SOFIA THE FIRST LORE (the most powerful leader is 10 years old)

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finding out what being Royal is all about is the least of Sofia's problems I was not prepared for the sheer amount of musical and magical tomfoolery that would occur in this series this is a theater kid's dream if the show's My Little Pony friendship is Magic and Steven Universe had a baby that grew up to be a Disney adult it would be this show and I know that sounds like a roast but I really enjoyed itself butt lovers welcome back to the lore Series where we explore shows and commercials that one time that no one else is brave enough to usual disclaimer my deep Dives are not made for kids even though the shows I'm watching are okay I'm weird I'm a weirdo I don't fit him and I don't want to fit in Sophia the first pilot movie came out in 2012 and the new episodes aired from 2013 to 2018. 109 episodes overall and I watched every single one back when the show came out I was a freshman in high school and I remember my little sister really wanted to watch with me but I was super against this show for whatever reason I remember what it is my sister introduced Sophia to me as the brand new Disney princess and I had a visceral reaction I refused to call her a princess me and my sister had fights over this which first of all passed Athena she literally is a Disney princess and second of all do you hear algebra homework you're 14. why are you fighting with a six-year-old loser so enough about my first impressions when the show first came out let's check out some Common Sense Media reviews just to keep them in mind and see if we agree with them later the first one that pops up is from Happy Mama 2 and she doesn't sound very happy not appropriate for young kids I love the idea of a princess show for kids that actually brings in other princesses it is very hard to find princess shows or movies for kiddos under six I personally feel Sophia spelled wrong uncultured does encourage bad behavior not only is Amber usually always means I do feel yes eventually they go over what happened and usually apologize but I still feel it relays the wrong message not only that but why did Disney shows for kids always have to have a villain seriously when kids are young and at an age under seven before they can consciously understand that big picture and how to reason Etc they are very monkey see monkey do okay so another review negative messaging followed by positive is not good for children my three-year-old daughter wanted to watch the show and I've watched the first few episodes with her so far in the first three episodes or so this is what the episode teaches us you will be judged for being different changing yourself to fit in is good boys and girls cannot participate in the same activities we should be afraid of others who look different and have different customs of course followed by the end of the episode we learned the opposite of those lessons but child psychology research shows that negative lessons are the ones that stick nice argument why don't you back it up with a source my sources that I made it the [ __ ] up they don't want kids shows to have a story it's very fascinating so how does this show actually hold up let's look at the premiere first this show started with a movie like Jimmy Neutron another show I've covered also this was the only part of Sofia the First that was not on Disney plus I had to buy this on Amazon Prime boo boo stinky so picture this she was a girl in the village doing all right then she became a princess overnight how did this happen well her mom married the king of course it's a good thing her mom is hot or else she'd still be middle class that was a joke obviously some of you guys played this [ __ ] in the background and I'll have things on the screen that say that was a joke and then you don't even know that it was a joke so I'm just letting you know that was a joke okay the scene of all the people welcoming Sophia as the newest princess was so funny because a lot of them had these open mouth Smiles but there was this operatic music playing in the background so it just looked like they were singing at her my my face when there's a new princess that's what they were doing so far we met Sophia the titular Bachelor her mother Miranda the king her new stepdad and Sideburn Haver Roland her friends from the village Ruby and Jade and now we're meeting her new Step siblings Amber and James right off the bat these two give me Sharpay and Ryan energy blonde Rich twins where Amber is a diva and James is a well-intentioned follower and on top of that they can both sing their little hearts out I'm getting ahead of myself but for the purpose of this comparison season 1 episode 18. Amber has a song called biggest is best which need I remind you High School Musical 3 Sharpay in the song I Want It All saying don't just say that bigger is better and better is bigger it's genuinely almost the same song Back to the pilot we see Sophia's first day at Royal prep a school where only kids of royalty are allowed to go huh we'll get back to that but anyway Sleeping Beauty's fairies flora fauna and Merryweather run the academy and therefore uphold the monarch Market because of course they would they benefit from it Amber is dead set on making Sophia's first day at Royal prep the worst there's this swing at the recess playground that James says he makes all the new kids go on so this magical swing takes Sophia and throws her into a fountain can we talk about that we teach perfect poised little angels and give them access to a hazing machine what do you think they're gonna do when you give them access to a swing that launches people into a fountain you think they're not gonna use it it's like the Adam and Eve apple tree but way funnier like I'm sorry Sophia you got got but can you even blame the kid first day of school sucked ass but King Roland gave his new daughter this amulet this is the Amulet of avalor and unless you've watched the show before you don't even know how big of a deal this is all we know so far is that this necklace gives Sophia the ability to talk to animals including her new bestie bunny named Clover voiced by Wayne Brady amazing when the Royal Sorcerer Cedric finds out that Sophia has the Amulet of avalor who looks through his book of magic which states with each day performed for better or worse a power is granted a blessing or curse and with this information in mind he becomes determined to steal it this movie does not do Cedric Justice by the way well most things don't but what I will say is with this being my first impression I really thought he was going to be a generic villain boy was I wrong he is great here in the movie though he just gets Sophia to unknowingly freeze everyone in the ballroom with a spell it actually makes him fall asleep I don't know why in my notes I said freeze is them weird not anticipating that he too would be frozen why didn't he just say the spell because then the plot wouldn't happen okay shut up this is when another amulet hour is revealed when Sophia needs guidance a Disney princess will be summoned to her this time Cinderella was there to offer her advice and for whatever reason seeing her in this style of Animation really freaks me out like that's not Cinderella that's Cindy it's like those Wreck-It Ralph versions it just hurts my brain it just feels like they'll continue to repackage it over and over again so the story never dies but anyway Cinderella sings her advice prompting Sophia to talk things out with Amber Amber's the only one not frozen because she wasn't in the ballroom she was actually in her bedroom crying because everyone likes Sophia better than her boohoo I wonder why that is Sophia I guess is Gabriella from my elaborate High School Musical comparison would that make Cinderella Miss Jarvis or wait where did Cinderella go for whatever reason Cinderella disappearing at the end of the song is so ominous but Cinderella died 50 years ago but here's the thing I genuinely think that trust me trust me we'll get into it later also from this point on Believe It or Not Amber and Sophia are the bestest of friends Amber's still not the nicest in general but she's very loyal to Sophia it's very sweet and wholesome now let's talk about the wealth Gap right off the bat during the movie when the animals start talking to Sophia they explain to her how they serve royalty expecting food like actual food but they never get it the implications of this are severe why don't the Royals think to feed the animals that are making their beds why do the animals feel like they have to do work to deserve food oh but it gets worse season 1 episode 2 Amber is shocked to find out that Sophia has invited her Village friends to the sleepover you've invited Village girls side note hate what Amber is saying but love the way she sings it literally baby Heathers their harmonies are killer and even though they're [ __ ] if they keep singing like that I won't care what were those Common Sense Media reviews saying again uh-oh the first few episodes especially make the Royal kids and adults look so bad episode one we cover sexism when the entire School thinks Sophia should not join the derby team because it's for boys episode two as I mentioned already we go into classism where Sophia's friends have to prove Amber wrong what other ISM should we cover oh yeah episode three speciesism don't be speciesist the trolls have to hide away because the humans hate them for no reason I'm finding out what being Royals all about colonialism no seriously everything Sophia needed to be a good princess she already had she's personable and genuinely caring the only time she has faltered has been when these other kids who have supposedly been studying here their whole lives made her question her choices what is the point of this school in the episode The Princess test all the kids were convinced that the most important part of being a princess was etiquette Fanning posture bowing [ __ ] but Sophia goes off to help an old lady that everyone else initially said no to actually Hildegard didn't even say no she just flat out ignored her anyway turns out that was part of the test plot twist so everyone gets silver stars except for Sophia that gets a trophy but personally I think the episode should have ended like this all of you get silver stars Sophia since you did everything right you you're the new principal and there's one thing we forgot oh Hildegard oh my gosh am I the new vice principal no you're expelled between season one episode nine baileywick's day off and season one episode 10 The try Kingdom picnic we really see how overworked the castle staff are in fact I just censored Myself by calling them Castle staff there have been multiple occasions where they just say servants which um that's uh okay they're not sugar coating it but anyway with baileywick it can kind of be dismissed as him being a workaholic but in the song picnic of the Year there was a throwaway joke of two poor mates singing they're gonna party until we drop unethical working conditions so funny oh Disney season 1 episode 21 we have a classic Prince and the popper trading places for a day type episode because for once we see how exhausting it is for the king to delegate boo [ __ ] who so he didn't mean to but he wished upon a mirror and now him in the royal family are Baker and not only are they terrible at this job but he sees how much the Village People need him not because of the wealth Gap that needs to be fixed no they think he's the best King ever that's a direct quote one of the biggest contributions that everyone keeps bringing up is that he built a new Dragon slide for the park well he didn't but he told his people to The only positive thing that I got out of this episode is that there actually is a ball for Villagers shirts once a year in the Royals celebrate every time Amber farts but still good for them see season 2 episode 14 there's a jewel called the emerald key of hakalo hakalo is a hidden island and if you're wondering why this Kingdom doesn't interact with all the other kingdoms this episode alone proves their right to not trust anybody Lonnie the princess of akalo goes up to Sophia and her family begging for help and for them to return her key but when an identical princess of ocalo arrives at the castle they put them both through Colonial ass tests one of the tests to prove which one was the real princess is who can Royal dance better the real Lonnie does a dance called the swaying Blossom while the Imposter does the waltz King Roland is like ah yes good white Dance all Dance Royal dance that dance good dance waltz wins after all these years of being a king he did not realize that different people have different cultures hey pal you're just blowing from stupid down on top on top of that the last test was both of them getting out of a maze what does that prove go around trying to help people in trouble and Sophia loves them she starts to go up to Carol to ask for an autograph and overhears her saying that she's just doing the work that the royal family isn't doing Carol was legitimately saying that the royal family doesn't do anything to help the villagers which is the first time we've heard a morally good character speak out against the monarchic sure the episode ends with all of them being chummy but the seeds of doubt have been planted the only saving grace is Sophia Sophia keeps proving everyone wrong but the royal family should still be questioned so that they can constantly do better Carol even came through with anecdotal evidence she talked about how her cousin Henry got stuck in a bog and the Royal Coach flew right overhead without even stopping did the Royals apologize or even explain maybe they didn't see them no because Sophia makes all their mistakes better just by existing in the episode Lord of the Rings Hugo a royal prep prince who initially was really tough on Sofia for wanting to be in the flying Derby because it's a boys thing now wants to do ice dancing even though it's a girl thing love this character development you go Hugo Crush gender Norms this episode also shows why he was initially a bullet his dad is very traditional anti-progressive and wants his son to only do manly activities in fact the only reason Hugo's sexist homophobic dad comes around at the end is after he sees how good his son is very comforting to know that this king would verbally berate and abuse his son if he was anything short of exceptional whilst being a little fruity over a throw of the monarchy I saw this Tick Tock the other day of a UK flag being lowered while the pride flags were still up and this dude taking the video was like crying about it that dude would be Hugo's dad the episode pinned the blame on the genie was very fascinating because it explores the social hierarchy of magical creatures there was a whole court trial of a royal wizard accusing a genie of granting chaotic wishes that he actually didn't do and plot twist the Royal wizard was also a genie the whole time and he was the one granting the chaotic wishes what was the point of doing all that the whole time he was trying to frame other Genies to climb the social ladder eliminate the chances of him getting caught in the lie and direct quote about the disguise the king would never take a genie seriously there was only one way to get the job of my dreams pretend not to be a genie he's locked up in his lamp at the end but can we address what he said I don't think the king should view any type of magic over another season 4 episode 10 titled princess Jade we see royal prep and Dunwoody have a day where two students swap to see how the other half lives because in their words Royals and villagers make up a kingdom if you don't think about this episode it's kind of cute but when you do think about this episode what is the point of these nepo babies showing off to the villagers like what's the point the storyline is of course Jade missing her quaint school because if the story went any other way they'd have to make the Fairy Godmother spell out the [ __ ] wucky part oh you really enjoyed Royal prep well you can't actually go oh here because your your parents aren't politicians only the children of politicians are allowed to know our silly little secrets there are more examples of royalty being morally inept that I will mention while discussing the different formats of episodes but first my dead princess Theory what it took 12 episodes since the movie pilot for another princess to be summoned I almost thought they forgot they could do that so Princess Jasmine appears and her advice is how to tame a wild carpet in her words you have to teach them how to listen to you and follow your orders oh dear God I know that that's how domesticated animals work like if you get a dog you need to teach the dog how not to bite you wouldn't want your carpet biting back at you wait that's not the issue oh it's just another form of transportation livestock like the pegasi okay Jasmine is a unique kind of princess because her story more so focuses on the upcoming Prince and she was born into royalty she's been royal her whole life so her advice of just giving orders is accurate I guess that's all she knows how to do then she disappears after she helps just like Cinderella did Jasmine's been dead for 50 years season 1 episode 17 is the first time we've seen the amulet curse Sophia because she was losing her way bragging to her friends and being snobby Belle was summoned to give her a lesson about giving a proper apology through actions instead of just words in the episode Floating Palace part 2 Sophia meets mermaids and even turns into one so her amulet can do that too and Princess Ariel appears as a mermaid was this after the sequel was it after her kid the timeline starts to get more confusing also wait Ariel's been dead for 50 years the very next episode season 1 episode 24 Princess Aurora is summoned just to tell Sophia to ask her animal friends for advice and that's all she does that's it shortest weakest Cameo she doesn't even sing go back to sleep Sleeping Beauty that Eternal sleep because Sleeping Beauty's been dead in season 2 episode to Snow White is someone to help and she appears in the mirror at the end of the episode but not in real life they're all [ __ ] dead she's season 2 episode 12 Mulan is the summit princess and fun fact she's my favorite princess and Leah Salonga came back to sing his Mulan which was just magical now the two parts special The Curse of Princess Ivy shows that sometimes the princesses that are summoned can be the curse because not all of them are going to give good advice so it all starts with Sophia telling Amber about the amulet's power and as a result Amber literally steals it from Sophia a Darman video title for this would be spoiled princess steals from her own sister and lives to regret it so Princess Ivy is summoned from The Amulet and she is a princess that was arrested for trying to overthrow her sister are we seeing some parallels also this is how she reacts when the amulet teleports her where am I what is this place this is confirmation that princesses are taken from wherever they were so in her case The Slammer but I still think princesses can be summoned from the spirit realm especially because this princess was so freaked out when she appeared which never happened with the other princesses princess Rapunzel was also summoned during this special moving on season 2 episode 20 Princess Tiana is summoned and even says if what Mama Odie told me is true then I'm here to help you season 3 episode 5 Merida is the princess that summoned and she teaches Sophia how to be brave yep yep like like her name the last princess that was summoned was weirdly enough Olaf I guess they couldn't afford Idina Menzel or Kristen Bell but they explained in the episode it was because crazy crystals were put on the amulet so from season three onward if the amulet isn't being used to summon princesses what is it being used for what isn't it being used for seasons one and two feel completely different than Seasons three and four the first two seasons feel like taking a casual stroll very episodic and silly they even made the bunny character do the Gangnam Style dance and they thought I wouldn't notice nothing gets past me but from season three on it is a marathon jumping from plot point to plot point and expanding the universe so much more it feels like there should be a hundred more episodes you'll see what I mean when we discuss the secret Library Elena of avalor Sophia's summonings and the Mystic Isles but for now let's talk about how certain characters are just tossed aside Ruby and Jade Sophia's friends from the village made constant appearances throughout the first two seasons they kept Sophia grounded reminded her of her roots and even aided in Amber's growth when they befriended her but we barely see them in Seasons three and four and it's very disappointing another character they were hyping up only for it to feel like they discarded is bailiwick baileywick is the castle Steward he is loyal and kind and in the beginning they made it a point to talk about how you can always always count on baileywick they even had a whole song about it you can always count on baileyweek but when season three and season four take on a more adventurous tone he goes unseen I think the second half of the series is very ambitious but they didn't have enough time or episodes to show Sophia's everyday life it makes it feel a bit more frantic and especially as someone who binged it it just seemed kind of stressful isn't she 10 can we just chill for a second the answer is no season 3 episode 5 is such a random episode to have a game changer like this not a Premiere not a finale smack in the middle of the Season Sophia finds a new purpose in the previous episode minding the manor Sophia's Aunt Tilly gives her a book of all of enchancia's history and she keeps saying knowledge is the key very ominous this episode opens with Sophia reading from that book and then all of a sudden her book had a baby book kind of reminds me of wizardology oh look at that I made a video on it maybe you should check that out after this and anyway book mentions a world in the castle walls so she goes there with the help of her amulet which apparently her aunt Tilly also had this in the walls tunnel and Pathways has references to all the other Disney princesses movie because this is a Disney Princess show and it will not let you forget it then the book acted as a key I really don't know how I didn't see that coming after that she ends up here and uh My Little Pony friendship is Magic is calling they want their secret Library tree house where they're summoned to help people with that so yes Sophia's purpose is to help people have a happier ending to their story essentially doing what the Royals should be doing Sophia's first mission is to help her horse Minimus his brother escape from an evil king a king who's still in power by the end of the episode by the way yikes also I'm in the show I also think it's important to note that Disney plus marks all of these secret Library episodes like they're a mini series within the series and I was pretty surprised to see how few episodes actually utilized the secret library in total there's only seven episodes where Sophia goes on these life-changing missions the main reason for this is because two out of seven of those episodes resulted in Sophia going on even bigger missions namely the Elena of avalor special and the Mystic Isles episodes that and also the amulet can summon Sophia now the first time Sophia has summoned to help another princess is in the episode beauty is the Beast and we find out that this princess also had the amulet does this mean that every Disney princess we've seen has also owned this amulet that would have to span over a long period of time something that's even confirmed by the fact that this amulet is an ancient maruvian necklace and the kingdom of meru doesn't even exist anymore giving even more validity to my dead princess's Theory I don't know why this is the hill I believe willing to die on but if I had the Amulet of avalor it would bring me back just to give you advice and here it is here it is subscribe to my channel okay bye I also find it very amusing that there's a difference between finishing stories and guiding princesses it is very similar but somehow it's two separate helpful abilities don't know why royalty is prioritized with teleportation straight to them she doesn't have to go on a whole journey like with the library people the princesses can't wait they're rich the only time the library told the story of a princess Sofia had to help that they didn't immediately transport her to was for a very specific instance an instant so iconic it was the start of this Show's spin-off series The Elena of avalor special is a glorious backdoor pilot a backdoor pilot is when an episode of an existing series acts as a way to pitch another one hilarious example of this is the episode Crash Nebula from Fairly OddParents which I remember watching as a kid and being very confused the whole episode was Timmy Turner watching his favorite show he didn't partake in the plot it just started with him and then these characters I don't give a [ __ ] about took up the entire episode it was also unsuccessful as the series was never created so what did Elena of avalor do differently that made it successful well it grabbed the attention of the viewer because this was a pivotal moment in the series Sophia also took action in this episode she wasn't just pushed aside for characters we've never met before which in turn actually made us care about Elena more Elena was just as compelling even though she still shared the spotlight now in this video I will only be discussing Elena and the secret of avalor episode because the whole series will need a lore video all on its own I tend to do that with spin-offs like I did with Planet Sheen so the one thing that really confuses me is my sister told me that the beginning of this episode was different when she watched this and Wikipedia confirms this according to the wiki it says that the episode starts in avalor when Elena takes Naomi up to a mountain to show her her favorite view of the Kingdom Elena laments to Naomi about how she was Trapped In The Amulet of avalor for 41 years and then presents to her a broken want she tells her that it was shariki's wand and how she would still be trapped in the amulet if it was not for the Brave Young Princess Sophia Elena then proceeds to tell Naomi the whole story but that scene didn't exist when we watched it in Disney Plus in fact I never even saw Naomi I hope I don't sound ridiculous I don't know who this is I don't know why they took the scene out but in all honesty I think I like it better without it because the reveal of Elena being stuck in the amulet hits a lot harder when it isn't spelled out right at the start the way the episode started without that opening scene is Sophia had a vision from The Amulet of Elena being chased after her parents were murdered intense I know parents on Common Sense Media would have hated that if my kid sees bad guy on TV my kid will be bad in real life don't make my life as a parent harder where I have to explain to my kid that murder is wrong so obviously Sophia is disturbed by this strange Daydream why would she think such a thing it's called intrusive thought Sophia no actually the amulet leads her back to the secret Library Elena's book comes out and usually the book narrates itself here but for whatever reason with this one a man pops out he is the Royal wizard of avalor who turned himself into a book you know what they say you are what you eat what are you talking about what are you doing this is when it was revealed to me that Elena was stuck in Sophia's amulet for 41 years and all this time Elena from inside the amulet was searching for someone to free her the culture of avalor was explored as well as Elena's family as well as how the evil dictator held Power by outlying Magic music and joy but these are all things I will explore for that lore so stay tuned but right now I want to talk about how all of this pertains to Sophia after Elena left the amulet it changed from purple to Pink but it still contains magic the only thing that's different which was revealed the episode after is that now Elena is not the one giving her powers now Sophia is in control so up until now all of these powers and curses were just Elena testing Sophia which in retrospect is wild Elena did you have to make Sophia croak like a frog because she was a little gloaty when she got the solo was that really necessary it seems like Overkill also remember when crazy crystals were put on the amulet now I'm picturing Elena in there high as [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] scared man 41 years was a long ass time before we discussed the Mystic Isles because that can of worms was introduced way too late in the game let's discuss Cedric and his little Raven buddy wormwood because the way they approached his development was so fun to watch because for a very long time Cedric's nefarious plans were unknown to anyone which is very funny because he's just in general Shady but the more time that passes and the more you see him bond with the family you start to get tricked along with them and even though we the audience know that he wants to take the throne and backstab the royal family we also start to understand why for example in season 1 episode 4 we see how terrible King Roland is to him lamenting can my Royal Sorcerer do anything right and this is just because a king from another kingdom came up to Roland and like bragged about his own Royal Sorcerer so he was just embarrassed that he couldn't show off like you're a king get your priorities straight in the two-part special The Floating Palace Cedric takes his scheme to a new level by turning into a botched Ursula Loch Ness monster Disney taking inspiration from itself is quite the sight to behold I have such mixed feelings on that aspect of the show because for the most part it's fun and done well but it feels like they're patting themselves on the back just a bit too hard anyway we see in Mystic Meadows where all the old retired Sorcerers go we meet Cedric's Mom and Dad here and we see how his dad always belittles him and acts like he can't do anything right so he shares King Roland's contempt for his own sign something that was alluded to in the episode Cedric's Apprentice but because we only saw his father talking to him through a portrait I wasn't sure if this was literal or just a projection of his dad but no these are his actual feelings and they are repeated over and over again something that stings even more once we realize that Cedric's dad was the last Royal Sorcerer to King roll instead and people called him the best he's living in his father's Shadow and no one ever extends him any respect or gratitude until Sophia but Cedric keep scheming and comes up with the big brain plan season 3 episode 2 by creating a fake amulet and swapping it with Sophia's and holy [ __ ] it looks great A plus plus crafting bestie decoys Survivor hidden immunity idol type [ __ ] and the best part is Sophia still doesn't know it was him in case the plan falls through and also because he really cares what Sophia thinks the amulet or rather Elena cursed him for his thievery by giving him Sticky Fingers very on the nose and in the end Cedric had to give back the amulet because he realized it was the only way to get rid of the curse and don't worry he still did so in a way that Sophia wouldn't find out and at that point he should to realize that the amulet wouldn't help him take over the kingdom anyway also many of the powers The Amulet gave him seemed useless because for example one good deed he did was give a child the ability to jump high so she could win this game so the amulet rewards him by giving him the ability to jump high wait couldn't he have just given himself that he's a sorcerer and he's always complaining about how people don't see how powerful he is but dare I say I don't even think he knows how powerful he is when Cedric Rose a second brain cell it's over for all you [ __ ] once we meet his sister Cordelia we see that she too verbally berates him and doesn't respect Cedric but more on their backstory in a second because it's time for the reveal the premiere of season 4 day of the sorcerers is one of my favorite episodes even though the animation gets really wonky at times why does Sophia have a second pair of eyes who knows and it's funny to think about how this episode never would have happened if they just arrested the hexley hall wizard School principal Season 3 Episode 26 when it was revealed he was was conspiring against the monarchies how many monarchies who knows too many look at how many kids go to this school back today of the sorcerers in this episode Mystic Isles is mentioned for the first time we hear very passively that it's where all the magic comes from and then we see a group of evil Sorcerers banding together it's made up of a bunch of villains we've seen throughout the series and they're being led by Grim tricks the Headmaster I said should have been arrested last season they call themselves the order of the want and they share Cedric sentiment that Wizards are wiser than Royals and even though Cedric's back on his villainous [ __ ] it's nice to see him included in something now here's where things get real everyone shut up he has a truly badass musical number about his moral dilemma because he wants to take the throne but he doesn't want to disappoint Sophia God it's so good my evil dreams will come true but I'm not sure I want them to and he looks so hot during this number for some reason I don't know why okay he then freezes all of the Royals but when Sophia barges in and stops him and his heart broken at the Betrayal he can't bring himself to freeze her I was yelling throughout this episode because dude I'd be [ __ ] my pants if I was Cedric seeing the royal family get unfrozen he even tried to run but an athlete he is not he should have been practicing a teleportation spell and before he was thrown into the dungeon he and the King exchanged some very harsh words some very well written words too I never thought you'd be capable of something like this you didn't think I was capable of anything holy [ __ ] what is happening so here's where things get a bit silly Sophia tries to convince her family not to lock him up because he didn't zap her and it's like girly why would they forgive him he did zap them though but he didn't zap me that's what's important I'm the main in character needless to say the family was not convinced but he did get a chance to prove himself once Grim tricks got as far as he did Cedric stopped him and unfroze the family saving the day wasn't all though he groveled apologized Sophia pleaded his case again and he was reinstated thus his villain Ark came to an end and giving credit where credit is due the family was a lot nicer to him from here on out as well Cedric still has some more moments as a good guy but we'll get to that in the later section let's just say he can't catch a break [ __ ] you wormwood the Mystic Isles were introduced in the three-part special the Mystic Isles as briefly mentioned in the season 4 premiere this is where all the magic comes from all the magical creatures we've seen throughout this series come from the Mystic Isles or their parents or ancestors have the Mystic Isles are made up of the Isle of the dragon's Isle of wishes Isle of centaurs Isle of unicorns Isle of crystals mermaid Isle Isle of memories flying carpets Isle the Isle of beanstalks Isle of fairies Isle of pirates and fairies the I Isle of dancing deserts Isle of rompkins Isle of Miracles Isle of trolls Isle of witches Isle of magical Birds the Isle of forever Frost Isle of wheat Sprites and the Isle of magic music and there's probably even more because we've seen so many magical creatures throughout this series so in this special we discovered that there are crystal Masters that grow magic crystals in the Isle of crystals these crystals are for wizards to use in their scepter's wands and amulets but if you grow these crystals anywhere else it'll take the magic from all who live there very similar to The Princess Ivy special the villain in this special is also a jealous sister Prisma wants to take all of the magic to finally be better than her sister azureen this is once again a direct parallel to Amber who is once again very jealous of Sophia's magical abilities in her defense who wouldn't bathe and I didn't mention at the end of The Princess Ivy special Amber's memories of that day were erased and I guess so was all of her development from that experience however the Revelation that Amber had with the song that's not who I am was amazing essentially she was like oh you use your powers to help people and you're always putting others above yourself that's why you have them you're worthy I'm not I'm not like that though it makes my heart break [ __ ] it up [ __ ] get up I wish I could play an actual clip of the voice actor singing that because it's so good this was the moment Amber truly changed and I'm glad it took so long because she had a long way to go here in the Mystic Isles we also meet the windwalkers which are just hot angels I guess and Orion one of the windwalkers we meet gives us valuable information where Sophia and Amber live is called the Ever realm I'm not sure if this is a happily ever after pun but once Sophia defeats Prisma she is offered to be protector of the ever realm now you can see what I mean when I said the series went zero to a hundred Sophia keeps getting these jobs which in all honesty are essentially the same thing this just replaced secret library because a fun New World is involved and just like with secret Library Disney plus labeled all the Mystic Isles episodes season 4 episode 6 the Mystic Isles The Princess and The Protector Krista begins training Sophia on how to be a protector and even though they got off to a rocky start Sophia gains her enchantment by the end of the episode an enchantment is a multi-purpose bracelet like her amulet but less cool okay honestly there are uses to the enchantment that the amulet can't do the enchantment has a magic rope and a Witch Way book The Magic rope is self-explanatory I almost forgot you can also FaceTime with it but how do you use a Witch Way bow you ask the bow where anything is and you shoot it into the sky and it makes an arrow pointing in the direction of what you're looking for another protector item that we're introduced to later is the necessity which can create a door through anything Sophia is officially OPP an overpowered princess at the end of the first training episode Krista even exclaims you're the first non magical protector we should call you Sophia the First oh they already made that joke in the pilot in the second because my father the former King was also named Rowan so I guess that makes me Sophia the First just keep dancing [ __ ] the rest of the Mystic Isles episodes have an overarching story which started season 4 episode 14 the Falcon's eye where we learn about the wicked nine which are magical items belonging to different famous villains jafar's staff Ursula's necklace Etc from this point on Prisma with the help of a shape-shifter named twitch and the locket of War talk about having an unfortunate name are on a quest to collect all Wicked nine items and be the most powerful villain another villain also joins their quests which leads me to Cedric's Arc part 2. of you number one the Betrayal of wormwood kills me because now that Cedric is finally gaining respect from everyone else his sidekick from the start wants nothing to do with him during the episode and Cedric We Trust when wormwood steals grimalda's Crown he made Cedric look suspicious again despite him having nothing to do with it wormwood abandoned Cedric without a second thought and joins Prisma to try and retrieve the wicked nine this also makes wormwood the only character we've known from the very beginning to not get redeemed and when you see the plant he was named after the foreshadowing was staring Us in the face this whole time next we have Cedric's Petty backstory with his sister as seen in the episode through the looking-back glass the looking-back glass is a mirror that's actually a flashback machine you step through it and are put in a memory you just can't interact with it but you can watch it back focusing on different details every time now first of all this magic has to be from the Isle of memories and I'm so glad we have this episode because this is the only time memory magic is used all these years his sister Cordelia conjurer blamed Cedric for her hair she looks like one of those ads for those makeup mobile games that are really gross anyway Cedric was actually not responsible because she bumped into the table accidentally mixing some of the potions but honestly even if he was fully responsible and he made that mistake and [ __ ] up your hair get over it you were both children how are you going to hold on to a mistake that was an accident that he apologized for that you actually caused for so many years it would be different if she was just giving him the cold shoulder but no she and Roland and their parents berated this man for so long it was kind for Roland to forgive Cedric after the Betrayal but it was arguably even Kinder for Cedric to forgive him after all these years I want to see Cedric's storyline in an m i the [ __ ] style Reddit post because I want to know what Reddit would say would they say everyone sucks here would they say not the [ __ ] what would they say [Music] now we have to acknowledge the sheer amount of villains and antagonists because I honestly think there might be just as many as Word Girl other than Cedric and wormwood we have Princess Ivy and Prisma as I mentioned but we also have Miss Nettle the fairy Apprentice of flora fauna and Meriwether she is so iconic I hate that I haven't mentioned her till now her song are you kidding me it was such a what doing fairy number four I will say it's really random that in one Miss Nettle appearance she had a sidekick named Rosie but we never saw her again it's like they were trying to convince us she was there the whole time and then just gave up halfway through oh you know Rosie yeah Miss Nettles Rosie forget about Rosie she [ __ ] sucks other villains include Mama knew slickwell sir Oliver who tried to make dragons look like the bad guy for no reason Morgana enemy of Merlin Sophia the worst an evil magic clone of Sofia Grim tricks Wendell the wizard crispy Greylock the grand Omar who want to make Genies look bad for no reason despite being one himself Baron von broca a magical musician that takes other people's talents to make himself grow stronger shariki who's the villain of Elena of avalor the shapeshifter twitch and the finale's villain Vore now before the series finale the future of each kid is talked about in the episode a royal wedding it is revealed that Amber is the next queen of Enchancia because she is seven minutes older than James for whatever reason King Roland just assumed it was the first born boy but that's not the case his older sister Tilly just didn't want to be Queen but Amber unlike Tilly does and James is pissed the thing is though if this was the first second or even third season James's fear of her being a self leader would be completely Vindicated however throughout this episode it is very clear that Amber has done a lot of research into the customs of different creatures to ensure that she respects them and greets them appropriately she genuinely wants to do her best and be a good leader by the end of the episode once James stops his sabotaging Shenanigans and apologizes he realized wait a second I found most of that King [ __ ] boring I actually want to be a knight a good Revelation to have considering the next episode is the Royal School Fair the kids are graduating Royal prep and have to decide where they're going next there are academies for Alchemy Knights leaders music adventurers fashion and more they also have to make this decision in a day which really freaks out Sophia but here's something I can't ignore Sophia is more secure in her career as a protector than any of these other kids are with their future careers Sophia is already training to be a protector which seems like a full-time job and the training is rigorous what is she going to learn at any of these academies that's worth spending that much time on guess we'll never think figure out because the season's pretty much over also sorry I'm bringing back the wage gap for a second what choices to the Dunwoody School children have do they have the same options for careers but the schools are just less luxurious or are these careers not even a possibility for them we don't have time to unpack all of that whoo let's unpack this finale and then we'll discuss if Sophia truly is a Mary Sue so forever Royal is the three-part conclusion it starts with royal prep's graduation but poor powerful Sofia keeps getting called to the Mystic Isles for some sort of protector initiation or something meanwhile this 10 year old that's somehow the only person with sense is like wait if all the protectors are meeting up here who's watching the cash register don't you think prisma's gonna take advantage of this opportunity and that's exactly what happened she tries to steal the wicked nine how did none of the other protectors think of that luckily they get to Prisma on time or do they they don't because War inside the locket was orchestrating this whole operation and was taking advantage of Prisma Thor using the power of the wicked nine is now freed from the locket and the first thing she does is start attacking everything Sophia loves Sophia is exhausted Sophia just wanted to graduate but then she's called to the secret Library which we're finally seeing again she is presented with a story there was a young girl named Sophia it's about me wait is this a [ __ ] play about us and from Sophia's story we see so much needed backstory we learned that Sophia's biological father is a sailor who was lost at sea don't mention any current events and we learned that King Roland wanted kids so badly he made a wish on a wishing well and even though he got what he wanted and as a result James and Amber were born the queen his wife died in the process also sorry that Wishing Well is Super Evil because we actually saw it back in season 2 episode 8 and in that episode the wishing well was like be careful what you wished for which at the time just seemed cliche Until you realize that he literally killed the king's wife what a jerk there is no queen of Enchancia so once the story ends where we're at now Sophia's like I don't think I can do this I tried everything I could but then the narrator of the story reveals himself the first story keeper which would have hit harder if Elena of avalor didn't already do that ratio you fell off for a story keeper but for every reason this gives Sophia a new life and there's the sequence of her using her powers back to back to back [Music] and quite frankly Sophia deniers are in denial this kid could have taken down Thanos easily so she frees her family and her parents are in awe because they didn't know she was doing all this [ __ ] they did not know how much world saving she was up to but for whatever reason Roland still thinks he's in charge and he's like I'll save my family and then the kingdom and Sophia says and I quote I think the [ __ ] not I'm sorry but I have to do this I wish I was a flying horse wait so good if there's one thing the king did right it was decide to have kids and marry Miranda sorry the OG Queen fell rip never forget even though you were never mentioned until now but Sophia is like you can't prioritize just your family because the entire kingdom is your family when you're the king dude guys I'm not even joking the song one and all almost made me cry when you're a ruler your family is everyone and you need to protect everyone and listen up Amber no hesitation is like I'm going with Sophia so quite frankly those Common Sense reviewers from the beginning of this video can kiss my ass Amber's character development was amazing you just had to be there so Amber goes off with Sophia and James is like I'm gonna be a knight I agree with them turn this ship around and who backs him up Aunt Tilly but most importantly Cedric let's oh the final boss battle happens inside the amulet and Vore almost backed Sophia into a corner but in an Avengers end game type moment all of the princesses of the past are mine Sophia what she's learned it was very brief but I'm still glad they had this full circle moment because the princesses haven't appeared in Forever also I don't even have to say it this gives more validity to the dead princess's Theory they are spirits dude now this ending confuses me I think Sophia fully killed four it's completely skimmed over but like I think she's dead then finally all of Sophia's friends and family conjured Sophia out of the amulet with the power of love which is kind of [ __ ] up because Sophia did in Atmos an hour what took Elena 41 years to do and she keeps amulet at the end help a Mary Sue is defined as a female character who is unrealistically depicted as having no flaws or weaknesses now I can make a case for Sophia from seasons one to three let's talk about every time Sophia has done something morally questionable and then let's talk about how season four kind of dropped the ball a bit season 1 episode 2 she literally called her lifelong friends embarrassing just because her new rich friends didn't approve of them sure she made up for it almost immediately but her new lifestyle did begin to corrupt her as seen again in season 1 episode 17. when she was rubbing her success in their faces also this can't go ignored for the entirety of season one she was pronouncing Cedric's name wrong she just kept saying it Cedric he kept correcting her and she kept doing it this ongoing joke thankfully dropped by season two but how are you gonna call a character perfect if she can pronounce baileywick but refuses to say Cedric correctly I think it's on purpose I'll just say it I think she was [ __ ] with him but throughout the entire series The only time Sophia pissed me off was was in season 3 episode 3. Amber was being so rude to the new girl Zoe Sophia sees this but still tried to pressure Zoe to include Amber in the club she just started when Zoe refuses because again Amber was really mean to her Sofia sides with Amber who by the way just started her own club to try and one-up Zoe just because they're sisters Sophia took Amber's side Amber didn't apologize at this point by the way this episode didn't even frame Sophia being the one in the wrong she thought she really thought Zoe and Amber were equally wrong Amber for provoking and being mean to Zoe and Zoe for let me see if I'm getting this right not forgiving Amber immediately so just so just take that in season three episode six Sophia is committing a federal crime by opening somebody else's mail you can say this is ignorance all you want but her parents literally told don't open other people's mail now all of that being said she still is a married Sue in season four not only for her being perfect but also because of the Endless opportunity she's given you know the saying one door closes another door opens that doesn't happen with Sofia all the doors are open no other character comes close and I get it she's the main character but the inclusion of the secret Library her being summoned and being the protector back to back to back was a lot now for my final thoughts theories and how I would change the ending so there are a lot of huge things here that went unaddressed when Vore thought she won towards the end of the series finale we got to hear the next part of her plan she explained she wanted to take over another world she even elaborates above the aisle of pirates and fairies beyond the second star to the right is a portal to another world let's think about this in the context of the Disney Multiverse is she talking about Neverland this is actually wild what's even more wild is I genuinely thought I was the first person to notice it it's on the wiki girly Poop everyone knows this apparently also we see a lot of bizarre politics throughout this entire Series in the season 4 episode the elf situation tensions are high but between Forest elves and River elves and throughout this season they were playing off the elf situation as kind of a joke so it's very surprising that they addressed it in a full episode they even added dialogue as to why Roland was so concerned about this Feud as long as they keep squabbling they'll never get that road built anyway have fun today this shows that the kingdom of Enchancia is very hands off with other kingdoms and creatures problems until it affects them meanwhile all Sophia ever does is solve everyone's problems which may be very sewish but keep in mind this is a kid's show it's nice to have a role model that kids can strive for so let's all just chill a bit okay now for how I change the ending I don't think Sophia should have kept the amulet I think that should have been sacrificed in some way during the battle or to get her out of it and it can also serve as a lesson to Sophia that she doesn't need it I also think wormwood should have had a larger ending like he is just a follower through and through but when Cedric captured him I wish there was more time dedicated to that like yes you two grew apart but they're still some history there and that was Sophia the First and we didn't even mention the celians the fleagles which somehow aren't fairies the half Pelican half elephants and the sweet smelling lavender skunks dear God this world was so elaborate and fun and the songs were killer I really hope you enjoyed because I sure did the only thing is and I'm warning you about this in advance Elena of avalor lore is coming in August I can't jump straight into that story right now because I need a sillier buffer Doodlebops lures coming out in July I know that's gonna be so chaotic and the full July schedule will be up in the community tab very soon so keep your eye out for that I hope you have a great day but lovers see you in the next one bye
Channel: Athena P
Views: 961,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SOFIA THE FIRST LORE, sofia the first, lore of sofia the first, Athena P, athena p lore, review of sofia the first, nostalgic review, sofia the first is GOOD, SOFIA THE FIRST LORE (the most powerful leader is 10 years old), weird morals of sofia the first, sofia the first cedric, sofia the first cedrics arc, sofia the first powers, elena of avalor, elena of avalor lore, best backdoor pilot
Id: QIxs54oc_Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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