[폭우캠핑] 시원하게 내리는 비를 360도 투명창으로 보는 우중캠핑 / 오늘 셋팅 쫌 맘에 드는데?😎 / 뱅쇼, 뜨끈한 부대찌개로 혼술캠핑 / 화천 러브팜캠핑장

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It's really raining a lot! Until the tent setup is finished, Hari will be resting here. Rest comfortably. That surprised me! The tent we are using today is a 360-degree fully transparent TPU tent. This tent will make us feel like we're living in the rain. Because of the heavy rain, a lot of water has collected on the tent roof! What's going on, LOL. Now, there won't be any more water pooling on the roof. There's a problem. The tent keeps leaking. Water is pooling along the seams and dripping. I have a roof fly in the tent setup I brought today. I was too lazy to set it up, so I tried camping without it. But it started to leak because it rained too much today. So I think I'll have to set up the roof fly. It won't be easy to put it on since the tent is already set up. But it's better than having the tent leak, so I have to try. Hari has arrived at her home for the day. I gave her water thinking she might be thirsty, but Hari isn't drinking. It's not that I'm not giving her water, but that Hari isn't drinking it ^^;; It's a bit chilly. I have some very old wine at home, so I'm going to make mulled wine with it. Cinnamon stick. Dried fruits. Mulled wine will warm up your body and help prevent colds. The scent of cinnamon is really nice. I'm planning to draw power from the power distribution panel installed at the campsite. Hari's eyes are full of sleepiness. (Hari: Why do you keep poking me?) Hari, let me put my feet in the sleeping bag. Good girl~! Such a lazy dog... Tonight's menu is budaejjigae. Sausage. Various vegetables. Baked beans. Budaejjigae seasoning sauce. The sausage is cut into a cross shape and placed inside rice cakes. I'm hungry, hahaha. The cross-cut sausage has opened up and looks like an octopus~! Delicious~♥♡ Cheers~ When I tasted the budaejjigae earlier, I craved soju. I thought I should have brought soju instead of beer, but beer actually goes well with it! Wow, it's really delicious~! My body was feeling chilly, but eating warm food feels great. I can feel my body warming up. Hari fell asleep first, hahaha. The river has swollen significantly from the constant rain all night. The day starts with a walk with Hari. Hari's special meal: Pet milk. For breakfast: Jjapagetti (instant black bean sauce noodles), egg, and cheese! “Jjagyechi”! I shouldn't pour the water first... The egg...the egg should go first. I poured out the water. No!!! The egg yolk broke. The yolk broke... The sunny side up is ruined. Once you simmer the Jjajang noodles with some water, add cheese and a sunny side up on top, and it's done! Let's eat well~ I assembled it backward. No wonder it looked strange ㅠ_ㅠ Come down~ Good girl!! Good job, Hari~ Thank you for watching. See you in the next video^▽^
Channel: 치우했치우Chiwoo Camp
Views: 757,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wcDupqv0AjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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