Camping on remote Japanese island

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[Music] this one he we are getting off on this rock staying here for more than 24 hours the boys are trying to get off the boat now this looks incredible it's going to be a survival Mission okay okay bye okay woo we can get oh no he brought bananas I did see someone bring bananas and you know what bananas are bad luck for fishing I took mine out before we came out here but someone brought them anyway hopefully it's not bad luck and hopefully it's really good luck o up top okay wow looks cool yeah get get this is our new home for the night there's bait over there I think new shes okay yeah I feel okay yeah yeah yeah looks good right we're going to get ready to go fishing this is what I brought got a four piece Rod it's p 3 to 5 so there we have the four piece and this is a three piece P6 many many big GTs on this already we're using 6000 xh Saltiga on the four piece rod and we're using the 8,000 saltea on the P6 Rod absolutely froing yeah yeah but I can put it here in my Cas oh that's perfect what look at that we can put more stuff in here yeah what use this to keep the sun off the Drone you ready yeah but we're going all cast together on three 1 2 3 we have see before we cast The Heavy one first our car's left all right p66 pink lure GT love pink so we'll see how we go floating stick B 80 g okay let's go maybe strike Oh Long Tom oh yeah I can't wait to see what fish hits first so there was a bit of a buildup for getting something on the first few cars didn't happen we'll change the light tackle for a bit well I just had many many cars with no fish but I'm not losing hope because very first cast I did see a long Tom and when there's long Tom there's GT somewhere conditions are really good and the spot looks incredible so yeah we just keep fishing eh how cool is this let's get a fish very cool looking goatfish super beautiful Mona car just look how crazy those colors are that's insane but I think they want to keep it to eat wo we can try in here maybe there's more fish on this side at the moment see my sand yeah oh botom maybe just this KN huh son such a beautiful spot we're going to fly the Drone get some cool aerial views C let's see if we get a fish well there goes my jig I was looking at all the squid here forgot about the jig and got snugged there's heaps of big baits off the front here so we're going to try another jig but this one's got the hooks on the tail so I definitely can't let it sink to the bottom or we're going to get snagged wow on a poer yes no way so sick yeah just here yes yeah big spear yes thank you okay yeah go yeah that's awesome oh wow wow what was that that felt big it's time look how sick that is last be a lot left cab dog has a donut no fish look how beautiful that is look wo how come on fishies where are you cubby didn't get a fish he didn't get a fish it's all right cabby cby Cy come on dude just one fish one fish to end the day fishy fishy fishy it's really all right C dog ends the day on a donut big fat donut I thought everyone was sleeping on sleeping bags that water has a um a bed it's not too bad right now but later is probably going to be really bad we're not going to bed yet though need to eat some food food miso soup yeah that's good cheers that's going to be my bed yeah this is me for the night work there's some Mega amazing Stars up there I hope I get a fish I'm really fren to get something to see you tomorrow think got quarter cold it's freezing cold here feels like it's snowing here probably pretty much is my nose is block so I'm going to try and clear it out it's still dark and the the the boys are already fishing there's no point filming fishing in the dark you can't see anything so I got wait for this sun to come up which it's coming up pretty fast what have I got in here I could eat a fishing lure nice and hard cuz of the cold sick in Japan oh full lumo first cast of the morning let's just see if we can catch something oh man what a tough trip actually it's not even just this island that this whole time in Japan has been mostly bad I don't know what else to say but it's keep fishing hopefully we get something apparently it's a famous spot so you know what that means it's been fished a lot oh we're going back over check on the other guys [Music] oh manai that's cool as a mantai just there how can a spot look so good but not be fish let's go for a slm I didn't want to swim out too far because Su has been catching big sharks over there didn't really feel like becoming shark bait in 2024 like last year C dog last year many shark encounters [Music] man oh Landing crash well I got that crash landing on film then just had another hit think we're going to pack up and go now 24 hours on poo poo Island that looks like the best thing ever fro we're going on our first solo fishing Mission let's go do some exploring here in Japan hopefully we find something cool oh I'm so frothing [Music] we there's fully goats on the road Google Maps cooked it again that thing is just never spot on I think we're on the right track here that's so sick right just got to the spot first I might actually fly the Drone up and check where we're going to fish drone [Music] time all I just got a couple of sick drone shots of the field we're going to play with cab dog is going in now we're going to try and work out how to get down here but found this spot on Google Maps W what that looks so good we got to get down there there's so many spiderwebs and that means no one has been down here Big Adventures love it wow wo W wo wo wo look at this thing huge Fone ball anyway that's a re we're got to get out to that rock there's a rock in the water out there that's where we need to get to all right so we have two setups 3 to 5 we got a 20 G floating Cav lure on there this setup we have the P6 salty passion and we have an 80 g floating stick bait there wo wo W ice skating someone told me to buy these boots and they're so slippery all let's climb up big wave coming yes we're on we got our first fish he's just taking down that 20 G floating lure that's amazing beautiful blue fure valley we going to get you back mate who see mate we going to have to put one rod in here oh go one rod is in all right let's get this net out of the water can't be good for turtles or anything like that oh smash my rod just say we can do it oh there a turtle there just here look at that right in front just here so all right in front of me with ankle deep water what there a lot of fish here in the shallows I don't know if we can catch these fish we can try yep where on oh what is this what yes what what oh my God it's so powerful what you're kidding me did I just Jagged a fish I've Jagged something what is this it's so powerful man what it's really really crazy I thought now like travali s of w really fast and I've foul hooked it not the prettiest way to catch a fish I Jagged this guy I was schooling here in the shallows behind me I thought that might have been schooling golden travali or something so I was winding really fast I've obviously just foul hooked it but that is some sort of a drama I think and wow they fight hard eh super cool fish all right we're got to release this guy back all right buddy let's go you're right no no no not that way you don't want to go that way no don't go that way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's better go buddy there always the first time for everything jagging a drummer in the shallows oh brought the salty passion over on this side well I think it should should be good oh oh wow wow I've pulled the Hawks that was a good fish I think we got a little bit unlucky then we spooked a few fish and we hooked a few fish but didn't keep anything on definitely a few long time bites but something grabbed it and pulled it felt really good 60 is on we should get something some sort of big hit really nice action on this lure look at that oh what big GT big GT I think it's saw me no ah I think it saw me so apparently here in Japan the fish are real spooky and that one saw me big GT it came right to the ledge so we might have to change the lure show something else there is a lot of bait hanging around out there so a lot a lot of hope I just want to quickly check what it looks like from up the top here beautiful that's insane such a sick spot all right few more cars with the heavy tackle when that sun goes behind that Cliff we pretty much got to make a bolt for it to get back to the car preferably before dark big hookup come on not long to go all right this is last cast again no big we got to get back to the car real fast ah wow how's that for of VI and I'm going to be an optimist about this and if you close your eyes check it out wow I think we should get back in car just in time let's go cavy let's go get some fresh air in here we're on the way home already nice woo I slept a little bit longer than I wanted to and there hasn't been that much fish on this trip so we're just about here I was swimming around those rocks yesterday and I literally just saw a bus up so gonna get straight down there this is insane not even not even a cord on what we got oh we got we got our first fish guess what it's a Cod pretty big one [Music] okay that wasn't the best release they're tough they're tough as Nails those guys he'll be right oh we got our first fish on the board caught sun will come up in a minute up over the do I always hear a bus stop up over that mountain that's insane in the membrane I mean the sunrise is cool and everything but I didn't get it I got one a Cod when I went swimming yesterday I saw blue fin and queen fish and everything here weird all right we might go for a walk along this beach oh where's it all gone those huge buff UPS here not a lot going on is it boys troen maybe the water's too clear or something it's just it is actually super duper clear well that's a slow slow fishing morning conditions are perfect and yeah one one fish you never know I you never know no uh this morning's session was pretty disastrous Clothing Rack yeah it's pretty flat so I want to put some air in it before we go on the ne today windy oh windy yeah very windy I don't know where we're going but we're going to put air in the wheels oh no strong yeah strong okay okay yeah yeah do don't want to do them too much much especially when it's bumpy might blow out a tire yeah straight B hat all right we survived that time to get ready she's said interesting day turn left this is the adventures that you get with C dog we made it all we just need to see the beach wow look how deep that channel is let have the casts into that blue hole on the Rock On The Edge need a better cast than that all right well I'm making a pretty simple decision of heading back it's extreme conditions so windy on that corner crazy it's actually huge thought I was recording and wasn't I got something super cool I've never caught one before let's check it out look how beautiful this fish is that's so amazing wow we're going to get him straight back in the water but that is super cool let's go buddy look at those colors all right let's go buddy that was a cool cool fish wa it's okay now to try swordfish fish Wasabi [Laughter] mini might try the Drone off the front 75% battery that's good [Music] all right that was a drone session I didn't see where the GT were on that last bit hopefully they come in here but yeah that was absolutely crazy footage never seen anything like it myself flying the Drone you never know if you're going to get a fish if you never try the end of Japan 2024 one of the worst trips of my life some really psyo adventures coming up if I stick to my own plans I think I just have to want some for all stop listening to other people catch you guys later I would jump off here but actually you would just land on dry Reef
Channel: Cavy Fishing
Views: 325,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, survival, cooking, fish
Id: DcCDyP5bOS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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