So much better than store bought!

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hello friend welcome back to acre Homestead what I am about to do is start to process all of this garlic I just took all the garlic dirty papers off of them I cleaned up the roots to try to get as much dirt off as possible these are some zucchinis that I just harvested this morning that I need to stick in the fridge but what I want to do is see if I can get all of the garlic peeled today I'm talking all of the Elephant Garlic all of these tiny little soft knit garlic varieties I'm glad that I have garlic but man this is the smallest head of garlic you ever did see but at least it's better than nothing so I'm gonna go ahead and just start processing all this let me get these zucchinis in the fridge I've got a compost bowl out and a bowl that we're gonna put the cloves in I grabbed a knife where did I put my knife here it is and I'm just gonna start peeling these garlics they're pretty fresh so they will be a little bit tougher to peel but we're just gonna get going on it and get these garlics peeled this is elephant garlic here that I am peeling first I thought I would peel something that's a little bit easier than peeling all those itty bitty teeny tiny cloves just so that I feel like I was getting somewhere I was able to you know peel a few things and get a lot done and then we end up peeling the small heads of garlic on this day all I was planning on doing was to peel the garlic I was not planning to turn it into its final product of what I wanted to preserve it for this entire Year's worth of garlic it's culinary experiments that I'll be using it with or just you know regular cooking but I get in the kitchen and I just end up keep working so we are going to not only peel all this garlic today we are also going to turn it into its final product and we end up doing something this year that I've never done before and I'm really excited about it if you've watched some of my other garlic processing days we do a ton of different fun things with garlic rest of the elf elephant garlic and then the rest of them are these little heads so we're making progress but there is a ways to go started with something a little bit easier and then we'll finish off with a little bit more tedious stuff so I have found it helps to take a meat tenderizer and kind of break up the cloves for these little ones and then they can kind of pop out a little bit so this takes me hours and hours and hours to do and you'll see just exactly how far along we get on this process but if you've watched any of my other garlic processing videos this is the third time I have harvested a Year's worth of garlic and we turn garlic into all different things we turn it into garlic powder confeed garlic where we cook the garlic down in oil and that's really cool because you get roasted garlic that I freeze in little containers and you can use that all year long plus when you strain the oil out you get garlic infused oil I still have a ton of garlic infused oil so I'm not going to do that this year in the past we've also done honey fermented garlic and just regular fermented garlic so far probably the things that I love the most are also where I take these garlic cloves I puree them up and I turn them into little pucks you've seen if you've watched any of my cooking videos recently and I cook with garlic those have been some of my favorite things I've done and I also really really like the garlic oil because you can use that garlic oil in salad dressings in cooking and just giving some garlic flavor and it's just really really delicious I like the corn feed garlic as well but that doesn't have a very long shelf life in the refrigerator so I this last year put it in little four ounce jars glass jars and I froze those and they only take about an hour or two to thaw at room temperature and those are really good in also salad dressings pizza toppings and really anything you would want roasted garlic it's just absolutely delicious but we're not going to do that this year because I have enough garlic oil already I have some confed garlic in the refrigerator or freezer and I don't want to keep any of this garlic fresh because they're such teeny tiny heads I'd rather just go ahead and process it and turn it into something that I know that I will use a ton of and I won't let it just sit in the pantry going bad because I just don't feel like peeling it on kind of a weekly basis as I cook so we're going to turn this into something that hopefully I love using foreign I'm going to turn all of this garlic into a couple different things I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I'm going to turn it all into this garlic here I know I am going to freeze dry it and turn it into garlic powder these are all the elephant cloves I'm gonna go wash my cutting board off I'm going to rinse these out I'm gonna go ahead and wash this too [Applause] okay I just watched The Cutting Board because what I want to do now is I want to process the Elephant Garlic I'm going to turn all of this elephant garlic into garlic powder so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to wash all of these clothes first just because there was some residual dirt on the papers foreign powder for the freeze dryer I'm gonna cut the garlic into smaller pieces just so that it freeze dries quicker I do have the freeze dryer going right now so all I'm going to do is get these prepped to go into the freeze dryer by freezing them first I'm just doing a rough chop just so that they freeze dry it a little faster [Applause] [Applause] I think what my goal for next year is going to be is to grow a ton of elephant garlic and that's all the garlic that I want to turn into garlic powder all of this elephant garlic here is going to be turned into garlic powder and then I want to grow some soft neck varieties of garlic for fresh eating that I want to braid I haven't been able to break garlic in two years just because of how life has happened I wanted to do that this year but my cartilage is not worth braiding and then I want to grow some hard neck varieties that are going to be just easy to peel because they're nice big cloves that I will probably turn into a clone feet garlic and roasted garlic and things like that but this year we're going to do something fun with this garlic I'm going to turn it into garlic butter so I just pulled out of the freezer too four cups of butter that I'm gonna let get to room temperature before we process this garlic and then some of the garlic I'm going to put into bags and I'm gonna freeze just the cloves whole peeled so that I can use it in canning recipes coming up through the harvest season so we're going to need garlic for Salsas this summer just for enjoying eating and I could throw whole frozen garlic cloves and just fresh salsa and that'll be just fine I can throw it into recipes that I'm going to make into hot sauce and so I want to freeze some whole that way but all of this elephant garlic I'm just gonna throw in this Ziploc bag I wouldn't want to put this in my freezer uncovered because it would you know make my freezer smell up garlic and because my freeze dryer is going right now I can't put this directly into my freeze dryer I don't like dehydrating garlic that much because it is such a strong odor when you freeze dry garlic I don't have any odor that is emitted by the freeze dryer and so I would weigh rather freeze dry it than dehydrate it because dehydrating it just I dehydrated onions no what was it is onions not garlic in my laundry room the first year I ever dehydrated onions and it was awful awful everything in that laundry room had to be re-washed it was not good so that's one thing that the freeze the freeze dryer is really cool about so I'm going to double bag this garlic in my freezer just because I really don't want anything in my freezer to smell like garlic when the freeze dryer is done running I will get this garlic in the freezer now for the garlic here I'm going to put I don't know how much garlic should I say Frozen for fresh eating these will just be fresh whole cloves we can enjoy or whatever we want fresh garlic for I'm gonna go wash my hands I'm gonna throw these two smaller bags of garlic in this silicone bag and you know what I think I'm gonna throw this one in there too just for another layer of protection in the freezer with elephant garlic won't be in there very long but it doesn't perch since it'll fit in there for a little extra protection so I'm gonna go throw this in the freezer I still have garlic that I put in this freezer from last year's Harvest so I'm gonna leave last year's Harvest here so I make sure I go through that first and then I will get that garlic out of the freezer so I'm going to clean up before we process this because we're going to make something really fun with this that I can't wait to make something I've never made before I've done the confeed garlic many times I've done I've done the fermented garlic I've done the honey fermented garlic but I've never done garlic butter for the freezer so that's gonna be fun to get that done I'm going to show you something I did not I did not peel all the garlic I have this much left I got tired so I will do this at some point but not today I'm going to put this downstairs in the the basement and probably at some point when I have I don't know with all the extra time I have at some point I'll pull those out and do something with them maybe I'll use that for fresh Indian garlic I don't know I just realized one of the pieces of equipment we need in order to make this compound butter it's in the dishwasher because I did some Veggie prep and processing earlier today I'm going to get this out I'm gonna wash this up by hand real quick I'm gonna have to dry it out really well well no I'm not so I'm gonna make the butter in the mixer I think but I am going to process these cloves of garlic in the food processor what I did last year is when I had all of this fresh garlic that I had Blended up in the food processor I blended it up with just a few tablespoons of olive oil and what that did is it kind of just created a little bit of a paste and I took a cookie scoop and I scooped that out onto cookie sheets and I have what are called garlic Pucks in my freezer if you've seen any of my cooking when I put those garlic Pucks in there that's homegrown garlic that I processed that way last year what I'm gonna do a little different though is this is going to be instead of with olive oil we're going to do butter and we're going to do a higher butter content and it's going to be a garlic butter but kind of the same concept a little bit all of this in here well maybe yeah I think we can fit all of it that looks about like what we want I have four cups of butter that is softened I pulled this out of the freezer we're gonna get this into our mixer I do have one more cup I think I'm actually going to go ahead and get it out so I'm gonna do a total of five cups of butter this is grass-fed butter and you can see how beautiful and yellow it is so that is five cups of butter in there and I'm gonna try to soften it a little bit more in the KitchenAid now I'm gonna add one tablespoon of garlic for every half cup of butter I thought we were going to use more garlic than this to make garlic butter but I just looked up recipes and this is the ratio they said to do I want to make sure that the middle of this butter is getting mixed in with the garlic so we're going to put that down close that I have pieces of parchment paper I'm going to take my butter I'm going to put it on the parchment paper and I'm going to make these into logs I have these pre-cut pieces of parchment paper I love these things these were a gift and I will continue to buy them for myself because they're so convenient I use them for so many things but for this I found that it was about one cup of butter fit really well in one of these pre-cut pieces of parchment paper right here I'm trying to only use four pieces and then I go and grab another one it makes sense that about one cup per parchment paper and I'm just putting it toward the end and trying not to touch the butter with my hand at all I did make sure this butter was soft when I did this but I did not want it runny at all it was still pretty firm when I put it in the KitchenAid mixer and I use the KitchenAid just the beading motion to kind of soften it a little bit more but I knew that I was going to be shaping this and I didn't want it to melt because when butter melts then you re- cool it and re-harden it it can kind of get an interesting consistency so I wanted to make sure it was cold enough to keep its nice fresh butter you know consistency when I go to refreeze it but also soft enough that I could work with it because I knew I was going to need to be able to shape it into these logs that I wanted to shape it into and I end up using five pieces of parchment paper for five cups of butter and that worked out perfect I thought that it was going to take a lot more garlic to make this much garlic butter so we still have a whole bunch we probably have three cups of garlic in here and I'm going to turn into garlic cups because I sure do love those garlic pucks there's nothing better than not having to peel fresh garlic I can take the time one time while I still have all those garlic cloves but I got the majority of them done and get the majority of my garlic peeling for an entire year done that sounds like a win to me so this works really well with this parchment paper this method where I'm how beautiful these are my idea with this is that I can just take a knife and cut a section of this garlic butter off and I can use it to saute something with I can chop a steak with it I can make garlic bread I can make garlic knots I can do a bunch of things with it gifted oh my goodness how beautiful of a gift of one of these logs of homemade garlic butter to someone [Applause] [Applause] so now we have space on here to make more garlic puffs with all of our garlic and I'm not going to put anything else in this I'm going to leave it just as plain garlic we're gonna get these in little pucks last time I did this I put a little bit of olive oil in there thinking that it would help bind everything this time because it's just plain I think there's enough moisture in it that once it freezes it'll freeze into a solid Puck but I'm curious to know if it works better this is a good experiment with the oil or without the oil this is the only the second time I've ever done this and it's the first time I've done it without an oil I think it was fine though thank you for a spatula I don't see one I want to get every little last bit of this car like out of here it was so tedious to peel I don't want any of it to go to waste we're gonna make dinner now we got this massive project done feels so good sometimes when I do food preservation projects it happens right when the Harvest comes in this Harvest came in just about two weeks ago and it is completely processed now basically for the year other than obviously I need to run this stuff through the freeze dryer and then we have the fresh frozen stuff we can use but it's all processed I don't have to worry about it going bad but sometimes like those strawberries they're preserved waiting for me but I might turn them into something like jam but I'll do that later probably in the winter when I have more time but this project is taken care of as soon as those garlic pucks are frozen probably in the next two three hours I'm gonna take them out of the freezer immediately double bag them in a Ziploc bag and they will be ready to use whenever we need garlic now we're going to go ahead and make some dinner over the weekend I was doing some recipe testing on some ciabatta and we have not eaten in it eaten it yet and so I thought let's turn this ciabatta loaf into pizza so I've got my loaf here I have a jar of pizza sauce let's make dinner really quickly go ahead and get the oven turned on there still needs to be quite a bit of Cleanup in the kitchen but I figured let's go ahead and get dinner cooking so that while it's in the oven I will finish cleaning up this garlic Mist don't even look at my floors they are covered in garlic paper and stickiness so this is one of the test recipes and I think you couldn't eat that much bread I made probably 12 recipes worth of bread over the weekend thankfully we had a couple family dinners I put some of it in the freezer some of it most of it I gave away as gifts thankfully most of my family eats bread so I was able to gift the bread away so I just cut that in half I've never made a ciabatta pizza before but I figured it's basically the same concept of taking any sort of bread and turning it into Pizza we've got lots of yummy things you can put on it the first thing I'm going to do is get my bread on this baking sheet the next thing I'm going to do is scrape off any of this garlic butter and I'm gonna put that on the bread so we don't waste any of that garlicky buttery goodness I normally wouldn't put butter on pizza or garlic butter on pizza but I don't want any of this to go to waste so we're gonna get it onto our bread it's just going to make it even more delicious look how much was still left in here we would have wasted okay I think that's about all I can get so let me take this and get this spread on here this is some pizza sauce from 2021 I have some Garden Peppers that I harvested this morning and I pre-diced when I was doing some food preservation this morning because I knew we were going to have a pizza for dinner what inspired this was the fact that I had this bread left over and then I had some pepperonis in the refrigerator that needed to be used up I probably should have put these on first but this will work out just fine and we're going to add to our ciabatta are some thinly sliced pieces of mozzarella this is a soft tender mozzarella and it smells so good we're gonna get this on here this might not be the best thing I don't know it might be too much bread for pizza but I think it's a good way to kind of use things that need to be used up and it could be the most delicious thing it's hard to know until you try that's the fun thing about experimenting in the kitchen is sometimes things can turn out to be winners that you weren't expecting that was going to be a winner I'm gonna pop that in the oven for probably 20 to 30 minutes or so just until it is warmed all the way through the cheese is melted the pepperoni is nice and bubbly and now let me show you a great way to freeze baked bread for really really easy use for the future if you are anything like Josh and I you have a hard time going through a whole loaf of bread especially homemade bread before it goes bad because homemade bread just does not last it doesn't have the shelf life as store-bought bread and Josh and I cannot go through a whole loaf before it goes bad so what I like to do when I freeze baked bread is I like to slice it first and then freeze it because if you freeze the whole loaf you kind of have to thaw the whole loaf before you can slice it so then you're thawing the whole loaf and if you have a hard time going through a whole loaf that can be the challenge so what I do is I pre-slice my bread and then I put the sliced bread in the freezer so when I want to make a sandwich or something like that I can just pull two pieces out I can throw those in the toaster or on a griddle or in the oven to thaw and then I can make a sandwich I want to have bread in the uh in the freezer because it is BLT season we have enjoying BLTs and so I want homemade bread out and ready to go but we can't go through a whole loaf so in the freezer it goes this was some bread that I was making over the weekend and I went to go help Josh on something I came back in and it had over proved so I let it rise way too long so that means it kind of collapsed just a little bit on the top overall I mean the slice and the inside still looks pretty darn good but it's not perfect but it still tastes absolutely delicious so even if you kind of mess up homemade bread sometimes it's generally still eatable this is still plenty eatable for some really delicious sandwiches so I'm just going to wrap this back up throw this in the freezer and then I need to get these floors cleaned because my goodness they are covered in garlic paper we are going to slice up one more thing for dinner tonight one thing we love this time of year to put on pizza and I don't know if you would call what I'm making tonight Pizza it's more like bread with pizza sauce and pizza toppings on it but we love to slice up foreign fresh tomatoes look at this tomato that I just picked this is a Paul Robeson tomato we're gonna slice this up and have that fresh on top of our pizza for dinner tonight I'm first going to clean the counter one more time before I clean the floors so that anything on the counter can end up on the floors that needs to then I'll clean the floors foreign this is how I like to do things in the kitchen or kind of in general I like to bulk batch two things if I'm gonna do it let's just go ahead and do all of it so that's what I did on this day get up got in there and peeled as much garlic as possible I do end up peeling the rest of the garlic I end up peeling it outside which does help kind of keep some of the mess out there I just didn't do it on this day because it got pretty hot out there and I didn't have anywhere for shade so when I go out there a couple days later I go and sit in the shade on the table out there and I'm able to peel the rest of it but I am someone who likes to kind of bulk batch do things whether that's cooking or any sort of laundry any sort of project just get in there get as much of it done as possible and in this case messy up the kitchen one time in the morning I did a bunch of other food preservation projects and so I knew that the floors were going to need to be cleaned and so I just wanted to go ahead and get as much done as possible so that I messy up the kitchen one time and then I can clean it up and I can have a big project done and because of this I now don't really probably have to peel any garlic unless I buy garlic at the store until next Garden season which is pretty incredible I probably won't buy garlic at the store because I have garlic from last year's Harvest still powdered and freeze-dried and I still have some garlic pucks plus all of the stuff we just dealt with today that is probably more than a Year's worth which is great and I'm hoping that we'll be able to plant a bunch of garlic this fall and in 2024 we will have another good garlic Harvest we just came in from watering all the plants we got the kitchen clean a good amount of preservation done today and dinner took less than five minutes to put together let's cut into this and see what it looks like I'm excited about this I think it looks good thank you and that is how dinner is going to be served tonight all right I think it is ready to be tasted it's so hot so hot that tomato how pretty is that tomato hot hmm it's good I think I like regular pizza better but I think this is a fantastic way to make less than a five minute dinner for Josh and I Plus plenty of lunches it's crunchy the bread is really good cheesy not tomato um oh I just tasted the poblano pepper because that's what I put on here I put a poblano pepper and some bell peppers that is really really good I I think I wouldn't call this pizza I guess because I like pizza I would just call this doctored up ciabatta bread I guess um oh I just got the garlic butter oh my goodness hey napkin the garlic butter might be something I need to try on just regular pizza that is phenomenal to taste that garlic butter mmm well I'm excited for Josh to try dinner tonight this is going to be good thanks for hanging out as we processed all this garlic my house smells like garlic when I went outside to water all the pots I came in and I was like it is pretty strong so I think what I'm gonna do is tonight once it cools off a little bit I'm going to open some windows and try to get some airflow in here to try to get some of this garlic fumes out of here because it is pretty strong there will be no vampires visiting us tonight that is for sure well friend I just want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me as we got some food preservation projects done today I'm really excited about this year's garlic Harvest even though it is probably an eighth of what I got last year it's probably less than an eighth but it is still more than what I was expecting I might not have had any if I didn't plant any so even though it was pretty tedious too get all those clothes oh that was tedious it kind of felt like a marathon it was one of those like mental I didn't even I didn't even feel them all I still probably have I don't even know 25 that still need to be peeled but it felt like I kept having to like mentally keep going keep going keep going and we got a lot done so I'm really excited about that I'm excited about this year's Garden we are just starting to get into the craziness of harvest and I love it I love it so thank you for being here if you want to watch some more of my videos I can pop some right here you can go enjoy it between now and my next upload thank you for being here thank you for being new I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 206,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garlic, homegrown garlic, food preservation, homegrown food, acre homestead, home grown, making dinner, recipe
Id: wecLMuVNES8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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