Social Distancing Virtual Brainstorm // MURAL Backstage Pass

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[Music] welcome to mural backstage pass my name is Mark Tippin I'm the head of services at mural my co-host is Hayley temple has his services lead and for the next 60 minutes we're gonna take you behind the scenes of a teamwork session we encourage you to use the chat and the Q a channel is to offer comments and ask questions as we go feel free to share links and kind of build a parallel community amongst yourselves in the chat our goal is to help you gain confidence in using mural in all sorts of variety of use cases so with the mineral backstage pass program we just broadcast the work as it happens this isn't scripted we haven't prepared although our our guest facilitator has done quite a bit of pre-work in preparation which is a great best practice but the attendees are are coming in fresh so we hope that this inspires you to use your facilitation superpowers in new ways with your team to help get the most from today's session Hayley and I are going to call out when we see a particular method feature or a best remote collaboration practice so that that we will be proxy for the audience and kind of call those things out on your behalf and draw attention to them so we can all learn together and so with that I'm gonna hand it over to Hayley and and Jay we're going to lead us through today's session yeah wonderful thanks I don't want to take too much time but to set the stage Jay comes to us from was actually a customer of ours Emerson and has some of his Emerson crew on today but has really assembled a diverse group of people for us today to solve a relevant and really pressing problem using Illumina design method so I'm not going to preview too much I'm gonna hand it off to you Jay to introduce yourself who's here with us really quickly and then dive right in all right yeah thanks it's a pleasure to be here and with my various colleagues we're really excited to show you you know how to collaborate and generate ideas in this case focusing in on sort of practices for me gaining and enhancing social distancing which is all of our all of our mission nowadays in interacting with others so just a real quick reason why I came here didn't sort of assembled this workshop is so I live in a high-rise and so I the one pass I am allowed to do is go get my mail as well as shopping so I can live on the 18th floor and I have to go all the way down the lobby and usually the elevator goes all the way down right the lobby with no interruptions but and when we started this practice with social justice is every now and then the doors would open and elevators are fairly small and somebody would proceed to walk on which sort of that's that's not a very good ventilator environment we should be more careful so I I started doing this and this and basically there are some little behaviors that I started adopting not only there but other places and I thought he'd probably be good idea if we started sharing some of these things together and how we're adapting and making you know life livable in this restricted type of environment so that's how I got here and I basically said this would be a good environment for you know for for the backstage event so that's why we're here so with that said I want to start and I'm gonna start just with something that I think is pretty important I would just like to recognize enough brief moment of silence here the people that were actually really trying to help and that's the people suffering from coronavirus and people caring for them so at this point I'd just like to take 30 let's say 30 seconds and then just reflect on you know why we're really focusing in on maintaining your distance you okay yeah we come all I hope up everybody reflected I know my have a relative that actually is in a nursing home and we're very concerned about her well-being so it's all very personal for many of us all right so with that I'd like to move along with our workshop and I actually have some summoned all my participants here so they're following along with me and so we're gonna go through a real quick introduction of our people that are our panelists or participants are helping us out here with this brainstorming activity and what I'd like to do actually there is a practice as I've done I've actually done some initial in talking with the participants and told them about the scope and what's going to go on and I actually I'll say that's I think a very good practice when you do these things prep people for what they're going to expect in this time frame so I asked them to provide a picture of themselves and what they expected to get out of the workshop and we're just gonna go briefly through that but instead of repeating that what we're gonna do is I'm going to ask each person to say a word or phrase that reflects what they're what they're thinking about with respect to the new Kovach crisis so I'll start out and just say I my phrase is powerlessness and frustration that's really where I'm at given I have a relative that's that's potentially impacted by the by the virus so next we'll be Sam hi there I think a phrase that describes what I'm feeling constantly he's probably on edge the longer the time goes out the more people you know connected to me I know that our either have Co bit or are affected by it correctly so on edge is definitely what I'm feeling thank you Kelly yeah thanks Jay I would say resignation and rage I'm just trying to name it and not judge it I don't think I'm on yeah all right gosh two things to top my mind that just a feeling of being like stir crazy it's combination I mean how I minded over like uh our generation we're being told to save the world by sitting on our couch yeah someone shared a meme with me that's a and my parents said that's that playing video games would never prepare me for the adult world yeah no actually hi everybody oh no I think my phrase is confidence I have a lot of confidence in us the people in this meeting and also in humanity so I expect great things to come out of this although I expect great things to come out of everything and we don't actually have to have something bad happen I guess India offered it right yeah hey um my afraid to be long-lost friends I find that more people that I haven't talked to in a while are started in a rare each out and actually connecting people that I wouldn't have necessarily and if we weren't all stuck at home so the positive side of things mm-hmm that has been really nice and Wayne yeah a little bit different my two words are calm and curious and I live outside of live outside of the city and down in Austin so I'm kind of on a small farm it's quiet it's pretty it feels like I'm distanced from what I see in the news my heart rate is so calm and its dropped below 40 beats a minute for like 30 minutes in a row last couple days and so I but I feel very curious about about everything going on around me fantastic all right I thank you for though your thoughts I got we got a range of emotions going on and that's not unusual for these change times so I'd like to proceed into the brainstorming activity that we have planned and there's actually three things that we're gonna end up doing the brainstorming that you're gonna see facilitated through this matrix which I'll describe is the first activity and then we'll proceed into making some selections of ideas that we like and then potentially assessing it in terms of how how much it will take to to do that practice and then how much we're gonna get out of it so that's sort of the strategy for today on this hour and so actually I have because we usually this is called a creative matrix and usually you allocate approximately twenty or thirty minutes for all the ideas that you populate in this matrix but I decided while we're in a pretty tight timeframe so I said to my participants beforehand think about some ideas they've seen this matrix and think of some ideas that might be appropriate to start thinking you know placing into this so what the crazy matrix is is to two areas right you have the columns and usually create a matrix is focusing it on people people really a thing so these are the things that were sort of sort of be be adhering to sheltering at home we're allowed to travel if we're going to go to essential activity whether it's grocery shop area getting takeout or if your essential job of a central job going to that job and then there's oftentimes mini Shelton orders where places there is the option for doing some recreation or exercising outside as long as you keep it to yourself or the people that your habit ating with so that's the basic activities that we're going to focus our brainstorming on and then there's usually use select some enabling capabilities that you want people to think about in terms of generating ideas so I've come up with actually six and some of them are technology and media and we know what that's about there's some examples presented usually Vincent programs how you interact with people and groups of people with the partnerships or just close friends maybe thinking about how you make this into a competition or game or something like that all of these have examples but I've instructed our participants you don't necessarily have to respond directly the examples you can think about more generally responding to an idea that would be relevant to that overall category and then I have a wild card area which is something else which is something like might be surprising or it might be just something different right so what we're gonna do here is for 15 some will let our panelists our participants generate ideas on post-it notes they have their colorful two poster notes and place them into the intersection of the cell for these different social distancing practices that they've come up with or coming up with so I'm gonna put 15 minutes on the clock and we're gonna proceed and this will be relatively initially a relatively silent procedure where people are just placing their names but as things go along I think we'll have some I'll probably see directing people to cells that need some work in terms of the creative matrix so let's start and how about that does anybody also have like to always ask anybody have clarifying questions about the instructions yeah yeah I just I've been very mindful from other facilitators to ask that so no one feels silly asking there's no stupid questions right so anybody in the group have a clarifying question while we're working good good perfect and Jay you explained it well that's that's one you've done oh you've done a good job prepping to look you just said you did a brief with this group beforehand so I'm not coming in as in the dark as sometimes we usually do with our our mural things but but yeah for those of you in the group so for context this exercise is the creative matrix and it's I I mean mark you can probably give much more context into this method as a limit coach and an instructor but tell us tell us where you've used it or how you use it other than first solve problems not kovin you bet well if you can ask yourself have a dinner brainstorming session and where has it gone off the rails where has it not served the conversation most times you get the rat hole or people get into generating and then someone else starts shooting ideas down so this is sort of what I like to say is brainstorming on steroids because you can get hundreds of ideas generated and it is tightly time-boxed so this is something that you typically only give 10 minutes to allow people to focus and what you're doing with these with the row and columns is you're setting up you know these two axis that create this matrix and in the junctions between the the human aspects that are listed across the top and these kind of provocative enablers down the side you're asking your your group to kind of consider what's at the top of that column and then what is in at the head of the row and in that juncture you start colliding ideas together and and if you really if you really allow yourself don't overthink it as crazy as the idea is the idea is to get them to flow out like kids lining up on a slide if you're hemming and hawing I'm like oh how do i word this or I don't really know then you're that kid at the top of the slide that is holding up all the other kids you've got tons of ideas waiting to come out so you just want to spark first thing that comes to mind jot it down and then also looking at other people's ideas and in using those to spark other ideas I think that's that's about it it's just oh the last thing is across the top you can have statement starters right challenge to how might we statements that specified different user needs you could have personas all right so you could have different different personas within your project that you need to consider or they could be moments on a journey map map as well or an experience diagram so what do we do around the beginning or things in the middle and towards the end of the experience I think that's that's enough yeah thank you yeah perfect and you can see as we're going through I'm trying to add some visuals to it as well of course it's if you look if you zoom in you can see every one with Aron's adding and then read it but I really like to add visuals as well to make it easy to scan so you can see this big bingo card sticks out you can see the puzzle right here six dots so that's where visual collaboration really comes in where it's quite easy to scan and especially when you're working in a digital space versus in person it makes it very easy to identify things quickly oh yeah so I'm gonna move around Emery ask you know can we zoom in and see what people are typing a little hack I'm gonna give you guys is if I hold down the letter X key I can actually hover over sticky notes and I can read them and they kind of zoom out just so I can don't have to keep panning in and panning out that's wonderful Thanks tip I like this one the winner gets a bottle of wine from the organizer I don't know what contest it is but I'm in you know what oh I want some wine oh that's right say I'll send you I'll text you what ball I want to get a steak do then and I see so can you tell us also Jay about the different colors like I know there's different colors going on here this was a really great suggestion that actually you provided a lien in this activity different colors are associated with the participants so it's just a way to have trees ability when we get done with this and if you know some more minutes we're going to review the ideas make sure everybody sort of understands because you can only in you know these post-it notes you can only describe so much so it gives us a way to very quickly trace back to the person that actually had the idea and they can we could try and then really quickly as to you know what that is all about so and it carrying forward that color coding as we do additional activities will identify that idea so it's really a nice way to quickly keep tabs on the ideas mm-hmm yeah especially I've seen creative matrix done as a contest in a way where like see how many you can add and so if you did want to do it that way where you're saying you know you're gonna count them out at the end that's a really good way to easily capture um Steve Robinson asks are there practical or actual limits the number of rows and columns in a creative matrix so is there a limit there it's sort of generally we start out with four by four and but you have to do a little bit of calculation with the number of participants you have you really would if you really have to be thoughtful about you know you want you want any coverage on these columns and these potential ideas that you're enabling so you basically a person roughly can generate about an idea a minute right so you use that times a participant's you have and that will give you some bounds right or the number of items you'll generate within a time frame that you have available so that's one way to coach it but in general a four by four works pretty well I've never gone wrong with that so there you go yeah I've seen it depending on the scope if you're in a small team and you're you really need to focus I've seen it you know two by three or something really focused but generally the other thing is if you're if you're facilitating a large number a larger cohort like twenty then you really want to start thinking in terms of breaking out doing breakout groups using zoom or some other team so multiple matrices the cool thing about that too is you get you cut down on we you increase the variety I'll use a positive right so you increase the variety of ideas that are generated and then and then you're able to really kind of pull from from larger discussions there's a fit you know in a paper based co-located workshop there's a physical aspect to how tightly shoulder-to-shoulder people can be in front of one of these big posters we don't really have that physical constraint here so so it it is actually possible to have more people working within one space but then it comes down to the sizing of things and how many ideas as Jay was saying that you generate mm-hmm yeah so creamy trees like Marquess saying you can have several creative matrices that and the nice thing about that is increasing varieties you break up into sub teams and have them fill in the ideas and that creates some competition very natural competition white space is very demanding in a creative matrice so you can see how you're doing as you go along and there you go one of those cells was beginning to be worked on the transient column so that could be really compelling just to increase the number of ideas in a very short period of time if you break out the teams so like so so team yeah as I had a summation initial discussion and I actually did try the screen of eight matrix out prior that's the other thing about it I I will say you know you learn by your failures and I've laid eggs with a creative matrix at times you have to think about laying out your activities your personas the people related things and then make smart choices about your enablers and then you should really try it out see if you can generate some ideas with that creative matrixes there's nothing worse than having people sit there uh-huh that's just a weird combination how can no no so you only want to try it out you know like everything we do in human centered design is about trial and error iteration and finding out what works and when in fact when I did this I had to scratch my head quite a bit about the transit category so as you see that's sort of how it's panning out there is you know that's sort of an interesting area to think about ideas for so yeah that's interesting as well you bring up a great point about pre-work right so you can create a mural with all sorts of resources videos articles and things that are going to prime people for a topic you can provide that mural in advance a week out or a couple days out and then asynchronously the cohort that's going to come together and do these sizes can kind of level up together asynchronously before the meeting and come in with with kind of steeping in some of this information that fuels the creativity as well and we have a couple questions coming in from the group so I just want to take a moment to answer them so one thing I'm also doing you'll see that a lot of these sticky notes are actually a little bit bigger than the default size so a default size sticky note is usually just what you get when you double click on the mural and right now they're sizing little bit bigger so what I did was I highlighted the stuff that I wanted to change the size and they put it here to default size so now it's going back smaller J you're talking about white space that's a great way to bring more white space back into this matrix and then we also had a question about on the image is an icon saw or you're having a lot of gifts and right here and stuff so they're coming from an image search right here and that's actually I think playing off Bing so if I search anything like I search that treat yo'self gift and you can pull any is all I'm just bug if at the end you can drag a Giffen and yeah they're you know free to use for your own collaboration purposes it was also gonna save people some people were asking about sizing this is this is kind of like Google Maps right I mean it's you have this zoom and pan behavior and it's really intuitive with a map because you can tell when you're zoomed out you're looking at the United States that you are zoomed out because you know the United States in murals sometimes it could be very confusing you don't have a sense of scale the default mural canvas that's created and the the post-it notes that are added the post-it notes are added at a resolution of three by three or three by five so in other words it is as though you had an actual post-it note and we're putting it on a big white board so that white board is about 14 feet wide and so that's kind of a default size and so when you're setting up and scale all of your your items need to be aware that when people are generating their own notes and they double-click the system is going to create a default size note and so as a template designer you want to be using that initial scale to then determine how large things should be so double-click and say you know I anticipate we'll have 5 to 10 notes will create 5 to 10 and then you'll get a sense of how much space you need for one of these intersections and then that'll help you build out your matrix it's very common for people to you know drop things in and go that's too small and just make it bigger but what they've done is create a poster size post-it note and when the activity comes and people add their own notes you're gonna have these micro notes and giant notes right so a role that I'm not doing right now actually is like an organizer like I'm the canvas cleaner-upper which is important for an in-person session - like you don't want sticky notes flying all over the place so there has to be someone to help keep some order at 7 points so I know we have about a minute left anything else we need to do Jay before we move forward so the only thing did we yes I figured out how to duplicate I think there was maybe an easier way to get a duplicate a note but I figured that workaround so yeah I'm happy to share Kelly and sorry we didn't show that earlier so a really quick way to duplicate a note is if you double cash Oh everyone close up in a shared screen if I'm on a note and I type something in and you can see the cursor is kind of flashing if I hit tab I can make another note really quickly so that's a really awesome tip for brainstorming sessions - so yeah of course it takes a little bit of practice but that's a good quick tip to start using and practicing yourself all right that's a really the nice thing about the timer is it really helps you manage the event in these types of workshops so by all means use that to the fullest purpose you can so I'm gonna call it quits at this point and the next activity I'd like to do actually I'd like to throw this out really quickly in the panelists how was that activity was that difficult did you what was some real quick thoughts on that I want to just say that I appreciated the advice to not think too carefully not to spend too much time at the top of the slide that was a helpful thing that's really great in fact that's something you probably should start off no ideas a bad idea don't overthink in it go through the traditional rules of brainstorming yeah that's a really great suggestion all right let's take some time to review we got a we got a review these items I'm gonna go basically down the columns to review some of these I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on each individual item right but Hayley wanna remind me again how do you expand the post-it note so make it bigger yeah yeah sure so if you um hub if you pull down your X key on your keyboard and you hover over a sticky note it will illuminate it but I think for the sake of reviewing and you can do it either way right I'm gonna follow you and maybe we can we can all follow you to see okay what you're talking about either way we can try it both ways actually really quickly review them so regular video chaps that know that happens a lot with friends and family right the thing here of you know online with friends that's sort of cool you can play games I guess using phone calls or video chat instead of just email right online yoga so you'd fire up a zoom session or a Skype session and or maybe you watch the same video put that together um I put that there and my yoga instructor is leading from her home studio via zoom and the rest of us can either have our camera on or as most of us do have it off but we're following her her yoga session online nice nice so learning something new we're picking up a hobby haven't done in a while cool sorry just control-z tell you that there is also just this is probably a good tip for people no too there is actually an activity log as well in mural and it is possible to recover deleted things so just so you know that was it's not terribly new but it's something I think even I forget that exists so we don't have to get into it now but just know there is a there is an awareness in the system of the state of things and if something gets deleted you can't actually go find something that was deleted and restore it from a kind of a history log of friends and I have been texting each other and we organized a formally disorganized in the kitchen I should know cool but like supporting each other as we clean our houses yeah encouraging us to do the things that they're available to us okay then there was a new business right all right take your time use it wisely I guess okay then we'll move down my book club yeah meet with family and friends in different states video chat I'm a virtual happy hour I have that at the end of the day here at school as you as you and your family think of things to enjoy doing rather sheltering write down ideas to create a bucket list right I love that one because nothing to look forward to and I thought that was a really cool one whoever put that like the thumbs up someone put almost like a plus one thing that was me I put that's a great idea elevated schoolteachers in a car parade oh yeah my uncle is having a hundred-year-old birthday but you can't you can't you're amazing a carburetor that's really cool all right down the row call brother well made front yard mini libraries yeah needs online recovery groups yeah yeah from not being able to see people I think just seeing people is really fun right with seen daughter right and so there might be several things you could do with that Congress making face baths for folks experiencing homelessness and then I look Matthew my guy you let a bingo game via face chefs having somebody sort of get you going which it there that's nice alright we're motoring through these things winner gets a bottle of wine I'm on the hook for that the friends being able to chat over the microphone have fun together online puzzles artistic friend asking a you each other's work spaces be facing resume work with friends colleagues and on a competition right we had a another idea if working from home and else somebody that's your work from home don't work anymore don't work anymore for the day tell me about that cuz I sort of rambled through that sure so I whenever I'm done with work for the day I just like to announce to someone you know that I'm living with that I'm home from work although I can actually arrived home rather than just stopping work and you know maybe going online on the same computer or something else like that just to kind of you know try to add some division to the day I love that like a mental social distance from your your work to your home way yeah that's nice now the first thing call a person reusing from oh my gosh so talk to people on the bus you can meet new friends that way imagine that tell everyone what what make them smile neat yeah just feel better about this experience organize friends in some ways to help each other yeah yeah nonprofits now I'm perhaps gonna do a 5k fundraiser run and Waka yeah I saw my ultra runner I saw a virtual ultra marathon where people ran around their backyards oh my gosh Wow amazing myself to do that bike or walk everywhere by yourself yeah skip several seats the roll bus when you're on to keep that distance wearing bananas is make easier make it making mass as a cool yeah what wife has been so and I'm like crazy you know she's her mother was a seamstress for the Doobie Brothers the original outfits Doobie Brothers were yeah yeah so so she's been making these I maybe I'll do a la you know I'll share that on LinkedIn and I'll share photo it's a super simple thing it has a rope around your neck and one of those little like tension zip things and so it's cloth so you can wash it reuse it it's cool the range of being tournament over a number of days right we do that virtually fun steps distance fractures that milestones when traveling when traveling for 10 tasks or necessary essentially track things yeah cardboard dividers between seats yeah yeah yeah take the public transit on ours don't get on the bus there's too many people yeah actually something goes on lots of mass transit assistance as a challenge so also here with the essential activities share a Google seek sheet with your friends and family to be used by a designated person to go to the store right so collecting what people need where am i asked obviously yeah that's hard to do that's hard to do some people don't feel comfortable then see new horizons for 300 3d printing I did and I don't know enough about 3d printing but I've seen it Boy Scout in my neighborhood has been making a hundreds of little hooky things so that the nurses don't have to have hooked over their ears to save their ears I've seen it from that all the way to these guys that made a 3d printed and whatever 90-95 mask yeah and I was like okay this is something and I mean that Boy Scout can essentially take that pattern and make one of those also this is this isn't amazing it's a lot of but I don't know what that means yet cuz I don't know enough about it somebody else will well that's a great point is here it's the inspiration right you had the idea you don't know the details you don't know anything about it but you put it out there and what is a fanciful idea in your mind is probably someone's day job right someone might have those skills and if they stay trapped in your head they stay trapped in your head you put them out to the community and suddenly you find allies and interests and stuff that's fantastic you sign you want it there are nice liveries to your home all right yep grocery shopping alone does he a person shop local tip the person you're going to the store for you right so acknowledge people's efforts that's really cool keep track up the percentage of items you have any shop luminous they're sold out just make a game competition of it I hear lots of exclamations about I got toilet paper right we're because I can't find anything well that's funny there was a local kind of a chat thing and somebody said I'm in Costco and there's toilet paper and then there's another run that happened just two days ago maybe a venture game like Dungeons and Dragons for your shopping yeah how can you avoid needing a leave your your neighbors longest right how to avoid needing to leave your neighbors long as they keep it short last rule which is about top here navigating sometimes you have to worry exorcising yeah reck reading online to the shows of Crowder the error of areas all right yeah they even say hi when you're together I've seen that increase people acknowledging themselves exercising alone while connecting with a partner in conversation yeah alum up use a VR headset along with video games that unless you exercise with all my game listening to a new podcast daily walks walking walking around block before your walk during the lunch hour and after camp gladiator virtual workouts what is that Christina sector workouts escape gladiator is the workout group that has been posting virtual workouts and if they're really great because they still interact with you through zoom and they can still you know tell you about forming things and still connecting with your same kind of trainers there you go yeah the question is do you dress up yeah is this the brand oh sorry is actually it yeah talking to others route saying hello yeah yeah buying something from your local store to keep them in in business giftcards yeah [Music] tell the Bears no window while walking how many do you have bear is walking by your window I've seen that no I are putting bears in the windows yeah I like the kids in the neighborhood to see how many bears they can find along their walks with door yeah yeah and I know um someone else painted like a mural on their front facing window and like shine oh yeah neighborhoods they're just being really cute about trying to connect with people yeah I thought you were literally like there were like grizzly bears walking like maybe for Dwayne that sounds amazing I haven't played it but flip Cup is like a it's a game that you play in person but I've seen people like you join a team through zoom or something like that and you can actually play with each other I imagine it would be quite interested go yeah it's a game I wouldn't say that I'm having a virtual happy hour mural later on today so I'll try that yeah I think I thought on tick tock or something like that everything's on tic-tac nowadays Yeah right I feel like that bear this is you after slip jack box yeah jack box there's a game that it's usually always played through your phone and that's and the TV but usually people do it when they're together but it's actually the perfect platform and play remotely because all you have to do is like go to a URL on your phone and you can actually play the same game with your friends and joke around through a video conferencing thing and it's it's actually really fun and I think they're promoting like sales right now cuz I know people are in need of socializing and an Ann Marie was also adding a couple I'm adding like the Hamilton sing along this evening apparently live concert streaming in your living room a lot of Instagram live stuff around like dance classes and zoom Zumba and Zumba yeah and spin like other things like that so tons going on okay so we got just look at all those ideas right I counted them I we we have almost 70 ideas in 10 minutes which is why I love this method and it was very inclusive right everyone got their own ideas out there is also that most of these sessions you make a plan you try to get to the the end goal and we're we're coming towards the end of the time period here so I really emphasized going through those ideas because that's really the point you want to share your ideas with others you know so exercise would be potentially miss something if you didn't go through that exercise of really looking through those ideas and making sure everybody understands right so you tend to be flexible and that sort of stuff and make sure that you get value out of what people did so anyway so we have to make some you know we if we were going to work with this let's say try to take some ideas and and promote them we have to make some decisions on what what as a group would be valuable so we're gonna do a little voting exercise and Nero has a really cool voting feature here and I'm since we have so many I initially I said let's vote for seven but I think that might be limiting I'm gonna say both for the top and ideas you like so I'm gonna start a voting session and hit the jackpot why right normally more stingy than that day I know I'm just hanging out to dry I'm gonna call out quickly on the avatars you notice that there are three avatars that have a little star next to it so those are the represent the people who have facilitation superpowers turned on and they're able to start voting sessions start the timer that kind of thing so this is something that if you don't see it for participants you know on the panel that's why you may not have access to it it's things that are enabling the facilitator to keep the section on track I started the timer we have two minutes to do it both to vote for your ten top ideas you click on the post-it note that the idea you like and to so if you would do that by mistake you can shift click to remove your vote so I'll have you start and if we need a little bit more time we'll add some time and then Haley if you're sharing your screen if you could drop down the list so people can see the voting progress yeah yeah here we go um so I got a couple of things wanted to highlight so yeah as a facilitator I can see where the voting progress is so the anonymous bear has three votes left mark you have seven votes you can kind of see you who's doing water who's gonna be stalled a little bit and Dec hey Mike hey Elizabeth yeah go in or you know Roberts group does it like a normal test you can also I also want to highlight how you can make people facilitators in your mural so I actually don't have that capability since I don't own this mural but since Jay is in this mural and he is the owner he made me a facilitator by going over to this little participant tab and giving us those permissions so to be facilitators and have those powers too so a great way to make a co-facilitator have those same capabilities and Haley I snuck I snuck in and I also sent everybody I hope Hey Oh perfect thank you that's Lindsay Lindsay and then another thing I did highlight was we have had people tell us before that like the cursors the number of cursors in a session can be overwhelming so you can actually hide cursors as people are working so you're not feeling overwhelmed and all you gotta do is click on your avatar here and you can either broadcast your cursor or you can you know hide and reveal the cursors so right now they're not revealing because we're in a voting session but that is a possibility if it's overwhelming to you or other people make sure let us insert stuff in there while we go J I know you're like juggling us and the facilitation practice is having facilitators that can not only this case cup provide color commentary but also help out on some of the procedures because you can get pretty wild and crazy as activities going on so absolutely okay alright so I didn't vote J didn't vote an anonymous snail which i think is i don't know who that is vote but do you write an end or apologies I feel like that bear picture alright here we go so when J ends the voting session then Haley's screen will show the results right everyone can see the results alright so top results are count the Bears in the window that is really unusual yeah virtual happy our name J yeah there's something else to point out here that it's noticeable that the first one shop local support small businesses is I think very close to buy something from your local store which is two rows down on the outside so that could almost get two more votes so there's you could do you could do an interstitial step where you take the ideas and then affinity cluster and then you kind of vote on a title for clusters or D dupe you know if you're you're Nigel that's the term a lot of agile teams use is D duping yeah yep so then the other thing quickly when the you can always get back to that voting screen that voting results screen and you're gonna have book multiple voting sessions and each one can have its own unique name but the other thing I want to highlight if you zoom in you'll see that the number of votes now appears on the notes and the size of the circle kind of represents in surface area group preference visually yeah yep so rounding out here will actually make this available to ya so what I'm going to do as a facilitator I think what the results were sort of unexpected is the number of things that we got in the disperses version on what people like and what Duane's was mentioning was really interesting in that you know there's there's probably relatedness right related ideas that you probably want to work through my recommendation as a facilitator would be to take these ideas and as Marcus is saying cluster them in some way so that you bring things into categories right that would have Beats or be meaningful activities right and evil social distancing practices that you could then talk about at a larger level that's always a case in these workshops something you know it didn't go exactly in this case we were very productive right so you always want to be as flexible as possible and so my recommendation has a facilitator at this point would be to say okay great we got a great amount of work done in an hour if we were to go let's say into the next activity which was to do some prioritization I would recommend basically that we would do that that grouping of common ideas and then bring it into some sort of additional prioritization matrix which way to assess you know you know and what we call importance difficulty matrix to assess or I was thinking about well how can we say this we could say the importance would be something about how much value of brings collectively to continuing social social distancing practices and also make you feel good to continue to do it so you could group these ideas and then bring it in this matrix and get some agreement as a group as to what what was gonna have some high value to continue social distancing and then some of these there might be some costs to them right especially if you're you're bringing asking other organizations to do some things for you so there might be some costs and some of these might fall out in terms of requiring you to do some work like asking the Recreation Department to make a space available right for you to do your activity with the appropriate distance so if you get some get some fallout in terms of items being placed you can readily do having back things that need a little bit of work things that you know are easy pick up some of them things that are gonna take a little bit of work you might not you know you might sort of say well it might be no for later so that was my strategy like I said I would recommend that as a result of this being assaulted or Emeka recommend grouping these ideas anybody else want to add to that I'd like to add something to me the devoting the way you who a mural has set up this boating it makes it so much easier for a facilitator than an in person and all the little sticky tabs that you got to get out and get ready and people running up to the walls and all that there's always people to cheat looking to find out what what the other person did before they go up there and this feature is just unbelievable I love it the voting thing great all I want to do I have one do a quick but will one thank you very much Jay this was was fantastic I always learned something when I watch you facilitate and and as a facilitator always looking for tips and tricks and and new ways to frame something or set up a brief so thank you and thank you to all the participants as well before everyone in our audience leaves if you haven't already feedback is a gift and we treat it very seriously and so if you haven't please in the chat window give us two things give us a number just a satisfaction from one to ten one being waste of time and ten being you know I got something out of this today and I really enjoyed it and why just a quick quick answer what was it that stood out for you that you really appreciated or if there was something missing or that was still confusing let us know what that is because we we read through all this feedback and we use it to continually improve these shows for you we got a one minute to go so I'm going to say Haley any final thoughts yeah I so I'll say one we do host this backstage pass session every week same time same place so I would love to see you back next week with a new topic to show you and we don't before we do a real couple days beforehand but you definitely will continue to learn tips and tricks and facilitation best practices in mural thank you so so so much to Jay for facilitating for Christina Duane Elizabeth Kelly Dan Andy all of you guys for joining us and spending some time not only showing people how to use mural which is wonderful and to collaborate from anywhere but also for helping people like us address these challenges especially taking a moment to gather in a way that's that's not only purposeful but helpful so deeply appreciate that
Channel: MURAL
Views: 3,859
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: MURAL, backstage, collaborate, creative, facilitate, facilitation, matrix, meeting, online, pass
Id: ycdInH8y4fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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