Social network analysis - Introduction to structural thinking: Dr Bernie Hogan, University of Oxford

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[Music] in my programming classes we we were taught things about graph theory I've shot some of the basics of this like what's a planar graph what's bipartite graph what's a cleek etc etc I thought wouldn't it be gonna be neat if you did that with people but wouldn't be cool if like someone I wonder if anyone's ever thought of that of course I mean at my department nobody did social network analysis so there was this one obscure journal in the library called social networks with a bunch of formulae I couldn't make sense of and I thought well no maybe somebody's done it but it seems kind of complicated and mathy and not really not really that important and boy was I wrong so I when I went to graduate school I went to studied under a gentleman named Barry Wellman Barry was the founder of insta this is the Institute international network for social network analysts in Snell and a long way he had along the way he had I thought I was gonna study technology with him because he's a he's got a book out called networked and it's about technology and he was doing also source stuff on the internet and how now the Internet is not really a cyberspace out there but rather it is more of a a way of connecting and arranging our relationships to other people and so lo and behold - I sort of stumbled into work with somebody who was a pioneer in social networks and I'm like well I did this stuff in computer science it's like graph theory it's like yeah of course that's what we do and so for him this is so completely obvious now after after there after I graduated I went to University of Oxford and that's where I've been ever since this class is an introduction to network analysis and particularly to social network analysis to structural analysis but it kind of in my way and to say it's in my way that's to mean there are these two communities if you will there's a social network analysis community and the network science community now the network science community has become considerably larger it's tends to be derived from the physics community and the social network analysis community tends to be derived from sociology now the two of them are not so separate but they do there does seem to be not a huge amount of overlap between the two however networks science as a practice is tends to be more relevant for those that are doing work in big data high dimensional data spaces longitudinal networks but it really varies so today I'm gonna give a flavor of social network analysis that's been very much informed by network science now for some people in social network analysis the network science principles are a bit sort of different or far apart from themselves but for me they were they're kind of second nature I mean I I learned graph theory in computer science before I learned that it was a sociological concept the first book in networks that I was given by sociologist barry wellman was Duncan Watts --is six degrees and Duncan was a physicist to them was hired into a sociology department at Columbia before moving on to work at Yahoo research and ultimately Microsoft Research and I'm pretty sure he's still at Microsoft New York there today so I'd kind of understood both of these and you know I'm also I get what do we call us zhenia 'ls I'm not quite a millennial not quite a Gen X sort of in between I'm in this in this period like those people in their late 30s who kind of grew up with the internet coming but it wasn't there when we were in high school it wasn't really there in junior high I didn't have a Facebook page before I was 12 but I kind of saw this internet coming and as I saw it coming what we also see is this on rush of digital data and the the digitization of everyday life has led us to want to think about kind of the core issue in social science okay a core issue in social science that's now which we can now kind of understand with a little more granularity now in social science perhaps the core issue is how to understand the relationship between micro level behaviors and macro level phenomenon we know that there's institutions we know that there's nation-states we know that there's culture but these are very abstract to enlarge principals what is what is culture it's like you know it's very easy at first to say well my culture is my heritage or its how I cook or it's the way I behave but then you think no maybe those are all things on different scales and how are they learned how is it transmitted what do we what do we do for boundaries what does it mean to be British for example what does it mean to cook a certain kind of food what is authentic about that it's very micro level stuff but then at the same time those kinds of food let's say I'm trying to cook Canadian food which is not really very exciting at all and like maple syrup and bacon I suppose but no I'm from Newfoundland and so Newfoundland has its own distinct culture but that would be Newfoundland sculpture now how was that transmitted to me at all of Newfoundland get together and decide this is what it is know who there's there structures involved we used to always talk about that metaphorically you know oh there's there's these notions there's sentiments there storytelling but now we were trying to do that with a little more granularity a little more specificity and instead of just saying that there's this these macro level features institution societies that feed into micro level behaviors that we act at the micro level that feedback at the macro we can now do that with more specificity instead of saying look there's just this array of people denizens oh you know unsorted on incoherent in some way these are actually thumbnail photos from the people who I guess around five or six years ago liked the radio for page on Facebook and this is their profile photos I did a did some research with a high school student for BBC's so you want to be a scientist and this would be well back in the day it's five six years ago yeah Nina Medina Jones so we looked at what was who was smiling in these photos who was happy what did they put in them when do they put their self in but these are all meant to be independent and we did because they were all seen as independents different separate people we did it we did an als regression or actually we did a logistic regression on the odds of them smiling in the photo or not and what sort of features were would lead to someone having a profile photo where someone was smiling and this is sort of classic you know classic regression oriented techniques you know you have some sort of space of data and you have some sort of sets of cases that you think are independent and then you want to predict whether those cases lead to some outcome and if it's a logistic regression what we're doing is predicting a binary yes or no did they do it did they not do it in a linear regression of course you predict some sort of proportion some sort of line in this data space you know as this increases that increases but the whole premise of that is that these are all independent cases presumably that we've sampled from some distribution and so then we can we can model them in that way but this is not how those people are this is not how people actually are this is just how our sample is around the same time this is what Facebook looked like in a different view I mean these aren't just the radio for listeners these are actually a sample of 10 million ties on Facebook I believe in 2010 and this is the edges between them that have been rendered as a visualization and what's nice about this visualization is that it shows well Facebook is pervasive we're gonna get a bit critical about Facebook later but for now let's just think of it as amazing incredible data source Facebook is pervasive people have ties across the world when you geocode these ties it actually shows in some ways a representation of the world so that's pretty powerful that with 10,000,000 friendships you can start rendering a map of the world that is not perfectly faithful but pretty reasonably faithful to many aspects of population density around the world now there's a caveat here it's not really perfectly representative of the world it's not like the brightest spots here are the brightest spots of population the most populous country in the world China second very close India represented in wildly different ways on this map well first of all Facebook is not available in China these WeChat they're instead at the moment actually it's going through some pretty turbulent issues that are really gonna be of consequence absolute geopolitical consequence as WeChat is moving to a real namespace you're only supposed to have one account on WeChat and that account is supposed to represent your your proper name or your given name or your legal name which kind of weds your online behavior to an offline identification of the self so it's really really consequential stuff but it's not Facebook any Facebook have a real name policy as well sometimes it's been enforced more authoritative lis than others but nevertheless we get a map like this and what we get here is a sense of social structure we get connectivity happening you can see dense amounts of connectivity between North America and Europe we've seen places that are absent on Facebook Russia China because of state level intervention perhaps also because of disinterest so this actually tells us in some ways a little more from these connections than what we can from this sort of independent look here well it depends on whether you do computer vision I suppose but these sorts of structures at this wider level are not the only way in which we can look at social structure we can also bring that down we can bring that down to the local level and this is a personal network it's actually my personal network the ties here represent friendships between people I know I'm not represented on this map you don't see me there's no like Bernie and then Bernie connected to everybody anyone hazard to guess why I've removed me from this from this map because I would be connected to everyone yes that is that's part of the reason now why would I remove it then why would I remove me it doesn't really no it doesn't really it adds a little bit of information and I mean both that in the sort of entropic sense but also in the sort of usability sense there's a story about these of maps that they used to be able they used to be available on LinkedIn among other places and we're gonna get back to this sort of story about these visualizations on LinkedIn later when I talk about visualization software because it was done by a guy who's he was hired to LinkedIn and he was also the person who developed the software that we're gonna I'm gonna use later to show you some social networks in action the the people at LinkedIn as the story goes I don't know this is only hearsay they saw these maps and they said well where am i and so well you're not you're not on this map because it's just all of your friendships and if you add you then it doesn't really add any new information in fact if anything it might destroy some information because that one dot me linking to everybody occludes some really important features here there's some particularly important features not so much in a personal network but certainly in a business network the fact that we have these little dots down here single event friends these are the sort of people that like oh hey that's that's really cool yeah you should have me on Facebook all right cool you don't know any of my friends and I never speak to them again it's happened I'm drinking at a pub and strike up a conversation with somebody well I'm not having a cigarette of course it's back in the day when AI was on Facebook and B when I smoked but a you know cherdon that you sort of accumulate these now in network analysis terms these people here are called isolates isolated isolate if I am linked to every one of them then what it's going to do is is going to include the fact that there's o 12 odd isolates here now in a business context that's really relevant because that means there's twelve people that I know or know sufficiently to have added on LinkedIn that don't know anybody else in my network that could represent an opportunity similarly if my network had two different very clearly distinct partitions the fact that I'm the only one that connects those partitions is of relevance that's of relevance to me that gives me a sense of leverage that oh you know sociology you know computer science hey I know both of you let me tell you about the things in sociology that are relevant Peter science and vice-versa if I'm in there if you take me out you can see they're two different groups you put me in there's a whole bunch of connectivity going on and it kind of obscures the fact that I am the one performing that connectivity or ego as we would say in this because this is an ego centered network another thing to notice about this network here is that we have these sort of convex hulls that's what they're called in sort of computer graphics terms and the VIS network or the VIS literature convex hulls are convex is and they're sort of round or round it go around a specific cluster now the convex hull here is meant to represent a thing that in network science is referred to as a community now a community is a technical term for a set of nodes typically it's a set of nodes where there are more there were there is more connectivity within the community than there is connectivity between that community and the rest of the network and that's kind of a tricky way to measure we'll get into a little of that later about how in the past 10 to 15 years the algorithms for determining how to calculate and detect communities has been evolving very rapidly and actually well until about oh I'd say till about five years ago there was a real period of absolute rapid expansion of community detection algorithms and that's actually kind of leveled off a little bit now and now we're actually exploring a lots of more complicated versions of that problem but the general problem seems to be in the realm now of good enough they're all good enough they all give pretty similar partitions hey if you guys are reaching over on this side there's there's other screens over here you're more than welcome to check out the rest of them it's long if it's visible that's okay so these communities I have labeled but I did not I did not assign the partitions myself the partitions were just assigned using an algorithm the Gervin Neumann algorithm will we'll cover that one a little bit later actually well maybe but the point is is that now we have enough data that we can go from these sort of you know disorganized just islands of features this person has brown hair this person smiling this person has a cartoon for the profile and then actually said no when we connect them together those connections are not random they're not arbitrary those connections actually indicate some sort of patterns of social structure and we can see that both at the macro level and at the more micro level this would be like sort of the micro level where we have a specific user and that users or a specific individual and that individuals friends what do we want to do with this sort of stuff well there's a variety of different questions that we can answer with network analysis some of them are descriptive some of them are analytical descriptive questions are of interest when we want to say just like how separate are the separations you know how partitioned how polarized is a voting network for example how polarized is a consumption network do I read substantively different things than you do does my world view is my world you changed in such a way that what I am reading is very different from what you are reading but I don't notice that because it's very similar to my friends my friends and I all read say the right-wing press and all your friends read left-wing press the fact that we now associate presses as either being right-wing or left-wing rather than thinking of a press as sort of this institution that's trying to provide some sort of fact-based representation of the world well that can be an issue but that it's not it's not that any one person has signed the press to be one way or the other it's that over time you can evolve the network to be increasingly polarised and as it gets polarized it kind of takes on a life of its own and unfortunately that can have real serious consequences for institutions four and four the way we understand the world we can think of polarization happening by various social categories by age we can say is a network assorted disa sorted by age so a sorted means that the people who are of similar age are connected to each other and people of different ages don't connect to each other we can think of it as clustered by race you think about the friends that you have you may be in a class you may be in a world where you walking down London lemons very international I did grad school in Toronto Toronto is extremely international very very very multicultural Toronto's they talk about as the visible minority white people are less than 50% in Toronto there's a lot of people from East Asia but a lot of people from South Asia a lot of African people in Toronto but then when you look at someone's individual Network is their network similarly composed of a random sample of all these distributions is my network when I'm in Toronto you know 40 percent white is a 20 percent Chinese is a 15 percent South Asian no not really not really at the micro level we see patterns of clustering and we can observe those now it's been some really great work in social networks and particularly in the American Journal of sociology on this sort of clustering at the local level we can compare places and then say well we notice that the clustering is more extreme here than it is here well what might account for that difference then we start learning what kind of clustering we want now let's not let's not assume that all clustering is bad clustering is efficient sometimes clustering could be too efficient well it'll be too efficient well what if everybody is all all gets their advice from the one person that graph is as efficient as possible because this one person broadcasts out to everybody we are going to eat chicken today you know like and then everybody knows and it's now that's now what we do but now let's say you want to disrupt that network well I'm I don't really like chicken I don't want chicken today well we take out that one node that one central node that's connected to everyone and now the network is fragmented its diffuse we could do that or we can have everybody connected to everybody and then somebody decides well I want to eat chicken I want to eat fish I'm vegetarian and then and then we have this network where everybody is kind of diffusing their message and it's very inefficient but you can't take out any given node and then disrupt the network well actually then it seems like what we really have what we've observed in the real world are networks that are somewhere in between these that are not just as inefficient but resilient as a grid nor are they as efficient but fragile as a star one with like many points going out there somewhere in between and we call those small worlds this is an example of a small world network we'll talk about that a little more now in a sec okay so now today's menu first off I assume most of you are most of you are here the Turing so you know this anybody any visitors any visitors okay excellent well the toilets are back through the kitchen do you guys know where the toilets are all the way but it's really far so you got to go wait till break get a generous break today fifteen minutes or so there abouts it'll be in about an hour I guess it's all the way back there though and then you go around and see some signage fire alarm if it goes off it's not a drill okay that's important the back door the event space is not an exhibit no we go fire exits follow that sign go out through the front and Wi-Fi access if anyone needs Wi-Fi the password and user name are on the column in the middle of the room okay well there we go if anyone needs the Wi-Fi otherwise use edge room okay oh and this is being live-streamed so hello to anybody who's watching listening I'm sorry I can't really engage as as much as I'd like for the the remote users but we still want to be considerate to the remote users and one of the ways we can be considerate is by ensuring that if you have a question that they can hear that question as well so if it's a brief question I can restate that question simple enough if it's more of like a if it's a substantive question we have a microphone we would like you to use that microphone just raise your hand it's okay we're not in too much of a rush today if we don't get through it all it's okay because we can't get through it all I mean this is a huge paradigm of research I'm just trying to give you guys today a little bit of literacy in this you can seek out a topic yourself we're gonna have very little in the way of formulate today very little in the way of code we're gonna do some of that more in the next class in class too in that class you'll be expected to bring computers and we'll give you a list of things to install so you can perform the sort of network analysis yourself but today it's just sort of sit back and see how much of this you can absorb and hopefully let it generate a question or two for you within your own domain this is not on here but I'm curious can we get a show of hands for people who are from those social sciences anyone all right cool and then of the rest computer science proper computer science calls themself a computer scientist engineering all right maths sistex that's the stats kind of engineering kind of maths and stats all right very good anyone who hasn't raised their hand wants to shout out a discipline yes part of me social science I'm okay with that I mean I'm not a I'm not a strict social constructivist I believe we have biological bases too many of the things that we do we don't really want to overemphasize them and you know but we don't want to under emphasize them either that's it'll just lead to trouble some people are just taller but you know we don't want to make doors so that tall people can't get through them all right so it's a mixed bag of people trying to speak to all of you of that'll mean I'll have to do this at a kind of a general level I will sort of drop little asides here and there feel free to take those notes I wanted to start with some examples from network analysis and kind of talk through them a little bit and then we'll get to some core concepts the classic finding number one the big one the best one the siren call that launched a thousand ships is the strength of weak ties by Mark Granovetter so mark Granovetter was a graduate student at Harvard at a very exciting time this was in the early 70s and many of the people that we now associate with social network analysis were his contemporaries or his tutors people like Harrison White were the ones who came from physics originally over to sociology tutored many people came up with an idea called block modeling other people there at the time barry wellman claude fisher bonnie erickson ron bragger these are these names still persist today and have made actually some real great strides in network analysis and a young studious Mark Granovetter at the time was exploring a particular concept in psychology and that concept was called balanced psychological balance it was originally by Fritz Heider and hiders notion of balance was that there are certain kinds of triads which we find more balanced or more stable and others we find less balanced or less stable it's very easy to think of examples of these also it's possible to think of some ways in which this this doesn't actually work so we've don't worry there's been lots of exceptions and provisos to this but let's roll with the general story I like bananas you know bananas a pretty mundane food to like you know it's I mean not when they're I mean when they're ripe and stuff it's nice my partner hates bananas my partner hates this like people when they eat bananas with their mouths open of these geez can't handle it he's so there's no bananas in our house now this if I really cared enough about bananas this would be a form of tension this would be a form of conflict in the house and hider talked about these but it's not I don't really care that much I survived all your banana here if I need one but Hyder talked about this in sort of psychology in terms of balance that you can think of some triads as balanced and unbalanced I like bananas I like my partner my partner doesn't like bananas so before we go bananas what am I gonna have to do I have to resolve that triad somehow and the way we resolve that triad because it's unbalanced is I cut out the bananas you know it's either if maybe it's either me or the bananas and what just don't bring it banana in the house it's really simple but it's not so simple when the stakes are raised when the stakes are raised we have say oh I don't know it'll be really fast and loose with geopolitics right now but bear with me the u.s. trades with China China or so yeah China trades with North Korea China trades with the US the US and North Korea are not getting along right now I've checked Twitter lately apparently they're not getting along so this is unstable we're like well what's China gonna do about North Korea will they provide sanctions well it's because we have this unbalanced triad if China was really like you know anti-north Korea a very aggressively aunty North Korea and we're like Oh China in the u.s. their interests are aligned so then we would have this sort of triad China in the u.s. they trade and they don't like North Korea this would be balanced but this is not how it is how it is currently it's more in this unstable state and a lot of geopolitical actors we can see the examples of these unbalanced triads creating instability Syria for example is an absolute minefield of unbalanced triads the Turks don't like the Kurds the Kurds don't like the Isis Isis don't like Sunnis and it's just all these triads there make it so that allegiances are unstable you can use the stability or instability of these triads model what would be the expected outcome or settled state for a network assuming that this sort of there's banana in the back assuming that this is how this operates and this is not how it always operates but it tends to be a way which networks operate well now Granovetter kind of took this a little way and said well what if it's not so extreme as you know love or hate but more like I really I really like this person and these people don't know each other so it's instead of like negative and positive it's more like positive and neutral so then we get something like this we get this emergence of trying to closure and try to closure here says that like well Al and Don I mean Don don't doesn't doesn't he's a colleague it's not that important it's okay he's a friend no big deal but Don loves Barb and Don loved Carl tend to be ABCD names for the nodes but so so Don's like Oh barb Carl should do this with a Boston accent like Bob and Carl or something but say Don really likes them both and once oh you guys if you meant it would be like you'd be like a house on fire you would really get along so he introduces them and then barb and Carl they're like oh yeah actually we do have a lot in common we both saw Blade Runner we thought it was a movie I haven't seen it so I don't know I'm assuming it's the critics seem to think it's long but anyway you know this is an example of tried it closure they've got a lot in common a lot in common be in sociology we tend to call it homophily Homo Feliz love the same or same level so they have a lot in common they agree with each other they they end up being really close friends well what happens then well they share a lot of information with each other they share like oh well you know oh dear about this no of course I heard about that geez who hasn't heard about that well actually al hasn't heard about that you know poor al poor Alda colleague not a friend a bit cut off well you know what let's not discount al because Al actually has his own friends and those friends are good people and they've got information that barb and Carl do not have so this is the strength that weak ties is how we have this emergence I'll go back here how this emergence of these sorts of clusters of people of like type that share the same information information kind of percolates in this it's circulate story circuit well I mean there are clique percolation models but now for today it circulates within these clusters right here and doesn't escape the clusters that easily now obviously we'd say well that's because there's more ties within than between well yes because we've now observed how a network emerges how it forms where people of like type tend to cluster together and then you get these pockets Granovetter said well some things in life are not things for our closest ties they're not just social support they're not like a shoulder to cry on but they're information from a generalized search so generalized searches we do those a lot where am I gonna live who has information on a good place to live well could be right move could be my friends could be somebody at the office where am I gonna where am I gonna get my next grant what about a postdoc what about a job of any sort do you have a job well I know about a couple positions that are open but there might not be right for you and and so you see this sort of circulation of information where you have some people strong ties who all have kind of redundant information because they all know about this great job that opened up these guys did but these people don't know anything about that and so forth and so forth so Granovetter tested this that the consequence of balance theory of these closed triads is that for some types of information for some types of network activities our weak ties are more useful than our strong ties and he first did this with a survey of who did you get a job from and were they your were they a close friend or a less close friend and found that most of them were from less close friends and then people like oh that sounds like a really really important finding is it true in a lot of circumstances well we've got lots of caveats for that now here's one caveat Alexander Marin in her dissertation work she was looking at tech entrepreneurs and found that it's not entirely true in some areas of the tech industry because people wouldn't tell their weak ties that they knew about a job because there was some sort of reputational risk that like I'm not just going to tell somebody that there's a job available because they asked that's you know if that person needs a job because they're they screwed up their last job and they come to me and say hey do you know about a new position I'll be laying no not really oh I mean there's this one but it's not really right for you know you know because they so they don't necessarily do that another one is ing bien it's about two two decades ago talked about indirect ties and how for some kinds of jobs it's not about specialization it's not like finding you finding the right job it's about anybody could get this job so I want to make sure that I give it to somebody that's gonna give be of value and these would be Chinese party memberships and so there were party memberships at the state level where or or like a contra not not a whole province level but like sort of smaller I can't remember what that we called that but that the people who knew about these jobs would give them to their strong ties because there wasn't it didn't require a specific qualification to be the party member for this like local area but if you had that job then that's so that's a solid job so you're not just gonna tell any old weak tie that there's a job available you're gonna let people know and that paper is bringing the strong ties back in indirect ties and job seeking in China but overall what's nice about this is that actually presage of Granovetter it actually priests aged our notion of small worlds and how information circulates in these pockets and sometimes only reaches these bridges and that as a strategy for searching for information you've got to escape these local clusters to get outside of it so second finding is the classic these six degrees of separation anyone here has never heard that phrase before it's possible I was teaching a student in HCI who'd never heard the term cyborg recently so like what he and the students like No maybe I don't think so so so it's possible but you've all heard about this the six degrees of separation nice nice a sanan stew it nice sounding is it really 6 degrees though well the original experiment by Stanley Milgram Stanley Milgram is of like pop culture Fame as the guy who did the experiment that zapped people and then you watch the people getting zapped and everyone found that upsetting it's one of those things we teach in research ethics that day you should not do you and the reason you shouldn't do it this is the original experiment was there is sort of a guy in a lab coat person here dial it says shock them if they get a wrong answer person over there getting shocked because they kept getting wrong answers the dial had like xxx do not exceed on it and what they found is that the closer the person in a lab coat was to the person on the dial the more likely they were gonna go to xxx do not exceed this is a really important finding for how good people do bad things and they do them because they defer they defer the responsibility so if it's like somebody in the next room was like a ball they like like it says xxx I probably shouldn't but if there's like some stodgy old dude in a lab coat going now son you know yeah it's for science okay and so that was important that was important finding but it turns out the people didn't realize that this was an actor and then when they were told afterwards it's like oh my god so you totally messed up my head made me think I could kill this guy just just for science and they're like yeah for science so we don't do that anymore the Milgram is known for very interesting experiments some of which we still allowed to do including six degrees of separation and this is one where a bunch of people in Nebraska why Nebraska because it's in the middle of the states it's kind of you know far from the coasts far from Boston far from MIT Cambridge the other Cambridge that you were one and went to the people in Nebraska and said here's a package send this package to somebody you know so that maybe they'll get it to this person in emboss I'm not going to give you their address just gonna tell you they're a researcher and they work at MIT here's her name Britain Lee okay and so the amount of hops it took for that package the ones that were successful took about six hops to get from Nebraska to MIT as a median not as a mean because it was actually really really heavy tail distribution sometimes it took like 14 hops to kind of bounce around a lot of the packages never made it at all so but 6° kind of came out as like maybe it's six degrees seems about right sure and it's stuck so is it really 6 degrees well actually it's much smaller now how about 3.5 so Facebook have recently been able to analyze this on on Facebook scale which is now well this was a year ago or so it was still pretty big then you know we're looking at a billion billion in 1.3 1.4 at the time people they had done this five years previously and it was 3.75 on Facebook and now then they did this two years ago and it's down to three point five it's probably not going to get much lower than that for certain reasons of cognitive carrying capacity that is it's if there's just a level a threshold under which you know we don't go because that would require people having much larger networks knowing many more people that were much more diverse and we're probably not going to get there but nevertheless 3.5 hops from one person to any other person on Facebook on average it's pretty remarkable as as a sight to suggest a certain level of connectivity Oh any way you like yeah sure it's one second hi I'm curious where there's average degrees in separation in the x-axis Oh average respect to what oh these are Facebook users I'm sorry yeah oh the x-axis average degrees of separation so this would be it takes me three point or three hops for me to get from me to you and Facebook friends yes yeah where's that an average why is that an average oh that's because that's for me in my network all the people on Facebook on average so how many how many hops because sometimes it might take me five hops to get to you sometimes it might take me two hops to get to you okay so from me to everyone else on average it takes three point I believe I did this and I was like two point nine five but for you because you're somewhere else in the network you might be much lower or you might be much higher got it thank you okay thanks so this is everybody's connection to everybody else which for those of you in the sort of more computational side of things you will know that calculating this is in Big O time is just large I mean I'm not sure if it's quadratic or it's some very high polynomial but they've been able to do some sort of ways of estimating this to bring it down so that we can actually calculate this if you were to actually calculate all the shortest paths between all the people on Facebook we'd still be calculating it it's it's np-hard np-complete I can't remember it's one it's it's hard to do yes basically n trailing salesmen yeah so the third one actually we're gonna I was gonna go over this really quickly it's more of a sociology one so the idea there though I guess this priest sages some of the stuff I was talking earlier about polarization in the 20th century modernity happened modernization led to a lot of concerns about the death of community communities communities are always dying it's been and so one of the things that Barry did was looked at how can he had been dying for years and years and years and years and years but something different happened in the 20th century that we have time and space dis Dancy ating technologies I can now call someone on the other side of the planet and we can have a near instantaneous conversation the lag is so small that I barely notice that it's a lag especially if it's not like Skype or you know a decent phone connection whatever so if I'm if my personal network is connected to people all around the world that's an opportunity cost of people nearby and as we shift from a type of networking that we might call door to door where I would have to literally go somewhere and talk to somebody if I wanted to talk to somebody to one where we can use poast and telephone so I can send it to a different place to network with someone or where I can just use an arbitrary address no matter where the person is my my parents call me and they're like hey where are you and I'm like I'm in Germany he's like oh no surprise but it doesn't really matter where I am it's like they've just got an address for that person well what happens is as we shift from these door-to-door forms of networking to person-to-person forms of networking we stop with the sense of a community where everybody's community overlaps towards a community where I have a personal community that's just as coherent to me but it's actually slices of different people all across the world still just supportive but the people that support me are not necessarily the people that support the other people in my network or the other people in my community so we feel less of sort of local solidarity even if we get the same level of social support so now back to I'm not sure when I put that in there again I know I did for some reason but it's not worry about it now let's actually get into some of the ways in which we explore these with a little more technical introduction so the first foremost and most important way to think about a a node in a network is what we'd call position I will be distributing these there's like if I think on SlideShare or something there it's not perfectly recycled I know cuz if it was perfectly recycled then I dreamt this morning but no I'm pretty confident that they're slightly different than other slides but there are versions this online and this these particular slides will be sent to you I ask that you don't distribute them that would be best position is a way of talking about a note internetwork relative to another node now nodes and networks are not mean if a node is a person it exists in space we all exist in space but the spatial arrangement of nodes isn't necessarily what we refer to as their position instead we can think of their position in relational space so I imagine some people here are friends with each other but nobody here is friends with everyone else that some people here are at the touring all the time does anyone is anyone here can anyone here identify someone who's like here all the time like you oh that person's always at the touring the thing is some people will be able to do this other people won't because they are in a different position in relational space that some people are able to observe this social structure more effectively than other people myself I'm at the touring like once every month two months I'm not here that often you're welcome to come to Oxford hang out with me I'm on email sometimes well we can we can describe position using a number of metrics but the basic one is just counting the number of links the links we would call edges if they're symmetric arcs if they're a symmetric an arc might be like a Twitter follower because I follow someone on Twitter doesn't you don't have to follow me back and vice-versa an edge is kind of like a state we share a state we share a friendship we know each other which is different from I follow and then they follow if we have an undirected network with edges then we would say the number of connections incident to a node is its degree it's considered degree it's straightforward if we have directed networks we would talk about in degree and out degree in degree and out degree are relevant and they're not necessarily the same some nodes can have really high in degrees some how nodes can have really high out degrees a node that would have a really high in degree would be a hub a no that would have a really high out degree would be an authority this is a climb berg's john Kleinberg sort of the nomenclature here he has ways of talking about hub scores and authority scores so on the web we can think of different websites that might be hubs and authorities and thoughts of what sort of site would be a really high authority on the web as in a really high out degree should be a couple gonna be too hard I'm not sure how high an out degree that would be that sends information I mean authority in the sense of authoritative because of its parsimony with the real world the government sends out a travel advisory or something we assume it's related to the real world but in terms of the network structure it might not be sending it out to many many channels certainly no I wouldn't say that either who said Google though Google so then the BBC of New York Times might be a hub in the sense that a lot of people will point to the New York Times they will point to that source whereas Google sends a lot of information out you go to Google you go out to billions of websites as opposed to amaz Amazon doesn't really send a lot of people out but a lot of people point to Amazon a lot of people point to the BBC a lot of people point to the New York Times so we can think of a hub and authority in in those ways it's covered in the chapter I give but the point is is that the web has these different structures because the web itself is undirected now many many many many many many many web sites point from Google or are pointed to from Google they're not that many point to Google doesn't really make that much sense to point to a search engine there's the sort of condescending let me google that for you kind of websites but no for the most part you know it's Google really high outdegree other places very high in degree my website my personal website really really small out degree and in degree like I don't know I've even sure what I have for a website I've got like a departmental profile I've got a blog that I don't update not many links going on there kind of halfway between Google and myself it's not really meaningful if we take the there's no sort of like sense of this distribution being a sort of normal distribution we wouldn't think about what is the average number of Link's sent out by a website or even the median number of links sent out by the website is a sort of meaningful metric and that's because the distribution of the links on the web like many networks follows this scale-free sort of distribution as we can see this here that a scale-free distribution and this is sort of just a stylized graphic of this that I ripped off of Wikipedia that's what it's for Creative Commons and so forth it stylized graphic we show that well it sort of indicates that we can have say like this would be some sort of heavy-tailed distribute right here like a lognormal something like that maybe and it's a this is the sort of degree distribution you get when you take a whole series of nodes and you just randomly add links between them and you can randomly add those links with some probability we might call that a Bernoulli graph or a variant of that an erdos-renyi graph however links are not randomly scattered on the web there's no average website we either have some websites that have huge amounts of connectivity and most websites that have very little amounts of connectivity comparatively and this is more this this scale-free distribution is much more like what I talked about earlier on this sort of star graph that can be kind of fragile but very efficient so if you were to take out Google take out Facebook take out a couple major newspapers and Bing a oh I guess you would find it really hard to navigate around the web now nowadays we really depend a lot on these very central nodes this sort of distribution is not just for the web sites though but also the routing traffic underneath that there are say like thirteen primary DNS servers around the world there's a bunch of really important servers elsewhere and then underneath that are different local networks this is a very hierarchical like structure and it shows this power-law distribution like quality other things that show power laws are like the connectivity of neurons and your head the connectivity of roads and Road interchanges so we have some very important highways the i-90 the m-40 m25 and then lots of little side streets and the distribution of links between them also follows this ultra follows this you know extreme pattern now it turns out that this pattern you can simulate this and it doesn't actually properly simulate all of the other features of a really large network it doesn't get the triangles right these networks are not only really really skewed distributions but they also have lots of pockets of clustering in them because they're like small worlds but if you were to just look at the degree distribution itself you can use an algorithm called a preferential attachment algorithm that will create this pretty simply and the idea is that you would add an edge as you introduce a node you add an edge between that node and another node in proportion to the amount of links that node already has so if a node has lots of links it's disproportionately likely or proportionately I guess likely to get to attract this edge so that we have this kind of rich get richer phenomenon as as some nodes get even higher degree this sort of gets extreme and more extreme until we get this sort of scale-free distribution this again another stylize graphic not really a great one I could probably do better but you know you we get the point now this what's been important with this model it's not so much that it assumes the real world works like a preferential attachment model it's more that it seems that there's one sensible way of simulating this particular pattern we've since come up with other ways of simulating this degree distribution and and doing it randomly and I'm gonna mention that here this is the configuration model and a configuration model we will use later on is a random baseline and say this is what a random network looks like that has a particular degree distribution and then we're gonna compare other networks to this standard network with this proper degree distribution but otherwise random assortment of edges and the way we do it is we take an work with its degree and then we split each edge in two and then just randomly reattach them and then when you randomly reattach them because each node is going to have these like unhooked in edges or half edges it's just a nice mathematical quirk that it will always it will always find another matching edge half edge somewhere and then what you get is this random network with the right degree distribution that network tends to have properties that you know show nice differences in it now we tend to use that as I'll show later in community detection well you show and tell you later show you in a couple weeks it has this nice properties to it that we can now start to see clustering in this network and see how much clustering is in this network relative to a random network we can't say any random Network because we really want to believe that some that these this this network should have something fixed should have maybe the right level of connectivity within it and in this case the right degree distribution but given that do we see more or less clustering than we would expect well we almost always see more clustering there are very few times when we would see less clustering than a random network that's really uncommon it's possible but it's really uncommon and the key reason perhaps in most cases it's because of homophily and this is birds of a feather flocking together the only photo I have of actually two different types of birds that are both themselves flocking the we have they're the seagulls and the pigeons most of these the photos you look for photos of this is just one flock and that's not that's not as telling we actually want to show two distinct flocks that have their own sort of levels of attractiveness we're gonna get through homophily we're gonna have a little break we come I'm gonna show a couple Network models and then kind of go through some of the rest of these concepts I have a little bit of time at the end then for discussion so homophily individuals of like type are particularly prone to linking to one another the trick is not finding homophily homophily is everywhere the trick is finding the right level of homophily so baseline homophily is how much homophily you would expect by chance just yeah you shake up a you know a series of nodes something comes down you're gonna see if you have a room for example that you shake them 80% of that room is female and 20% of that male and everybody has five ties well we would expect there to be more ties among women than there would be between women and men but that's simply because there's more women in the room or vice-versa you know if we had more men in the room we expect more ties because but is that what we see well actually we tend to see gender being a very strong form of homophony such that men are preferentially likely to link to other men and women preferentially likely to link to other women in friendship networks more so than we would expect given the amount of man in the amount of women in the room we also see that again by race we see that by age and so forth so that's what we would call some have called inbreeding homophily more homophily than you would expect by chance there's a really fascinating documentary name of it eludes me it'll come back to me I think it's like five steps to tyranny it's like a panorama documentary from around 15 20 years ago and what they they show a lot of these sorts of observations from psychological studies and one of which was a teacher who did this thing with her class where she was showing how you can induce polarization she said this week I just wanted to let you know that people with blue eyes are smarter that's right people with blue eyes are smarter they're smarter they're more special and they're gonna do better in class than the people with brown eyes now blue eyes are biased towards certain parts of the globe but this was in a class that was in the UK that we're pretty much and it was most the kids were white basically so it wasn't it wasn't like there was a thing about the specific race of the kid that was going to make a difference what happened afterwards is that the kids start observing each other's eyes and started making assumptions and assuming that one group was better than another group because of the color of their eyes it was a completely arbitrary distinction but once the teacher made it and again probably shouldn't have done this in a class but once it was made then it kind of it lived on and in fact it lived on even beyond the study once they were told you know I just made it up I just made a distinction but what you started seeing was a shift from baseline homophily you know some of the blue-eyed kids are gonna be friends a blue-eyed kids some of the brown-eyed kids are gonna be friends with brown-eyed kids then you started seeing these this pressure that led to inbreeding homophily and then all of a sudden there's this sort of selective pressure or repulsion either attraction or pushing away that led to more clustering in the class just by making this distinction and so then you could observe this inbreeding come awfully it was consequential but it was also artificial and that was kind of the important point of this experiment is that you can then you can split a population give it some sort of arbitrary distinction and people when they roll with that will start making these cleavages and clustering together so we want to we want to calculate this sort of measure because well we want to see our people more or less polarized than you would expect by chance there's sports fans or brexit supporters leave remain etc so some classic metrics the first one is the EEI Index really simple metrics you take a partition of any sort blue eyes brown eyes left/right up/down count all the count all the ties from this partition to the other one then count all the ties in between or inside and divide it by the total pretty straightforward right it's not a bad metric but it kind of assumes a lot of things kind of assumes the groups would be of equal size when the groups aren't of equal size the number that you get out of this can get a bit yeah it could be very misleading maybe it's just so happens that there's many more people outside the group than there is inside the group and so the e I index is going to be low but it's only low because the group itself is small so eul's q is an example of the EEI index that's normalized by the proportion in the same in the different category i can give you that formula you can look it up what we do is we just multiply these numbers by the size of the groups and so that gives us a more normalized proportion another variant on this is a sorta tivity now there's two variants of a sort as well as two forms of a sorta tivity a continuous and a discrete or continuous in a categorical and in a categorical it's the the likelihood that you would see a link that's within the same category the continuous is just a number or metric for the bias towards those of like type on that continuous measure the the continuous one is often used for degree degree assorted tivity do people of high degree do nodes of high degree do they link to other nodes of high degree or do they link to nodes of low degree Marc Newman in 2003 his 2003 yes published an article in Siam reviews Mark Newman Siam reviews 2003 for those checking he reviewed a lot of Network science insights up to that point and one of them was the assorted tivity of a variety of different networks biological networks food chain networks server logs dating networks other sorts of social networks citation networks it's not an interesting finding here that in a lot of natural networks the structure is very disis or 'td you have a lot of hub and spokes going on you have a lot of like one core spinal column extending to lots of small nerves or one major Junction and the junction is connected to lots of small things and so the there's not like two junctions that link to each other and then more so than the little ones the network is dis assorted those nodes of high degree tend to link to nodes of low degree human social networks for the most part put the opposite those of high degree link to others of high degree people who have lots of friends tend to link to other people who have lots of friends there is in fact a statistical quirk here called the friendship paradox that says on average your friends have more friends than you do sorry guys math being a bit of a bummer first thing Monday morning telling you your friends have it's it's true it's because of the way the network is structured most people will link to someone of higher degree than themselves and this has more recently been shown by some researchers I can't read with the names other than fresh Cod Coody KO o TI and his colleagues and this is published in IC WSM international conference on web and social media 2013 2012 showing that on Twitter not only does the Friendship paradox hold it's extremely strong not just for following but also for tweeting and liking those things that those those people that you follow more people follow them then average the ones who the the people who get more retweets or people that you retweet get more retweets than you do the people whose statuses you like tend to get more likes than you do for just about every every metric you can conceive of and so the Friendship paradox like is really endured it was originally introduced by Scott Feld in the American Journal of sociology I think it was in 1990 so these are nice descriptive measures that we can use and then we would ask well what leads to that sort of what leads to a networked being is sorted or DISA sorted what leads to hum awfully of one kind or another but not just at the micro level once we see this homophony emerging it actually gives rise to these larger formations that I mentioned earlier we called community so clusters of nodes tend to group together where there's more group nodes within a group than between a group we call this a community now the sociologists have been very bitter for a little while about the fact that this is called community detection because they're like it's not a community a community involves symbols and social support and all these the community stuff and then the physicist go yeah but we needed a word so we used that word and that's what the word is sorry in the end it's just this is the difference between technical language and everyday English it's just a word we use it i wouldn't ascribe too much baggage to this although we do tend to find that structural communities tend to operate in many respects like what we would consider as a community or as a tribe or some sort of social structural formation this one in particular is a classic classic network in the network literature showing a really stark to community structure and when I have a hazard a guess as to what this is anyone's seen this before no one's seen this before okay have you seen this before mmm yes anyone else yeah it is indeed it's Democrats and Republicans this was done by Lada Adamic and Natalie glance Lada is currently at Facebook she was at the University of Michigan before then she worked with Mark Newman Bernardo Huberman it's done all sorts of really really amazing sort of data science II stuff and she's now one of the does some of the coolest research at Facebook but at the time her and Natalie Natalie was that I'm not sure where natalie is now but at the time she was at Nielsen net metrics or Nielsen net scam whatever it was Nielsen's way of looking at traffic on the web nielsen the ratings people they labeled a whole series of blogs as right or right or left this was I believe hand labeled this was not using machine learning at the time there was no great categorization metrics so somebody went by hand and said republican-democrat and had to had to like infer all this a lot of work some graduate students I hope were well-paid and then once once these were labeled and then they they visualize them they visualize them in a piece of software called guess I really like guess it's not in use at all anymore really but at the time it was a program oh I missed this one when it had a window so you could do a real-time visualization of a network and you could interact with that network underneath with a console and the console used Python or actually used a subset variant of Python called guys on but for guests but I just found this this console interactivity thing to be the bee's knees nowadays we really kind of split into pointy clicky or into really complicated program but guess was a nice little halfway home and rendered them as vectors why am I talking about this the reason is this because well if you're gonna do a network analysis you're gonna want to show a network to people either in terms of some sort of abstract distribution which I'm sure you would already know how to do you ggplot an arm matplotlib spss stuff for the spss people or Stata maybe a really MATLAB or ggplot and you will want to show these in vectors you want to show a nice clear diagram you want to communicate this to people this communicated this so well the yellow ties are links between the two clusters the blue ties the red ties are links within the clusters they are in fact directed that's what these little triangles mean the triangles mean that this is I I linked to your blog this is the 2004 election this is when George Bush was re-elected I guess he was versus John Kerry the former Secretary of State Kerry didn't win obviously and but yes you can see now what's interesting about this is not just that there's these two communities that there's a whole bunch of other things that are interesting buried underneath it the paper is really cool it's called divided they blog by Adamek ata m.i.c and glance first thing is that these communities were very easily recoverable with a community detection algorithm Lata actually does a diagram or a demonstration of this it's really cool it's the same one that I used earlier the Gervin neumann algorithm and what it does is over time it kind of deletes edges based on the edge that is the most okay we haven't really introduced betweenness i cut that out for some stupid reason but i'm gonna have to bring it back in another measure of position is how many shortest paths does a note lie on so a this will be of relevance and then we'll kind of pause there and really yeah let me come back to this okay so this network right here this my my network the nodes are sized proportionate to I believe to between this and between this function calculates all this well doesn't have to but more or less calculates all the shortest paths in the network and then looks at which nodes are on the most of those shortest paths that would be the note of highest between this the node that's on no shortest paths is lowest between this and everybody would be somewhere in the middle the distribution itself is kind of wonky it's like an exponential distribution so you can have a score like three or score of four thousand so it's kind of more handy if you just put it into a you know rank order some sort of nonparametric statistic but nevertheless the point is is that you have some nodes that really link across and some that don't so this one right here in my network this is family and this is high school so you can see somebody links between family in high school and my network when I hazard a guess it's a sibling it's my sister my sister knows people we went to high school she's a couple years younger than me this is an ex-partner of mine which kind of makes sense because it's somebody who knows family who knows high school who knows grad school and so forth and so forth this is somebody from grad school who also sort of ended up in academia I was getting a second who ended up in academia and so therefore that kind of their larger node there in between these two groups my sister Angie is in between family and high school and so you has a high betweenness score now quick question sure okay so again between this function you can look up the actual formula it's if you just look up between this centrality the first hit will get you there but the idea the general idea is you calculate the shortest path between all the nodes in the network some of those some of these nodes will commonly occur on the shortest path like this one right here is going to occur on a lot of shortest paths from over here to over here so this node ends up having higher between this this node right here there's not any shortest path that links that traverses this node right here most of them like this will most go here this will go here this will go here some it doesn't really have any between this at all so when the early I will repeat the question sure along each edge does have the same weight in the standard between this formula you can do it between this formula there's all sorts of variants on this so weighted between this is a classic variant there's also and I mentioned Mark Newman already a couple times Mark Newman's best cited paper and social networks is using random walk betweenness so rather than the shortest path just sort of randomly let them walk from one to the other and then calculate the random walk between this and and yeah and then there's lots and lots and lots of variants but I mean I can obviously why see why that question would emerge if we're like well the shortest path may not actually be that meaningful if in fact you know let's say it's about throughput and this is like a freeway between these two people lots of conversations happening and this is like they just met once and then they added each other on Facebook so why would we treat that edge equivalent where there's their best friends and there's lots of chatter going along why would we treat that is equivalent as this one when they just added each other on Facebook well we shouldn't we shouldn't treat them that way so we could use weighted between this but so the reason why mentioning that here is that instead of doing betweenness on the nodes what is the note of heist between this is in a node that's on this path you can do between us on the edges which edge commonly gets traversed or gets traversed the most often so the Gervin Neumann algorithm was to calculate the edge of highest betweenness the edge that's on the most shortest paths and then delete it then recalculate this is an expensive calculation you can see why we wanted more efficient ones later but it was a good start it's a nice idea that which has the it's on the shortest path that seems to be like the point of like best connectivity so you get rid of it and then you get rid of the next one and so if there's only these handful of links that go between red and blue your get will not handful I mean probably a hundred or so but there's thousands in each of these you get rid of these you get rid of them you keep getting rid of them you keep getting rid of them and at some point this whole group it's gonna split into two this and this group we call this group a component a maximally connected set of nodes is a component at some point you keep getting rid of edges you're gonna split it into two components now this was kind of a big deal at the time because it was different from a max cut min flow problem where that's a classic one in computer science you want to partition into two but we don't really meet we don't really know how many we're gonna partition this into here it seems pretty obvious it's two blobs but maybe there's three blobs how do you know well now we need to come up with a quality function to determine what's the best outcome because otherwise we could say well just delete all the edges and then we have n communities where n is the number of nodes it's kind of trivial but that's not really useful or we could say let's just have one community well what's the best way of doing this and that's modularity that was that's a particular metric which we'll look at after the break okay so we're going to pause here I would like yeah we're going to pause here I'll take a question or two and then we'll come afterwards first so the question was is there anything signified by the distance between the nodes we're going to get to that in visualization the answer is topology as in nodes that are that have greater connectivity shared among each other are more likely to be spatially closer to each other nodes that have that are far our paths between each other are more likely to be far away that's the basis of force-directed algorithms although there's all sorts of ways in which they've been tuned in recent years to either look more or less effective to be more or less coherent all right so when that clock every one shorter long are we feeling feeling good I say when we go with seven when that clock is on seven down there so that's 11:35 you got twelve minutes have a comfort break have a cigarette if you'd smoke we shouldn't and then we'll start we'll start again then and we'll kind of go through the rest of this so this paper by Mark Newman the structure and function of complex networks what's kind of mind-blowing for me going back and visiting this paper is this was 14 years ago now that a how much was done in this paper and B how much was not done in this paper and yet he still had a hundred pages of paper here that's just chock-full of network science this was before we had modularity as we currently understand it modularity is not like the bee's knees it's not the best but it's a very good metric for determining how well your partition how well your clusters work as a quality function actually well in the social network analysis literature they had a quality function which was similar but I digress what is important well one thing is cute here is that we can what he's shown is how these networks have these sorts of really clear clusters that be here this is this this is the network of collaborations between scientists and this network of collaborations has this weird sort of sure to it but that structure is also mirrored spatially so where the where the researchers were in the building and that sort of thing I'm gonna show is it in the paper yes we're gonna look at this network in a minute in a program called Goffe and this network shows school class and friendship nominations and this is how you can see that the school class is clustered somewhat but unfortunately by race it's also clustered by grade and it's not particularly clustered by gender and we'll be able to observe that what we won't be able to do is demonstrate that statistically in this lecture but if you would like to ask me about that later I can show you a small series of statistics that can be used to do that although they're quite formidable to run but there was a question that came up it's like I've been talking about social networks what about other networks like like an ant colony or something of this sort and I said well it's it's a topology topologies a topology which leads to a couple things the first is I want to make clear that networks as we understand them are an abstraction they are an abstraction from reality they can be performative as well as descriptive a descriptive abstraction is an abstraction where we say all right so let's let's try to take everyday life and render it in a form that's amenable to analysis we'll say we're all people people have links between people whether they're friendships or not and that's a form of operationalization and with that operationalization we make compromises we always make compromises with operationalization but we like to think that those compromises are sufficient that we can still get insights and those insights reflects some underlying reality a performative abstraction is different a performative abstraction is one where we conform to the abstraction so facebook is not just a social network because we can think of Facebook as a social network it's a social network because it's deliberately engineered to be a social network it is profiles the profile is a node a node links to other nodes those are friendships it didn't it's not accidentally like oh you can analyze Facebook as a social network that's because Facebook was designed that way I mean we don't design our everyday life like this I don't expect you guys to come up to me and we have to like authorize it some sort of connection before you ask me a question but we can do a network of who converses with who abstract from that and create a network that people get that distinction it's kind of important one at least in sociology anyway here's that here's that table from Newman and our here are often refers to correlation or Pearson's product-moment correlation he refers to a sorta tivity the degree degree correlation among the actors in the network actor is another sort of general term doesn't mean like in a movie it just means node oh my computer has been real I should probably plug this in give me a second ok so we can see social networks information technological and biological now this is hard to see far away but this table is on page 10 of Newman's 2003 paper in Siam s I am reviews and we can see for these social networks the correlation is positive that is to say that people in the film actors Network on IMDB or in a physics co-authorship network in physics journals or a telephone call graph the people who will actually this one doesn't have the calculation but these here film actors visits co-authorship those people who are linked to many others the many others they're linked to are also linked to many others the degree is correlated those of high degree correlate with those of other high degree so in physics this is like some real high profile heavy-duty physics professor tends to work with other high profile heavy-duty physics professors not with sort of any little graduate student or somebody from some obscure University this can sort of you can either see this as maintaining quality or reinforcing privilege depending on how you're looking at it I mean it could be could be both on the other hand technological networks down here we can still analyze them as networks this is the internet series of routers power grid train routes software packages these are links linkages between software packages this package imports this one and cetera et cetera and these all have slightly negative correlations hi welcome back these all have slightly negative correlations in the sense that say a power grid a very large power grid station doesn't link to other very large power grid stations it links to the local smaller transformers and you know local houses and things in biological networks we see the same sort of thing in a metabolic network or network of cellular processes of protein interactions proteins interact with all sorts of other proteins in really interesting ways it's not just like protein comes in it does magic things and outcomes energy and waste they really connect in all sorts of different ways and these themselves are also disa sorted so we can use the same and here's some other statistics they're not we're not ready for those yet but they're later on you can read them and you'll find them fascinating but we can use the same statistics regardless of the kind of network as long as we create a network that has similar properties at that level of abstraction now we will destroy some things in the in the process of abstracting say wait it's really hard to handle weight in a network meaningfully so we we often what we do is we just say we threshold instead of calculate weight we don't go well there's three emails with you and 20 emails with you and 50 with you we just say let's take the network of people that sent at least 10 emails and then just analyze that as a network it's a bit lazy gets most of the job done the problem is when you take when you use the weighted version yeah the calculations are different they can be tricky all right so now the next thing I wanted to do well I wanted to show you guys some network software but first I'll finish off a little bit on homophily here we got lots of windows going so all right oh yes community detection so the Gervin Neumann algorithm was an early form of community detection but it was really expensive because we had to keep recalculating between this and between this itself is really expensive to calculate traveling salesman problem as it was pointed out this is a this is a slow one it's a slow one to calculate it's one of those NP problems so we've come up with better ones since then that tend to abstract from this in nice tidy ways to important community detection algorithms that are worth paying attention to right now are the llueve method or the multi-level method and info map INF om ap the Luo vein method takes a networking kind of like metaphorically speaking you can imagine what it does is it kind of like it measure if you squint your eyes and it's a bit blurry it looks for like these large clumps and then of high degrees of connectivity and then unfolds out from these clumps so that it's starting to get clearer and clearer and as the clumps bump into each other then that seems to be where your communities end now that's kind of a loose loose bastardization of the formula but close enough for for the purposes of this lecture info map takes a different route instead of going top down to the communities it goes bottom-up by doing a series of random walks and from the different nodes and a nose so until the random walk ends up back in a node and so the areas of the graph that keep getting Trenton traversed in these random walks tend to be the same community because very hard to kind of escape from here randomly go here and then escape back to here it's much more likely to walk and then sort of stay within here or walk and stay within here and so that ends up allowing us to see communities one of the bonuses about info map is that it does very well with directed networks and it also does very well when we want communities that overlap it's not just the case that some people are Republican or Democrat left or right leave or remain there might be event well no but there might be advantages to thinking about overlapping communities the problem however is that they're really hard to analyze as well as describe I think I'm gonna pause no no I'm gonna keep going until I'm supposed to I want to introduce some metrics here it's really quickly the first one is transitivity and we already talked about this a minute ago I just kind of an hour ago this strength of weak ties transitivity is the idea that what's the percentage of two paths that are three paths what's the percentage of I have two friends and they share a friendship of all the two paths how many of them are closed the formulas actually you have to multiply the the triads by three because each try out of three is in fact two three two paths so you do that and you can get a metric out of one for how transitively closed the network is a local clustering coefficient is the proportion of all triads around a specific individual node that are closed so it's basically the same as transitivity except it's focused around a specific node so which one of my two paths are closed and then the local and the clustering coefficient is the average of all of those local clustering coefficients so transitivity and clustering coefficient are very similar but there are some slightly different behaviors because one of them just looks at all the triangles regardless of structure and the other one looks at the average around different nodes it's not so important to know which one to use at the moment but that they're both there so when you have these sorts of forms of triadic closure and clustering and you can build it up and then you want to partition these things than we have modularity I'm gonna skip over conductance it's just a different measure it's uriel escovitch just use this in very interesting ways that's ju r e LS KO VEC uriel escovitch chain conductance but for the most part let's just look at modularity this is a network with high modularity as we can see here the green partitions and the purple partitions share one edge they're almost two different components low modularity here we can see that there's lots of edges between them so they share this is a partition but it's not as clean a partition it's not bad I mean it depends on what you're looking for you're looking for a network that's very fragile in the sense of if you make this one cut you have a distinct network or are you looking for a network that's but this might be more efficient again more more noisy but it may be more resilient if these people fall out of a friendship then let's say it's boys and girls I guess I don't know the heterosexual hetero sex is whatever but let's say they're dating they break up now none of the boys or friends with none of the girls something like of that future down here people are friends with each other there's a fallout between these two boys and girls still hang out everyone goes to the dance everyone's happy we can look at modularity and community detection not just at this micro scale but even at the scale of the whole UK I really like this this is from the sensible a sensible project sensible lab at MIT it's from several years ago they had access to a call graph and a call graph is a great source of network data for that want to do big data it's also highly sensitive so you have to be very careful with this they're not going to give you a call graph easily i've i've used call graph data before required a lot of administration so their first partition and this was using the spectral modularity this is a particular kind of community detection algorithm that's good we don't tend to use it that much anymore lu vein tends to work better but Spectrals good so the first partition they did in this call graph got them three partitions a blue blob a green blob and a purple blob corresponding to is you can see London England and Wales and Scotland then they they did it again with a different they just basically ran it for a little longer and they got these these partitions down here which are better and they have a modularity score this one has a modularity of 0.3 that's full we don't have a good way of saying modularity with p-values so it's not like we can't say there's a star on the side that says that's good and then below that value it's bad I mean well that's that's okay because p-values are a little abused like if something is for though anyone here some people here probably don't know when I talk about with p-values is that right do you know what p-value you an engineer oh wow you guys are all Bayesian now is that it everybody's Bayesian statistics okay okay should know them all right so in in frequentist statistics we get an estimate for how likely we are to observe this particular distribution or are we more likely to dis are we likely to see a distribution this extreme or more by chance and that p-value is a value of sort of giving you an estimate of that we're how likely are we to see this by chance let's just say that and if it's a score of like point zero five as in one in twenty and we say well yeah it's pretty good it's pretty significant it does seem like that there's a real distinction there well in community detection we don't get that same sort of like Authority but we can still say modularity has meaning to it even if we can't say it's precisely this is good and this is bad but as a general rule of thumb a network with a modularity of 0.3 or above tends to be a good partition it's a meaningful partition we can say that there's a distinction there a modularity score of like point six are above is very clear there's very clear distinctions between these different clusters in this case this one here gives us this is 0.58 so this is a call graph area this is a call graph area this is a call graph area but it's a bit noisy see these little blobs in here this is because the way the algorithm runs has some sort of randomness involved to it now what they did then is they use the thing called kernighan-lin swaps which are just it's like a form of annealing you just randomly switch a bunch of partitions you say well what would happen if we make that little square purple what would happen if we make that little square blue and then they just kind of keep swapping them in and out and if they when they swap them if the modularity goes up they keep it if the modularity goes down they go back to what they had before and they keep doing that and you can do that as long as you want at some point you're not going to get any better and so that they get this final solution right here now what's interesting is that this solution right here makes sense it makes sense in terms of borders it doesn't make sense well no it makes sense in terms of like geography it doesn't make sense in terms of borders the actual borders this is I mean Wales is kind of here split in with like Bristol and a little bit of West England and stuff it's not very clearly exactly the areas even London here kind of spills out a little over to the to the east but what they did find is that the connectivity between the different regions and this one helped explain economic output really effectively so it was what's fascinating about is that this is a social region even if it isn't is not an administrative region so we can look at some clustering here this is one the final things I want to show you give me one second I'm gonna mirror my screen so that I don't have to keep looking back and forth yes oh that so the last one that we just looked at that was call graph data so that's eight you have a you can geographically identify a phone number and so that phone number calls another phone number and so if the if there's a if there's one calls another one then that's considered a tie was that clear just phone numbers yeah it's worth noting that that would be phone numbers from one company that shared their call graph data with the researchers there's different phone companies so when I did it I did an analysis with one phone company and I only have good data for that phone company there's also that phone company and numbers outside the phone company I don't know any details about the when they call outside so we're constrained in that in different ways and there's only so much you can do with these sorts of call graph data it's a very big data but it's very shallow we also have data that's very what I tend to work with now which is very small data but very rich so I'm working now on a longitudinal study of a thousand people thousand people from a sexual health clinic ten twenty actually and we have five waves of data for them and for each wave we have like their local network so we have lots of data about that network but it's very small data so different techniques for different kinds of data sets let me so let me mirror my screen clear ish this is a program called Goffe so in this program i wanted to show you this is a social network this is a social network with 700 it's so small I'm gonna point these things out to you this is the report up here the program is called Jeff eg Eph I Jeffy I believe the French Khalid it's done by done by some French persons primarily at science Po and so within this program here running in Java so it's nice and cross-platform we see nodes 795 nodes edges 4 1 2 5 these are friendship nominations in a school in the US I do not know which school this is but I know that it is notorious in this data set for the properties that I'm about to show you the nodes have been arranged randomly in a boundary bounded box so within that box they just randomly assort the nodes and so that's why it's all kind of dark in here little little spots it's because there's so many edges going around everywhere it's kind of disordered it's like that initial photo or picture that I showed you earlier on with just like the faces a little thumbnails of faces they're all just disordered and what we want to do is we want to show the latent ordering in this graph the graph itself is directed and we the students were asked to nominate 5 friends so that means everyone has a maximum out degree of 5 but they're in degree can be well n minus 1 if everybody is like friends with like that one kid in school it's gonna be n minus 1 unfortunately what we show it well well fortunately that's not the case unfortunately though we also show other sorts of partitioning in this school that's it's good to show it even though it's not good that it exists so the earliest layout algorithms in networks come from the computer visualization literature transactions on visualizations and computer graphics the the conference is called graphing there's also the info vis conference which is the larger one from this this is the community that does all these sorts of algorithms and one of the earliest ones if not not the earliest but one of the earliest ones that's important is the fracture Minh Rheingold force-directed algorithm and this is an algorithm that has both strengths of attraction and repulsion embedded in it so if there's a connection between so I know basically by name two people in this room right now Santa and then so let's say I only knew one and we wanted to lay out this graph well I would I would want to be next to Santa here but I don't just know Santa I also know Dan so I would for the layout I would want to be in the middle between these two now if I know a third person I meet someone all the way over there then I'm gonna want to stretch back over this is an attraction algorithm now but it turns out there's a whole clump of people I I'm not sure we've really met have we met guys so I'm kind of so then there's a repulsion away from those that I'm not connected to now that's not just me it's also you you have some friends you have some people you're not connected to and so you also want to settle into a state where you're can you're nearby those that you are connected to and distant from those that you're not connected to so this iterates over time as we can see here document Rheingold and just sort of like slowly as it's doing its thing because it's a not very powerful MacBook Air and it first of all it gives it a bounded area see something like these eye slits right here the reason why it has a bounded area is because otherwise these eye slits would just like fly off into space in fact for reasons that will become obvious I'm gonna want to get rid of those eye slits entirely right now so this right here remember I said these things are components so I'm gonna filter down to the giant component okay so those eye slits just disappeared we can see up here that says ninety seven point eight six percent of the nodes are visible all the edges are still visible so we only had one big component and a couple isolates that neither nominated anybody or were not nominated themselves I don't know what's the state with those kids it could be anything then could be I don't know I don't want to hazard a guess quite frankly okay so right here I'm just sort of like varying those and now we can start seeing a little bit of like there's a blurry bit right here maybe a blurry bit down there I don't have the patience for this to finish but as you can see it's sort of self-organizing fortunately faster algorithms have emerged since then this is force Atlas - this would take the components and separate them so the isolates would go flying but I've gotten rid of the isolates just FYI this is this query down here it said I'm querying by giant component so we just have the one component all the nodes are connected to at least one other node in this network I'll run this boom there we go nice and easy and now we can see now let me actually expand this a little bit there's some other things we can do in this - that help Lin log mode will help make the structure even more clear help my computer blow up so now we can see now I can see that there's this underlying structure in this network and it does kind of appear to be some cleavages we've got like a kind of a clumpiness here and here clumpiness here and here and what's responsible for that well this data has some what we can do is we can run a community detection algorithm in this case it's just called modularity I'm sorry that it's hard to see in the back but we have a pane on the side here that says statistics and we're gonna run some statistics we could for example run average degree average weighted degree so forth but we're gonna run what's called modularity when we run modularity we're gonna we're not gonna use the weights and for reasons that I don't want to get into we're gonna make the resolution a little higher that's a tunable parameter you can fiddle with it more higher resolution confusingly means more coarsened network and so we're gonna get fewer communities a lower-resolution means we'll get little tiny communities we're going to 1.8 should get us they're more or less number of communities 6 hmm I don't want 6 communities I actually went 4 so the modularity was 0.5 6 which says it's pretty good I'm gonna use a resolution of 204 communities there we go there's my 4 communities now the networks this modularity algorithm uses a random seed so you run it a second time it will give you a slightly different community there's no sense in community detection of what is the best community we know that some are better than others but we also know that there's this resolution limit over which without additional information we can't tell what community works best we just know that some work better than others so we have a community now let's see nodes size color why are you okay it's being mean to me today that's color Oh partition there we go modularity class apply so here are four different communities that automatically detected that this is a community this is a community this one and this one and we can make them different colors oh okay now unfortunately the version of this file that I have here doesn't actually I have another version I could load up but it'll take me a few minutes so we're not going to do that because I want to show you some other things but the other version of this file that has race gender and grade shows some things about this community the first one shows that if you go by gender male and female are distributed throughout the whole network there's blue nodes and red nodes or green orange or whatever colors you assign that they're all over here the second thing that we'll find is that this network is also sorted by grade so we can see that what will happen is that down here are the people in grade 7 then it's like the grade 8 then grade 9 grade 10 and grade 11 and very clearly this gradient appears and that gradient is because actually there's spatial distribution there's like one part of the school has the lower grades and one part of the school has the higher grades and so that's reflected in here and then finally unfortunately we can see this by race and then we see that on this side white kids this side black kids and in between our kids of mixed race and Asian and I believe they are they code Latino kids as a as a different ethnicity as well and so most of the school classes in the u.s. thank God are not as segregated as this Oh actually it's of course but in this particular case we did see a very segregated Network and we can store yes here it is this is the same network from Marc Newman's paper slightly different layout algorithm showing the same sort of thing unfortunately he doesn't show the grade or anything else in this but this gives you an example of how homophily emerges within a particular school now this is relevant because people were looking at this and then looking at how does that lead to educational performance and as you can imagine the schools that they examined where the partitions were really distinct show poor academic performance than the ones where they weren't so distinct and so this is moody and white they used a slightly different algorithm but moody and white in ASR and I believe 2002 analyzed this this is Jim Moody's Network data collection and from a data set called the add health or the Adolescent Health Network in the US okay so now back to the slides well we have some time okay so with a little bit of time left as so much I didn't cover but a little bit of time left I wanted to show you a little bit about the underlying structure of a network as collected how do we manage this and what sort of software do we use for this so we can represent networks in a number of different ways we can represent it as an adjacency matrix I don't really use those very often of mathematicians in the room people here comfortable with linear algebra some some linear algebra people yeah well there's some really nice features of networks that can be done with linear algebra you know you can by permuting or getting the identity matrix or yadda yadda yadda you can calculate all sorts of nice things on on the adjacency matrix but I tend not to use it just I don't Martin Everett who I admire quite a lot up at the Mitchell Center for social network analysis loves calculating things with with linear algebra I tend to do things more visually this is the same network represented as a sociogram and this here is the same network represented as an edge list an edge list is sort of what you would see as raw data this might be a call log Alice called Dave Bob called Alice Bob called Carol etc etc and then you take this list and you feed it into a computer and it can then spit out an adjacency matrix for some calculations interestingly a leading eigenvector is a really useful technique for getting community detection so you get the leading eigenvector this and it'll kind of give you a sense of which nodes are likely to be in the same cluster or it'll spit out this right here as a sociogram and then you can visualize it and do things with it let's see this is just me doing a nice emoji thing on this is collecting a network data where you can collect this person's that's why we don't actually do it very much this this way but you can ask for each of the ties are these people friends with each other and then use that to reconstruct the network unfortunately we don't do that often because as we could see it scales exponentially with the linear number of nodes which means is when you're doing an interview it gets really boring you know you're interviewing somebody with they nominate ten ties that means that's 45 questions how did I know it was 45 you know it's it's a formula it's a simple one as we can see here with nodes and you know Plex edges and multiplex edges multiplex might be like let's say you want to connect edges on who is friends with who and then some of other things that we would collect in my work I've done work on sexuality who has sex with who who does drugs with who we want to see like are these overlapping I want to look at risk factors someone's network could have upwards of 150 people and if you were to ask 150 people all the possible combinations just you know Plex just Alice know Bob within 150 that's 11,000 questions that's I mean people can know 150 people and they can know in their head a pretty good sense of that social structure but asking them an eleven thousand questions is not very pleasant we tend to think of networks in different types this diagrammatically is an example of these of whole networks partial networks ego networks and modal networks a whole network is kind of the simplest it's just dots it's just lines just a set of them but what's challenging about it is that it requires a boundary so we might do a whole network of the people in this room so if in fact we may do this in the next session it probably won't though I'll probably just do ego Nets so the whole Nets is a bit tricky to logistic Lee but you can imagine we can do friendship nominations in this room we could say everybody who knows everybody list off the people you know we do that list off the people you know to everybody here we do that we reconstruct it we've got a network of this class is this class a meaningful network though I don't I mean I think it's not me I think there's meaning that can be recovered from doing a social network in this class but I suspect actually the Turing itself might be a more meaningful boundary or all of the students at the Turing might be a meaningful boundary or everybody on the mailing list perhaps might be a meaningful boundary I'm not sure that this class is as meaningful a boundary because you're all voluntarily here I'm sure some of you know people that might be interested in this who aren't here some people might know people who are at the Turing who didn't bother show up for this right so I'm not sure that this boundary works but you could we often do work on school classes you know we tend to think of the school class as a meaningful boundary a partial network is much more common in data science and that's because we have networks that are on the web that are just so big we're never gonna get it all we're never gonna get it all we couldn't get it all in 1999 when Albert and beary bashe did the original study to show power laws on the web we knew that that was an incomplete web Google has not traversed the whole web Microsoft hasn't traversed it you're not going to do it so instead we try to look for a network with a meaningful boundary so partial networks there's a number of approaches offline we think of approaches like respondent driven sampling or snowball sampling this is really useful for hard-to-get populations injection drug users for example you go to an injection drug user you say tell me about your friends and now then you give them chips or coupons or whatever you'd call them say here's three coupons give them to a friend of yours who also does heroin get them to come in the lab if they come in the lab and they do a network you get an extra $50 so as you can imagine people who are doing heroin will appreciate this money hopefully for food but likely for heroin their friends come in the lab and so then you kind of spiral out from there on the web you would do it by following links link traversal so we start off with a seed set of blogs maybe we look at all the blogs that are pro a particular political issue maybe we look at a keyword and then we we find that key word we find everybody that they link to and then find everybody that they link to and as long as those websites that they link to also use that keyword you keep continuing and then at some point you stop because you've exhausted all the websites that have used that keyword and that's your network so it's a partial network you know it but you can still operate it as such five ego net so these are just different ego-centered networks this tends to be what I work with right now we sample from a population and we look at the connections around a specific individual we calculate differences between them this work can also benefit from modern computational machine learning approaches some of the best ego Network to date is by a guy named Claude Fischer and that was from 1982 in a book called to dwell among friends he looked at the size of these networks what kind of what are the composition are they family are they friends how often do we meet each other it was in the northern California he was at Berkeley so that's where it is and yet just last year a really dynamite paper came out that reanalyzed this data using random forests in order to properly classify I wouldn't say properly to more effectively classify the different types of ego Nets based on their composition and he found different styles of networking in there that earlier clustering algorithms just wouldn't pass muster to mode networks are perhaps the dodgiest of the networks they're the most theoretically tenuous but there's still sufficient information in them to be extremely useful presumably most of you have been on Amazon before heard of it it's big site I can take over the world I think the Amazon is the one that's you know like the most most closest to Skynet because they have so much material infrastructure but what they also have is recommendations people who bought this book also buy this book people who like this also like that that is called collaborative filtering it came from Minnesota from the group lens group of computer science group of men at the university Minnesota particular way of arranging a database to do this at a high speed and what you get from that it's really it's just a two mode Network it's just fast reductions on a two mode Network we have consumers and we have products people who bought this well they also bought that people about this also about that and then you can do that that's a two mode Network you reduce that two mode network to it's single modes here are the customers that are similar now you've got micro targeting here are the books that's similar now you've got a recommendation engine just came from the connectivity of who browsed what the reason I say they're the most tenuous is because normally in a network we want to have some sort of ontological property that defines why there's a link this person knows this person this person knows this person this links to that website they're all in a group with a two mode network we can just look at why don't know your music collection you know so my music collection is similar to somebody else's music collection did I ever talk to that person no do I know that person no so is it really a social network is it really a network well it turns out it's sufficiently a network for the purpose of recommending music this is kind of goes through what we just did but with a little more clarity the adjacency Network versus a sociogram you can see this is how we would arrange these as directed directed or undirected directed we also call them these are symmetric networks and the reason we say symmetric is because they're symmetric around the diagonal you may notice that this one has zeros on the diagonal and that's because this network does not allow self loops but we can have self loops in a network perfectly reasonable it just depends on the type of network we might think of trade between countries and a self loop then is trade within a country versus trade between countries or in some past work I've done edits on Wikipedia within region verses edits on Wikipedia between regions which regions send Wikipedia edits to other regions unfortunately what we have found in that work is a concept I call well I I guess my co-author we call it as mark came up with it informational magnetism and informational magnetism is that the areas that have the most information already on Wikipedia tend to attract edits from the rest of the world so unfortunately even though as we were doing work on Middle East and North Africa a little bit of work in East Africa asking like why are they now editing on Wikipedia well unfortunately it's worse than that when they're editing on Wikipedia their editing about North America to a lesser extent about Europe so this is an area that you know Boko Haram's attacking some people down there it's some community you've never heard of you go to the Wikipedia page there's no information on that community oh well well it's arbitrary it's some people over there similar number of deaths similar sort of terrorist act happens in a major metropolis with all sorts of information about it the journalists can cover this more effectively you start caring more about one place in another place it's not represented well and the people from the places that aren't represented well are not editing about their places they're sending their ties to the places that are represented well four reasons why you'd have to read the paper but it's an example another just clarifying this etc again and now thinking about some some places where you can do this analysis if you have a Windows computer there's a program called node Excel which is an add-on for Excel which can be used to do a lot of network analysis really nice really I wouldn't say simple but as simple as can be because it's not necessarily simple but one of the things you can do on a Windows computer is with node Excel if your email is in Outlook you can automatically import it as an email network into Excel because node excel is just net on for it but then you'll see lots of noise in your email and so I like this example because it helps to talk about how we clean the example or clean the data let's say this ego me there's only ever email from me to a distribution list that the email from distribution lists does not get addressed to me at least not in the header so it's the DL czar in this but not in my ego network in my ego Network this is somebody else whose email a distribution list but I've never emailed them they show up in my inbox but they're not actually linked to me at all so we can filter these people out we can filter out the symmetric ties or down to symmetric ties I email you email me then we can filter that even further like I'm email you email me we both email each other at least twice we might say that's it's really a relationship if we emailed each other at least twice if we haven't the the network structure might be a bit tenuous so it really depends on what you're looking for but remember that there's different these are different categories of people people I email distribution lists spam here might be spam somebody that emails me 12 times and I never email them once I I don't really need a luxury watch whatever else is in your spam these days lots of conferences in the middle of nowhere that seem to catch up with me with modal data just to point out here this is how we would we can reduce this in two ways we call a bipartite projection when we do that bipartite projection we lose information but we also gain a little bit of granularity about the structure so the one mode event one two three this is these I think this one's meant to be thicker the tie between two and one yes because there's two people here B and C that have both attended event one and event 2 attended event - there's a thick line a weighted line there's only one person that is a attended events 1 and 3 so therefore we have a thin line here so this gives us a sense of structure you can this is really common say for some of the only network data that you can still capture on Facebook which would be comments on stories so I comment on one story you comment on a different story I also comment on that different story so as you sort of accumulate these this two mode network of who comments on what post then you get a two mode network of posts and people and when you reduce it you get a one mode Network either of which posts are similar or which people are similar now if a thousand will say 50 people not maybe the thousands say 50 people all comment on that one post then you're gonna have a clique of 50 people in your one mode projection because all of them are connected because they all commented on the one post that's gonna be a really noisy Network and that's why it's important to keep that network waited and then maybe trim the weights so perhaps we have to comment on three posts jointly we have to Co comment on three posts in my own work for example I have collaborated with a number of people but some people have only collaborated with once and it might be a bit noisy but there's some people I collaborate with repeatedly and so that's less noisy that's more social structure we use the weight to trim out those people I only collaborated with once and then you get more of a sense of social structure yeah okay here's an example of that - mode network by Mason Porter and these are committees in the US House of Representatives and he's showing like which committees are more likely to be or people to have people that are on the same committees together and see Armed Services and Veterans Affairs have a lot of committees together intelligence administration and rules people share those committees and so forth and so forth and this shows you which parts of government are related to each other in the u.s. when making legislation I guess I kind of I guess already really sort of covered this here this is that freshman triangle just wanted to repeat that we have a random network here over time with ten iterations it's starting to bunch up and by a hundred we really recover this structure there's a really fascinating paper that shows how this structure is a form of modularity maximization which is also why it makes sense and why the communities tend to bunch up together because they share some underlying math for each other so finally some things to get you started looking at and playing around with node Excel I mentioned Jeffie i showed i graph i mentioned didn't really mention these known excel is probably the most lightweight way to start requires a Windows computer with excel and administration privileges because you have to I don't know download dotnet or something Jeffie is just a little bit more tricky but there's lots of tutorials online forgetty and it's cross-platform it's on Linux Windows Mac it's based on Java so it's really flexible I graph and also Network X and a number of other packages but mainly I graph in network X it's a shame I never put it now we're good this is for Python this is what we will be using in the next class sort of getting some statistics for modularity getting some statistics for doing a bipartite projection and then finally tulip tulips really heavy duty complicated software for visualizing networks it's run in C or C++ I've never used it my colleagues have used it they like it because it does lots of complicated things but it's a bit overkill for me so yeah we got a minute left these will be in the slide so to show you that you know in the 1800's we started off with a connoisseur bridge problem that got us networks about the 1930s we started doing so Shyama tree and then around the 60s the first ego net studies we started off today in the 70s with strength of weak ties and then here's some statistical models we didn't cover these but they're they're P star models stochastic actor oriented models collaborative filtering started that's in the 90s people like this book like that book when and near the end of the 90s PageRank came out PageRank was a network a social network concept websites that are linked that other websites linked to well that's a social signal maybe if I link to a bunch of web sites those web sites are of more importance of many websites linked to me maybe you should show me first in the search rankings well turns out Google did pretty well for itself with that social network algorithm and now they're Google well they were Google then too but they're still Google in the 2000s we do community detection P star models which is a model for statistically estimating the likelihood of these triangles that kind of transformed into a thing called exponential random graph models where we can statistically estimate the likelihood of all sorts of features in a graph and then these days were into big data we have graph databases interactive networks stuff that I'm doing seven touch screen networks and and we're really just continuing on with ever more computational power and just some more fascinating work so that's it that's the the first class and networks I hope that was somewhat informative a final questions before we before we break you were very quiet and hopefully attentive audience okay yes I'll restate this sure so we talked about community detection but what about anomalous nodes or outliers in a in a community well they're hard to find mark Newman had a measure for community centrality which was how likely a node is to stay within this community because the actual distinctive partitions themselves are based on a dendogram of probabilities and so you just kind of cut the dendogram off at a certain point but if you kind of raise that dendogram you get fewer communities if you lower the dendogram everybody is in their own little community so you can use that data you can recover from that data you can recover how likely it is a node that is in a community that's one way to detect it bootstrapping is another way you keep running the same community detection algorithm over and over and over again and seeing which nodes are likely to show up together which ones are likely to kind of switch allegiances when you keep running it that's I mean those are two separate ways beyond that there's others it's really to taste but yeah there's lots of complicated ways it would depend on the research question but I would entertain a research question of ways of detecting this and I could perhaps throw some ideas time for one or two more keeping you from lunch I wanted it to be just two and a half rather than three hours because I was lecturing and I thought that you would all get tired but ok one then two and then maybe that's it Mike yeah physics these models have been used to show critical behavior phase transitions and that kind of thing is anything like social science side of things although those phase transitions happen in social networks so we could think about the level of connectivity required Oh epidemiology you know why do we why have we not all died of Ebola because Ebola has a certain the where Ebola started has a certain level of connectivity and also a certain level of virality and what's the other term for survival rate so it's very oh I can't remember the abbreviations in this but a phase transition would happen we would model that in a social network given its connectivity to see what will it take for a particular and these are all just guesstimates in a lot of cases but based on some large scale features of a social network what can we estimate is the likelihood that we will get a phase transition to the sort of a huge superinfection plague if you will and it depends on where we get it from you know different airport hubs and these sorts of things as well as you know the the type the life cycle of the disease I mean the reason why HIV is so prevalent is because it's not very and what is that term it's not infectious it's not very deadly it kills people but it takes I don't care emember the term but it takes a long time to kill people Ebola kills people very quickly if you're gonna die you're gonna die really soon so that means it's harder for it to spread so HIV takes longer to spread and it takes long before it even shows up I mean you have this like window of weeks or months where you might not even show up in a blood test depending on the type of test so we could use different sorts of models of these two to determine whether or not we're going to get a phase transition towards you know everybody a hyper-connected state when the classic phase transitions that started off you know chaos theory and whatever we call that was originally from network analysis where it was a Bernoulli graph and if you have a Bernoulli graph with a probability of Ty's tie connectivity being 50/50 the graph is almost always going to be fully connected so if half the edges are there just by randomly you just randomly assign that edges half of them are there guaranteed the graph is gonna be fully connected but under that it's like and so the likelihood of the full graph being connected with the number of ties that are in there it kind of takes this nice logarithmic shape well at the certain point you need like at least n edges for n nodes and like an exponential number of edges is how many it's possible so it's not like linear like this it actually no the graph is not gonna be fully connected not to be fully connected boom it's fully connected like that and that's a really important phase transition because knowing whether a particular innovation a fad a plague virus is gonna saturate the networking up yeah anything else okay thanks was a question down here to find out where the actors in the network are same so the use case will be finding out similar actors okay are they the the same person yeah oh that's interesting there was work on this by Bell Labs years ago like 30 years ago I met the guy who did it and his name eludes me right now as he was at Microsoft Research when I was there I'm blanking on it but it's really cool work these were people that were using burner phones and it's it's basically just a it's just a degree correlation really or a sort of correlation in structural space if they're really correlated and then you have a temporal discontinuity then they're probably the same so think about it this way I deal well I don't really deal wheat but but I am Canadian but you know so let's say I have a phone and I have a bunch of contacts on that phone I feel like the police are gonna catch me so I throw my phone out get a new phone who's gonna call me the exact same people are gonna call me so what you look at is where do the where is the network correlation between you know from point a and point B where there's a temporal discontinuity people stopped calling one numbers start calling another number and then clearly it's the same person on the end of the line because they they slot into the network in the same place the algorithms for that are structural equivalence and regular equivalence there block modeling based algorithms and a structurally equivalent node is a node that connects to the network in the same way a regularly equivalent node is the node that connects to the network in a similar way so this was used in a perverted way in the war on terror where you have a note of high betweenness and a bunch of contacts with Middle Eastern sounding names and now you're on a million-person no-fly list but as was identified by one of the people I know from West Point that didn't work out very well because they could have been calling a whole bunch of terrorist cells or they could've been the pizza guy and the pizza guy calls a bunch of people a bunch of totally different people call the taxi person high betweenness is not a very good signal for the sort of threat networks that we want we need extra details involved but at the base of it at its most trivial there is some element of legitimate threat detection going on in these things but the place we start is structural equivalence and so if network is two nodes structural equivalent over time they're very similar yeah ok so we're gonna we're gonna stop but there's about 10 minutes overtime I kind of figured that or 20 minutes early if we were gonna think of it as three hours thank you my email is there you can email me questions you can tweet or follow me I'm not on Facebook don't have me I am post Facebook there's I don't think that's my that's my blog but I wouldn't bother go there anymore it's I don't doing it so thank you for your attention and the slides will be sent via Sam to youth you
Channel: The Alan Turing Institute
Views: 29,817
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Keywords: data science, Social networks, social network analysis, turing, the alan turing institute, bernie hogan, oxfod internet institute, social science
Id: 2ZHuj8uBinM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 15sec (8595 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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