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hey everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new here i'm theresa and i love doing decluttering tidying and cleaning videos and i love hoping that these videos will give you the motivation to do the same in today's video i'm going to be tackling one of my friend's closets she has really beautiful clothes wonderful shoes and purses but she was having kind of a hard time accessing everything so i should just kind of let it get a little bit out of hand so we're going to tidy that wrap right back up and we are going to see the most amazing transformation so i hope you will stay tuned to the end but if you like videos like this i'd really appreciate it if you'd give this one a like and also i'd really love it if you would subscribe to my channel so here we go [Music] so here we figured that the easiest thing to do right now would be to start with taking out her shoes a lot a lot of shoes there were lots of boxes so i'm going through all of this taking the shoes out and we're going to take them into the other room and organize them [Music] busy [Music] [Music] and sometimes [Music] so let me tell you that this shoe thing that she had although it really worked out quite well was kind of a pain because it had to be put together with individual clips and i had a hard hard time trying to move it but you'll see it works out just great in the end [Music] so while i'm in here i'm just gonna give the floor a quick pick up and then we're going to start pulling everything off the shelves above my head because i'm going to use that my intention at least was to use it for the shoes but i find a better use for it so right now i'm just taking everything off those shelves [Music] so now it's time for a quick vacuum just to get everything off the floor she's got a kirby i use the homeowner's vacuum i actually used to have a kirby myself i like my dyson a lot better but a kirby is a decent vacuum cleaner the only thing i don't like about them is that they're extremely heavy but i use her vacuum cleaner and i just kind of get it tidied up in that area [Music] so now i'm just gonna quickly clean up the baseboards with the clorox wipes that she has and it's pretty impressive that she has those considering with the quarantine it's really hard to get those but we got those and we also cleaned off the shoe bins so that they would all be [Music] clean [Music] and you can see here that this is a bit of a bear trying to keep all the clips together so that the bin wouldn't fall apart it did do a good job of holding lighter shoes just not too many shoes and you'll see that i'm also going to put things on top of it later so i could only go so high but it really was a good bin it was just i wish it was a little bit stronger [Music] just let me love you just let me love you [Music] just [Music] so we've taken the shoes out of the closet and moved them into her bedroom area and we are now sorting them based on if they're sneakers or if they're sandals if they're heels boots she had a lot a lot of shoes and really pretty shoes too but we were just sorting them out so we could put them back neatly [Music] so also keep in mind that when you're going through your closet if you are keeping shoe boxes like these they take a lot of room so you're better off to have uniform shoe boxes and you're going to see that we have those for her as well but it's better for you to not have these big boxes in there get rid of those and give yourself the space so that's what we're doing we're breaking these boxes down and getting rid of the innards of the boxes [Music] so here we're putting together a couple more of the shoe stands that she has so we can use them because believe me we're going to need them all [Music] [Music] [Music] so just so i can interject here um i at one time had a zillion shoes as well i probably had about 300 pairs and i whittled my way down to about 40 pairs i probably need to whittle down a little bit more so seeing this many pairs of shoes really doesn't shock me although i really wish that she would take down her shoe collection a little bit as long as she's wearing everything she has and loving everything she has it's fine with me whatever amount of shoes she wants to keep [Music] [Music] so now we are pulling the handbags and purses out of that area of the closet actually they were kind of all over the closet so we're pulling those out and putting them on the bed so we can start sorting those as well [Music] so here's the inside view of us also getting out any additional purses and whatnot and now i'm also pulling everything down off the shelves because i'm intending to use these shelves to line up the shoes [Music] so don't laugh here i'm actually looking for what i call naked hangers hangers that don't have any clothes on them that's just a thing of mine but i'm looking for the hangers that i can pull out and then we're going to start pulling the clothes [Music] so now i'm going to take the purses that we had and i'm going to try and line them up and you'll see me play around with them a few times i want to get them in a order where they're still easy to access but also easy to identify which purse she has and we're just gonna like tuck the the straps into the bags and put them [Music] away [Music] [Music] i guess [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can tell here i'm having a heck of a time with those purses on the top because they were pretty high but also not very structured so i have to play around with them a couple times before i can get them to a place where she can see what purses she has but also they're not going to fall over or be messy [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just love my caitlyn she's just standing there waiting for direction she wants to help so bad but i was just in organizing mode so but i couldn't do this without her i really appreciate her she's the best [Music] so now we're just going to unload the hanging clothes and put them on the bed so we can start sorting through them [Music] so you'll be able to tell as we're taking these clothes out originally she did have them in somewhat of an order she had coats together and then wintry type clothes and then summery type clothes and stuff like that so we're just going to go back and put them back in that order again they just kind of got a little bit messed up over time [Music] do [Music] and once again i just want to tidy up the floor a little bit i'm going to move these remnants off to the side so we have more room for anything that might be getting onto the floor or hanging over by the floor so i tuck those off to the side and we're just kind of cleaning up anything trash wise and and organizing things again [Music] fix [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and once again it's time for a quick vacuum just to get the little those bunnies off the floor [Music] so we're back to loading in this time we're putting in the shoes in the area underneath the purses where they're going to fit most of those over there are the sneakers and then we're going to try and put similar shoes together throughout all of those shoe bins [Music] so these were the clothes that were on the shelves that were folded so i had put them on the floor to take them off the shelves and now i'm taking them into the other room so they can be sorted and then once again a good sweeping just to get the dust off the floor [Music] and now it's kind of hard to see them until we get a little further into it but we have shoe boxes we've put the other shoes into these plastic shoe boxes that she got from the dollar store and they are arranged and we are putting them up on top of the shelves to make the shoes fit neatly [Music] and then we continued on with putting the shoe boxes on top of that shoe bin and then we finished filling up the rest of the shoe bin with the other shoes that we have [Music] and of course caitlin was helping me out here so you know i would have to wait for a second between her getting one pair of shoes at a time but whatever it takes right [Music] [Music] so then i decided that putting the shoes on top the tall boots if i folded them into each other they could sit on top and not fall over so i thought that was a pretty good solution [Music] and then now we're just loading up the rest of the shoes on those other shoe holders that we had to fix in the other room they were a little bit flimsy but they work for now sorry for the tight uh clip of me here but the homeowner came in and she didn't want to be on camera but we were talking about the shoes that we were putting away and i think she was pretty happy with how we did it [Music] [Music] and now i'm folding towels that were in this little bin that she had and we're going to put those towels up way on the top shelf [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now i'm folding just a couple sheets and pillowcases [Music] and then just another quick round with the kirby [Music] and now we're going to start loading the clothes back in as neatly as we can [Music] [Music] so like she originally had it she wanted to put like things together which is wonderful and we started out this time putting the coats on that end because they were closer to the shoes and the bags [Music] [Music] so now here i'm folding up the pants because it looks like we're not going to have enough room to hang them on the bottom shelves so we end up putting them up on the shelves folded and she's going to work on getting them hung up onto the bottom shelves later [Music] [Music] so again she didn't want to be on camera so i'm trying my best to keep her out of the frame so you get to see me close up yay but i'm trying to sort these jeans and pants and kind of separate them out so they are in like piles together [Music] [Music] we put the shoes up on top her dresses are all on one side her shirt's on another pants are all together the towels are on the very very top skirts are up there as well and she's going to hang more pants when she has more hangers her dresses were separated out mostly by season so that's easier for her to access her coats are back on this side as well as her really beautiful purses and shoes it will be easier for her to pick out a nice outfit she can totally see everything and she's just gonna she's gonna look fabulous and she's got so many beautiful clothes to work with now so i think that well i know that she wound up quite happy with this and we did too it was a beautiful transformation so if you like more of these kind of videos please like this and subscribe thanks so much guys see you next time you
Channel: Tidy With Theresa
Views: 634,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: time lapse, timelapse, declutter, cleaning motivation, konmari, tidy up, mrs. Meyers, grove Collaberative, grove, Norwex, dyson
Id: ddWyuZZ_3jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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