The Roblox BACKROOMS game got a CRAZY UPDATE. | Apeirophobia (Full Game)

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I'll see it wait where was The Monsters the monsters are past where we're about to go now okay I've made it back out into the central area so I'm oh [Music] so you want even more backrooms content huh hey let me ask you a question you remember that experience on Roblox called aperophobia it was a back rooms game that came out and took kind of myself and I love others by surprise it was a solid backrooms experience yeah when the game got updated and so much has changed and also the original game has been like deleted or something so my save file is screwed so I have to begin from the beginning so what is going on guys this is Ryan here and welcome back to another video on hyperophobia now I said before my data is gone okay it's it's non-recoverable but that's absolutely fine I decided what I'm going to do for this video is basically what we did for the escape the rooms at backroom horror game we're gonna be battling our way through every single level in a pyrophobia all over again to the first 10 and all of the new ones that come after if you guys like this episode I think you know exactly what to do but let's go ahead and jump into the back groups and see how bad things get all right here we go we need to remember how we found ourselves and got in this situation he was scaring you okay did you see that yeah really yeah it looked exactly like it wide angle and we're done oh no that's not me that's very similar my character's calling for you oh there you are you're right in front of me oh hello that was lucky so we both fell through at the same time I need to memorize these controls your camera really sensitive what was that something there so how did you fall through this time man uh well uh funnily enough I was actually a spa I get my my toes done but fully clothed because you're gonna shoot you've got your shoes on still so how does that work well see it's one of those Advanced spars where they just rob you ah okay so you paid the money and then they uh they run off to get the equipment but then never return exactly how did you fall in were you were you filming again yeah man I'm always trying to you know get that take you know gorilla dude in the gorilla match sneaks up you know attacks him never works out man it's happened three times now we need to finish this project come on yeah it's just why do we keep falling through man it's like we keep filming the same shot in the same spot what do we expect this isn't very eventful so far oh pink like that's scary you scared of that color bad is that is that what's here there's a good question what are you scared of any colors it depends it depends where I am and what I'm doing if I see like a red light down the back of an Alleyway and there's a silhouette in front of it I'm thinking oh yeah that's kind of scary but well why if it's me though if I knew it was you I'd be all right time to take a chance hang on uh no why is yeah what are we doing so we're looking for a ladder there's so many arrows pointing us where to go but I don't think the arrows actually care we're that way I'm here they went this way okay okay so we'll ignore the arrow and go the reverse way sounds good no the the arrow was here wasn't it there's an arrow oh that like flickered a new badge I think that that's an omen I think it's the other way man I was literally an arrow telling us where to go yeah you know I'm gonna follow you completely 18. why are you following me man the blind leading the blind here well I don't know what's going on back here man I don't know it's my first day here I'm just trying to figure out what's going on wait hear that ah run run run run run he's right there oh oh wait oh we didn't even see it so he's going for the milk what is that I don't know I'm running uh okay just uh get the breath back holy crap man is he just is that it is it like a Tesla coil or something oh here's the arrow nice wait yeah that's it that's it and then I think I swear the exit somewhere over here oh I found it here here let's go step ladder let's go yeah baby yes baby yeah I'm jumping hang on wait it's not an exit where am I we are in pipeline dream when the pipe rooms oh we did this at least at least you'd have to run for three minutes and then run the other way bad flashback man that was a good video I enjoyed that guys go watch escape the bathrooms right now what's on your back pocket oh yeah you've got um you've got a camera haven't you how do you uh how do you flip the camera out uh right click yeah it does it does nothing man use the camera yeah it says use the camera you press there we go yeah yeah what just just tap it just tap it [Music] my camera's broken here we go we're in the pool rooms baby yeah hang on do you have to take the camera I Really Wanna I wanna do some filming man that's what we're here for right uh I just right clicked taking a flashlight off okay hang on hang on I've got it like put it away apparently did you steal my camera hold it hold right click oh yeah I can see the camera in my shadow right it's broken man it's broken but you know what let's just um let's enjoy our time what what wait what it's a tactical monster ah okay go in here go here go here well I'm I'm drowning damn he's a big boy he's a big boy he's on me Babs don't worry all right he's on you he's on you no well yeah he is he's actually on you man what is it what is this is that an actual entity in this floor um I don't know I think it that was a made-up one well it's pretty scary he's uh he's a big boy can I what do you think they found where do you think they found this monster I don't know in a very dark and dingy place I can see him man I'm still stuck at the exit because he's right outside here oh he's got like a stop-motion Vibe about him that's horrible I'm gonna run I'm running man I'm running so I I haven't got a camera I'm still convinced you stole my camera it's fine though don't worry about it I think he's coming for me I think he don't worry I've got one valve down yeah eight six I think it was I'm running now so um no that's not you okay okay pick up the orb they make like really loud explodey sounds I don't know what it does but it must have already collected it apparently well done I've got a second valve that he's on me he's on me he's on me he's on me I'm running I'm running I think okay I think I might die are you good you're good you're good just okay we've okay I've found the actual next baby okay that's good I'm back at the beginning again okay hang on man you've so you press Z to unequip the camera I've got my camera I've got my camera now I can feel this what is the sound I don't remember this I literally can't move man this is green so I can go yeah you can go oh man it was just you know they're monsters that just appear on a loud noise okay if I go through here will it transport you here you can try it you can try it if you want man I'm just like this this monster is just he's smiling my booty and he won't stop oh yes it did all right there we go oh okay so I thought I must have just fell through the floor standing there that sucks which one's this again oh I think this is the this is the floor between the floors right oh wow oh dear me hang on we've still got a flashlight so I want I want to inspect this room this is where we fell down look at that so dark you can't even see how deep the hole is how have we not like broke our legs in multiple places we're just so strong it don't matter wait what's this look at this man what's who's this just back Crim's law what's that that I don't even know it's popcorn popcorn the second you wanna oh do you want it do you want a quick shower Your Dragon someone's in here do you want to shower on a shave before we go what's in here what oh no oh what is that like a freaking like a head cap in there I think yeah they put their um you know there's like sun things that people wear on the beach so this one look there's a picture it's look what it says Buzz oh is it about the windows it says what does this mean oh okay what does it mean what do you reckon that's my neighbors falling can you see him over there [Music] what are you doing do you think my neighbor looked a bit like me maybe yeah actually what why why is that are you the real you okay here we go let's uh let's try and escape this one well oh there it is there it is oh no I don't know how we just die jump into it there's no way that we'd actually survive any of this well we would have died straight away from falling into the back rooms no no no no no no no this is the one that's gonna test us now this yeah I remember this one this one literally drove me insane but I think I remember his mechanics I know how I'm gonna beat his ass okay then you just have to stay still not move yeah exactly I think if you crouch walking up might work a little bit but if he's near you just don't move in the slightest and he just he can't find you okay oh crouch crouch crouch I don't think he needs to crouch do you I'm you know I'm not gonna risk it doing what the hell [ __ ] he's throwing him eyes on me man he's throwing back I don't trust him I don't trust him why does he why is he hitting that yoga pose man but higher than his head well our son got his damn look at that he's he's on there that's your number oh look at you you sure I can see his Gooch man this is horrible you know what this monster is man what you know Slenderman took his clothes off it's him I think he might be coming back so we gotta find I found a key I found a key oh I've got one I think we need like five or six of them I thought it was three you know if it's three I'll be even happy he's right behind you man he's on you he's only like a flies on dung on poo poo oh he's coming back again so if you're if you're the other side man you've got oh no he's bounced back did I just fart that's all right I died man oh no how did that happen you wish to respawn I've got four lives what happened how did you die I just I was inside the drawer and I turned around but it was right there smiling my butt all right if you respond if you respond yeah yeah I'm respond so you're playing again yeah oh that's pretty cool you only get four lives though all right that's all good though but if we die you can we can just play from whatever level we want take that Roblox how to actually turn around because I think that classes as movement yeah he's teasing me with that ass damn boy hang on for you to say that buzz are you feeling something when he does it hang in a sec I've got a joke here and go on let's hear it I've ran all the way to the other side picking these drawers hang on what have you done man it's gonna take a while to to do this joke is it a soundboard joke yeah oh okay okay so what you just you want me to do the dangerous for it which you find the comedy lines yeah great I love this I love this trade he's doing that twerking thing man I think he's figured out a way to choose the game watch this okay you wanna yeah well don't watch it but just listen okay I'm going into the room stay there okay all right I'll hold I'll hold position listen to this no come here you come here [Music] what was the joke he's bony I was just yeah that's the sound you make when you're banging him leave the drawers good stretch so these are oh he's coming he's coming bro that's the third time now oh no I did I saw him and I stopped he's still ate your bum all that's not fair where are oh okay second key no so we need three he's by me he's by the entrance he's got something against me man I know I'm Ginger I think he's attracted to you in some way go the other way man I found three kids I've got them all foreign So the plan is we're gonna we're gonna beat this level oh he's coming hang on check this out oh there we go check this out okay look there's two look at him look at him what's that technique oh oh yeah that look at that look at that ping pong him back but yeah you can see as long as you're still you're fine man I wish she was alive for this one this part takes forever to do oh the door is green it was green before though oh oh okay well it didn't make a sound nice sorry man I'm feeling a bit evil look at that one that's amazing am I still gonna be dead don't don't be on optimistic man come on have some have some Faith you're gonna live you're gonna have a happy life down there all right okay I can't imagine so when you sprint in this game you the lights like gets dark imagine not being a problem in real life oh look at this am I gonna load in now now we find out is he dead for good or is it just on that last level break it down no I I all right we need to go back to Lobby okay we go look at this I'm not gonna die this time so for a pool rooms where's the water you know like this is a scam this isn't the pouring this is the sewers what the hang on who sewage looks like this I don't know it looks very clean this is some futuristic level sewage plant man okay I think I remember this one yeah I think you just it's fine in the eggs it's more of just like uh there's no entities there no no that's there's pipes okay I don't think anything's that way I'm Gonna Let You explore everyone look at this pool man imagine hang on what's this in there is it dirty what's that great okay what the hell yeah do you know what that is that's like someone's put the uh the circuit box in the water so everyone who's in here just dies and gets electrocuted okay I mean that's a unique way of killing a lot of people crafted by a serial killer I feel bad for these people I look you can you can see the effort like how big the pool is they made and the amount of benches and they just never get custom yeah exactly the entities just sat there at the door crying his eyes out but that's the thing is it when when he's running at you he's just so happy to see you it's too much you want to kill you it's a hug but uh just like to us our skin is so weak it just tears he doesn't realize it right I think I'm gonna you know I'm gonna follow you you seem like you know what's going on in this place I I do kind of remember it's like it's like in the top right or top left on the two might be I remember man here we go here we go when I played this I literally went insane are you serious there's no way hey let's think this is it um okay I'm playing the Zelda music I'm just gonna keep repeating until we get there hang on hang on okay playing the music yeah don't worry don't worry it's looping it's looping and keep playing it I am I am don't worry all right where is it then it should be any second now I'm out of breath hang on oh this looks good this looks good oh oh oh oh oh oh no did you say yeah this isn't looking good man oh hang on I think it's the all the pipes you're meant to follow all the pipes all of them yeah they all kind of connect okay uh oh okay hang on that you can't go around that way hang on where were you buzz I don't want to get we don't want to get lost now look you can't go left here yeah ah yeah um okay here we go gold is that you want gold you want the gold one uh they you gotta basically they so all the pipes should we just go our own independent ways if one of us will find it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whoever finds it has to get naked what what the person who doesn't find it well I think I found it yep I found it no way yeah buzz if you back up a bit hang on there you go there you go look at this man look just through here look at that ah okay you have to get naked now then so do you oh yeah thank God for that oh no it's not the exit wait what wait why am I naked then left or right oh yeah yeah I think it's the same hang on let's Shuffle I'm gonna go right then let's see if we meet paths oh uh that was a waste of time wow how about that oh do you want to oh you wanna do the honors okay okay all right I hate this one oh God yeah this one's jump scarecity hang on this is so we need to fight we need to uh because I don't know if it's gonna be you or not ah well okay what we do then if we see each other we go like this where are you just click the flashlight on and off exactly exactly click so we're gonna go our independent ways and we're both gonna try and find this okay okay good luck good good luck man I think I've got this one it may may the powers be that guide you made the spikes in this room never never Grace your skin I feel like I feel like I've roughly remember this one I think it's um I feel like uh yeah I think I think it's in a corner you know it's always in a corner this is the weirdest maze ever though it's so weird do you know why it's weird why is it weird because it's weird yeah I do uh do you get what you what you're putting out there that's you right no oh yeah that's me that's me don't worry about me I'm just hiding I was waiting for you to do the the hard work you know okay got you um I swear it's in this corner over here to the left side oh really I swear it's over here is that you whistling no I'm not whistling all right I'm dead I think you've got to like crawl through something that's why I keep trying to crawl but my big old head I can't do it I'm back at the start man that's good at least you're not dead you could be back in the uh in the coffin do you know what I mean um I'm actually bugging out and I just said he broke the game okay oh okay well found it how do you avoid it I'm dead man I'm dead I'm dead he's full-on I don't know how you actually avoid it you meant to like look at it I'm sandwiched in a corner man ah oh no oh no hang on I'm somehow getting out even though he's right on me so it's like for me it's like a plain Roblox like basic character I just I don't know why I used to be able to squeeze through places in this one but you can't oh I'm falling I'm feeling clipping into the floor hang on what's going on it's the backpack rooms I fall into the the front rooms I am really lost man I could barely see anything I hate this level oh yeah that's a good point maybe we can see better with it uh are you dead I just got my camera out and it like flashed and it was in front of me what and I'm dead are you actually dead yeah oh how can we spawn though I don't like this level I'm not gonna lie oh is that you oh no it's not you fancy right near me man dead cheers man you broke my neck oh here we are as far as I've I've just been greeted by myself at the beginning oh nice should I film him how you doing bro you're on camera huh what are you doing he's just standing there staring at me like I'm I'm the weird one like it doesn't make sense you know what actually if I if I stay here I can keep the entity on me so you've got time to explore okay because I think I think I'm behind you wait what what do you mean I'm behind you oh yeah how do you know if I'm the entity or he's look who's the entity now eh do you want to join me do you want to hold on to him okay you're gonna go that way then I'll keep my I'll keep the entity's concentration on me look at me eyes on me I'm back at the thumb uh I'm here again hello hey buds do you want me to give it a go yeah you give it a go right you keep this you keep his attention he's look at him look at him I think he might be focused on me all right let's see what we do let's see what we do in this thing now let's see what we do what kind of stuff do you do down here I mean what's your diet like because you're looking pretty bulky and there's not a lot of stuff down here ah not much of a talker are we hang on each no don't what are you doing is he on yours okay and action so what is it what what is the reason you're here today um [Music] he's lost his mind guys let's talk about something else what do you do down here [Music] what do you bench press once you keep saying suddenly you say that [Music] [Laughter] I'm gonna jump in say bye to him [Music] [ __ ] head yeah oh wait isn't it the room for your life level now oh welcome back don't chase me okay here we go I'm holding oh wait you got the Head Start what's going on man that ain't fair thing yeah it's nice back to that escape the bathroom thing fortunately this one this one's a bit more fair I feel like yeah oh my God it's terrifying I'm out of breath what wait where are just feeling screaming at me don't worry about it don't worry Bud oh mate he's coming he's coming he's hungry yeah Ian had his meal yeah we're supposed to be away is this right what the hell get your flashlight out ah wait oh my God are you still are you still alive no we should get this first try man there's no reason why we shouldn't come on come on baby come on baby he's right there he's right there get it back man I think I'm at the final bit I bet that no I'm not I'm lying I'm lying for attention again oh my God it's like a 28 minute run man come on oh yeah this one this is the end now this is it this is it I'm not dying to you now we've made it too far to die now this is we can't we can't afford this it's not it wouldn't be fair it wouldn't be fair question mark what do you mean oh I think they've redone the level you know man why can't he just be the Jesus oh we've got it we've got it we got it yeah wouldn't it be good good though if he was friendly and he could like lead the way and break everything down for us come on buds I've made it man oh I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I made that that's cool that's cool yeah go on boys keep running keep running yes doesn't go through he just smacks his album yeah ah God oh it's this this is the free run one right one oh it's the library one okay right so there there's a way to do was isn't the way to do this really easy because there's no monsters here is there yeah it's the uh colors of the balls I think Daily News okay so it's um so it says okay six spheres one two three four seven amount I think I remember I think it's really easy two red okay um I'll count the green and yellow yeah I think that's atmosphere yeah two years yellow one green oh there's one here what what color is it purple no you're kidding me look at this hang on yeah I need to see how we missed this man you're kidding me look at this wow there we go seven six zero one seven seven zero one is it yeah imagine messing up after all that no staff staff parent room we are nice yes yes there we go guys that took us five minutes what do you mean I took we did we found them all at the beginning then what you're on about man I think I think it's usually the tighter corner to the right one so it's like you've got to squeeze your butt cheeks around them yep yep just shimmy on through that sounds bad today to have a big dump truck yeah that's good that was six a month say something else funny um does that ass fat but as no it's gone man I thought you're being funny what's going on goes through yeah I'm looking at you like wiggling through the wall man that don't look good it's not right oh man this is giving me claustrophobia don't worry about it is it giving you uh a pyrophobia yeah I don't know because I know Auto autophobia is the fear of being alone so I don't know what pyrophobia is do you want to Google it the Fear of Infinity and or eternity okay that makes sense actually for this game okay so you're afraid of living basically because the universe is infinite I guess wow yeah finite pretty terrifying listen bad just get down here now what do we have to do okay there's numbers how do we know the right one I forget this oh mine was uh the very first one okay try one two four one 241 okay no five seven two three we might be here for a while guys oh hey let's go nah look at that game new game knows okay how do I get out of this there we go oh another ladder let's climb it ah wait what was that yeah don't we just end up like in the there's a little vent that you go back to to the library I think so but I think the door's open now right because we've got power back somehow we don't even do anything but the power here we go man I can see the light I can see the tunnel come on you were alert waiting for command do it man yes no say yes oh what have you done Buzz you're booting it you're getting booted from the game is that SCP that like has learned on itself what's it seven five or whatever the computer you mean chat gbt it's real now yeah man that's true open Terminal there we go we got it we escaped the end we escaped the end yeah we did it they say the end is near I'd beg to differ I I feel like this might be a six hour recording session don't worry about it man six hours is six six minutes in human life what is this one it's that it's the dark one do you remember it's so annoying man uh the dark one yeah I don't know how we do this one again I can't remember how you do it oh no so we took the iBook for some reason we stole it okay I oh there's a specific path to this one I remember I was here for like 50 minutes trying like oh freaking yeah I think I remember this one how does it work um you just you know what's this look oh look don't do that buzz don't show it your butthole so I think yeah let's see how good my memory is I think you run along the top here for quite a while yeah and then you go to the right and it brings you out to like a load of chairs or tables in the middle something like that I just can't remember where it is is it like is it around here somewhere or not yeah we'll just keep running and then it's in the corner of the on the other side oh yeah I hated this level so much we'll get this one done quick I hope so there's a locker there just in case close I can't remember how this level Works anyway monster yep okay that's not good I don't see it I don't see it I'm just uh I'm trying to go off a memory here okay down this hallway come on baby I think I've oh yeah I've completely screwed this up man just I can hear some moving I'm gonna go towards the sound I think that's a good idea I don't know about that one man because he must spawn where we need to go hmm might be a big brain Strat I'm gonna go towards him oh hang on I found it oh I found it yeah I found it all right nice let's go I'm running I don't know am I dead I think I'm dead I can hear like a generator or something oh my God oh my God I just I just saw them I might be dead man okay hang I'm just running I don't even know what I'm doing okay I found a green light I found a green light I might be on to this green light green light green green green light baby or red light green light red light red light green light oh fat I think I've done it man I've done it I did it nice first try hang on hang on I'm not sure the game faded out or if I'm done the game hasn't faded out because I can't see anything my don't tell me I have to find it no no wait go forward a bit [Applause] try that level was so difficult the first time I did it man well wait hang on why am I underwater please help me I just said I was just drowning myself actually yeah you're here too bad can't see where do we go hang on where are you I'm right the end of the pool look and where what to your left man it's even my screen is dark or like my eyes are bad probably because I remember what to do at this bit I'm following you then in that case you go to the slides then you go through the slides so wait where are you then I'm trying to find you oh it's at the other end of the pool okay should we should I go should we go our own ways again or wait hang on I see you man welcome guys this is uh 100 all achievements are locked playthrough of uh apiraphobia like And subscribe like And subscribe baby here we go through this oh you got it that was it are you sure that was so fast that was insane no wait we're on good Pace here we are man this is world record territory we're getting it man hundy hundred percent on this one oh oh this looks better I think they've re-read on the graphics for this one all right for this one I was gonna say there's a strat I think you run around the edges of the map if I'm correct okay well the the keys can be found on the lockers so I kind of take it row by row okay if I start at that end and you start at that end we can just make our way down row by row fast I'm scared man I'm really scared no need to be scared these guys are dumb creatures man they stink of poo that's even worse then so if they get near me I'm gonna start throwing up trying to find 58 foot monster I found a key so are the keys inside the lockers or not how does it work on the outside of the lockers okay okay right well I've came across two useless this level feels quite atmospheric now it's very uh very still but a lot of tension yeah I'm feeling something hang on I found a key as well so how many keys did how many doors do we need to open of it is just the one door so I guess you could now try and go to the corners and see if you've got the right one didn't work man didn't work all right I've got I've got a corner here let me see I full on Slam that key in the lock the lock actually came off the door then the door didn't open it's like insults yeah that's a bit weird yeah the log won't fit but it doesn't lock it yeah and then it stays locked so don't shoot anyway all right I'm just gonna take it row by row now I thought that's what you're doing anyway yeah I am I was just I was looking at the corner because I found the key no no I'm gonna start taking it row by Road oh I see it I haven't seen it yet big boy have they changed the model or is it the same still it's the same I think I can't remember okay you're just hanging around at one Locker thing smart oh uh look away from it I think oh oh man oh man oh man I'm just gonna run I'm really scared now that this thing's cheating it's just stuck by this one Locker I I don't know if it's coming for me the smiley thing I don't know oh there's two of them two big boys uh what they're definitely guarding something over on this end man so they know wait hang on hang on I'm gonna get my camera out and just zoom in and see if there's a key there take a picture of them say cheese [ __ ] Owens hey how long have you been in this car package hang on I see him man I see him oh he's picking up the pace when I get in line whoa he runs really fast man holy crap I think they have changed the models a little bit all right hey Buzz how you doing man I'm right next to you hey man how's it going oh I see oh I found hang on Buzz I've just found two keys no way yeah man I've got one I've got so I've got both the keys then okay so the over uh where uh I ran to but I don't know well I've got both the keys though so I should just um try the doors around the edges and eventually something we should give uh by the door I got jump scared by the door man right interesting I'm whistling you're kidding me hang on wait I'm right by you man this is in the door in the dumpsters okay it buys this way you're in a locker there's nothing here there's a smile there man you're tripping out man you're tripping out now so that's not the right way it must be the key over here or the door over here yes wait yeah we got off the rooftop guys so before the game would end here wouldn't it uh no no what I thought that was the last level oh is this the party level no no this isn't the last level there's this one this is the free running one oh I had a lot of fun with wait I didn't I never played this one my last time I played the game this is where it ended oh really well there's a few more levels okay let's go I think it ends after after this one is when the party rooms comes in ah wait so wait you've already beat the update no I haven't beat uh the party rooms or anything okay I've only beat this bit I think Okay so we've got quite a few more levels so wait this is a did you say it's a parkour level kind of so to start off you need to okay wait there's a room do we need to go in these rooms okay so you see this over here this this padlock this is a uh okay so right it's a padlock with colors ah so you go over yes look at this guy look at this guy in master he's just cheating the law man who worked here look at look how many documents he had to file yes I feel bad for him and I think it's this room here so it's blue white green oh hang on a minute yeah I see these blue ones we like green orange that looks brown man that's brown actually you're right why so blue white brown green it look like green brown blue white green brown so we just put those four colors in any order or not the color of my Underpants the colors that they changed look at that backrooms Mushroom Kingdom the Super Mario movie isn't it I can't wait for that so cyan apparently white yes brown green and green brown wait what but it's broken it's it's Scion why cyan white ground did it work yeah man I got I got I got Bamboozled Bamboozled okay so I got a crowbar whose head am I smashing into now we we unlock this oh my Lord kicking it down through here you you can access that laptop there well okay job press y yeah and that will open up album holes guys I don't want to do this so I mean it's booting as in booty bootying ah they've missed the Y on that that's all okay Boot and completed oh look at him running ahead he's already been here guys look this way this isn't this is insane this is where the parkour begins it can be pretty frustrating oh no I thought you said it was fun wait it is oh no okay okay I had fun because of how crap of it I was crap of it I was got it got you got you you're getting nervous it's just and then it appear I think oh oh yeah it feels like you're in like um you know gravity I think it's like nine point something meters a second it feels like in this it's like 20 meters a second yeah we draw a very heavy gravity Planet just drop like a sack of potatoes wow we have soccer potatoes you know okay I'm up keep going why why would we do this why would we do this why wouldn't we do this that's a much better question it says I think you go down this way okay I'm following down here following oh I climb back up why would I do that oh I see you I see you okay oh man I make it I banged my chin and I made it yeah let's go let's go all right so now we go this is insane I love this it's actually pretty fun actually let's see what you mean yeah I see you're meant to walk on this plank over here I think oh the giant one over the head oh no all right so we jump over there can we stand on these yeah okay we're good we're good that is it the best um are you down on a shelf um look look below can you see me I'm gonna try I'm trying to lean I can't lean I'm sorry I died to death I think I might join you soon man wait wait now I'm holding out I'm good I'm good it's it's genuinely quite tense so I'm at the very top now easy does it I'll make my way back over to it gentle jump time General jumps I do feel like I'm a pirate I'm not gonna lie start walking the plank but instead we win like we walk that plank but we win baby genuinely have no idea what to do okay I'm on my way I'm at the very tippy top I need to see so we came across there over there up here could I could I not get there before hang on a minute what maybe I'll jump down I want to jump down so I jump down go up here oh wait this might be it I think I'm on to it oh no no no I get it I think I get it down here jump this oh my God over here oh my I'm doing it man I thought I was doing it wait am I not doing it where are you I'm John I'm on an office chair about 889 feet look behind you look have you ever started real look I can't see go over here and then up here uh yeah I think I think I've done it can you see me yeah yeah I'm I'm on my way I think am I going the right way I think so I can't really remember because then this plant goes here do I jump on that feels like I've just gone back on myself though oh no no no no no I remember this bit I'm gonna let you do let you take the lead okay this one this Jump's a bit tricky I thought that's what you did nice man I died this way I'm having an out-of-body experience I'm watching you let's see these strats then you go through here ah yes you can read this what does it say you are an idiot oh it's the virus it's the you are an idiot virus yeah oh look at who what did they do were they trying to barricade themselves in or prevent someone else from getting out I don't know it's got some hello neighbor Vibes though Mr Peterson where are you okay and then oh oh yeah nice oh oh you've got a virus again baz more of an idiot can't believe it and I think it's this way I can't really remember I'm not surprised to be honest this place is an absolute wreck yeah yeah it's not this way that's good but any you could like fall down these gaps which is really annoying that would be painful respawned right back to the start wait hang on this that must be it maybe you gotta go down there okay nice and easy does it do you go up there oh yeah oh wow look at that 50 degree incline no problem you've got some good shoes call me a mountain goat got some good track shoots for this you ready oh oh that's scary look at that picture though oh that's the um that's the Google Maps thing isn't it yeah yeah trippy so you need to find a key for that yeah yeah let's fast forward to when bass finds the key here we go wait is that hang on what's going on do you want to just restart with me all right I'm gonna try that attack that you did man I want it's scary okay right let's not mess the jump up like I did last time you do fall I did I did the same thing again man I don't mess the jumper this time [Laughter] just just walk off that's a [ __ ] diet again did you die yeah I'm gonna shoot my hands and clap hold on let me walk oh look if I'd have just keep holding down W basically I'm gonna hang on I made it oh I made it I made it I made it okay so this one I think jumped to the kind of right-ish side of the platform what do you mean wait what where are you I made it oh so you actually I'm I'm into the room now I've done it I've beaten Minecraft wait hang on what do you mean there's not we're not finished yet so where are we trying to get to in this one uh you're trying to find a key and then there's a gate that uh you open that's like a padlock you know that painting that I've climbed up uh I think I can't remember if I was paying attention yeah yeah the one way you said oh that's the Google Maps one oh yeah yeah yeah it's to the right of there there's a little shutter thing that you open I think and then there's another key in there that opens another door so I'm at the second you are an idiot computer now go down here go across here don't go that way wait hang on is it no it can't be known how do you know which way is which I found a picture of uh well more rooms I I don't actually know I just uh I'll do the same thing as you I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep going I'm gonna spectate you man no no no keep going man keep going because I'm probably gonna screw this okay so go go this way okay yeah I found the weird picture so I'm back where you were okay there's a key that you need back in like I think if I remember it's on the right side somewhere it's a ramp that goes up and it's on like a table there's a queue hmm wait yeah oh I see how you died now so we've got these little jumping blocks yeah this is terrifying this is because well Roblox physics are punishing up there jump yep that's it that's it that's it yeah I'm doing it man I think I'm doing it oh yeah I hate the darkness oh my God this is actually scary you might need to turn your camera up I've done I think I've already wait in game can you turn in game walk it back so where do I go do I go over here jump again okay there's a second I see the second padlock now I've made it to the other side of this uh this room wait I've completely destroyed this am I doing it wrong so do am I going this way hang I'm really confused what I'm doing man so I've made it to the other side you know like the uh the parkour darker section yeah I made it to the other side So within that kind of um area there's a little ramp that you go up and there's a key on the table I think it's before you get uh died again I'm bracing for death I think it's coming before you get to the painting uh of the Google Maps I think it's before then wait what so I gotta go all the way back I think so okay I've made it all the way back to the paint the picture the painting thing so yeah there's that there's that kind of Parkour section before then so if you look around there oh my you have to go down right you have to go back in it there's a there's a section where there's a ramp I think that goes up this and that's the key to the shutter and then I think in that shutter there's a key to the door that gets out right yeah I'm see okay now I'm starting to see there's this oh my God this sucks I did it again I did it again I'm done so okay go back this way then up here and go take it easy take it easy the only pressure is just not even on yeah man why it doesn't look like it so is it for this one okay yeah that's good right Mr Peterson hello neighbor style okay and then you uh there should be another key there oh and then you just make it through the other side yeah and that that unlocks the like a glass door I think okay I just gotta repeat what if I've done it before I can do it again hang on look at me tense there we go there we go we did it okay all right baby let's get it so what wait what oh no not go forward is the parkour uh no no yeah yeah you're good that's not really parkour you just walk across it I'll just die okay I see the door I see the door okay you got this I was gonna say it would be nice if the game would kind of you know reward the fact that we've done the hard bit let the next part be somewhere so we gotta jump up down I'm doing it I'm doing this baby yes my baby there we go and that's it that's it oh actually don't no no tell me your sit badge tell me you said well there's a jump up ahead there look that's it though that's it that's it imagine the plank just Falls it's not been nailed down you just thought it falls and dies yeah there we go no it's the picture bit what do you mean wait no no no we're done we go through that's it we've done so that's that level done okay we're here all right creative minds they call we need to get three portraits three portraits okay here it's just um sorry uh I don't think there's an empty there's a door it don't work the door is broken liminal liminal spaces I found a piano what do we do with that oh it's a tiny piano here I found out I found an exit sign that looks like it's not really going to lead to an exit I don't know man you just need to find the paintings very simple objective we're just it's got It's Kind of a Carmen level I can imagine like if we're running on a canvas it'd be really soft and Squishy oh yeah man quite nice actually what's this does it'll probably send you insane though that's true or I found a picture I'm coming back I think oh no so I found the X so I found the X in someone's defecated on the floor ah nice slow just gonna make it there yeah in time that's that's why they want it out there's the door so I come all the way back here okay so I think that's the portrait so I'll put it on this one bam what is that it's like a it's like a sun I found when you went down oh there's a there's a huge chair on a piano did you go that way yeah yeah there's nothing in that room that's good oh here we go that's a big thing second um bit stealing Da Vinci's maintenance do you think there's there was more down the direction you came from yeah that was a long ass hallway and I didn't know if I should have gone down there or not which one the straight one or the one that you kind of turned right up um so there's one with multiple kind of walls you don't go down that one multiple what I think it's that one I want to assume that it goes straight then oh my God there's a big Corridor yeah is this the one you didn't go down yeah I didn't go down there oh someone's coming into Focus I think it's a door I think I've been scammed no okay no it's two more so you do have to go this way okay oh I found the painting so what am I doing then um maybe if when I collect this that door will open I think I think the door's the other way though I think this way is not the actual way out okay I found big piano so go we go back this way did you put the picture up yeah let's see that no there's one missing oh you got it nice one okay okay wait do we die is this gonna be coming for us I don't think so I hope not I think you see you run straight here run to the you find the exit to go this way that's it I think I might be like yeah have I lied I'm not sure okay there it is I can see it this way let's wait but it's not open what okay it might be that other hallway then oh you know for a creative minds level I'm really I'm feeling uninspired with these White Walls yeah I mean maybe that's why we need to get creative with it we need to defecate all over the walls we need to also do that wait I can't get there's an invisible wall here what's going on hang on is that bugged is that bug yeah I think it's morning I think these two need to be swapped around I don't know yeah I think I think you're right to pick up this one why can't I I can't pick it up that's weird so that's in the right spot so it must be these two that need to switch in no that worked what in that gate open hang on hang on hang on I think it's I think it's this way man advice you've still got a pain on your back you've got to sell that one when you break out yeah man you don't know how much these go for yeah and entities making freaking art and stuff here we go did you make that as an nft man what is it well actually it's the painting is it my [ __ ] wait oh we fell over dry ass elbows man in real life really dry elbows are you talking about both wait happy birthday bats I didn't know it was your birthday man why don't you tell my birthday why are we here hang on for your birthday it's not my birthday whose birthday is it is it you guys are your birthday is it your birthday at home Happy Birthday can you say it's my birthday so we're here for them we're here for them it is someone's birthday guaranteed replay this replay this as well guys wait just come back to this video when it's your birthday look happy birthday have a great day this level is dedicated to you um maybe I need my camera to see him so maybe that door will open if I find Star buttons I think oh God this level's kind of freaky actually I don't know I felt like this could kind of this would get kind of scary yeah I need my camera to see him I probably shouldn't look for too long are they partygoers so I've played a little bit of this map so they don't appear now they'll appear later there's a star here look there's pretty but she did it okay it says press space to skip at the top for me still so oh yeah I'll press oh I did it too oh oh no we just end the game I think we broke the game with us we actually just wrote the game um did that button press count I guess you pressed that one do we go up here what is this so there's stars all around that we need to find I've got I've got the second one I just got the second one you know this reminds me of your sister like no not sister location yeah with the um with the happy and the the sad guy the Sun and Moon guy the guy with a really bad depression so I think oh okay the middle one's blocked off so we've I think we've got to get into this midpoint here somehow oh I think I see I think I see it wait I think I'm lying am I oh no we got it we got it we can go wait what the heck how many stars are needed for this and let me just have a look just in case there's three stars so I've made it back here bad so I think I've got it I found it I found it there it is what the hell is that sound I don't know check on the camera Maybe oh God oh God my head's stuck why is that sound yeah this is actually kind of getting creepy isn't it go go go go go go okay I'm moving through the middle my I don't know what the heck I'm doing okay no it's not open just yet there's one there must be one more wait oh yeah I see I see okay I can get to it let's go okay right so this is the fourth button I'll press this one I think though that's when the monsters might come in there's a there's a very uh very odd chair there's there we go I've done it did it work no here there must be one more they're here big fella oh yeah I can see I've got the fifth bone in my sight Target acquired you just beat me okay I'll see it wait where was the monsters what the hell the monsters are past where we're about to go now oh right that's why there's a piece of paper right next to the shutter ah wish I didn't ask cameras out camera's out butthole's clenched but it says it says we'll just say not to look too long searching for these yet I shouldn't look at them for too long so we're looking for three plushies I'm gonna dip left I don't know if you want to go a different way oh my god oh always right behind you so don't look at them right I think you have to it's like SCP-173 oh what wait so what do we do so you you look you kind of run away and then keep you just keep Mo you know uh frequently I'm checking the camera so you know how many entities wait oh I'm just holding the camera out so I don't hold the camera out I think you can do okay but it says don't stare at them for too long so I'm not sure yeah I thought that meant like just on the camera I don't oh I don't know now I think I'm always behind me I'm broken out I'm like I don't even know where I am anymore I'm like in the back area what the heck is going on oh I found one of them like getting close Okay so I've got one it was very sad first one down it's really it's a really uh Paul and birthday era I'm not gonna lie man I would hate to have my party here okay I've made it back out into the central area so I'm I've oh oh my God he's right behind me man oh here we go all right pick it up man no I mean like I found a different area oh what the heck what the hell big fella it's a meme I found I just can't stop saying it oh all right budgies on me he's right on me what the hell big [ __ ] oh yeah I found so I found the stage okay okay oh maybe we can find something back here I don't know whoa whoa he's on me just so you know but he's on me okay okay the stage we need to get to the stage this is the most important bit um he's right there this sucks because I need to get there because you have to put the toys you find on the like plates or podiums or something another green light happy birthday it's not my birthday so what are you talking about okay I found the second one okay there's two there's two down then so we need one more wait badge the third one's here I just picked up and died wait I picked up three I've picked up three total but I died the supply going behind you this door's open I think get just one second just run through it man if you can I just picked up the third one I think we did it I think we did it guys all we missed out and was walking to the door after that point we found all three he was right behind you oh man he was checking my corpse out we did it wait what's this where are we guys we're in the Press rooms buzz but I hope you brought your soap because uh this is all new to me now I should get looking for supplies let's have a look at this so we've got to find some oh wow no escape this guy I mean if he spent more time trying to escape in less time rewriting the same sentence maybe I don't know maybe you'd have been better off I don't know man so what's it saying okay so if the alarms go off you need to pull a lever press the lever three times or there's three different levers all this I don't know something like that I think I think there's somewhere amongst what we said we were right here we go yeah this is the um boy we don't need to use this right now here it is I found a boiler room I don't know if what we're looking so we need supplies so if we follow those arrows when the alarm goes off ah it will lead us to that pull them through so wouldn't it make sense for someone to stand by those when uh the other one does the Looting and stuff true but that wouldn't really make good content for the other person hey guys you gotta have some screams in there you know you got you gotta act like that we're not gonna do it oh the F oh look at this wait where are we quick oh all right where are you what look to the left there's nothing there don't do this to me there was something there man is it gone now it's gone oh good lord well I think we've got something watching us he he had a gas mask on yeah let's go open this I wonder if he'll kill you or if it's just like an entity like a stalking I don't know oh what's that light back there is that is that directness to something is there supplies in there well back here oh there's nothing here what do we do how are we supposed to get those what the where okay oh I found something back here man um what is it it just says clammy thanks for that man there's a camera so I think basically someone died it feels like an Easter egg I'm not gonna lie oh hang on I've actually found something here Buzz uh a screwdriver oh yeah you need that for the uh thing got the screwdriver so what more uh I think there's one more it's like a screwdriver and uh yeah I see the I saw that thing it was just standing there slow it down saying saying don't go down there slow it down baby do you remember no good I don't oh my God okay this is really bad we have to find it I don't know where we're going I'm out of Sprint oh no I think we're dead bad yeah but we're about to kiss our boots and cheeks goodbye it's over it's a good run it was a good one that was arrows I can't find them my Sprint is weak maybe this way maybe this way yeah I'm going to new areas man I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I'm just gonna run around here so what happened today I think Something's Gonna Be Unleashed if we don't turn them off in time maybe it's this way these doors haven't been opened oh my God no I can hear something on the other side wait I've just found the pliers we're dead though this is great I'll go jump scared again I died I died I died he died yeah there's this thing it's got no face it keeps jump scaring me they like you okay there's the switches done we got it okay nice so I've got the screwdriver and the spanner and I know why I could just so what do we need those for over here back back at the start okay back at the very beginning okay well I've got it hang on oh where are you opened it where are you uh back at the start I accidentally opened it without realizing okay that's fine that's fine uh wait okay now I see you okay what's this puzzle CMD equals y thanks man oh I heard something open by pressing that something definitely open I just don't know where it was maybe back here was there a door in this room that we missed the one with the arrows or something down there I don't know CMD equals y what does that mean command equals yes I don't I have no idea oh hey bro how are you doing can you see him back there Buzz no oh okay okay right so it's that dude I think it's the gas mask dude if you see him you just hit the buttons yeah so I think if you if you if you get jumped by him the first I'm not sure there is signs for the exit I found yeah I found it I found it oh nice well I think I have so when you run out it's um you kind of got to do a loop to get to the other side of the um like you know that room with the switches on yeah kind of run around that run down and take a left immediately I'm like flashing my light there you go there we go and if you come this way I think this is what unlocks it looks like it would have been so we got there's more rooms I don't know if we need to go narrow here yeah that's what I was thinking like these rooms seem kind of pointless I feel like this is what we opened right here we go let's go baby oh it is going to the void yeah we escaped prison all right how many how many levels left so I think there's maybe two or one more left my God what oh geez where are you why are you over there oh oh I'm chilling wait what do we do I can't do it can I patch this bow up oh patch the hole patch the hole oh oh no oh no oh no wait did it so we keep repairing it what is that man look at it oh I'll I'll push so we do I think we just patched the holes up that's what we do this is level hole patch ah got it I got it oh [Music] that's how I got this home I wish I could patch these like in my boxes like that you know just put your finger in them and then it patches oh yeah I mean you can do yeah but it doesn't work though yeah you gotta keep your finger there that's the thing exactly it looks weird you see in public I get weird looks so I stop doing it okay I'm watching the mower that was good look at him he's in the distant what is it yeah we've got some speed on this guy see you later bud see you later so this is the end of enter the back rooms this is the level wasn't it so we're making it for the shoreline by the looks of things okay don't worry man no problem I'm just blowing on it I'm scared for this guy is wait why are we turning this is a pretty uh easy level it's actually it's actually quite a relaxer level you actually get some time to just now lay it back sit and think can you actually jump off the side oh hang on engines bro I feel bad for him he's like he's meant to be a scary monster he's got no chance oh my God who wants to take a straight route like that would be two oh it's because look there's a it's like a rock here we crash into that we're dead someone look at this dude on camera yeah I got you on camera yeah yeah I'm taking this back evidence oh yeah [ __ ] them up baby how well now we plug them up do we just stick our fingers in and then they just disappear maybe we've got them we've got them magic fingers or is that a self-healing fabric oh yeah that's what that's what this boat's made of so why are we doing it what are we doing to help this I can't I can't get to this I'm stuck ah I fell out of the boat oh dear lord as well as I've drowned Buzz I can't breathe you're actually drowning yeah I'm still wait can I swim I got I can't see anything oh my God I got stuck in the boat oh we did it we did it we did it I did not drowning what are you talking about but hang on press f ah wait what's going on there's arrows what is this bendy and the ink machine the prequel hang on what is going on here this is oh this is going to be really difficult what the heck you gotta be what about on the camera is it easier on the camera really not wait maybe it's a little bit I think the camera's a tiny bit easier there's arrows there's like there's like a an amalgamation of like different levels hang on I've made it back to like the uh the solid ground level can you see are you where are you I'm still exploring these back rooms things that's more like the ink rooms man you're gonna get the ink demon on you there's no paper where we were um you know I'm just gonna run I'm Gonna Keep exploring what the what did I see my character said what they're and I saw nothing he's lying God don't tell me it's the freaking ink demon maybe I think maybe maybe this is like the bathroom's falling apart or something it's like disintegrating for the last level yeah maybe this is what the actual entity is made of hang on I think I was just about saying I think I found something man I don't know where I am I'm just running I'm I feel like I may have found something that everything is something in this game and this level at least it's a weird one oh there's a okay I found I've actually found a break oh I've no never mind hang on a break what do you mean I found like there's a break in the wall I found a ladder should I keep going back or do you want me to wait oh hang on there's something here I feel like I feel like I'm on this I think I might get it so I mean I'm in the back of the ink room so I'm here we're out here baby I don't understand what this level is I can't see anything another arrow so you're actually finding arrows um kind of oh man I am I'm so okay I'm I I think I just did a run around the world I have no idea where I am now this is so weird what is this hey yeah you're you're finding stuff that I haven't even found yet man so you must be closer to it than me okay the arrow is pointing this way but is that like does it mean go this way I mean go to the right I'm sure I don't even know where you are man I'm trying to find out where you are hang on oh what what is it I'm whistling can you hear it no I'm gonna whistle okay I can kind of hear you yeah hang on oh hang on okay I think I know roughly where you are I feel like a dog right now still going yeah I think you're behind this wall there we are there we go we've done it we're thinking this way maybe oh yeah that's interesting okay I gotta watch my Sprint I'm I'm running out what the what the hell big fella what he's gone he's behind that wall I'm gonna go that left he's gonna say you're gonna die I want to shake your hand oh it looks like a Last of Us Monster wait actually I think I'm I'm good I made it I made it I made it hang on do you want me to whistle I think I think I might be onto something here yeah whistle okay yeah that's oh yeah is this you know what is this this yeah this area this is a huge area oh yeah I feel like this is hang on hang on this way question mark okay I think I think we're finally on to it okay so yeah look it says this way on the wall I said this way before they're lying in there they're just trying to mess us up big space there was a there was a bigger space back the way I came you gotta be kidding me uh let me check left here let's just see what's this way hang on there's more texts it says this way again what the hell there's arrows here look okay oh here we go here we go Kiki wait what key I can't is it but is it not this way man where are you Kiki this way what what's it talking about this is so hard to see these shaders are insane this is huge yeah this is ridiculous what the heck it's like looking there's something over there what is it man please tell me it's just the exit let's go there's a door is that doorway I just I let holy sh rounds the NC's got back man got a huge ass genuinely he's just standing there screaming into a wall with a huge cake foreign I hope I hope after this I hope I hope we fall to our deaths because uh I'm exhausted this literally took us about 40 minutes guys to find this a small tiny hole this this ending better be worth it I want my mind blown you know here we go oh can we actually die here oh we best not if you can die here I quit I'm quitting everything I'm gonna delete my YouTube channel I'm just gonna run in a straight line not even looking that's it that's our exit we did it we escaped wait no you CA that's it but it's a 2B continued screen we played for nearly four hours for a to be continued screen well I'm gonna take that one as a sick dub Buzz give it give one word summarize your experience right there um tantalizing I'm gonna take that one too see you on the next one guys [Music]
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 1,700,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8bitryan, 8-bitryan, 8 bitryan, Apeirophobia Roblox, Apeirophobia, roblox, roblox horror games, apeirophobia full game, scary roblox, roblox backrooms, roblox apeirophobia, roblox backrooms game, roblox the backrooms, roblox backrooms apeirophobia, 8bitryan roblox, 8 bitryan roblox, backrooms roblox, backrooms found footage, roblox apeirophobia funny moments, roblox funny moments, apeirophobia level 11, apeirophobia ending
Id: z9lSP8uo0is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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