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so I'm going to tell you who I am and what I do I am the founder of social media examiner bloggers businesses knew they needed to be doing this social media thing but they didn't really understand what it was I would say that my superpowers are really in the world of podcasting premier Facebook marketing expert and top social media thought leader York Times and best-selling author I've been published in The Huffington Post Forbes ink magazine it's social first media second and marketing last social media is an ingredient it's not the on track so the simplest way to describe you though is I am a marketer [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi I'm John linka and I'm on a mission to try to figure out the perfect social media marketing strategy for business I'm a digital marketing expert but I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything over the next 24 hours I'm gonna be speaking to the top people in social media marketing at the end of this day we're gonna figure out the perfect strategy for businesses on my journey I'm gonna be looking at how should businesses set up a social media strategy that delivers what does a content marketing strategy look like what are the types of content they should be creating and how often should they be posting how many networks should they be on how much is social media organic Reach dropping and how fast our social media ads exploding is social media right for all businesses I think that's a question a lot of people have on their mind are there any specific strategies that have an impact for social that really get a huge return and what do those look like on each platform what is the future of social media look like and what the business is doing to get the biggest returns on social media now to do that I want to talk to some of the top experts in the industry and at the end of the journey I'll be taking what I learned to create the perfect social media strategy guidelines for marketers around the world the first person I'm going to speak with is Jay Baer Jay's a keynote speaker New York Times bestselling author of five books and the founder of five multi-million dollar companies so I've spent more than 25 years in digital marketing when I started an online marketing domain names were free you just get whatever domain name that you wanted [Music] and in 1993 my partners and I in my very first Internet company sold Budweiser com2 n Heiser Busch 450 cases of beer that is a true story that's how long I've been doing this so things have changed an awful lot now and now I run a consulting firm that helps the biggest companies in the world understand social media strategy how to connect with their audiences in a way that is visceral and powerful the the initial group of social networks that that failed FriendFeed Friendster myspace etc I think the failure was was on two fronts one probably too early right we're out there before the mass population was ready to connect in each other in this way I think we forget how different social media is than the world before social media and also the customer experience the user experience the actual UI and where you click was not great like if you remember MySpace it was a train wreck like really really difficult to use unless you were a super power user and so I think that hold you back today though sort of the next round or the second or third wave of social network failures are not because it's too hard to use are not because it's too early it's just straight competitive pressure and frankly it's a Facebook strategically and intentionally squeezing the life out of competitors that's what's happening today it's not about customer experience it's not about being to new is that when Facebook sees a threat they do whatever possible to to attack that threat and and make it go away [Music] there's a lot of options when you think about how to use social media marketing for business I would tell you the first place to start is to use social media for customer service if your customers are asking you for help in social media today start there the key is to use the parts of social media that you actually have a passion for it here's something I've learned in my many many years if you hate social media you will suck at social media so if you're thinking hey should I use Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or snapchat or LinkedIn or YouTube or whatever you should use the one that you like the best because if you like it better you will make better content if you make better content people react to that content more positively and you'll have more success I would argue that every business has to be active in social media at least from a customer service context it almost is the new yellow pages where increasingly consumers who have a problem want to tweet the business they want to leave a Facebook comment they want to get a question answered in an Instagram comment that's just happening it's going to continue to happen so even if for whatever reason you're not comfortable using social media for marketing you should probably think about using it for customer service for your business now can every single business use social media effectively for marketing I think they can if they choose to put on a customer hat and think about what would real people actually want to see from us in social media which is typically not coupons promotions a special offers and bullet points the reality is what a lot of businesses fail to do is think about what customers want when they create content in social media they think about what's good for the business and they put that out there and then they're shocked when that doesn't work well of course it's not gonna work because you've got billions and billions and billions of people using social media and 0 of them wake up and say hey you know what I love most about social media the fact that businesses use it those words have never been uttered and you have to always remember that we must stop random acts of Facebook if you're trying to succeed with Facebook for your business the worst possible way to do that is to add stuff to Facebook when you feel like it about a crazy random collection of topics it simply will not work you absolutely have to have a set strategy for what you're putting on Facebook when why and for whom in my business we think of Facebook and all social networks actually as a show so we use a TV network analogy we'll say okay The Walking Dead is a show it is on the same time every week it has the same characters it has the same pace it is targeted at the same audience your social networks should be the same thing so you have one or more Facebook shows maybe you do a weekly live video maybe you do a weekly quiz maybe do a weekly feature on a customer you have consistent shows and Cadence's and that allows you to develop content that is a of higher quality and B allows your audience to tune in so Jay made some really interesting comments and did an awesome job laying out the strategy I expected nothing less and one of my favorites was treating each social media profile like a TV channel think about that you need a schedule you need to have great ratings and you need to think about every single piece of content that you're posting like a TV show that's going on here we clearly learned a lot talking to Jay now we're gonna go talk to Michael Stelzner Michael Stelzner runs social media marketing world which is the biggest event in social media marketing he also runs social media examiner and has a top 50 podcast Mike knows a lot about social media and I can't wait to hear what he has to say the early days of social media were literally the Wild Wild West everybody was rushing to this thing called social media to cuss back then 2008-2009 we were in the Great Recession but just for getting slashed and people were looking for some new Savior and that new saviors name was social media [Music] for any business that wants to get into social media that the critical thing is really to first and foremost know who you want to reach figure out what their interests are what their passions are and then literally give them exactly what they want for free and what I mean by that is maybe give them a video telling them how to do something maybe give them a course maybe give them a graphic maybe give them some audio whatever they want give it to them for free because people love to share tips and techniques that help make them look good to other people so if you can give away stuff that other people normally charge for that can be exceptionally valuable so I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're getting started with social media marketing you really need to be thinking about a content strategy you really need to figure out what that content play is going to be for your business the next step and really the last step is once you know who you want to reach and you figured out the kind of content that you want it put in front of them then you really want to put some paid advertising behind that when you're just getting started with social media don't try to be everywhere at once I think that that is pretty much gonna result in failure instead pick a place that you're comfortable and where you know there's a decent sized audience and understand the way things work on that platform and master that and then move on to the next one the Facebook algorithm really has been the shift that has changed absolutely everything for the marketing community simply said it is smart artificial intelligence technology that is monitoring everything that happens on social and stopping marketers from ruining it and let's be honest marketers we ruin everything so the algorithm is really designed to make sure that our stuff doesn't get through it's creates a better user experience but it makes it very hard for those of us that are markers because there was a day where we could post something and 100% of our audience would see it and it would be shared thousands upon thousands of times now we're lucky to get a couple dozen shares and the challenge that we're facing as marketers right now is that no matter what we try the outer rhythm is smarter than us is faster than us and knows your game marketer I think we are nearing a place of Facebook zero which is a phrase that many people in our industry mean that the idea that organic reach is possible is going to ultimately screech to a zero I read between the lines I think we are approaching a day where we will not ever be able to get organic reach from posting on a page and we may be getting to that point on every social network where the idea of building your home on rented land is going to become a real problem if we accept the fact that algorithms are killing organic reach what we're left with is paid and I think whenever we put a dollar behind anything it better be trackable and I can assure you that it is with every one of these social platforms so simply said the future of social media is paid and whenever your pain you can trap and whenever you track you can measure in our a lot now what that ROI may be for you could be traffic conversions exposure any one of those things and it kind of is really up to the business to decide what it is that matters the most a meal and Dino is a video marketing expert and she's got some really great strategies for us to set our social media marketing strategy let's go speak with her next NIR content strategy on YouTube looks like a couple of things first you just have to decide what is the promise that we want to make for our audience on YouTube and make good on that but keeping into consideration that it is the number two search engine on the planet so the best thing you can do is be helpful be resourceful what is it that somebody you would work with wants to know before they'll listen to you about what you think they need to know which is usually buying your product or hiring you for your services how do you get them to that point how do you coach them there that's your content strategy everyone wants to know how often do you upload it's a great question if you were to just get the short answer from YouTube they would tell you that the industry standard is to upload once a week get good at that just get good at that the best channels in the world they have a once a week schedule they nail that they do an amazing job they might stay start a second channel if it's more appropriate to do that the lifespan of a video on YouTube is years versus on other social platforms where they die in a day there's these three areas of content on YouTube that make a sustainable channel hub hero and help hub is all about making those subscribers happy hero is getting out there on a larger scale and help is showing up in those search results you need a healthy balance of all three and you can do that on a once a week schedule but you have to balance it out you have to keep people guessing but still make good on the promise that you said you were going to do when the channel started from the start the biggest challenge is thinking you need to be on sole all social networks be in all places for all people and I think that's where a lot of businesses have gotten into trouble they want to get the most mileage out of all their campaigns their work their videos the stuff that they're investing in but they're better off focusing and just nailing one or two of these networks you don't have to be everywhere tell people where you are and knock it out of the park the challenge I think is choosing where do you want to be but once you do you can go all-in and succeed in such a big way that makes it completely worth it the reason why people are mostly not successful with YouTube is they think all video platforms are the same that's I mean like simply put so in doing so you upload your video and you let it fly and you hope that the whole world comes to you or it goes viral and that's a huge mistake you didn't carefully craft your coffee the way it needs to be your title your description your tags you didn't make that custom thumbnail that one visual human SEO option that you have at your disposal which is so important you let YouTube pull one of three options for you which is the worst it's always the worst image of yourself or anything happening for those those automatic thumbnails never do that but just the biggest thing is not realizing that on the other side of the camera that recorded this entire experience and is delivering a message is another person the biggest mistake people pink with YouTube video or any video at all is just realizing that they are talking to a person they're not talking to a camera they're not talking to a lens that's just the device now we're gonna go speak with sunny Leonard Uzi sunny knows a ton about video she's an up-and-coming youtuber and video marketing strategist I can't wait to hear what she has to say video at this stage is in my opinion the most important part of marketing online I don't think that there's any better way to connect with your audience and actually seeing them and then being able to see you as a real person when it comes to the know like and trust factor nothing does it better than video particularly live video and I think the proof is in the pudding I mean every single social media platform over the last year has adopted video and adopted live video and adopted things like stories we have Facebook stories Instagram stories and of course that all stemmed from snapchat so there's a reason that video has become so popular on every platform and why people are clamoring to be using it to build their businesses and brands and then as far as scripting it's really important to script your videos in the right way so having a really short introduction that gets people into the mood of the content immediately because again if someone's finding you in search they're not necessarily looking for you they don't want your life story they just want the answer to their question the solution to their problem so you need to give it to them as quickly as possible to increase your retention and increase your watch time which again increases your ranking when it comes to YouTube for me as far as analytics go the most important metric is watch time and retention so those two for me are king of the castle and the main things that I go after so I want to make sure that people are watching the entire video the whole way through to increase my viewer retention because that tells YouTube in Google it's a great piece of content they should rank higher and then of course I want to make sure that people are staying on my channel to increase the watch time to give me more authority so creating almost a spider web with my videos of one video making to another creating playlists people on my channel longer so those are some of the things that I do to increase those analytics and keep them in a positive place and then obviously a big factor as well as engagement so I treat YouTube as its own community which I think you should do with every platform and I'm making sure that I'm asking for likes I'm also asking for dislikes because that engagement also tells me a lot and gives me qualitative feedback to say maybe that topic wasn't as good as another topic I could create a video on and that helps me cater to my audience I want comments and subscribes and all the things that are gonna tell me this is a good piece of content and also tell Google and YouTube wow this video has a ton of engagement on it again we should rank it higher which means it gets more views on a wider scale and opens me up to a whole new audience [Music] I think it depends on the business and it also I think depends on the objective if you want a quick hit short campaign and you want to go viral Facebook's where to go if you want long term sustainable evergreen results and you want traffic on a daily basis from a new audience youtube's where you want to go if you're more of a visual brand if you're in the retail space or e-commerce space perhaps Instagram is where you should be so I think it really depends on what industry you're in and what your objective is with social Sonny made it clear that video is incredibly important for all businesses to utilize through their own marketing on social media platforms and on YouTube specifically she didn't talk about just YouTube she talked about taking video and distributing it across the web which is something that I really believe in and do quite frequently with my own profiles you can create one piece of video chop it up and then distribute it in the correct form across all the different social media platforms and get a bigger bang for your buck and really increase the size of your brand and reach her points about having video strategies that are specific to each of the sites really made sense when looking at social media value in the last click attribution inside of analytics which basically means looking at somebody who their last click was from social media and then they came to your website you want to see traffic and you want to see conversions there also you can use things like the linear attribution in multi-channel funnels model to track social media as well what that means is when a customer is on a journey sometimes they have multiple touchpoints they might start on Google and come to your website and then come back from social media and then come back again from an ad when you use the linear attribution model what that does is that allocates a percentage to each of those steps inside of the buyers journey so 33% would be allocated to each one for the leave that came in that to me is a really important point inside of social media marketing was it the first click on social media that then led to these other clicks and then eventually have the person convert was it the last click was it the middle click but was there no click at all and so when it comes to attributed leaves in revenue to social media these are things that marketers really need to be thinking about Mari Smith is somebody who's been doing Facebook or ever and next we're gonna go speak with her and just learn a little bit about how you should be marketing your business on Facebook actually learned about Mari over a decade ago when Facebook first came out so she's gonna be able to tell us a ton about the platform Facebook is the number one social networking platform on the planet Facebook was becoming literally an ingrained part of our daily habits people would get up while they're brushing their teeth they're looking and they're checking Facebook it became addictive it's a psychological behavioral habit you know and so then that's really a big part of what makes Facebook so successful in the long run was that incredible user adoption and the amount of times per day that Facebook users check on average 14 times a day or some people 14 times an hour Facebook strategy right now needs to be very much focused on three main things number one video Facebook is on an absolute mission to dominate in the world of digital streaming video number two mobile over 90% of Facebook users access the platform predominantly on mobile even though we as business owners we are marketers or providing business consulting services we might sit at a desk all day and look at a laptop or a desktop our user we have to remember that the user is predominantly on mobile and the third thing is you must have an ad budget back in the day used to be that you could just do all this wonderful organic reach I mean I remember pages getting two and three hundred percent reach literally two to three the number of fans they had and now organic reach since 2012 has garaged them in coming down and down and down on average business pages are getting between 1 and 6 percent organic reach so with those three components video formatting for mobile and having an ad budget they will form the basis of a really powerful strategy on Facebook where Facebook is headed in the future is most definitely Digital streaming television you will see in a short period of time that Facebook is going to be climbing up the leaderboard competing with Netflix Amazon Prime Hulu of course YouTube and they are really wanting to get the consumers watching the watch platform it's called watch you can watch it on desktop on mobile ad on your television and Facebook is really drawing in creators more content creators to produce television quality episodic content next we're gonna go speak with sue Zimmerman who's an Instagram strategist she really knows her stuff when it comes to Instagram which is one of the fastest growing platforms out there I can't wait to hear what she has to say you have to have creativity you have to understand the power of photography because Instagram started in 2010 as a photography and app and has evolved over time to be one of if not the most powerful social tool in your business so I've been teaching social media for eight to nine years now I wanted to teach other business owners specifically small business owners how to have more success in business because I believe that small business owners overthink way too much when they just need to really get specific and very niche and what it is they want to sell the most successful accounts on Instagram are the 3s fashion food and fitness so if you can niche down in any of those three categories so let's start with fashion so if you are a fashion designer or if you are someone that does makeup and you just stay in that space and teach makeup in the fashion industry if the Instagram account is confusing meaning what you're telling me that you're doing in the bio doesn't match up to what you're doing in your feed you've lost me and the most successful accounts on Instagram have a strong visual strategy where it's aesthetically pleasing to scroll through the account not just looking at one post at a time but the whole feed when it comes to LinkedIn there's really nobody who's written more about it and studied it more than Viveka von Rosen for all those b2b marketers out there and people looking to grow their network I know they're gonna find this really interesting so next we're gonna go speak with vivica what I love about LinkedIn is its business focused you're gonna see your prospects there and you have an awesome opportunity to start building those relationships with LinkedIn there's really three core areas that I think people need to be focused on the first one the foundational piece is the is the branding piece your personal profile in your company page when you google someone's name even when you google a company a lot of times a LinkedIn profile or a linkedin company page or even a LinkedIn article will show up and so it makes a lot of sense to make sure that if you're if your profile is going to show up that it looks good the reason most people want to use LinkedIn of course is to build their businesses so lead generation finding candidates if they're looking for employees finding prospects finding new customers finding clients there's a huge opportunity to find leads on LinkedIn so knowing how to use it as a rolodex knowing how to use the search and then once you find the right people you knowing the right way of reaching out like don't ask them home keep that but first like get to know them a little bit ask them some questions try to get on the phone with them and not to sell your stuff but try to get on the phone with them too to build a relationship it's it's about treating that win-win environment and then the third piece that I think is really important it's probably not crucial but I think it's really important is the content marketing piece whether you're creating video whether you're sharing updates where you whether you're using LinkedIn publisher to repurpose your blog posts or create new posts using these these pieces of content or these content features will really help to a position yourself as an expert I mean that is truly how I got the book deal it'll help to position you as an expert it'll give people a real taste of who you are and a real idea of what your capabilities are if you have those three pieces if you've got the foundational profile if you've got the desire and the strategy behind finding and and engaging with those leases and if you've got the content kind of support the whole picture you can be extremely successful on LinkedIn next we're gonna go speak with Pat Flynn Pat Flynn is a digital marketing expert a keynote speaker and somebody who runs a top podcast we're gonna learn a ton about podcasting from Pat and I can't wait to hear what he has to say so obviously when you have an online business there are a lot of different things that you can do and I would say that my superpowers are really in the world of podcasting and using social media specifically to build amazing relationships with those who follow me on my podcast on my blog and through my videos so I wouldn't start a podcast if I were you if you had a lot of other focuses that you need to have in your business for example maybe you are big on video right now and you are thinking about doing podcasting because everybody else is doing it well don't just do something because everybody else is doing it do it because it's going to best integrate into your business and there's a plan the plan for your podcast should be not just to build a stronger relationship with your audience but you can actually direct your listeners and have a lot of engagement with your audience and therefore actually get a lot of results from the podcast that you create because when you think about it people are listening to you for so long you absolutely have permission to give them a call to action at the end of those podcast episodes so don't integrate it into your business if you have other things that you need to focus on first because podcasting it does require a commitment to stay consistent to provide great value to you know provide amazing guests if you're doing an interview show for example it takes time to actually create all this and put it out there but when you do you're going to see amazing results so one other thing I want to touch one related to podcasts maybe starting one doesn't make sense for you but I would also figure out how you might be able to get on podcasts that already exists because those people who are host of those shows they have amazing relationships with their audience like I said and if you can be a guest on their show if you have some information that perhaps would be very useful and valuable to their audience it will put you in a great light for potential business for yourself so coming on as a guest or you can also come on as a sponsorship and advertise on certain shows a lot of podcasters are looking for advertisers to come on and if you make sure that those advertisements are very organic that they are actually integrated into those shows in a very natural kind of way you can get a lot of results so here's the thing podcasting is evergreen people are still listening to my earlier episodes that were created back in 2010 I'm still getting results because I'm tracking them from pockets of suits that I created years ago so you get in front of an engaged audience now in a podcast you can have potential business leads coming in for quite a long time me I'm a huge blogger I see tons of value in it it's one of the best ways to drive traffic revenue and/or leads to your business but I want to learn more so next I'm gonna go speak with Leslie Samuel and Leslie somebody who's built a business off of teaching people how to blog so I would say I'm an expert in blogging like how do you start with an idea and how do you build a blog and how do you get people to that blog but then also how do you turn it into a business so that you can make money and possibly even do it full-time you really want to understand who you are trying to target who is your target audience and the more specific you can get about that the more you can really you know hone in on what that person is looking for so that you can start creating that kind of content to attract that ideal person that you're looking to get now if you're comparing like a someone that's an individual like myself to a big corporation one of the things that really stands out to me is the the personality aspect when someone comes to my blog they're coming to my blog to connect with me as an individual so I'll be more likely to share personal stories of things that I'm encountering and so on and that will allow them to connect with me in a way that makes them gets the they come to know like and trust me and by doing that now we have that relationship that we can take to the next level in terms of doing business with each other now if you're thinking about a big corporation generally speaking I'm not trying to connect with one person at coca-cola or Pepsi or one of these big brands I'm trying to connect with an experience and not that there's not an experience on the personal blog or the individual blog aspect but when it comes to these bigger corporation I think you need to be thinking more about how can you create an experience for the community that's developing around your brand around your product around your service so one of the biggest problems that I see a lot of businesses have when it comes to social media is that they forget about the social part they go up on these platforms because they hear that they can get a lot of exposure so they start posting links to their offers and their products and its services and nobody cares here's the fact people don't go on social media to buy stuff or to get special offers they go on there to connect with the people and the things that they care about so if you're thinking about getting into social media and getting into it as a way of marketing your business you want to think about it as a way of how can i connect with people what kind of stories should I share what kind of videos should I create what can what can I do that will allow people to connect with the ideas that I'm trying to put out there and then after that comes the marketing part it's social first media second and marketing last Brenda steer comes from the world of the sails but direct sales has so many marketing implications and she's got some amazing courses specifically on Pinterest and also Facebook roots Pinterest is driving two and a half million pins a month its massive amounts of reaped ends huge user base 150 million active users a month mostly women mostly between the ages of 25 and 49 it is where a female centric marketer needs to be its where the base is it's where people are using using a tool as a search engine first thing that struck me about Pinterest was really an emotional connection before anything else because my mom used is to this day still somebody who cuts articles out of magazines and newspapers she cuts out recipes she cuts she saves things and puts them in a folder for me and that's really what Pinterest is it's digital articles and curation and things like that so Pinterest was immediately something I was drawn to because I had an emotional connection to all of those articles and recipes and ideas and craft projects Pinterest is a lifestyle Channel Pinterest is all about understanding and curating the lifestyle that your client can envision themselves in and how your products then fits that part of the lifestyle so when we're curating a lot of content and curating boards and cultivating that presence that's really what the small business marketer needs to understand how to who is my ideal client what is the lifestyle that I'm creating for them and how does my product fit and then show that through a really visually appealing set of boards and pin strategy one of the biggest challenges I see in a lot of small business owners is they don't understand is something as fundamental as source website this is the most important thing with Pinterest even if you do nothing else if you do nothing else with keywords and hashtags and SEO you have to understand source website what a lot of small business owners will do is they'll search for content that's similar to what they sell and they'll repin other people's content they'll repin at other people's content because they want to show examples but in reality they're repainting other people's content to their followers and directing their followers to someone else's funnel directing followers to someone to a competitor so the most fundamental thing is understanding that source website and where every pin goes not having dead links not having dead images not having a dead end or indirectly driving someone to a competitor and not even realizing it Joel comm is a maverick when it comes to social media marketing and really any type of digital marketing he's been doing this for a really long time and he'll tell you that himself I can't wait to hear what he's got to say in regards to Twitter specifically because he's invested a ton of time on the platform my name is Joel comm I've been an internet entrepreneur since the beginning of time the essence of any business whether online or offline is building a relationship with your customers and because of the immediacy of Twitter people have grown accustomed to having a response quickly and this is why it's important to engage in these relationships and the relationships are built not by just selling your product or service but people make mistakes all the time treating Twitter and other social platforms and really any form of marketing as though they're stepping on the soapbox in the village square with the megaphone and saying buy my stuff that's not how you do it though there's a four step process to selling more of anything and it's relationship-based and the four steps are know me like me trust me pay me in that order you cannot circumvent it people have to know who you are first before they can decide if they like you or not and once they like you then they can receive your message to see if your message is trustworthy they like you that much that they trust you and once you have endeared yourself with trust to your prospect then and only then can you move to the payme this fourth step what do we do on Twitter when we like someone well we follow them it says I'm gonna give you a chance let's find out what you're all about as that person or that business or brand tweets we get to know who they are we get to know what they're all about we get to know what's important them and as we discover that do they engage with us do they respond do they share value through their Twitter accounts then we know whether or not we trust them and if you have inculcated like no entrust into somebody who is following you it's actually a very short hop to a transaction which is the pay me whether you're selling goods services an idea whatever it is it's building that relationship through authenticity and connection well I think the content of what you're gonna tweet is gonna vary from business to business and vertical to vertical but ultimately we have to remember that none of us are in the business of selling a product or service you might have made yourself believe that you're selling a product or service but really what you're in the business of is serving people through the product or service that you offer people ask me how do I create a campaign that will go viral first thing I do is I shake my head and I tell them you're thinking about this wrong the right question is what kind of story can we tell that will be so compelling that other people will want to retell it the social sites have this built in the social sites are inherently made for sharing they encourage sharing and so when your story is so compelling that others want to retell it for you now you've got a viral piece but you don't approach it as though you're making something viral seek to tell great stories and if your story is great you'll know it from the response after all these conversations I sat and I thought for a long time I had many of the things they said running around in my head I realized he was time and I was ready to create the perfect system for social media marketing step one first create your personas by pulling data from your own analytics and using competitive analysis tools number two determine where these people spend time on line three find out the content in the profiles that they interact with the most for review the content in the social media advertising strategy five pick the most important social media channels for your business to start with the ones that are gonna get you the biggest return six create an aggressive and well-thought-out social media content strategy seven create images with your company branding on it that people are gonna want to click on interact with and that are visually appealing eight create a community building strategy a content and publishing schedule a social media advertising strategy and a creative campaign strategy when you're running viral and creative campaigns at least once a quarter nine put this strategy into a three month plan where you know exactly what you're doing every single day every single week in every single month and what your goals are for each of the platforms 10 execute and review it weekly take a look at your metrics take a look at your analytics and make sure to double down on the initiatives that are driving the most traffic and the most leads and/or revenue for your business once you own one platform go on to the next in overall shoot to own two to four networks where you are really pumping out content doing advertising and attracting business on social media you think about social media even five eight years ago it was primarily people who are community managers who could write in one or two sentences and make people feel good now I am massively oversimplifying the role of a community manager but that's what it was it was purely written a sentence or two people who are really good at dealing with other people now you're talking about needing videographers and analysts and media buyers that's a whole different set of skills I also think we're gonna start to see the next you know five to ten years a big push on things like augmented reality and virtual reality related to social media and having people connect in ways that we can't even imagine yet Facebook is working on up amazing enough that's technologies and what they call their secret building feet it's gonna be really exciting to see what they bring out in the future I am here to tell you that video is the future document what you're getting inside of your business show people the good the bad and the ugly of your business because this is the silver bullet this is the way that you will be able to connect with people and what's the one thing we know John we know that people buy from those whom they know and they like and they trust [Music]
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Keywords: social media marketing, social media marketing movie, movie on social media marketing, best social media marketing movie, history of social media marketing, facebook social media marketing, social media marketing for business, social media marketing documentary, social media marketing class
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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