Solo Camping in a Thunderstorm - IT ALL GOES WRONG....

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i love it when a half fast poorly executed plan comes together g'day guys cam wild wild touring um today i don't really know what i'm doing the weather's terrible it absolutely bucketed down on the way out here i'm not going to tell you exactly where here is to give you a clue i'm somewhere between lancelin and geraldton along the coast just north of perth today's mission was really to find some new new ground uh so what i've done is i jumped on satellite maps last night and i've dropped a few pins in some places that i thought looked interesting just looking for points of interest like hills and bays and coves and that kind of thing and i and i've sort of found a few spots i've come out this morning after school drop-off and we're going to check him out the weather is terrible so i need to find somewhere fairly sheltered i'm by myself it's just an overnighter i've got enough beer and food and water and firewood for the one night but i just wanted to see if i could find somewhere fairly close to home for these kind of overnight trips so the bugs are pretty friendly and i'm going to put this camera gear away before it gets wet but i'm going to air down the tires quickly we're going to keep bombing up this track which has been really tame so far but there's a patch of sand just ahead so air down have a poke around hopefully find somewhere nice take you guys with me cook up with me and feed maybe do some fishing all around good times oh and this will probably be the last trip that i do with this old canopy on so that's pretty cool [Music] so trying to find a spot like this just working off um satellite images you always run the risk of potentially hitting you know like a farmer's gate or a water core no access sign or something like that so there's a very real chance that i'll be dropping tire pressures pumping up several times having a duct back onto the road that's just the way it is i'm i'm quite happy to spend most of the car today just sort of driving around trying to find these spots because the weather is pretty crappy anyway let's park up and have a look i won't drive onto the beach yet oh there's a bit of weed calm though considering the weather that's beautiful and calm let's have a look this was the spot i was thinking of and you can see why it's nice and protected from one side i thought some fishing off the rocks i think we'll keep exploring um this would be a really nice spot but with all the weave i think i'll try it another day in a few months time the weed comes and goes but it's a promising spot it would it's perfect for a couple of cars good start i'm going to head a little bit further south next to the rocky outcrop looks promising beautiful spot a lot easier just to stick the drone up in the sky and and have a look around and see if i can find a camp that way because you know it's got like a five or six okay range but it's a brand new and uh it's been drizzling pretty much non-stop it's only light but i don't want to stick my brand new drain drying up in the rain bit soft like that i don't know if you can see from here but on the top of that stick there's a big eagle decent sized one anyway if my phone's got a better zoom so impressed this is the new iphone 12 i'm seriously impressed with what i can do i such a shame it's weedy because this would be a cracking beach on a good day but i can see a bay down there with no weed on it bomb down this weedy beach see if we can hit that bay but i think we might have to come back out on the tracks again so weedy oh i've stuck out oh my god oh each spot's getting better and better good little campsite campfire there's some schools of something moving around in there already so little bait fish schools nothing big but maybe that'll be bring in big fish hopefully i don't really care it'd be nice just to get something though for a feed didn't bring any um any lunch haven't had brekky and i'm obviously gonna waste away if i don't eat so i'll give it a crack anywho i've got a bang lunch in the oven and i think i've lost this track so i'm gonna put the camera down and i'll see you back at this camp so awning out first they're expecting a fair bit of um a bit of rain in the salvo and a thunderstorm so awning out and it's one of the only times i've ever bothered dropping all the poles and some putting some guy ropes out or ratchet straps because that's what i had but yeah they are saying it's going to be quite um quite stormy so rather do it now while i'm nice and dry and i'll just have a small fire tonight i'm burning jarrod so it doesn't burn too big and i'll i'll get away with that underneath the awning i reckon even if it starts raining i'll just drag it in and then swag down here head in the high spot i'll set that up a little bit later just so i've got a bit of room to cook and stuff anyway i'll bang dinner on um that's going to take a few hours so travel buddy is already on and preheating and i've got one of these it's already pre-cooked um beef brisket from woolies comes with a little sachet barbecue sauce they're really good so i'm going to have that sliced in in some nice brioche buns with a little bit of high milk cheese and a bit of cupid so that's dinner that'll be really nice like i said it's already cooked and i think it's been cooked over smoke yeah it has wood smoked slow cooked for 10 hours so that's kind of like um what i do i do at home but it's already pre-cooked for me so i'm just gonna basically reheat it for about two hours in the oven and that'll be an early dinner i am thinking actually because this travel body is capable of some really low temperatures i think i'm gonna buy a um a raw brisket from the butcher and i'm gonna try slow cook one in this travel buddy one time and i've got a bit of an idea about how i can get some smoky flavor through it too and i can do the entire thing at camp so i'm gonna try that probably next so the bigger trip i do but this is tea tonight and it should be really nice it's already hot whoa preheat like if you've got a travel buddy oven you know that they take quite a while to pre-heat um people are getting around that if the car's not running that is and the reason is that they're a 12 volt oven they're more efficient at higher voltages so while you're driving and it's getting like 14.4 volts or whatever off your alternator it runs quite efficiently and and it gets hot quick and all the rest of it when you're stationary and you're running off your lead acid batteries your batteries dip down to 12 and a half volts or whatever you lose a bit of efficiency it takes longer to heat up and whatnot with lithium batteries they're resting voltage like mine right now well it's not even resting voltage it's under load it's 13.2 volts so i find this preheats pretty quickly but some people are getting around that with lead acid batteries by running like voltage uh step up converters so they convert your 12 volts into 14 volts or whatever you set it to uh which is one way around it now with these things this is like an oven-proof bag where's my knife i've been trialling some new merchandise has a nice little knife there yeah so you can actually cook this in the bag but you do need to pierce it in a couple of spots so it doesn't explode on you so that'll be sauce and go away do you know what i don't think i brought any plates or anything i'm so unorganized this strip because i started actually gutting this canopy i'm ready for the new one like i said this is probably the last trip i do with this canopy and this trip was a real impromptu sort of last minute one so i pulled a lot of stuff out already and i had to put quite a bit of quite a few things back in just for this short overnighter and i've forgotten so much stuff but we'll make do it's only one night so we're not gonna starve i don't even have a bin i'm drinking water out of a tub wherever you're camping on the coast you've always got to know where your sanctuary zones are you know fishing zones there is one around this area that i'm aware of so just to play it safe i'm going to cut around these rocks and fish on the other side of them just so that i know i'm definitely well out of that sanctuary zone because the last thing you want is a big fine and look i'm unlikely to get one but still you got to do the right thing feeling confident there's one hungry herring grab the big 30 30 gram um slice yeah well i mean another good size hearing not often i'll get him on um lewis just a two but that's cool that'll be breakfast tomorrow get back to camp fill up them up and bang them in the fridge those herring frames i threw in the water before there's a big uh ray come in to eat them let's get a look big rye beautiful way leave him be he wants to come back here and have another look [Music] [Music] i did something mega stupid i just flew out to these islands out there in the horizon you probably can't see them on the gopro and they were far further than i thought they would be and my drone started beeping at me saying it's getting low so i turned around no no no critically low battery it's landing i'm gonna lose this thing 500 meters out i'm so close critically low battery oh my god well i managed to get it to shore but i don't know where it is i think it's over that next point i better go find it better take this with me critically low battery that was such a rookie mistake i think what happened was the wind was behind me flying out there and on return wind was against me so i didn't have the juice to get home i was so lucky to make it even back to the beach i should know better than that that's like probably the fourth or fifth time i've flown this drone and i've crashed quite a few before so i should know better luckily the camera stays on so you hope you see yourself running past it see they are pretty idiot proof drones just proven that i think real clever technology instead of just like letting your flight to zero percent and then just falling into the water or crashing into the ground gives you plenty of notice which you should listen to and then slowly lowers itself and lands pretty carefully so no harm done let's get back to the fire it's pretty cold that should be done now let's have a look hmm like i said i haven't got any of my stuff here so i don't even have a dish cloth or anything well that's hot while touring hats multiple purposes get yours while oh my lord that smells good safe to say it's pretty hot oh yeah unreal so always do a few of these meals they do a pork shoulder um they do a butterfly beef they do this brisket i think there's a couple more too perfect for the travel buddy this was cooking for about two hours and then it was just switched off and left in there for another hour or so brioche buns i didn't bring forks tongs anything proper caveman style i'm lucky i've got these buddy tupperware containers don't even have plates oh so good high milk cheese burger cheese whatever cupid i need a drink now normally keg beer at home but whenever i'm filling a keg and there's a little bit left of homebrew that is i'll just bottle it in whatever bottles i've got so this isn't ginger beer it's um what is it a three and a half percent draft beer this would have been something i was brewing for the thunder fab boys i put some beer on tap for the fabricators that are making my canopy beer on tap in their workshop they're loving that they're smashing it i'm just about a full-time brewer trying to keep up with the boys here we go so good hmm that was worth the wait woken up to blue skies this morning i slept so well last night just listening to the ocean the waves crash just puts me to sleep every night i can get under under canvas is a good one um the storm did roll through last night probably about midnight one o'clock in the morning lots of thunder lightning uh rained on and off most of the night but it was quite heavy while the storm was on top of on top of me um but uh obviously no water into the into the swag because because the awning and whatnot and then uh the awning this morning there's not too much water pulled on top because the way i i put the guy ropes out there was a little bit just here so probably should have pulled back that that road a bit tighter it's too loose but yeah these are the views waking up pretty nice i like just watching that through here while you're in bed it's beautiful anyway coffee breakfast slow pack down and a slow roll out this is so annoying i need to dig like a little trench just so i can stand up [Applause] i'm still drinking those um the beans you would have seen me drinking uh on our big lap at wa the tng blend by espresso tenango he'll ship him all over australia so i've been getting them sent to us at home and i've just seen the grinder came from him too and i've just seen that he started selling mocha pots so if you've never had good cam coffee and you want to you can buy everything you need from him this is an induction one because i'm moving to an induction cooker this is a portable one today but in my new canopy i'll have one built in i'm just trying to get used to cooking on induction but i don't know if if jason espresso tango sells the induction ones yet but he certainly sells the aluminium ones that you've seen me using in the past which is what i use at home they're a be a lot of mocha pot i use a three cup and this is the smaller of the two grinders good gear one thing i've noticed experimenting with the induction cooker it's really hard to get the temperature right i must say i much prefer cooking on gas at the moment so i don't know if induction cooking is going to be for me or not yet i just find the temperature control is all over the place it might be ah what's happening why isn't my inverter working 200 amp midi fuse just melted and blown a bit so this is why you fuse stuff because these lithium batteries can discharge really quickly although they're super clever these are all sparked lithium batteries by off-road living and if you do dead short them then the bms trips on the battery so it it it's very unlikely that you're going to actually start a fire or anything with these batteries much safer than your traditional lead acid like agm batteries which have none of that um that sort of technology and people sort of use fuses and stuff to do the same thing but you've got double protection with lithium you fuse everything you run off it anyway and you've got the bms to stop it from a dead short reverse polarity any of that so real clever anywho uh induction cooker is not going to happen so let's bang that away i'm still having coffee i'm not going without a coffee so i'll get my little fire pit out again and i burnt all my wood last night watching youtube videos actually that's sad and that sitting around the fire i was watching a bit of youtube just catching up listening to the waves in the background having a few beers and before i knew i'd burn through a whole bag of wood which i don't normally on that little fire pit but let's see if we can scratch some wood just realized i was gonna buddy use the milk frother i can't even do that so before i cook my fish i'm gonna heat my milk in the fry pan i want coffee this morning i'm not settling without it all you fellas that always comment why don't you just have my kona it's easier you know what today you're right but normally i want good coffee this is an unorthodox way of doing things but if it works mappy just about there i was really looking forward to a frothy coffee because i got this new um shaker it's got a lid so i can actually live in my box anyway bit of an effort but we got there in the end and it's a really good coffee still oh you know i didn't quite know if that was going to turn out but it is good lettuce cupid i always do this i get excited i go too big well i think it's fair to say that was a disaster from go to woe my inverter itself yeah thunderstorm rolled through and then breakfast was just absolute chaos but you know what every single night i spend on the canvas is a good night i've had a great time and i love bringing you guys along with me and i'd like to show you this stuff warts and all it's not all instagram filters in fact none of it is because i don't know how to do that if that's even a thing and hey guys if you enjoy this kind of thing and you want to support the channel there's obviously i've got stuff like patreon going on where you can get extra content and some free merchandise alternatively you can buy merchandise if you want from our from our website or if you're not in a position to do that and you don't want to that's absolutely fine one thing that you could do for for me and for any of your favorite youtubers is simply just let the ads roll through we earn a little bit of money if you let them play through so if you can be bothered doing that um that really helps that's something that i do for for a lot of my favorite youtubers anyway food for thought or you can just do none of it and just watch free content and i'm still happy for that as well so cheers guys that's a wrap camera is not waterproof you
Channel: Wild Touring
Views: 39,326
Rating: 4.9360881 out of 5
Id: C8o9-_LozXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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