캠핑 브이로그 . 극한 한파 -22℃, 실내온도 31℃!! 따뜻한 텐트 안 강아지와 설중캠핑 . 화목난로 ASMR

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Be happy all tomorrow is another day. Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do, on a day when everything was frozen Hello, I'm Ryu. Today, I came camping with Ryua. It's so cold. Ryua is waiting in the car. While Ryua is waiting, I'll hurry up and set up the tent. Daytime temperature -15℃. The wind feels really cold today. I need to set up a tent without a break. Maybe it's because the temperature went down a lot. The eyes that touch my fingertips feel as sharp and cold as ice. (The camper Ignis L Shelter) The ground is frozen, so even a 10cm camping pack doesn't fit in the ground. I stopped the tent from flying, but I gave up any more. TPU windows have been installed to enjoy the view outside the tent. Today, I will make a place to stay warm. Since it's cold today, I brought an electric mat that I didn't use often. A space where Ryua and I can rest today has been completed. Let's make the tent warm. The lighter didn't work, so I lit it with a match. * Ventilation is mandatory when using the stove. (G-stove Hit View L) I prepared a wood stove for a warm night. Our youngest member, Ryua, is here! Ryua likes it as soon as she enters the tent. I don't know why I feel good. (Indoor temperature -3.6℃) Let's get ready to raise the temperature of the tent. Oh, I'm going to feed Ryua, who was waiting. Now that we're all set, let's light the wood stove. Let's wait until it gets warm. (Indoor temperature 28.0℃) (Potatoes) I needed water to heat the milk. Out of curiosity, I'm going to go scooping water from the ice valley. This is why men die quickly. Well... after the flood is over I'll get ready to warm up the milk. (Milk) The potatoes are well cooked. (Salt) I guess she wants to eat the potato after smelling it. Unfortunately, I can't give you Ryua, but it was a good snack to eat as a winter delicacy. The water is frozen. Ryua... The water of Ryua outside the tent froze. Now that I think about it, maybe because of the low temperature, the tent is freezing a little by little. I rushed to give dinner to Ryua, who wanted my potatoes. As if I'm always hungry, eat really well. I'm full. You look like you're saying that. (Indoor temperature 30.2℃) As the temperature goes up, I feel full and sleepy. We had a great break. Since we had a good rest, I will prepare dinner. (Naan) (Butters) (Onion) (Water) (Curry) (Thai Pineapple Fried Rice) (Buffalo Wing) I prepared a variety of foods from other countries for dinner. (Beer) Dad, give me some too. I'll give it to you after I eat it. I'll give you more after I eat. All right? Promise! It's hard to eat because of Ryua. I'll give you more after I eat. It hurts! It hurts! Okay, I'll eat this and give it to you. Are you going to do this? I want to eat slowly, but it's not easy. Flour, curry, pineapple, fried chicken. Well .. I don't remember the taste because I was eating fast. (External temperature -15.2℃, minimum temperature -22℃) I refueled the stove for a warm night. filled the wood stove with firewood. I prepared a hot pack just in case. (Indoor temperature 31.2℃) Since we're all ready, we'll go to sleep now. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Good morning. It's been snowing here since this morning. (Indoor temperature 20.2℃) Good morning! I think we need to light up the firewood stove that's been turned off. Ryua is sleeping again because it's warm. She snores well, too. Now that I'm awake, I'll slowly get ready to eat breakfast. (Sauce) (Fried tofu, udon noodles) Maybe we're running out of firewood. The fire is weak. I changed it to a burner and it's boiling well. (Gadarang fish gun) Today's breakfast is not something that Ryua would want, so I'll enjoy it comfortably. It's my first time eating udon with such a big fried tofu. It's good. Sit down! You're obedient today. Snowy morning, warm noodles and soup. This combination is the best food that needs no words. I'm going to have a relaxing morning and get ready to go home. Please wait a moment. When I turned off the stove, the temperature got too low. She could be cold, so I turned on the heater in the car and let her rest. I'm done organizing my tent. Ryua was shaking because it was cold. I turned on the heater and put it in the car. The lowest temperature today was minus 22 degrees. I think the highest temperature is minus 6 degrees Celsius. When we arrived, it was about -15 degrees Celsius. When it's cold, setting up a tent and withdrawing... I think it's the hardest thing. It's cold, so we need to install it quickly. So today, I brought a very simple shelter. Since it's a camping with Ryua, I paid attention to the heating. On average, when the wood stove turns off, The room temperature is about 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. When the wood stove turns on, I think the room temperature is maintained at around 30 degrees Celsius. It's cold outside the tent, It was certainly warm in the tent. I think I can say that. If you remember last year's camping video with Ryua on a snowy day, There are probably people who are saying that this is the same place. My family often comes here with friends. It's a camping site. The owners of this campsite Did you see the comments that are being donated in my video? So they asked me to use it for a good purpose. He gave me cash. When I made my first donation this year, I will donate this amount together. The owner told me not to mention the name of this place. Thank you, Haesol Camping Site owner in Yeoncheon. I'm so thankful for this person. There are many people who are curious about this camping site. Since I don't reveal it, a lot of people are curious. To put it bluntly, the facilities aren't that good. It's an old place. But it keeps it very clean. There's a valley in front of you, so it's good to play with kids in the summer. I think it'd be nice if you came at least once. Don't come too often. This is my hideout. I just need to clean up the tent, so I'll clean it up. I'll go home with Ryua. I'll look for the next camping video. Thank you for watching. Bye!
Channel: 류캠프 RYUCAMP
Views: 14,857,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 캠핑, 류캠프, 강아지, 폭설, 한파, 솔캠, 브이로그, 설중캠핑, 폭설캠핑, 솔로캠핑, 우중캠핑, 폭우캠핑, 겨울캠핑, 동계캠핑, 텐트, 쉘터, 더캠퍼, 이그니스쉘터, 화목난로, 지스토브, 경기도, 연천, 캠핑장, 캠핑요리, camping, vlog, asmr, winter camping, solo camping, snow camping, heavy snow camping, rain camping, heavy rain camping, korea camping, camping asmr, tent, relaxing, wood stove, hot tent, dog
Id: YvgKD1VfA6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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