So, people PLAYED the cancelled Mando game and...

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so I'm sure you've probably heard the news by now that EA has cancell the Star Wars firstperson shooter game that was in development at respawn entertainment possibly some of the most disappointing Star Wars news in recent years well luckily for us new details about the game have just been revealed thanks to a report from Insider gaming we now have exclusive details on what the game was going to be like what gameplay was going to be like the Mandalorian theme of the game how that would have worked and so today I'm going to take you through the what could have been for the Mandalorian first shooter game that was unfortunately devastatingly cancelled I don't know how I'm ever going to get over this one to be honest this is hurting just as much as 13113 especially considering we've just learned that there was a playable version of this game in some form anyway oh boy hey everyone it's Andrew if you're not already please subscribe and turn notifications on so I can deliver more Star Wars heartbreaking news to you earlier the pain so before I get into the actual gameplay details just to do a bit of a recap EA was cutting some costs has cut 5% of its Workforce and as part of that has decided to move development away from this firsters shooter Star Wars game this is being developed at respawn entertainment who also built the Jedi games who's still currently working on Jedi 3 and are also working in collaboration with bit reactor on a Star Wars strategy game that one is thankfully still going ahead that was confirmed the other day it's 100% still happening for now let's hope that continues to be the case however for this first person shooter game for whatever reason and a bunch of reasons we're going to get into in a second it seems EA felt this game was too much of a Financial Risk money because you know people don't want a Star Wars firstperson TR to game why the heck wouldn't we want that EA seriously they said some really silly things in my opinion such as what's clear is that games our players are most excited about are Jedi and respawns Rich library of owned Brands being Apex Legends Titanfall those kinds of games and they've decided to Pivot away from early development on a Star Wars FPS action game to focus their efforts on new projects based on our owned brands while providing support for existing games they also mentioned giving fans the next installments of the iconic franchises they want is the definition of Blockbuster storytelling and the right place to focus this seems like the most absurd thing they also mentioned wanting to focus on online and there was no confirmation that this firstperson shooter was going to feature any multiplayer at the moment it seems like it was just going to be single player that's kind of all the details we have there was no confirmation of the multiplayer but I hate these comments from the CEOs and the higher-ups saying to deliver the entertainment players want today and tomorrow we want Star Wars FPS let's be real there's no one watching this video who I think wouldn't play that game I can't so a few weeks ago before the cancellation even happened it was confirmed also by Insider gaming that the game was going to be a Mandalorian bounty hunting game you'd play as a Mandalorian in first person set during the time of the Galactic Empire so it wasn't in the Mandalorian show era following the Empire it was during the Empire's Reign I guess during Boba Fett's era era and it was your job as a bounty hunter to capture bounties dead or alive for cash rewards this was actually a feature of Star Wars Bounty Hunter from 2002 the video game where you played as Django Fett was kind of like the game's version of side missions where there'd be bounties you could claim within each level Dead or Alive you could either shoot them or you could tie them up and then claim them later on such a fun game still yet to complete that please leave a like on this video or a comment if you would like me to finish that game one day and I'll get to it I promise oh i' never get old literally ever apparently the game was going to be focused on mobility and style and was going to be quite fastpaced kind of similar to I guess an apex Legends dashing sliding kind of mechanics Titanfall also which is I guess while it was being developed at respawn it seemed like the perfect fit for this kind of game there was a heavy focus on mobility and maneuverability around the world I guess platforming was an element of this but the Mandalorian jetpack was going to be a huge gameplay feature for maneuver ability it's going to allow you to do horizontal dashing vertical jumping boost sliding all of these things and just as a heads up some of the footage I'm using in today's video is from fan-made games some of them I don't think are playable but I'll leave some links to the original sources down in the description now playing as a Mandalorian you were obviously going to have a wide variety of weapons at your disposal I guess kind of similar to Star Wars Bounty Hunter in a way these would include wrist Rockets grapple hooks a visor for tagging enemies and bounties and much more maybe even the whistling dots a different variety of blasters to choose from I'd say a sniper rifle St Wars Bounty Hunter in 2002 even though it's kind of janky a lot of the game's mechanics I think we're ahead of its times pretty cool game oh no now just also to confirm the game wasn't going to be open well there were going to be linear levels you'd make your way through across a variety of different Star Wars planets but honestly from this kind of description I'm getting Hitman Vibes except set in the Star Wars Universe I'm sure there would have been an element of stealth to this considering you're capturing bounties and they would have either like likely attacked back or tried to flee the scene what's interesting is that Insider gaming have also stated that everyone who's played this game including developers and other industry people who've had the chance to play it before release said it was fantastic every time I see something written like this it just hurts so much more it's reminding me of Star Wars 13313 all over again so much pain guys we have to enur Star Wars fans like I said there was a playable version of this game what's known as a vertical slice in gaming industry which is basically just an internal Tech demo where the game is playable in some form or some part of the game is playable anyway to test mechanics and show the game to investors and people like that but according to Insider gaming the feedback from play tests was always positive and surrounded by Buzz with the developers enjoying the entire process of working on the project so we also got a few details about settings and location for the game apparently the game started with the den which is kind of like your base of operations your HQ and that contained your ship a map of the Galaxy an upgrade station an Armory and more basically kind of like a safe house I guess from which you'd Branch out to other parts of the Galaxy it's not confirmed if there was any kind of combat in the game I really doubt it it was more probably just going to be cutcenes where you travel to different planets and you would see your ship in the world I think you'd be able to also maybe customize it in some way considering it was part of your base of operations you could actually see it there but also the den would be used as the location where you'd select the bounties you'd want to you here you could also equip weapons upgrade your armor and go into your ship and land on the planet where the Bounty was located honestly I'm really getting Hitman vibes from this kind of like you select what weapons you want to use for the mission you go and perform the mission and then you need to make your escape and I'm assuming there'd be some level of replayability to this game similar to The Hitman games where you'd select different weapons to go and claim the Bounty you'd even choose different bounties for different levels and find different ways of capturing the Bounty perhaps there'd be different rewards for Dead or Alive also so that was similar to the Star Wars Bounty Hunter game there was a different reward some were worth zero if you brought them in dead or alive and the other way around and so once you're actually in the levels it was still a linear experience but there were some larger open areas for the player to explore and also find bounties and secrets surely there are some Star Wars mods for Hitman that are out there right perhaps we can recreate this game ourselves guys just mod Hitman into the Mandalorian game we never got somehow make it a first person shootter also but speaking of firstperson shooter the combat like I said was very fastpaced and this was mostly due to your jetpack which you could Dash around the map with reach higher parts of the map but here's something I think is really exciting there was a takedown feature which would allow you to perform firstperson takedowns kind of like Doom except they've said a lot less gory I can't imagine this being a Disney game much blood to be involved Jedi Survivor barely has dismemberment oh [Music] but as far as gameplay went you wouldn't only be claiming bounties there are also Stormtroopers and other enemies who would Patrol the maps and prevent you or hinder you from trying to claim your Bounty and there will variations within each of these Trooper types for example for Storm Troopers there are regular Storm Troopers shotguns snipers heavy rocket Troopers and a bunch more I guess similar to Jedi Survivor or Jedi fall in order also apparently in addition to these kinds of enemies there were also boss-like enemies which would appear at certain parts of the game and you'd have to face off against much larger enemies like atss but I really love the idea of some places being Imperial infested I guess there's storm Trippers anywhere maybe you're infiltrating an Imperial base and you have to claim a bounty within there maybe it's a high ranking Imperial officer but then other missions in the game could have been set in the outer rim where you had to deal with the huts and other mercenaries and Street Gangsters who stood in your way instead and apparently there were also other bounty hunters who would would also stand in your way and be going after the same Bounty as you I really like the idea of literally competing with another bounty hunter in the game for the same Bounty obviously being a bounty hunter most of them I think are flying solo right they're after a contract that's kind of the depiction we've had of them in Star Wars anyway in the Mandalorian and I guess with Boba Fett and they'd want to try and claim the reward before you so I wonder if you could actually even take them out and face off against other bounty hunters that would have been so cool man oh the more I read the more I find out about this game the more I just want to play it how can we not want this guys I just don't understand EA's angle on this like they're taking a risk there's also another report from the journalist gaos who's leaked things about other Star Wars games like Star Wars eclipse in the past and this came from aat True another YouTuber who said that one of the reasons EA decided to cancel this firstperson shooter game at respawn was because there were no lightsabers watch that lightsaber we need lightsabers like that's you know a Disney thing they're trying to push for like it's an EA thing they're trying to push for they've seen that the Jedi games I guess and I guess Battlefront 2 sold pretty well so they just want more lightsabers in Star Wars which I think is why Star Wars Outlaws is really going to be a good test of Star Wars gaming let's hope that game really delivers and is a memorable experience and proves that we don't need this massive lightsaber wielding Force wielding hero character in a Star Wars game for it to be successful but this lightsaber statement to me is really strange because the mandal is Disney's most popular Star Wars show I'm pretty sure it's their most successful Star Wars series it's still one of the most viewed streaming shows all around the world there are no lightsabers in the Mandalorian dark saber doesn't quite count what it's a show about a bounty hunter so you would think that fans would also want a game about bounty hunting about Mandalorian it's the perfect time for this kind of game it's the perfect blend of genres and it's something I think fans have been asking for for years I made a video back in what 2019 2020 asking why don't we have a Mandalorian game popular Topic at the time I think it's still a popular topic right now it's also been reported that this game was going to be a bit lower budget lower than I think Jedi Fallen order and Jedi Survivor maybe similar to Star War squadrons but with everything we've learned about the game the fact there was a playable version of this game and also a few other missions and levels that were near completion it's hard to justify and see why EA decided to pull the plug on this thing they just want to make us disappointed it seems and I know at the end of the day everything is about money but when you put the Mandalorian and Star Wars and first person shooter game together I don't see how you can't make money it's like a money printing formula Disney loves that EA loves that surely this would have worked unfortunately also I think this one might have something to do with licensing the Star Wars IP and brand and that being costly for EA apparently according to Insider gaming also Battlefront 3 was pitched sometime in 2020 or 2021 there was a pitch for the game and it was I guess in the pre-development stages but the project unfortunately wasn't green lit by EA due to the licensing fees and that is where it ended they've done a similar thing with FIFA and EA Sports FC although that game is literally their money printer so this just seems to be the way things are moving so this is how Liberty dies in good news though I am so excited about the Battlefront classic collection literally my childhood and so many of yours probably coming back to life with multiplayer if you want to learn everything there is to know about that game then watch this video here also come follow me on Instagram and Twitter and Discord and Tik Tok for lots more me bombastic Star Wars other games my life and everything else also let me know what you would have wanted to see in this Mandalorian game had it ever been released subscribe if you're not and thanks for watching this my name is Andrew I'll catch you soon
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 126,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, EA, EA Star Wars, Respawn, Respawn FPS, Respawn FPS Star Wars, Respawn FPS Star Wars Game, Cancelled Star Wars, Cancelled Star Wars Game, Cancelled Star Wars Games, Cancelled Game, Cancelled Games, Jedi Survivor, Jedi Fallen Order, Battlefront 2, Battlefront Classic Collection, Battlefront 3, Star Wars 1313, Star Wars First Assault, Darth Maul Game, Lego Star Wars, Star Wars Outlaws, Gameplay, Gaming, Mando Game, Mandalorian Game
Id: rlgtEWtp7b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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