Social Security Scammer going Nowhere Fast

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social security scammers are going nowhere fast let's have some fun [Music] oh hello yes i got a call from you i'm returning it all right when did you receive the call i don't know was today it was today i know it was sir let me tell you that right now your line has been connected to social security administration how may i help you i don't know i got a call from you guys and i'm returning the phone call that's what i already said all right then just hold on let me check it out and tell you the problem all right okay just hold on i'm checking to my system hello sir yes did you receive a message in this number no it was on my this is my cell phone it was on my answer machine all right then can you please verify me the number of which you receive the message oh well i know it's still a 562 number but i don't know i never call myself i don't know that it's on my answer machine i don't know how to get my phone number off of that all right no problem so did you receive any ksid number or any references i don't remember i don't know if they said one i don't remember she sir did you receive a phone call or a message what do you mean to say it was a message on my answer machine all right and what was the message all about i don't know it said something about me being suspended or suspenders all right that phone call was made from our operator that is social security operator and right now yearling has been connected to the headquarters of social security administration sir and i'm here to inform you that we're trying to reach you why because to inform you for some legal enforcement action filed on your social security number sir we have got an order to suspend your social at this right moment oh no did you receive any phone call did you receive any phone call from the locker police department i don't know i don't think so you don't think so i don't i don't think i did when when when would see i'll tell you the information i'll give you every detailed information later on but before that i want you to refine me your name your first and your last name so that i could pull out your fault and tell you there isn't behind the phone call okay what a message this is robert jasco robert jesper yes would you mind please spelling out your name you mean robot r-o-b-e-r-t yes and what's your last name jasco c-h-a-s-k-o you got it all right just hold on let me check it out and tell you there isn't all right all right give me a moment all right hello hello sir are we still connected yeah i thought everything went quiet i thought you hung up i didn't know sir would you all right would you please help me with your dad of birth like yo birthday date of birth yes it's 11. all right it's 11 12. 11 12 45 11 45 yeah okay so the reason we're trying to reach you is to inform you for some legal informed enforcement action filed on your social number and right now we've got an order to suspend you social am i clear with you sir yes will that mean i get more for my my social security sir someone might have used your social number and that's the reason we're trying to reach you we're trying to reach the right person so that we can give you the information and to get the real corporate no sword involved in these fraudulent activities we know that you are a senior citizen and it might not be you but there must be someone who are trying to use your information in all these purchasing activities sir that's the reason we're trying to reach you i'm not clear to you sir [Music] yes i understand all right then no problem do you have a piece of paper and a pen handy with you right now that's what i'm going to say you have to not make note of it i got one here by the phone all right you may not done first of all you may not know my information my name is michael smith my best child number is ssa228102 is sir michael smith my name is michael smith hey okay what's next ssa ssa two at one two two two two add one eight one okay all right that's my [ __ ] id number sir all right good to know now you may not want your all right now you may not own your case id number i don't need that no i won't need that you may need it sir for your further references you guys know i i don't need that i'm not going to look it up caesar your social has been involved in the suspicious fraudulent activities sir and if you if you didn't note on your case id number then you will get arrested in a few 20 minutes so it's important to know okay i'll write it down sir you're not on your case id number [Music] well i don't know it you'll have to tell it to me no tom your case item number is g c d like it doesn't see like a charlie dc am i clear to you yes yes yeah dc okay dc c okay that was short that was a good one dc i got it written down okay now what's this about all right and the number you have the number to not on you got a number again oh did you know that i'm dc i did i thought that was my case id number all right all right all right then note on the number zero is zero or an o you said both zero okay zero zero six six six two two okay i got it that's enough all right all right then sir i have last question to you yes can you please verify me your last four digit of your social number that's for digit of your social number yes it's two zero six one two zero two zero six one yes all right now sir let me tell you this the investigation started one thorn an abundant car in the state of texas with some blood and drag recycles inside it and it was so suspicious to us so we're trying to reach you so that we could able to tell you the reason behind the console and then you found my drugs yes my prescription there's a kidney drugs bringing it yes sir is my prescription are you bringing my prescription is that what you're saying so you're not getting me i'll give to my supervisor just hold on i'll tell my supervisor to talk with you okay okay okay just follow hello hold on just hold on oh i thought you hung up quiet again okay just hold on okay i couldn't hear anything i thought it hung up la la la la
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 8,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, social security, social security scam, social security scammer, scam-bait, original music
Id: Sa-sgxmMxyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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