I Spectated An AIMBOTTING Hanzo That Broke The Space Time Continuum In Overwatch 2

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there's apparently a really really really really really really really really really good one and it's only like three minutes long but I'm curious It's playing PS5 I was playing with PC we were on PC servers I was the Anna the other team my boyfriend being the Bastion uh headshot and I watched kill cam wasn't even looking when he killed me 350 I decided to go some to confirm he had walls and I stood behind him while invisible he turned around looked right at me and shot me in the head when I called him on halfway through the game he just stayed solid in their Mercy pocketed him oh oh no I want to see oh I have a bad feeling about this holy Jesus I'm not even trying to hide it not even a little you ain't seen nothing yet oh God wait what wait wait hang on what foreign what that's Point that's point one sensitivity that's as slow as I can go [Music] by your side [Music] what what double kill what hold the [ __ ] up this is point one by the way wait hold up wait a minute hold the [ __ ] up I think that shot hit the Genji this one [Music] not that one that one that one hit the Genji [Music] no it's not possible I hit the soldier Okay I heard the Genji making noise but it was just delayed the health bar hadn't moved yet is the anti-cheat sleeping the [ __ ] is that [Music] moves no way who did it even to shoot at right there [Music] that's point one I I can't even I don't even know where the arrow went who is he [Music] that's that is so [ __ ] evil it's not even funny there's another one right here where like literally where [Music] no not ain't no way this is point I can't get I can't go any slower this is 0.1 speed [Music] I have to change povs to then follow the [ __ ] Arrow okay to give you an idea this is how slow the arrow travels I'm not gonna pause it hang on wait a minute there's there's something a little wrong here that I don't the math does not make sense on this wait a minute hang on the math eight math and okay so it fires okay let's follow this Arrow we're following it we're following the arrow I mean hey I'm no mathematician I'm no I'm no mathematician let me tell you but for that don't look like it's gonna hit to be yup uh I did not do that well in math after I had a few concussions in high school one too many hits the head football [ __ ] whatever but I am still smart enough I think to understand this is not I don't I don't think this is gonna hit right like like I'm not even I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed what what the [ __ ] is [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] what okay am I stupid or am I watching [Music] I saw it I'm watching the aim at a Bastion and there's a very very very small sliver of a Reaper down there I'm just saying that's a corner by the way and then [Music] wow wow I [Music] I'm getting more confused the longer it goes [Music] uh it's actually somehow getting worse because there's definitely a [ __ ] wall okay I understand that one wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute [Music] okay that one doesn't actually hit him wait that one doesn't come back no it's not okay it's this one [Music] what in the [ __ ] [Music] did jump does not look like it hits cherry blossoms in the ring I went through the Rock I'm honestly surprised didn't hit that the bounce out right there I was expecting it Arrow's got FMJ that's the first funny Tick Tock comment I've seen in a long time wait it's Auto it's literally automatic that guy was AFK he didn't even hit a button and it freaks [Music] it's freaking out looking for it but he's not even he's literally AFK that guy's dead where's the anti-cheat took the weekend off wait he sees the Anna standing there does he is it like a like a dinosaur as long as you don't move I can't see you poor guy wait who the [ __ ] hit wait huh okay this one makes sense right this one makes sense I understand this one right the reaper shot okay I don't really know how he shot that with like no bow charge he's it's it's literally not charged at all oh is it just a replay bug wait no it's not that's it okay it was just a replay bug I understand that one right I understand that one but what the [ __ ] is this one nah not no you you can't do that that's not legal there that's a [ __ ] that whole arrow is gone in the wall it's not even done yet it's literally not even over yet it's a bounce shot him no no misses again wait how did they wait a minute we didn't watch that part how the hell did they miss all those and then we're gonna watch that real speed how do you oh that's tough these nuts are real in there for a sec you think that was real like the actual aim he just headshot bashing into art form wait did he wait where is it here huh wait what wait what how do you how do you headshot Bastion from the front wait what [Music] is this one right here this shot I'm gonna try to pause it let's go this this one so those are the no bastion's head hit boxes back there it's hard to see with all the muzzle flash how how does that how does that even happen okay for those who didn't catch it I'll do it one more time listen for the headshot sound not the first shot it's not this one this one you'll hear the headshot sound ready thank you wait what there's just no one dude I don't understand dude wait wait how long has that Reaper been back there huh wait I dude I [ __ ] blinked what happened behind you [Music] oh [Music] nothing gets past me wait a minute there's a Sombra wait wait a minute hang on there's a Sombra in play now that makes things so much more interesting witness the flame of my soul wait [ __ ] what are they shooting at oh wait they died wait they caught he killed him just a good gaming chair true when he spawns hold on I'm gonna go freak him where's the Sombra okay you guys see the somber right they're in the spawn kinda it is not my time yet laughs no way nah there ain't no way it's a Perma cloaked I think the arrow is a not actually hit yet wait he missed wait he actually missed by a [ __ ] mile oh first shot never mind okay first off that look like that mist by the way I'm just throwing that out there but uh yeah that was there was no indication that they were there what is that Melody the funniest part is it being quick play most of the people that send these to me are click play I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be honest with you uh but yeah that one was really really short uh but yeah I think uh I think the anti-cheat took a day off that day I don't know must have been out to lunch or some [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Flats
Views: 566,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flats, Flats Overwatch, FlatsOW, Flats_OW, flats bronzes, overwatch, Overwatch streamer, Florida mayhem Flats, overwatch 2, Overwatch 2, flats, florida mayhem flats, Overwatch, flats overwatch, flats overwatch 2, flats spectating, hanzo, hanzo overwatch 2, flats spectating cheaters, flats ow
Id: dOSieTA8DkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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