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Hello 👋🏻 Today is the first harvest of the bird's eye chili pepper Vietnamese bird's eye chili pepper Korean green chili pepper These are two pickled cucumbers that I stole from my mom's fridge 🥒 Currently 5PM Preparing for dinner after work I am slightly worried about this Vietnamese chili 🌶️ 😤 It's small and cute, but the scent is fiery 🔥 Thinly slicing the chili to prevent any fire hehe I won't be home starting tomorrow, so I am emptying my fridge instead of grocery shopping Finely chopping my garlic I am planning to go on a 3-day camping trip by myself 😎 So excited 🧡 Today's dinner is cold Neoguri ramyun! Adding bean sprouts for some crunch I rinsed the pickled cucumber a few times and squeezed all the moisture out of it Adding the fine chili flakes for some color and preparing the seasoning 2 tbsp of fine chili flakes, minced garlic, 1 tbsp of corn syrup, onion, Korean chili pepper, sesame oil, and sesame seeds The perfect side dish to have in your fridge during the summer✨ The pickled cucumber was delicious on it's own, so it wasn't hard to make this I'm going to bring some more next time hehe One cup of cold water and one packet of ramyun seasoning powder 3 tbsp of vinegar, one tbsp of soy sauce, and 2 tbsp of sugar Cold ramyun taste better if you cook the noodles a bit more than you usually would (+30-60 sec) Adding the final touches and we're done 🍜 This is the most excited I've been in a while I even finished all my work in time 🌝 Cold Neoguri ramyun taste even better with plenty of seaweed 🍜 The pickled cucumber is even crunchier because it's homemade 🌝 It's my first time trying the Vietnamese chili that I grew myself and it is spicier than I thought, I'm glad I boiled some eggs 😂 Finished in no time I'm finally going camping tomorrow You can tell by my voice that my energy level is higher than usual hehe 😂 Because it's monsoon season, I was waiting for the right time to go When I saw that the rain was going to stop starting today, I quickly made a reservation 2 days ago It's been a long time since I went on a backpacking trip by myself, so I ordered a few things 📦 This is a tent There wasn't much of a price difference between the new and the used one, but the new one was international shipping and it said it was going to take a week, so I had no choice, but to purchase a used one It says it's for 2 people, but it's actually perfect for 1 person I'll show you more in detail when we get to the camping site This is a mini lantern It is the same brand as my favorite fan over there I bought it because they said it was light and it has long lasting batteries The lantern I used before didn't even last 2 days I bought a lighter lantern for my 3 day trip This is the old lantern I used for 8 years I'm satisfied with the lighter weight ✨ I tend to get obsessive about the weight when I go on backpacking trips, so I bought small and light products to take with me This is a mini DIY pan When I'm buying items, I do a lot of research before deciding what to buy, then completely lose interest after All of the items I have for backpacking trips were purchased back in 2015 I've noticed a lot of great new products have been released since then When my viewers asked me for recommendations, I couldn't give you guys any because they were mostly discontinued, but I will give you information on the new items that I bought this time around This is a clothesline✨ Clothesline : 28g Chair : 523g Tent : 2240g Right now it is Wednesday 6PM I have more things I need to grab, so I will be going to Daiso and the supermarket I'm going to do some recycling while I head out Also, isn't my hand-knit bag so cute? My mom knitted this herself I love this cobalt blue, it is perfect for the summer The house is a bit of a mess due to my camping preparation, but I will pack when I get back Checking the weather every chance I get 🌞 Canned kimchi 🥫 ₩2,490 We can't go camping without alcohol 🥃 I only bought a few essentials Next stop, Daiso 🛒 Planning to cut this in half and use one half to shower and the other half to do the dishes Grabbing a sauce dish Showing interest in this small cutting board Picking the lightest one Finishing off with some snacks hehe I'm relieved I got to buy all the things I needed I bought this whiskey to make myself a highball It is 350ml, but taking this whole thing is going to be too heavy, so I will take a small amount These are the mini bottles I bought to divide into small portions I bought this because the plug I have at home is broken Immediately washed it to start packing This is my flask I take on camping trips 🌝 It's small and cute, perfect for one person Adding oil to the small bottle to take with me I wrapped it in paper towels in case it leaks Let's start packing 😎 Backpacking gear is compact and small in size, which makes it perfect to fit into a travel suitcase hehe This bag was imported from the States, but it's been used for a long time, so it lost its waterproof function and is now sticky 💦 First, I'm going to pack my sleeping bag, which is the lightest Sleeping bag : 690g My goal is to not exceed 13kg Mat : 450g Table 1420g I prefer titanium for metal products, due to it's light weight All of my utensils combined are only 470g 😎 Titanium cup : 36g Stainless cup : 38g The burner fits right into the pot 🔥 Even if the the items are lightweight, they add up Mini camping stove I leave the unnecessary cases at home This is a mini tarp, but still weighs 2kg I'm not sure if it's going to rain or not, so I'm still debating whether I should pack it 🤔 A dish washing tub and a dish drying rack Filling up this mini torch with gas to take tomorrow Always take extra carabiner clips I am planning to find things around here I have some more things I need to take tomorrow, but let's weigh it first 12.2 kg, it's fine for now Just cleaned up a bit and got ready for bed 🛌 Next day Watering my plants before I leave Picking some food to take with me hehe Korean green chili, tomatoes, and apple mint 👩🏻‍🌾 I packed everything in advance yesterday, so I just need to pack food ingredients 🌝 Wet paper towel 2 eggs 🥚🥚 Steak seasoning Salt Garlic seasoning 2 pieces of bread 🍞 I thought I woke up early enough, 🍚 but as the time passes by, I get more and more anxious ☕️ All done! A bottle of water for me to drink on my way there I also packed the dried fish from the freezer 🐟 I'm in a rush 💦 I'm going to weigh the bag before I go 14.6kg 💦 I've never exceeded 12.5kg before Staying for 3 days must have added the 2 extra kilos Currently, it is 9:20AM I booked a bus ticket for 10:10AM, so I'd better get going Let's go 😎 Argh Great at lifting heavy weights I may not have much energy, but I have good stamina 🌝 I arrived at the bus terminal Finally boarding the bus 😆 Before starting YouTube, I used to go 3-4 times a year, but now that I spend my days off editing videos, camping has become an annual event It's been 5 years since I went on a backpacking trip It's been even longer since I went on a solo backpacking trip Checking the weather every chance I get 🌞 Going on my first solo backpacking trip for 2 nights!!💃 I'm so excited Right now, it is 1:44PM I think the bus ride was about 3 hours and 30 minutes I'm going to get some food from the market, then head to the camping site Grocery shopping at the market Potatoes are in season 🥔 Steak 🥩 ₩27,000 Grabbing tonic water More and more baggage I will eat them all to reduce the load Now that I think about it, I forgot to mention my destination This is Taean, Chungcheongnam-do, known for the beautiful ocean 😊 Buying large scallops at the market She's asking me why I'm traveling alone hehe Solo traveling is so much fun 😎 She bagged a generous amount of clams for me, making me happier Taking the cab to the camping site Cheongsan-ri Auto Camping Site A dog happily greeting me the moment I arrive 🐶 Come this way Nice to see you Finally arrived at my destination after 5 hours of leaving my house 🌝 The camping site dog seems more excited than I am 😂 @#&~ Your mom is calling you, go on The reason why I chose this camping site is because it is easy to access without a car and you can get packages delivered here The biggest reason is that this place has an ice maker I ordered food to the camping site I'm going to put the seafood that I bought in here I can go without a fridge if I'm staying one night, but if I'm going to stay 2 nights in summer, a fridge is mandatory I put all the food in my fridge and now I'm preparing to build my house A camping ground with dense pine trees 🏕️ In front of me, the beautiful west ocean stretches out The first thing I'm going to do is install the chair Next, I'm going to install my new tent! The tent I used before is not completely unusable, but the seam sealing tape has come off, so it leaks when it rains I can't let my annual event get interrupted by a flood 😤 People say that the rain is the highlight of camping ☔️ I remember there was a thunderstorm the first time I went camping and I ended up trekking for 3 hours with a 12kg backpack and I thought to myself that it was going to be the last time I ever camped, but as time went on, I forgot about the hardships I faced 😂 I know as time goes on, I'll eventually become more comfortable, but for now, I enjoy the inconvenience that camping gives Strangely, it give me strength to focus on myself 🌝 The person who sold the tent to me said they only used it 4 times It's almost as good as new, which is a relief I am not totally comfortable with installing the new tent, but I'm making it work without any problem 😎 I've pitched the tent successfully Despite it being my first time setting this up, I think I did it pretty quickly One of the pros of this tent is the mesh top, so that I can look at the sky while I'm inside The weather is nice today, so I won't cover it up and will sleep without the cover I like the openness of the front and back of the tent ⛺️ There's one thing that I desperately want in this moment 💭 Let's put it into action right away That hits the spot I charge myself with fuel and get right back to work 🍺 I purchased a new table If you're camping with other people, you can share camping gears, but when you're on a solo trip, you have to be fully prepared 🌝 I planned thoroughly for this camping trip 😎 The reason why I chose this table is because it comes with a burner plate and I can assemble it Connect the isobutane gas and if you slide it in this space here, it looks clean! My bundle of snacks Setting up my kitchen Next is my mini table that I have been using for 8 years It's really small in size, but it's very useful Setting up my ingredients and my mini kitchen is done! 🌝 Now for the interior 🏠 If you open the lid like this, it fills up with air on it's own 🛌 Finally, my 3-season sleeping bag My cute little house ⛺️ and a cute little squirrel 🐿️ Mosquitoes are beginning to attack me, so I'm spraying mosquito repellent spray all over me That was a lot 🙄 Peacefully chilling It's already dinner time I bought some firewood from the store Hydrating myself with some cold water I haven't had anything to eat today... I'm about to pass out from hunger The camping site only has big firewood, I'm going to have to find something to make it work around here I actually ordered mini firewood to fit my mini stove, but I don't think it's going to arrive today Lighting the pinecones and sticks Rummaging through my fridge The food that I ordered is seasoned octopus 🦑 I forgot to press the record button... It comes with octopus, Korean water celery, radish, and seasoning I heard great things about this 🥸 Everything came pre-washed, so it was very easy to cook Beautiful...🧡 The flow is very important when it comes to grilled clams I place one on the grill, so the flow doesn't get interrupted One large scallop is big enough to cover the whole grill Now starting the main meal 👩🏻‍🍳 An overly enthusiastic gas stove This meal kit is apparently well known in Daegu Maybe that's why it comes with the famous Daegu flat dumplings Tasting the seasoned octopus wrapped in a flat dumpling✨ Do you guys know the tingling feeling you get when you eat something when you're starving? 🥺 Everything probably taste delicious at this state, but it really is tasty A mosquito interrupting my happy dinnertime 😑 Scratch I love the tangy and spicy seasoning sauce with a hint of sesame oil Applying mosquito patches I think noodles with this seasoning would taste delicious I don't have any noodles, but I do have scallops 😎 Dipping it in the seasoning ✨ I like adductor muscles of the scallop, but I also really enjoy this wing part of it because it's so chewy and tender Eating extremely slow... I'm very peaceful and relaxed since I have no other plans 😌 Normally, I would feel frustrated if I did anything at this speed, but I get to enjoy the fire and have delicious scallops while I wait Right when I feel like it's not enough, I move onto the next menu item 🌝 I don't know recipe, I'm just winging it haha Whiskey + tonic water One refreshing glass of highball 🍹 Cutting up some Korean chili from my garden 🌶️ I think it would have been perfect if I had some mozzarella cheese with me 🥺 It's so soft and moist, perfect to pair it with alcohol Adding the mint leaves I forgot to add earlier hehe The whiskey itself has a subtle scent of herbs, so adding mint leaves went well with the drink 🌿 Adding more firewood, so the fire doesn't go out I wrap the potatoes in foil 🥔 then drop it straight into the fire It's only the first day, but I don't want the time to go by I've sweat so much, so I took a refreshing shower The tent is so cute even at night 🌝 Time for skincare After being smoked in the firewood, I took a refreshing shower and just rinsed my dishes with water because it is too late It is currently 11:43PM I was a bit all over the place with pitching the tent, so I am exhausted, but tomorrow, I plan to have a very relaxing day I didn't bring a pillow, so I'll be using my clothes instead hehe A quiet night with only the sound of crickets 🌕 Suddenly, I hear a cat 😦 Is it singing me a lullaby? I don't really know cat language (Former dog owner) 🥺 Next day Good morning ☀️ I opened my eyes to the calm sea greeting me I slept very well and I feel great It is 6AM Opened up early for breakfast 🌝 My house is located near the main road, so it's quite loud with car noises even during the night, but here, you can only hear the sound of the waves and crickets, which helped me sleep deeply Also, I was curious to see who was singing me the lullaby last night The voice sounds similar Orange cat getting its morning massage therapy The purring sound means they are enjoying it, right? 🤭 I took a stroll along the calm sea with a bit of fog Installing the clothesline It was shorter that I expected, so I connected it to my tent Because it's the early morning on a weekday, all you can hear are the birds Drying my dishes and towels You can secure your clothes with this clothesline, which is helpful I am craving rice today 🍚 I'm letting the rice sit in water while I rummage through my makeup bag I am planning to stay outdoors for 24 hours today, so sunscreen is a must 🌞 Vegetables I brought : Green onions and garlic The table is light, but it's not sturdy enough 😁 Shake Shake Thinly slicing the garlic 🧄 The process of making rice in a pot is the same as using a rice cooker Today's breakfast is warm curry! My side dish is leftover seasoned octopus from yesterday 🦑 Just looking at it makes my mouth water 🥺 It's well-cooked, with a smooth and moist texture 🍚 Using my new mini pan 🍳 Made a nest with the green onions 🐣 The scent of green onions and garlic is slowly rising Guava flavored kombucha 🥭 The sun is rising 🌞 I'm the type of person who needs soup when eating Mushroom soup 🍄 Today's breakfast 🌞 Spicy chicken curry with green onion fried eggs 🍛 This spicy seasoned octopus pairs well with rice I was enjoying my breakfast while zoning out to the ocean, when I noticed a squirrel who was also having its breakfast 🐿️ Watching its mukbang 😦 Tragic The beautiful scenery is adding to my appetite Finished my breakfast and now installing my roof Crawling inside Zoning out after I eat is making me sleepy hehe Ah, feels so nice I'm going to take a quick nap 🛌 That was the best one hour and a half nap hehe Having a snack the moment I wake up Normally, I would be busy putting my tent away at this time Staying for 2 nights is really giving me a lot of time to enjoy it to the fullest Making a cup of coffee Did you know? Dried fish and coffee goes well together hehe 💦 I tend to burn food often Unexpected dried fish donut 🍩 I was worried I was going to suffer in the sun, but the weather was cool enough for me to enjoy Watching the tide go out + the potato that I grilled yesterday Followed by the burnt dried fish, the potato is also burnt 😂 It's only half a potato, but still delicious 🧡 The sudden change of weather has me in awe 🥺 I thought I was going to be bored staying 2 nights here for the first time, but just enjoying the scenery is entertaining enough When I came back from my stroll, the lullaby cat must have been on a walk too hehe I was surprised when it started drinking the water that I boiled for my coffee 😧 The cat must have been parched I come across a cat every time I come camping here, so this time, I brought chicken breast and some treats 🌝 The cat loves it 🥺 Doesn't forget to get sips of water in between I've noticed a few scabs on the cat while I was petting it Trying to remove eye booger with my dog experience Fail Look at the cat's immediate reaction to the rustling sound 😂 I don't own any cats, but I do own cat treats Satisfied... Cute furry friend 🧡 Are you the boss cat? Trying to communicate It has a lot of scars here and there, must been in a lot of fights 🥹 You're eating well, that's great I didn't know what the lullaby meant last night 👩🏻 Mister, please come out I was flustered that it entered so naturally 😂 🐱 Nope He must like the comfy sleeping bag Adorable 🥹 His turn to take a nap He took a long nap in the tent, then came out for some more chicken breast treats, and is now sleeping while getting a massage He's shedding a lot Their fur is so fascinating I was observing the cat thoroughly 👀 Now he's using my chair as a pillow and fell into a deep sleep I don't know for sure, but I think he slept for more than 3 hours 🤣 Cleaning up quietly... What is all the ruckus? 😾 Did you sleep well? 🐱 No 🐱 I said, no It looked like he was sleeping again, so I got up to prepare dinner 😅 What a rude human I lost track of time while I watched the cat nap Before I knew it, it was past 6PM I'm going to prepare for dinner right away because I am starving Leftover octopus and vegetables Adding everything, but the radish I don't want to eat the same meal over and over again, so I am going to make a Korean pancake 🌝 Salt I break the broth coin into fine pieces and add it to fill in for the lack of seasoning 🐟 + Leftover chili from yesterday 🌶️ I was planning to go out to the ocean to get some clams, but time flied while I was hanging out with the cat 🥰 Golden brown octopus Korean water celery pancake 🦑 The smell of oil is making me crave alcohol 🌝 Meal kit is good for utilizing the ingredients it in different ways The fragrant scent of the water celery and the chewy octopus🧡 Today is Friday and apparently, they take music requests on Fridays and Saturdays 🌝 Eating fried food made me crave soup Spicy soup ❤️‍🔥 Adding the clams that I got from the market ✨ The last bit of the meal kit Adding radish to the ramyun to make it refreshing Where did you go? 🐱 We're friends at this point, right? Sorry 💦 💢 My buddy doesn't give me a chance to be bored hehe I took care of the cat and now is my turn to eat hehe The smell was so appetizing it was hard for me to wait 🥺 A bite of stir-fried kimchi Shin Ramyun with clams and radish It's spicy and refreshing at the same time 😌 This ramyun is by far the best ramyun I've had recently The taste of spicy ramyun at the beachfront 🥹 My view I'm so happy right now... It goes well with the octopus pancakes too 🧡 Isn't it so cute? It's the perfect size for this fireplace and I've been waiting for it to arrive and it arrived on the last day If I had to answer a question that I'm assuming people will ask on this video...😳 I don't have a car and a lot of the viewers were curious to why I don't buy a car Especially, when I went to Dongdaemun, a lot people recommended I get a car To be honest with you guys, when I was young, my younger brother got into a car accident at a crossroad where there weren't any traffic lights My older sister and I witnessed it The hospital even told us to prepare for a loss He was in a coma and he miraculously woke up 15 days later That accident isn't the sole reason to why I won't get a car, but all three of us do not own a car to to this day and I think it was a traumatic experience for all of us My dream is to go camping with my dog, so some day I will eventually drive I'm not sure exactly when that'll be though 😅 Today is my last night here, so I will burn a lot of firewood and I'm going to cook steak today It must be the time where they play the requested song Zoning out to the fire with my favorite music I can't believe it's already my second night here Time flies even though I'm not doing anything After listening to music for an hour, I am cooking my steak 🌝 Steak seasoning Butter Thick, grilled beef 🤤 The butter made it smell even better ✨ Just how I like my steak 🥩 It was so good I started to devour it on the spot Garlic seasoning The whole process of camping is so therapeutic 💕 Researching : Can cats eat steak I'm boiling my last piece of steak I was wondering if he would come back to sing me another lullaby tonight, but he must have gone on an adventure because he was nowhere to be seen My face was so hot, I decided to do a face mask I literally have everything in my bag 12:39AM Falling asleep to the rain drops Next day It rained a lot during the night I love the smell of wet plants and dirt... I didn't get to see my furry friend since yesterday, but he must have stopped by during the night because the steak I had in a plastic bag in my fridge was missing 😂 A new friend appeared haha I heard this place has great food Today's breakfast is toast and sausage 🍞 Cutting the remaining green onions and making my last cup of coffee ☕️ I love how I brought just the right amount of ingredients for my stay 😚 If I cook my last egg... 😨 No, don't do this to me Let's pretend that didn't happen Breakfast before packing is a must Eating the tomatoes I grew in my garden 🍅 It's already time to go back I'm sad, but I get to packing I was worried that my energy level would be too low for my trip, but I was in the best state and the best mood 🌝 A solo trip especially is very fulfilling and motivates me get through my daily life I've been putting this trip off due to being too busy, but I think I will try to go on more solo trips from now on Time to go back into your homes, just like me😌 I dry the rain off of my things and store it neatly Remaining ingredients : Potatoes and one piece of bread Since I've ate most of the food, I'm guessing I've reduced the weight down by 1kg 😎 Spider The tent got wet from the rain I didn't have time to dry it, so I just packed it up It was a great trip 🧡 Making sure I take my camera that was with me the whole trip 😁 The owner of the camping site gave me a ride back Thanks to the owner, I was able to arrive at the bus terminal safely So hot 💦 And the bus that was going to take me back home was the same bus that got me here, which I was happy to see hehe My hand became rough from the past 2 nights Applying my mini hand lotion I check on my plants the moment I arrive home I've arrived safely and it is 6:35PM I've only been on a backpacking trip for one night at most and I thought 2 nights was more than enough, but it was so fun I actually didn't want to leave If I leave the wet tent in its case, it'll get moldy, so I have to take good care of it for my next trip My lettuce tree that I eat from 🌳 After a refreshing shower, I prepare for dinner Using up all the bean sprouts I used for my cold ramyun The bean sprouts were about to go bad, so I decided to make bean sprout soup🍲 Vietnamese chili 🔥 Fish sauce, broth coin, and salt All you have to do it boil it like this and you're done I have the mini pan out, might as well use it Fried an egg I'm going to roughly tear my lettuce in and add my pickled cucumber and mix it together 🌝 I've only had one piece of toast the entire day, so I am starving I must have rice for at least one meal for me to have energy The savory scent of sesame oil ✨ Adding two spoons of bean sprout soup to make it moist It's not anything special, but it is delicious 🌝 Thank you for watching 🧡
Channel: planD플랜디
Views: 2,963,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #자취브이로그, #자취일상, #자취요리, #자취, #자취생브이로그, #일상브이로그, #집밥, #집밥브이로그, #캠핑, #백패킹, #솔캠, #여자솔캠, #백패커, #캠핑브이로그
Id: 5nL6TvzrbYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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