Social Media Marketing Agency Guide (Beginners)

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so ladies and gentlemen what a time to be alive in today's video I'm going to show you how to start a social media marketing agency this year now I want you to go ahead and close out all of your tabs because for the next 20 30 40 50 minutes however long this rule is on for you're about to get information that is about to drastically alter the course of this year for you I'm gonna share some stuff that I've never revealed before on how to start a social media marketing agency and if you stay until the end I actually have a huge giveaway for you guys I did one of these videos last year and there were quite a few giveaway winners from that but in order for that end giveaway to make sense you have to watch through the entire video this is not one of those videos you're gonna want to click around skip around for you're gonna wanna have your eyes glued to the screen every single moment I'm gonna be referring to you here referring to you here and then also we're gonna be checking out my screen for this presentation so let's get straight into it how to start your social media marketing agency in 2020 here's what we're gonna go ahead and cover is running a business right for you that's that pretty fundamental question but one that I think a lot of people don't really cover what is a social media marketing agency how to find clients for your social media marketing agency and how to service those clients so is running a business right for you now let's talk about the pros and cons the pros more free time greater chance of higher income than traditional nine-to-five and when I say greater chance I mean just preposterous ly higher just you know it's really night and day in terms of your your earning potential starting a social media marketing agency comparing to working a nine-to-five the ability to travel and work flexibly right now I'm actually here in Cape Town South Africa decided to come out here for three months actually a great great place to work only two hour time difference from London where I live so super easy with team calls client calls sales calls with new potential clients and all in all great weather lots of Sun can't complain a lot of people who start a social media marketing agency actually build it alongside working at 9:00 to 5:00 or being in college or even being in high school you see I started my social media marketing agency at the ripe age of 16 and actually matched a scale in early 2017 to the point where I was making more than my principal making more than my teachers and I actually ended up dropping out of school I don't recommend that for you but that's the journey that I had with social media marketing and I have never looked back since now let's talk about the negative there's more responsibility there's no guaranteed income now I run grade in sitcom which is the leading education company on earth for agency owners and you know I've had thousands and thousands of students and to be very blunt and I want to be very transparent and honest with you there are students who deserve to get a client in the first month considering the work ethic they put in considering the amount of clients they reach out to and they only get a client in a month six conversely there are people who to be honest don't really put in that much work and probably deserve to get a client in month six but end up getting a client in month one there's always that air of luck and timing no matter what business you're in that is always something you need to take into consideration next thing is you answer directly to yourself now for a lot of people that is a positive but in a lot of ways that can be a negative because you have to keep yourself accountable and that kind of brings us into the next point which is it's more mentally taxing so what is a social media marketing agency or an SMA well I kind of ruined it they're an SMA is a social media marketing agency now here is what SMA is not it is not a formal business that requires an office employees or even a legal corporation guys I don't have an office as you can tell I'm here in Cape Town now one of my employees did fly out earlier this month to just come see me you know it's nice to be one-on-one with your employees but that's another thing that I want to mention is you don't need employees with the social media marketing agency you can literally work off of contractors and you can scale up those contractors so those contractors can work with you you know as you get to clients to be clients for clients five clients maybe once you have five clients and you have sort of a predictable base of clients then you can take a contractor who works with you you know to deliver the results for clients and you can turn them into a full-time employee like I did now the next thing that SMA is not is something that requires intense knowledge of digital marketing SEO Google Ads snapchat ads branding content creation etc etc now you might be super confused you're like well I have an agency that delivers results for clients the one thing you need to understand with having a social media marketing agency is you can use something call contractor arbitrage now remember I told you about that contractor I had who worked with me on three four five six client campaigns and then eventually I brought them on full-time with my agency well I have an agency that runs ads for e-commerce and info product businesses but I actually got my start with the creative agency so I actually had a creative agency I was doing video work photo work posting it on social media but when I transition to having a Facebook Ads agency to be honest I really wasn't very good at Facebook ads and I brought on my contractor and he actually delivered all the results from my clients I just knew enough about Facebook ads to sell that to clients and then I had my contractor deliver those results now these days I know a hell of a lot about Facebook ads but to be honest that's from my own knowledge that wasn't necessary to grow my agency and you can see a perfect example of this where there's two business partners and one business partner delivers the results and one business partner sells now I don't recommend business partners if you're starting your social media marketing agency because it just makes it twice as hard to make the same amount of money but think about it the person who's selling has a good enough knowledge to actually sell the services and the business partner that's doing the service delivery you know they're not that good at sales they don't really want to get involved with selling but they're great at delivering the services that is the benefit of having a contractor social media marketing is also not about getting rich quick or you know even making tons and tons of money many enter into social media marketing to make a sideline income look as I said I have students making sixty five thousand dollars a month profit $25,000 a month profit $18,000 a month profit $10,000 a month profit and I don't recommend that you do this now but after this video go to my channel and I have tons and tons of student interviews and you can see their stories of how they start from zero and grew their agency but you need to understand that a lot of my students just like to make an extra $2,000 a month and like to make an extra $5,000 a month a lot of time it's not about making these huge huge numbers and turning into multimillionaires a lot of people just want to replace their current income with social media marketing income so what is social media marketing it is a simple business model you run an agency which provides services to clients it's nothing super interesting it's not this weird hack or trick or tactic it's just you have a service based business that provides services to clients pretty simple now this can be done from any in the world and you can offer your services to any businesses in the world this is another super important thing to remember I see a lot of agency owners when they first get into you know they're thinking oh but you know I live in a small city or I live in a small town or there's not enough leads around guys I don't see any of my clients face to face I have all of my sales calls on zoom' I have all of my client check-in calls with the team on zoom' and to be honest I never see clients face-to-face and they don't care and I don't care I like to run my business remotely and that is also the way that I teach all my students are great and seem to do the same thing now here are just some GUI agency secret tips one to two clients can replace your 9:00 to 5:00 monthly income keep that in mind I always say you are literally just one client away you're one client away from quitting your job you're one client away from getting that dreamwalk you've wanted your one client away from getting that dream car you've wanted whether that's that first clan or you already have multiple clients and you just need one more client to get that dream car you've always been in warning remember that keep that on your mind you're one client away next thing is you don't need to quit your job to start a social media marketing agency it takes a fraction of a normal job and I recommend that if you currently have a nine-to-five stick to your job and build your agency on the side and the next thing is getting started is the hardest bit it's much easier from then on this is something super important to remember I was actually doing a student interview and I was talking about the difference between when you start your agency and when you actually have an agency you see a lot of people watch videos just like this and you know you soak up all the information and you're here and this training is gonna change a lot for you but you know a lot of people will watch this and then I'll watch you know six seven eight other videos and they'll soak in all this information and they'll do this for two three months mentally trying to prepare themselves and nothing happens you know they're just procrastinating on their success okay and you know that example I gave you with a student for three months he did the exact same thing and then eventually one day he decided he told me the date was January 10th he decided okay today I'm gonna start reaching out to businesses 24 days later he signed his first social media marketing client and he's making the same amount from one client as he would have been working a nine-to-five job after getting a university degree so getting started okay all you need is a little a laptop email you just need a simple gmail account and you need a social media account this is what you don't need employees office software registered business degree website that's also another thing I feel holds a lot of people back they feel as though they need a registered business now I don't know in your country I know that in America in UK you don't need to be a registered business for example myself I got my first agency client August of 2016 and from August of 2016 all the way until April of 2018 when the new personal taxis in a world round I was actually operating as a sole trader so I wasn't operating through a company or anything it was just me obviously I was tax registered and that's important that you are tax registered but I didn't have a business or limited company or this or that I was just operating as me as someone who's self-employed so if that's holding you back please don't let it once again here's more greed and see secret tips the best agencies are the simplest ones I really cannot stress this enough I've seen so many agency owners out there complicated I've seen so many full service agencies that are making twenty thousand dollars a month in revenue but they're only taking home like three four thousand a month in profit because they're there agencies are just so complex they were working with ten different niches they're offering ten different services that are offering an upsell at down sell everything is just all over the place the best agencies on earth are the ones that are the most simple and the most streamlined so the next secret is you don't need a website ok but you can create a simple one using click funnels go ahead and check out the link below get a 14-day free trial and I'm actually building out a new agency website on click funnels I also use click funnels for case study funnel for my agency for my onboarding funnel literally I use click funnels for pretty much about everything and the next secret tip is you can buy a personalized domain from one dollar a year and a Google G suite from five dollars a month I strongly strongly recommend you do this because for five dollars a month rather than reaching out to clients as you know let's say a man at you can reach out to clients as a man at example agency comm you know your your actual agency name and you can name your agency whatever you want as I said you don't have to have your agency name as your registered business for me I was I AG media for two years before I even started using a business and even to this day my registered business isn't even my agency name I opera is a different name so don't let that scare you just pick an agency name whatever you want to make it don't overthink it but definitely get a business domain because it just shows clients that you're a little bit more serious and you're gonna get a better response when you reach out to clients how to find clients for your social media marketing agency client equals anyone who needs more customers so step number one is choose your niche it's easier to reach out and get results for one particular type of client okay choose one you know lots about you understand and that you already have some ideas for leads for and it can change guys you know it doesn't have to be set in stone you can you know work with a niche for a couple months and then realize that hey you don't like working with them and then you can change niches okay just as long as you're not trying to work with everyone under the Sun it's better to hone in your focus and hone in your attention on one niche so just in the United States alone there's thirty eight thousand gyms there's two hundred thousand dentists and there's 600 thousand restaurants so for anyone who thinks there is a shortage of clients out there that is just three niches in the US alone thirty-eight thousand gyms two hundred thousand dentists and six hundred thousand restaurants there are no shortage of clients out there for you to lock in so step number two is make a list okay you want to make a little bit of a lead list okay so you want to start local you can go broader later but start local and just create a Google sheet or four now it doesn't need to be complex they can be a Google sheet can be a Google Doc hey it can even be pen and paper but just write 10 to 20 businesses their business names their phone numbers their email addresses website and Facebook and Instagram pages so make a list of 20 30 to start so that is the process of lead sourcing and as basically just collecting a bunch of leads that you intend on reaching out to and just collecting as much information about those leads as possible so that way you can have the highest like Lena sub setting a meeting with them I'll reach okay so choose your method whether that is cold calling whether that's cold emailing whether that's even DMing them on Instagram and if that sounds a little weird and wacky that is actually how I got primarily most of my clients my first five six seven eight clients is just cold DM outreach these days on Instagram you can record for like a minute and it chops up into 15 seconds but you can actually record for that long back in the day I would just have to do like a 15 second send a 15 second send a 15 second send it and really you know it was really really simple I would just give him 1 2 3 tips and I'd do that text and I just go hey I just saw you over a couple pointers a couple of places that I think you're leaving money on the table now obviously I can't give you a full audit of your business in just three short paragraphs that's why I left the juiciest stuff for a one-on-one meeting so I'd love to set up a time to set up a quick coffee sit-down chat about where you can make improvements to your social media marketing strategy and see whether it makes sense for me to come in and implement those strategies for you if worse comes to worst and nothing comes of it you have literally gone a free audit you can run away and do with that as you wish now keep in mind this is back when I actually used to do one-on-one meetings I stopped doing one-on-one sales meetings back in mid 2018 but back at that time I was doing one-on-one and doing the local businesses now the next thing is go ahead and make yourself a simple script actually if you stay until the end of this video I'm gonna make your life a hell of a lot easier but as I said don't click ahead stay attentive stay focused on training as said at the end I'm gonna make your life a lot lot easier because I have some bonuses for you I said just for sticking until the end next thing is set yourself a daily outreach target and book a follow-up meeting now here's a very very very simple example is that if you stay until the end I'm gonna give you some extra resources to really get you started and get you on your way but a simple outreach message is hey my name is Eman and I help restaurants get new customers I've just had a look at your website and I noticed you're leaving a lot of money on the table in your business I have some great ideas for you to get more customers in would you like to discuss them I said this is basically about as basic as it gets something that I would use more as I said is kind of something along the lines of that Instagram messages those Instagram DMS and little video teams that I used to send for me the most important thing is selling the meeting not the service let me repeat that because a lot of beginners in social media marketing make that mistake you are selling the meeting not the service so when you're reaching out to clients don't start talking about the benefits of your service this or this or this or that don't talk about your service at all you are selling the meeting and how the meeting has infinite upside for them and basically zero downside that's why you know when I gave the Instagram example I went hey look if nothing comes with this and you want to go ahead take these strategies and implement them yourself that's totally fine I want to make sure that this is a win-win scenario for you so that is super super important because you need to understand these business owners are busy respect their time make sure that the meeting is an absolute win-win for them it's infinite upside with zero downside very very important now step number four is the meanings now meetings can be virtual especially of abroad as I said I have all of my sales meetings via zoom and you use another simple script explain your proposition sign client there and then and get an invoice paid and agree a start date so I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about the meetings as I said if you stand to the end the thing is with this free training is we're on YouTube and YouTube everyone wants the 3 minute video the 7 minute video the 10 minute video max if it's a 10 minute video it's really stretching people's attention spans so I'm gonna try and keep it pretty short and sweet and give you the bare bones in this YouTube training and as I said very very shortly once we get to end those training I'm gonna go ahead and give you some extra resources to get you on your way so within the meeting the first initial stage is the Digg phase right you're here you're really just excavating and digging up some information about their business next you are moving on to the motion stage okay because you need you really need to understand the ins and outs of their business and you're actually gonna go ahead and use that you're gonna use phase one in order to seal the deal in Phase three now I need you to understand that people buy with emotion and then they justify with logic you see most things on earth that you buy you don't buy it for the thing you buy it for the way that it's gonna make you feel or the way that it will change your future life predicament think about the last time you bought a pair of shoes or you bought a computer or hey think about the last time you paid for college you know you don't really pay it for the information you pay it for the assumed future life that it's going to give you and it's the exact same thing with business owners every single business owner wants to make more money and they want to make more money for some specific reason whether that be upgrading from a three bedroom to a five bedroom detached house whether I be buying a new Rolex whatever it may be business owners want to make more money in order to fulfill that vision for their future life so remember when you are selling them it's super important that you don't only focus on the features and the benefits of your service also future project and get them imagining what life will be like once they use your service in order to get those results that they want so the next phase is logic now remember what I said people buy with emotion and justify with logic so you need to use that first phase that digging phase in order to get numbers to understand their business and to really make it clear why it's a no-brainer and that's when you use it in Phase three the logic phase last thing is closed very very simple if you've done the first three things right it should be a no-brainer and the closing it doesn't need to be a hard sell anything like that the most important thing when it comes to closing is as I said making it a no-brainer making it such an obvious decision and the way that you do that as I said you future pace you future project what the future will be like after you come in and you deliver those services for them and you also solidify that using logic and at that point it's really a no-brainer and that's how you almost guarantee a closed so step number five is your incident repeat you sign a clan you make client money and then that client will go ahead and give you referrals and trust me the longer you are in the agency game the more and more referrals you get rinse and repeat this process again again so here's some more glory agency secret tips number one integrate zoom with your calendar for video calls if you have Google Calendar you can get this integration for zoom and Google Calendar so that way whenever you send a Google Calendar invitation to someone's email it'll Auto generate a zoom meeting super super useful that way you know they can go on their calendar just press join zoom call and that way you are on the video call with them next thing is never offer free trials ladies and gentlemen you need to understand the free trials never convert because even if you get them results mentally you need to understand the expectations they've gone from paying absolutely nothing for something for 30 days and then you're charging them a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars a month in their mind they're not like oh that's great I got a month for free in their mind they're like I didn't have to pay for this before and now I'm having to pay for this so trust me trust me coming from a person who as I said runs the largest education company earth for agency owners I've trained thousands and thousands of students I'm telling you right now that free trials do not convert into real pain clients another thing to note is the best clients are independent okay they're not chains they have high margins and a small team in charge next thing is use invoicing software to get the client to pay there and then okay you need to understand that you have not closed the client until they've paid they are not a client until they have paid for the service so how to service your clients step number one pick your service okay there are convenience offers and there are results-driven offers so a convenience offer might be content creation you know they could still pretty much do their own content creation with their iPhone this that but if you have a professional camera it's the convenience of it it's you editing it etc etc another example might be social media management you know we're imagining their social media that we're posting for them and you're growing the social media platforms now results-driven service is something like paid social advertising email marketing and SEO so I strongly recommend that you go for paid social advertising that is the easiest place to start and usually that is where you're gonna get the highest retention so as I said with paid social advertising you get the most obvious ROI it's the easiest to learn and there's no software cost because you can just advertise directly with Facebook okay now at this point you have two options so pick your method of service delivery either you outsource and I already mentioned this earlier on about outsourcing and using a contractor or you do it yourself outsourcing is easier to scale doing it yourself is easier to start so then step number three is pick your delivery channel whether that be Google Ads Facebook Ads YouTube ads which is obviously a part of the Google ads platform whether that be snapchat ads LinkedIn ads tik-tok ads the easiest place to start by far is the Facebook channel so the reason that is is because there's more users which obviously means more targeting it's the most user friendly platform there is native lead generation on there I'd say that's probably reason number one step number four create your facebook business account and integrate client as I said create a facebook business account request access to clients page through business manager and create add account very important use client payment method you never ever ever want to charge add spin you charge just your service fee and then the client hooks up their card to their business managers so whenever you were in ads for them they get billed directly you don't want to be handling that money it's a nightmare it's a mess instead of let your clients just pay directly on the ads manager themselves step number five is create your advert so you go in you press the top right button and just as create campaign when you're inside ads manager of the considerations you choose lead generation this basically tells Facebook what is the objective of this ad next you create your audience you set your demographics to location age gender if for example you're working with a gym you can literally put that postcode or you can put that street plus one mile and said you can target by locations and then you create your budget now in terms of assets which means you know the images and the photos your client supplies the assets in terms of the copy you know the actual writing for the advert you do that yourself in terms of demographic the client will tell you what their demographic is and then that I'll give you a good sort of compass as to what direction to look in and then you can kind of tweak from there next step is create your advert now you want to write compelling copy that relates to your audience long-form always works better than snappy slogans you want to avoid using stock images okay use lifestyle content simple test would you post it on your own timeline the key and the number one tip I can give you for running ads for your clients is if the person looking at it can tell it's an ad you've done it all wrong you just want to make it look almost like an organic social post something that their friend posted and that's why a lot of time iPhone images actually work the best when you're running ads for clients rather than like some super fashionable camera or even stock images I mean stock images just avoid completely and then lastly use a desirable offer to create a strong call-to-action now users can be followed up by phone email or encouraged to visit in person set up an automatic lead export from your business manager so your client is notified with each team and this is all made super super easy using zapier so as I said here's some more great and C secret tips outsourcing saves you time and gets the client better results you can create customized lead forms and clickfunnels and said see the link below to get started with that and using zapier for everything okay just use the APA for everything to automate leads being sent to your client and for SMS follow-up to leads so here is the next step go to the link in the description below sign up for free training and receive two free bonuses remember when I told you guys earlier look I'm gonna go ahead and give you two resources to get you started well number one is my cold call plug and play this comes directly from my paid course okay that's directly ripped from there so it is a five page document on exactly what to say in your cold calls in order to get success I also give you an hour and a half of a live footage of my old sales guy from my agency closing three meetings out of ten calls live footage of that I also give you a short abridged sale script of what to say in the meeting to guarantee a close now a lot of times the anxiety actually starts once you close the clients so I got you because the next thing you are gonna get is actually a six page plug-and-play on how to run ads step by step in excruciating detail for local businesses you know restaurants gyms chiropractors real estate agents etc etc literally this is click by click exactly what to do and the way that you get this is you click the link in the description for the free training I went ahead and put together an extended two-and-a-half hour behemoth free training as I said guys YouTube is all about seven minutes 10-minute 12-minute videos so even just the the length of this video doesn't really favor the way that people like to watch stuff on YouTube but I want to go further in depth and give you guys even more value that is why I went ahead and put together that free training link in the description and watch all the way through and as I said you'll even get those two bonuses directly from my paid course agency incubator now that is not all before you go ahead and do that I have a massive giveaway for you guys so I want you to go ahead and comment in the comment section why you believe social media marketing is the best business ball out there and for every hundred comments I'm gonna go ahead and give away a one hour free coaching call now to this day you cannot pay me to speak to you one-on-one unless your client for my agency IG media in which case I charge 25 thousand pounds for two day training for me to come in and consult you and your business and once again you have to be an actual business owner this is business-to-business and 25,000 pounds equates to roughly around thirty two thousand dollars and it's two eight-hour days so I'm charging people around two thousand dollars an hour for my time at the moment and you have to pay for two days upfront so if you want to go ahead and get a free one-on-one coaching call as I said I don't do coaching I don't do mentorships I don't work with anyone one-on-one unless they're paying me $32,000 flying me out to their office and there are business making multiple seven figures a year so the value on that is immense the last time I did a video there was a bunch of winners from that so as I said comment why you believe social media marketing is the best business mall and for every hundred comments I'm gonna go ahead and pick a winner and we'll have a chat and I'll coach you on your journey so ladies and gentleman I hope you enjoyed this video go ahead and leave a comment and you will be valid for the giveaway then after that pick a time check out the free training and make sure you stay until the end to get your free gifts I hope you guys have enjoyed this free training can you go ahead and smash the like button for me taking my time a day to create this lengthy step-by-step guide for you I appreciate all of you and I hope you guys enjoy the extended free training in the description
Channel: Iman Gadzhi
Views: 1,112,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a social media marketing agency, smma, social media marketing, social media marketing agency, digital marketing agency, social media, how to start a digital marketing agency, smma course, smma sales, smma clients, what is smma, how to start an smma, social media management, how to start social media marketing, iman gadzhi, digital marketing course, social media marketing course, how to start social media marketing as a beginner, how to start smma
Id: PX0jhgEfRRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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