SO YOU'VE LEFT THE STARTER PLANET, NOW WHAT?! | Empyrion Galactic Survival | Beginners Series | #15

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to Imperial Galactic survival my name is Spanish welcome back to this tutorial series now I have I have shown you guys quite a lot of stuff at the moment I've shown you the beginning of the game and how to survive how to you know get your first ships in and so on and so forth out of mine how to do pois explore go through the missions and stuff like that what is left to do other than just going through the missions well there's quite a lot to the game still so Don't Panic it's not the end and a lot of you might be thinking well you know we've kind of we've kind of reached the end of the game here we've done everything well technically I suppose if you really boil it down into the basic parts of the game yeah you've done everything you've been to space you've gone warpy warps you've built stuff you've lived places you've beaten things you've done missions you've traded you've explored and so on and so forth but there is a lot more of each of those components to do so don't worry there's a lot more stuff that we haven't seen yet now the difficulty is in a tutorial series like this where I'm trying to keep every episode in some kind of informative and demonstrative manner is now a lot of the same that I've already shown you but there are a few Milestones though what I'm going to get through before I I put a pin in this series and say I think we've we've covered everything you know um and so what I want to do is well we need to go through the missions but a feel like going through them is probably piece of um going through the highlights rather than take you through every episode of Every Mission now most of the time you guys can figure out those missions they're pretty straightforward they're worth doing like I've already demonstrated and already pointed out um and they get you some noise rewards and stuff like that now the parts of the game that I do want to cover off in this tutorial series is really advancing from mid game where we are now into late game and end game and what the hell to do because it is a question I see over and over and over again in the comments and in reviews and on the forums and so on and so forth there's no end gaming Imperium well I will admit the end game in imperion is somewhat weak at the moment much of the development time and priority has been pumped into doing the early game and basically creating a initial impression of the game that wants to keep players playing and keep those refunds down there yeah they haven't put a huge amount of emphasis on the end game anyway I want to do I do want to demonstrate that there is one but you need to do it yourself you need to find it yourself and so on and so forth so um that's what we're going to do we're going to transfer into the sort of mid to end game now I would say there's probably four stages to Imperial there's the early Game survival then there's the mid game once you finish surviving and um you know you you've uh you've actually got food and survival is no longer a question it's more about you know getting building and grinding and doing missions and stuff like that that would be the mid game for me and then you got uh late game which I suppose is being established having multiple ships vehicles for every purpose and um having a base lots of resources and so on and so forth and then there's the end game which is basically you have everything and you'll just be going around and finding trouble and and trying to expand um through destruction basically that would be the end game so yeah we're gonna try and transfer into late game in today's episode now I am going to go through the missions but uh as I just said I'm going to give you the highlights here so let's have a look at uh what we're at we're at uh meet glad okay so um this is part of the story where you kind of meet up with the remnants of the uch uh Fleet and if we remember from earlier on we know that basically we crashed here on the moon or whatever we appeared on the moon this clearly there seems to be some disconnect between the story and the starts now I'm not really sure how they're going to link those back up but there definitely seems to be some disconnect between the whole uch ship Fleet crashing and burning and blowing up new appearing something randomly on lingues or Mastermind or wherever you appear um hopefully they'll link that up in a future update and it'll become a little bit more clearer the people that have not played previous uh iterations at the start anyway we're going to meet the remnants of the the uch they're gonna give us some missions and so on and so forth uh so we meet glad this is a hideout here and we talked to this Mercer chap who is a very boring person um and of course there's lots of uh bits of story and things like that that you can explore and get into a little bit of the background and the lore and stuff like that you're then sent off to this space station Sigma fulcrum there's some Traders here so you can actually sell some of the uh guns that you've been Gathering also know that uh Elion have changed the uh sells and buys thing around so now it's from the Traders perspective he sells these oars he buys these parts it's so much clearer now I don't know maybe it was just me I was an absolute numpty or something but uh that makes so much more sense to me and thank you Elian thank you I'm sorry for being a difficult bastard and constantly complaining about uh things but I appreciate you so much for doing these little changes here and there uh thank you very much yeah sorry thank you thank you sorry sorry thank you sorry sorry thank you thank you this is awesome um something in the base seems to be shooting itself I'm not sure that's supposed to happen you may want to look into that I can figure out what it is I'll show you [Music] I have no idea what's going on but there's a massive firefight happening oh I'm not supposed to be here hi guys what the hell is going on man I mean not a whole faction fight each other thing I think it's kicking off big style look at this lace it is it is on it's kicking off big style I don't want to get out of here oh crap yeah I hate those things they will kill you instantly anyway as you can see you're getting a big fight eventually after finding your way through many guards you end up in the core room of the base here yeah just talked to this console here and you basically complete the mission but there are a bunch of switches on the left and right of me and if you basically just switch a bunch of these around doesn't really matter but what should happen because the entire Place blows up now yeah it kills you but it also kills the core that was the cause Dad you can go in and uh just pop your own in basically I'm gonna put it through here otherwise I'm gonna run out of logistics and this entire base is now yours the guns will fight for you all the loot can be had because all these containers were owned by the three colonists now they're yours so you can have this entire station and its contents you can even turn it into your base if you want but generally I just loot the living bejesus out of it take everything out of it all the juicy stuff as you know and go on my Merry way anyway the missions eventually have you boarding a Xerox vessel and talking to the ambassador of House of Bissell who sends us to this spooky old pyramid to fight a bunch of beasties and of course all this leads you to a planet that is very rich in resources and pois and stuff like that so you are encouraged to generally explore uh these areas because they have have a little bit more on them than normal planets and the rest of the Galaxy would have yeah anyway lady Xerox then sends us off to this asteroid here where we must fight more xeroxians and learn some new secrets and information about the Xerox and that the Xerox Allen Academy from the OD age this is all about the war of silence and stuff like that it's pretty good stuff and uh if you've not read it before uh several times over like I have it's definitely worth a visit and a quick read through this stuff because it is it's quite interesting anyway that you need to talk to the keeper here and he tells you all you want to know about whatever the history of the talent working together against the Legacy the rest of the missions have you fighting off the Legacy the Xerox of course blowing up space stations and rescuing old girlfriends from prison anyway the missions are definitely worthwhile they're pretty fun they've got some really cool law and information in them and then um you know there's still more to come as the game continues development so thank you always good fun running through the missions but you can do all of them in the startership here you can see the Hammerhead that's really completing those missions I've Got The Nightshade on board and the harbor vessel of course and that's it and basically everything that I picked up along the way has been used to complete those missions you don't need some big super Mega Heavy Battleship or anything like that that being said I do hope that um one day we do need a big stupid heavy Battleship it's complete uh later missions I think that would really give the game the kind of progression that it needs where actually you do need to go out and essentially play the rest of the game in order to complete the missions as it is at the moment you can get through all of it with a startership armed with four Gat turrets um so yeah a little bit of a difficulty curve being introduced later is a good thing so like I said uh what now we've done the missions we have been rewarded with the rewards and we got all the loot from all the things that we've been and seen and uh cargo holds are kind of bursting at the seams you know we have got a lot of stuff on us and we're carrying it around in this very lightly armored ship um with minor defenses yeah one straight missile with the shields down in their entire life goes up in a big explosion so what do we need to do is find somewhere to call home now of course if you are the nomadic type player you may want to spawn in a big ship that you call your mobile base that's a little bit more protected than a Starship and just go around the Galaxy that me personally I quite like finding somewhere to call home staying up um either a base or a base station or something like that and living out of that while going off on little adventures in a ship that way if I lose the ship then I don't lose everything I can always go back to base and start over and now what I would suggest you do is basically do a little bit of exploration to find a system uh with a number of planets on it that you can set up Auto miners on now I mean assuming that of course you want to actually go through the the process of building bigger ships and things like that then you're going to want a lot of resources and you're going to want a lot of fuel to power those bigger bigger better ships so what I suggest you do is walk around basically explore different star systems and check out the local planets in the area of each system you come across now you may want to consider where you settle down if you are settling down here in neutral space you're probably going to find a planet with not nothing on it in terms of pois enemies etc etc but say if you want a little bit of a little bit of fun with your bass and defending it and having to deal with the zero drone attacks and maybe maybe even get into a situation with me you can actually clear the entire planet out of Xerox then maybe settling here in Xerox territory uh is the way to go if you're into making lots of money and trading maybe Polaris or Trader space and things like that is the way to go I'm going to check out Xerox base here but uh essentially what I'm going to do is just jump plan it to Planet uh sorry start a star and check out the planets we're looking for very particular type of planets and this will do quite nicely we have two temperate planets in here I'll be at the temperate swamp Planet but you can see the resources available on each of these including aluminum and titanium Neo the basics of course uh in orbit of here as well is gold asteroids um Now you kind of Auto mine gold so having a gold asteroid is fantastic then of course you've got uh the moons which will have your pen taxed on them that's got a restrooms of cozy money because nascent basically in this sector you have access to every resource you have and most of them are in ground deposit form so um you can set up Auto miners around here to pick up these resources automatically and just sit back and watch the resources flow in you just have to go and pick them up basically uh but yeah this this sector has everything so this this will work perfectly and this is exactly what you're looking for is somewhere to call home and somewhere that has lots of resources for you to mine away on now I like my auto miners do not deplete the deposit so essentially I can set up a permanent operation here just let the resources flow in and then build where the hell I want um so you've got two choices really you can either set up a base on planet or you can set up a base in orbit if you're setting up a base in orbit or in space um then you can really take advantage of solar power and um you know the closer you are to a sun the more effective the solar panels are so this little station here would be quite good for a space station but beware the Xerox space so now I'm gonna go set um check out lambdit because it's got two moons in orbit around that one so I think that one would probably be the better of the two that one has only got one moon in orbit but they are both temperate swamp planets uh let me just double check they're both the same size actually can I have the planet information please game thank you yeah large they're both large 0.91 G's gravity 0.85 G's gravity is even slightly later um breathable and breathable yeah okay I'm gonna go check it out all right so we found a potential home now what don't get down there and find a suitable location now um there's several factors here yep setting up a base on a planet a lot of people a lot of experienced players prefer the space stations because generally they're more efficient you don't get base attacks you've got the solar power which can usually keep the station running without having to intervene with fuel manually but I find Space Station's quite a lonely isolated experience and I actually quite like having a view from my base and building that on planets I don't mind the base attacks as well they interject a little bit of fun and sort of you know you can set up their fences and actually have something attack you is quite interesting as well so I do prefer for my playstyle setting up on a planet and temperate swamp planets are barely pretty and you get good sunsets and stuff like that so we know that there are uh there is there's six Promethean deposits down there we found one just over there it's right by zurich's territory which I wasn't too fussed about it's also only as small so um yeah I'm gonna make a b line to the north and hemisphere because I like being on the North generally you get a little bit more solar power up there because the sun is usually on a bit of a wonk but yeah see you could just about see the line there you generally get more daylight in the North um there's a little bit more compacted in in sort of resources as well and pois generally around the poles so we'll start by going north there's Xerox stuff over here they cut their swim past that resource that was silly and just talking away but there's a big cluster here maybe we'll find a nice Promethean deposit we're going to land on a Promethean deposit we're going to build on a Promethean deposit because then if our base is on a Promethean deposit we essentially can um we could just more in mind you all forever and do all the base that way we don't have to rely on solar I'll put solar up as well but uh it's not going to be the absolute uh be all and end or now having iron and stuff like that around aluminum isn't bad either we're wanting to Auto mine those resources as well um so that's it but we're also really want to be near water ideally or War 2 is great for producing oxygen for our ships to use it's also great for you producing hydrogen that we can then turn into Fusion cells the largest cell there's a Promethean deposit and it's on water um it's also great for producing hydrogen cells Fusion cells which are the best sort of fuel source available um and this might be it guys yes might be it we have water we have Promethean and we have whatever that is over there and there's no Xerox around here but no territory markers they're quite far away and that's iron they're okay um so that's what you want to do you want to basically good location it is all about location location when it comes to setting up a base now then you've got another choice to make at this point you and build something oh do you spawn something in off the workshop or perhaps um something you've built earlier well for me personally I hate building in survival mode I've been spoiled by creative mode for too long so I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can build myself base that uh just this sit down is the trees sit sit Hammerhead sit right personally I'm gonna go ahead and spawn it in a base that I prepared earlier and so for me it's well I'm using very old blueprints so here is the Pioneer Outpost I'll lower that down in a second I remember when I created this I think it was like Alpha seven maybe Alpha eight uh no it was Alpha six I remember now because I I remember remaking the pioneer uh to fit this thing perfectly and I'm really hoping and I haven't tested this rather foolishly I'm really hoping the Hammerhead sits nicely on that platform there it's around about the same size as the Pioneer I'll be in a little bit smaller I suspect no a little bit bigger rather um definitely bigger I think well better find out let's see and I'll give you a tour of pioneer Outpost although I did use it rather recently um in a multiplayer series with a chaos crew so it's not um it's not like it hasn't been seen for for a while it's um it's been updated and I have updated the workshop version as well that's that's the Perfect Isn't it look at that the perfect size landing pad for a small Starship like the Hammerhead I suspect the Hammerhead will retire itself into a Automotive Maintenance craft soon we're gonna be starting work on um code name dragonfly uh after a drone carrier that I've been working on and chilling and building anyway now um the Pioneer Outpost is armed with missile turrets is that all you can manage what are we out of here filter by base a restroom oh damn out of a restroom wow yeah you threw that then didn't we do we already on this planet no you're a source of a restroom then it's probably the barren metal planet in this sector there it is there's some on um lavinescent moons as well not of an ancient Planet but 3.95 G's so probably not practical yeah okay there's loads of sources of restroom here but uh yeah probably the easiest way I say that probably the easiest is actually the nascent moons because um as we know on Baron metal planets in Xerox territory there will be anti-aircraft parrots everywhere so yeah all right we'll worry about that later for now let me just hop in um some base missiles into the base there so it at least can defend itself um should a drone attack come along 155 millimeter H missiles none oh I put it in ammo spare yeah there we go there we are okay and the turrets uh are not targeting Predators good the power is on um and off and on and off and off for an output going out but it's at 82 consumption is two so yeah why is consuming so much but uh let's worry about that in a minute we need to get air Auto miners down and stuff like that but um here he is Pioneer Outpost now uh you landed here on the on the pad up here you've actually got a path it's gonna annoy me if we don't do something about that power situation so I'm going to Chuck some fuel in there assumables this choker and she's a small this thing has got a crazy number of fuel tanks so you could really stack up the fuel in here but um yeah we've got a little walkway over from The Landing Pad here into um the top of the tower and uh one of the reasons I've chose Pioneer Outpost is was because of this Tower the fact that we are on a uh temperate swamp Planet here which as I say is a beautiful planet it's Lush and green and you get good sunsets here great place to have and nice view on the solar panel layout that I've got isn't the best but um you know it will it will do fine um and I'm thinking I probably add I think I can add three more solar panels to that or something so yeah we could put them somewhere else that's maybe a little bit better but yeah the tower here just like it's quite nice quite nice very luxurious lots of RP value like you know nice dares and CT things and little offices and whatnot and then you got the penthouse suite up here reviews over the hammer head down there and of course the whole base really see how over fully equipped showers toilets and stuff quite a nice view really nice view but yeah you always enjoy this and stuff um so yeah the tower is all about kind of a living space but then if we go into um we go down we've got the viewing Gallery above um the medical Bay there's also an art gallery over here which of course I need to go and put some posters up for and then that accesses the medical Bay gallery further down we've got another amazing level here just above the actual production Center of this place where we have furnaces backed into the wall and just down here are all of our Constructors well so all the working stuff is in sort of lower levels and then in here we've got all of the storage well they were attacking but one thing about a swamp planet is that sometimes it will spawn um then it would be Predators but there'll be like a bad guys the aliens that's it aliens they're sort of exopods and stuff like that um so anyway yeah you can see here we've got um plenty of storage lots of storage here it's even a box still called Laney shame from where we uh where we did it on the live stream bladed stash leaning shame yeah yeah yeah all right this is I don't get a box everybody else gets a box I don't get a box but yeah there's there's more than enough storage in here for us to enjoy and then we got a nice Corridor out the back here which takes us into well we've got some CPU extensions uh medical and uh O2 armor lockers and then we just got access doors out in every which direction that goes into the hangar Bay it's underneath the landing pad this goes up to a landing pad um on this side and then continues up to a landing pad on this side so we've got lots of room for different SVS and stuff when we bring them in and I'll quickly show you the hover vessel hanger Bay underneath the Landing Pad here lots of room in here for various other vessels that we may want later on in the game so this is where I like pioneer Outpost it's got everything you need arcing for days storage for days production uh furnaces and stuff like that I missed out um the the kitchen area and the we've got a little storage Bay down here that it's just just literally a little Warehouse thing with storage tucked in the floor we've got Roblox for days a really decent sized Garden especially for a solo player that is going to keep me very well fed once planted and Medicals and stuff like that of course all the food processors are here and there we go that's it yeah this links back up to where the CPU purchases are binaural purchase these agents uh I'll link Down Below in the video description uh to the workshop page it is an old build as you might notice some kind of old texturing techniques and block work techniques and stuff in here but uh you know they don't build so but it checks out and That's The View pretty good huh there's a moon no big deal just bruising on by you know so yeah lots of prep work to do here we've got everything that's in the hammer head what we want to do is pretty much transfer this over to Pioneer Outpost in the various boxes um and organize it some stuff I just noticed another I'm gonna have to rename some of these boxes it's uh yeah I need to move into this place and um let's get let's get an auto Miner set up next because that's the next thing is what the hell are Autumn expander keep going on about these Auto miners right well they're pretty damn useful really uh looks like I've just got the one so I've got an epic Auto Miner here which I got for collecting the uh Explorer tokens then we're going to use that one first the others I can't craft I don't think until we get some more restroom which we're gonna have to just go out mine I think um and that's that's just part of the game so let's go ahead and we're going to connect to the Hammerhead here and grab the Epic Auto Miner there it is now we need that Promethean deposit essentially you grab the auto Miner in your connected toolbar and over the top of the deposit and place it down it will turn blue if it's over a deposit uh we then need some fuel uh deal is a bit of an issue I'm gonna grab the 62 double fire packs there okay and fuel it up and you can shift click to to just transfer all the fuel in and it'll put one fuel in per slot uh and so we can see the Promethean or 240 or per hour is what we're going to be getting out of this thing the source quality is only 48 because it's a small deposit the larger the deposit the better the quality uh operational time is 112 hours at 240 per hour so there we go we've got two Promethean all coming out of that so the idea is that with that epic water Miner on there we're going to be producing a very nice amount of Promethean which we can turn into fuel as we're running a little low on that and that's going to power not only the base with a hammer head and our next ship and our next ship and so on and so forth so I'll show you now let me just park the uh hammer head back on the platform here I'll show you now technique that I will employ in order to speed up time and produce all that from Ethan from the auto Miner in a fraction of the time that it actually says it would and that is to simply just sleep for eight hours the bed [Music] things at night time spawns a bunch of enemies around you done now we can just do it again anyway it's daytime again all right so we slept for 16 hours okay yeah the the order Miner said it was going to run for 112 So but uh 16 hours at 240 hours per hour hey this should be good well I was expecting just under 4 000 or was there according to the math but uh we can't hold alien responsible 661 Promethean or it still hasn't used another fuel seller in the end I suppose that's okay but uh yeah sleep for eight hours huh I don't think so anyway the point is we have progress time and as a result the auto Miner here has produced um the Promethean very quickly and that is how you essentially acquire a crapload of resources very very quickly in single player uh using Auto miners that'll wear away now until it runs out of fuel and we can pick up the thousands of all that it will pick up in the meantime we can get the base producing fuel cells or what I prefer Fusion Set uh Fusion cells but for Fusion cells we're going to need one more thing and I still haven't moved into the base so we're gonna have to use the hammer head for this as well but that's okay because we're probably going to need its mobile storage place these things down and I'm of course talking about water generators we're probably gonna run about I don't know five of them more than enough should be more than enough so let's build five water generators they are unlocked by default you don't need to unlock them everybody has them and they can be built in portable Constructors as well so you can get them very very early on so same deal with um Auto Miners and water collectors here just stick them on your connected toolbar here but you need to find a patch of water fortunately on a swamp Planet that's uh it's reasonably available as you can see can't place it on land you have to place it in water so it'll line up all five of these around next to each other in this small pond and like this okay and then once again we need to fuel them so let me grab some fuel here use these as well and fill them up and what these will do much like the automonas is over time they will generate basically containers full of water and there we go so with some Promethean and water we can now start producing Fusion cells really neat I don't know if it will go there's Fusion cells we'll use to are at the base we're getting our first base attack first base attack is inbound the base is out of missiles because it's used to more killing for Canadians on the ground so we're gonna have to jump into the night shade here D this off that cover rocket drones oh hello yields are not up yet plus it would help if I actually hit the target wow survive three direct hits from railguns all right there we go where's base attack dealt with three drones yeah all right nasty first attack but uh that highlights the need for us to get missiles there's some of the turrets have still got some in the uh chamber and stuff so they're able to fire but uh not for long now to invest in some sentry guns to maybe offset the uh the missile usage and redef reconfigure the turrets let's spark the uh Nightshade actually down here on the base here we go a place for it to be rather than on top of the Hammerhead right they have you get some a restroom next so we're back to mining which of course we all are very familiar with now and uh we just need to find ideally in a restaurant asteroid because then it'll just be so much easier to mine but uh I don't think they exist to be honest I think we're gonna have to go down onto our moon here that's just neighboring perhaps dig up a couple of the restroom deposits from there we're being careful to leave one of course so that we can put an auto Miner on it later that restroom is going to enable us to build more Auto miners and Rocket ammunition because one of the things with uh live in Ascent moons in particular is that they are absolutely swarming in Xerox dang you have to be careful but also is there something to do laser on when we're ready we can uh come back here and absolutely destroy every single one of them wipe them out all of them yeah a lot of these are still trash pois like teleport marker and single parrot defenses and stuff like that right there's still plenty more to be blown up something we can absolutely do once we've got all of our resources and builds and everything settled in oh yes this is the time of the game where it is basically just grinding basically mining grinding mining grinding pleasing all Motors beating all Motors emptying or miners until you have enough resources that you can spawn everything that you want to spawn in in fuel it arm it and then go and trout some stuff where is the restaurant seriously there's only four deposits of it around here somewhere all right we'll find it eventually nice and a medium deposit to boot we are being shot at drones and Xerox Ground Forces well turrets deploy deploy deploy dentry guns open up and light armor at the moment so not the most ideal conditions for a ground bait but uh I think all the turrets have got it see Dennis I think they got it boys okay all right let's go get our um specialist mining equipment here you go somewhere restroom stream in our belly and head back to base and finish arming it moving into it build some more Auto miners so we can start extending our resource Gathering Empire and then in the next episode we're going to start getting in some new toys just to play with because as you just saw the Xerox infestation around here is severe and we're going to need some serious bits of Kit to clear it up anyway ladies and gents thank you very much for watching today I do hope you've enjoyed and uh hopefully I'll see you next time till then take care bye-bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Spanj
Views: 9,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spanj, gaming, gameplay, lets play, empyrion, galactic, survival, open world, sandbox, block building, voxel, creative, reforged, eden, custom, game, difficult, sci fi, space, galaxy, beginners, tutorial, walkthrough, guide
Id: jNmJ1DQ-3yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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