish and here's my mini rice cooker I have my wet wipes here on this side as well I will all I have two things of wet wipes here uh behind the passenger seat I've got my lemon squeezer right there I've got a can opener I have another little chopping board for like chopping up my garlic uh chopping up whatever vegetables or fruits I've got my toothpaste toothbrush I like to have these ready to go right and uh yeah so I clean this as much as I can when I'm out and about I'll always bring it in and give it a rinse what else we got down here we still got more man it goes on and on all right so we have our apple cider apple cider vinegar we also have Ziploc bag full of oatmeal packs oatmeal is great for the rice cooker as well and I've got some peanut butter and jelly right here uh to go with the bread all right what else and another box of Alpin best healthiest cereal on the planet also in the center console keep my wallet here and then in here I can keep some stuff as well I keep my honey here I got my um men's multivitamins I have some snacks in here little notepad in case I get an amazing idea I keep my auto receipts in here for tax time and what else is in here oh my goodness we have a chocolate chip cookie from Subway it's the only good thing to come out of Subway got a marker and I also have my quarters for my laundry all there in the center all right so I want to show you what I keep inside of my lunch box here all right so I have pepperoni I have these they're like vegetarian meatballs and I like these because it's not like I'm storing raw meat in here you know these are already good to go we just need to cook them you know but they're already cooked is what I'm saying garlic I have my scallions um for this particular meal and I have my KY gold butter there's no such thing as an Irishman without Cary gold butter in his fridge all right but yeah this thing stays nice and cool in the uh winter so put those right there all right and in the front pouch here we have you know knife Fork spoon what else little spatula I can just put miscellaneous items in there as well all right so we just keep this under here Perfect all right another thing I want to mention this right here is my goose neck iPad holder I have it hooked up to the passenger seat here and it's very strong it's very sturdy got this on Amazon for 20 bucks it's an absolute game Cher all right it really elevates the living experience when you can just put your iPad right here you can lie in the back here and just watch your iPad I'll show you what that looks like at night as well it looks very cool and I got my water right here this thing is always full of water I try to keep it as full as I can at all times all right all right boom all right let's go around to the back I have some friends who want to say hi to you real quick you know they're just chilling back here showing off their weapons they had to be in the video all right so we got the boys just chilling right there and yeah here we are on the back it looks a little crazy right now but wait till you see it at night this is where I keep my window covers all right I got my cushion I got my pillow underneath my pillow I have my iPad boom uh this is a foam mattress it's very comfortable all right so this acts as my nightstand but it's also storage for me as well I store like more important documents in here and tape and uh I've got some more tools extra batteries extra bungee cord got my sobriety bands in here guys working on those I like to have this space here these guys usually aren't here so we're going to move them all right so I like to keep my lamp right here I have my little LED light which you'll see how that looks later and uh I have my lint roller little book and yeah it's pretty handy back here over here I have my gorilla tape and this little nook and cranny also have my charger for my Jacker uh so I can keep that powered up all throughout the day and this is my drawers right here so let me show you real quick I have my t-shirts here and I have my boxers and my socks here if you go here I have my first aid kit right here here lingers and I also have my warm stuff I have my warm hat I've got my warm socks I have scarf I have gloves all the way in the back there all right so that's pretty handy um extra LED lights these are great I have an extra Co kit from when I had Co I have um belt this is the charger for this lamp right here just plug that into the Jacker extra little containers and have my hats right here I only wear those in the summertime really little photograph here me and my son I have pretty much everything stored away neatly here and then underneath here you're going to get a kick out of this more Ninja Turtle action figures all right so these are from a lot of these are from the new movie I've been collecting these but uh pretty much everywhere I go I'm going to have Ninja Turtle Action Figures it's kind of like my hobby here as well so let me go ahead and put those under here real quick speaking of hobbies if you want to see what I do for fun follow us over on Instagram at TMNT snaps for some tmn Madness we'll see you there all right and further over here I have uh more space I put my clippers in here and I also store like sweaters and pants and shorts here's a sweater you know I've got extra stuff in here my shorts which I won't be wearing for a while it's just extra space down there and that's where I keep all my clothes and things like that while we're back here let's go even more in depth I want to show you my first aid uh kit all right so I guess this is just where I keep all first aid stuff I got some Q-tips here Vapor Rub I've got my Tylenol Motrin um we got Band-Aids extra razor blade contact stuff here like contact solution I got my contacts inside this little thing got some extra bungee cord more Advil chapstick toenail Clipper extra flashlight we've got our hot hands in here as well these are great for the winter just a couple I need to get more of those and uh I've got some batteries in here and stuff like that scissors all right so everything everything I need right there and it just locks up pretty [Applause] handy all right so I also have this little book light attached to the back seat here I can just shine that wherever I need it it's very handy I use that all the time and it Clips anywhere um this is where I keep my portable fan all right but I won't be using that for a while all right perfect for the summertime so that's what it looks like in the daytime when I'm working but here's the fun part let me show you what it looks like at night time when it's chill mode in other words let me take you into the lnge all right so night time is upon us we're now going to enter into chill mode we've done our work for the day now we can just chill in the lounge that's what I like to call it all right so I cut out some reflec tis for the window covers and I wrapped them in Black duct tape all right so obviously you can tell that there's something in the windows all right so my last car had tinted windows which helped with the stealth there but I haven't had any issues yet and it gives me all the Privacy that I need so there'd be lights on in the car and nobody can see in that's all I really want all right let's step inside so we got our LED lights here we got our um our blanket draped over the front seats right here took all the bags out that were right there earlier and I put all those up in the front seat here so that we have all the space we need here all right so as you can see I've got a cozy setup back here I got my window covers on so I have my privacy nobody can see in I have my fire crackling in the background here even though it's a digital fire I still love the sight and the sound of it and when it's nice and toasty in here and warm it just levels up that cozy experience all right so I'm sitting in the back seat I'm behind the driver's seat and I like having both the option to sit down and lie down so while I'm seated here I can be you know preparing a meal to the right side of me here I can sit here and I can eat I can um work work on my laptop do whatever I can do what I need to do before it's time to jump over here jump over into bed then I kick my feet up and uh I can just continue watching my Netflix or just chill out and that's pretty much it that's pretty much it guys I gave you the grand tour I gave you the daytime the night time showed you where I put everything how I'm living back here so thank you guys for stopping in and I hope to see you guys real soon take it easy [Music]
Channel: Bren P Grace
Views: 138,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u4c4NpptMuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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