So I Went On Bill Maher And This Happened...

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A friend let me know he was on there (only reason I'd give Maher a view normally), Russell slayed.

I'm really happy the corporation puppet was there as a springboard with his normal talking points and TDS.

On a sidenote, Bill is so far up his own ass in his own ivory tower believing that Obamacare saved anyone. It's a good window into the self delusion of rich neo libs and what they tell themselves to feel better.

Obamacare was a massive boon to the middle-man leeches aka the insurance industry.

Providers save people, the Insurance Industries profit from giving you less than they take in a greater and greater ratio.

Medicare for all... the rest is just bullshit they tell themselves to feel better.

A false solution is much worse than a real one.

MAH-herr... what a fuckface.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/EmPeeSC 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
did you see that I went on Bill Maher do you think that the liberal establishment media is meaningfully more reliable than the conservative media and if so why or do they ultimately represent the same interests and not give enough variety of opinion hello there you six million Awakening wonders thanks for joining me on this voice Wars truth and freedom a voyage that will involve self-scrutiny honesty a willingness to listen to other people's views and opinions in order that we might Forge something new interesting and valuable together something truly inclusive something truly capable of challenging establishment narratives if you don't subscribe to our Channel yet subscribe right now and turn on the notification Bell we make these videos all the time we're on Hiatus from our Rumble show at the moment but we'll be back on Monday the 30th with new shows every day so find us there as well now I went on Bill Maher the other day and I had a conversation about the mainstream media in particular the differences between MSNBC and Fox News my perspective is that all mainstream media Outlets are so beholden to corporate and Commercial interests that they will not give you the type of information you need to make valid decisions about the way that systemic power operates that's my position so I don't think Fox News is the answer I don't think MSNBC news is the answer but the person that was on the show with John Hellman is an MSNBC anchor and he was obviously advocated for MSNBC just to be clear he's a human being and I've got I love and respect all human beings but what I want to say is that I truly believe that MSNBC are also a corporate media Outlet have incredible biases and prejudices that relate to their funding their political biases and some important distinctions around liberal establishment media that I think are worth analyzing so let's have a little look at the appearance on Bill Maher and then we'll talk about why I think MSNBC if they're better than Fox News at all aren't better enough John I've not known you long but I love you already but I have to say that it's it's disingenuous to claim that the biases they're exhibited on Fox News are any different from the biases exhibit on MSNBC it's difficult to suggest but these corporations operate as anything other than mouthpieces for their affiliate owners in BlackRock and Vanguard God and unless we I'd call that a light smattering of Applause At The Mention of the name BlackRock and Vanguard and indeed two of the biggest investors in MSNBC are BlackRock and Vanguard we'll unpack that a little more in a minute I've been on that MSNBC mate it was propaganda's nutcrackery good morning Joe it was absurd the way good morning Joe yes it wasn't morning called Joe there now we could concentrate they didn't understand the basic tennis of Journalism no one was willing to stick up for genuine American Heroes uh like Edward Snowden no one was willing to talk about Julian Assange and what he suffered trying to bring real journalism to the American people actually the motivation of this video isn't aren't I good the motivation is there's a lot of things that I wish I'd been able to say that I didn't say because I was on the television and I couldn't concentrate properly here are some facts about MSNBC though in my view truly startling and at very least cause for a genuine analysis about the role of the media in our culture and when we look at the pandemic and I don't want to dwell there because I think it's revealed enough to us the stuff they said about unvaccinated people the stuff they said about Mars mandates the stuff they said about vaccinations all of it subsequently looked like it was worthy of a lot more conversation and it's difficult to imagine that msnbc's Financial relationship with for example Pfizer did not influence their reporting on for example vaccines maybe I'm being incredibly cynical let me know in the chat let me know in the comments if you think that msnbc's relationship with Pfizer affects the way they talk about Pfizer or maybe that Financial relationship with Pfizer doesn't affect the way that they talk about Pfizer so I'm essentially saying that the vanity of small differences has become this celebrated Battlefield where everyone's willing to shout and scream oh we would never do that on MSNBC but look at what you do do on MSNBC I believe that we deserve an open media that's why I'm working in these spaces in order to participate in open conversations because guess what I might be wrong about stuff you know things I don't know I don't want a media that talks down to me and I know you don't either I don't want a media that's owned and co-opted by financial interest there's such a degree that is never going to tell you the truth because it simply can't okay so the story that John haleman's was referring to was this one recent depositions reveal that high-level Fox News Network officials privately cast out on Trump's claims that the election was stolen even as on-air voices were backing Trump up on the false narrative so if they were backing Trump up because of a political Alliance that's ideological rather than authentic and they were willing to say stuff on air that they didn't believe in I would argue that that's wrong would you let me know in the chat and the comments it'd be wrong if it's the side you liked it it'll be wrong if the side you don't like did it see if you have principles those principles are going to cost you sometimes of course we don't have access to the text messages exchanged between MSNBC or CNN anchors about for example the pandemic or for example the war so we don't know what they say in private but we do know that in the 2016 election there were lots of claims of electoral fraud let's have a look for a moment about how they were handled on the liberal establishment media side in November 2021 an analyst who was a key contributor to democratic-funded opposition Research into possible links between Donald Trump and Russia was arrested and charged with lying to the FBI about his sources the analyst Igor danchenko was a primary researcher for claims that went into the so-called steel dossier a compendium of rumors and unproven assertions suggesting that Trump and his 2016 campaign were compromised by and conspiring with Russian intelligence officials to help him defeat Hillary Clinton what have you got to back up these claims of collusion and collaboration well we've got a compendium of rumors and unproven assertions all that'll do let's put that on the news the danchenko indictment doubled as a critique of several media Outlets that covered Steele's reports in 2016 and after its publication by BuzzFeed in January 2017. CNN MSNBC Mother Jones the McClatchy newspaper chain and various pundits showered credibility upon the dossier without corroboration I liken this too to the recent revelations in the Twitter files that there's collaboration between the Deep State and social media Outlets do you imagine that similar relationships don't exist between conventional media outlets in the Deep State let me know in the chat in the comments but nevertheless if we want to indulge this vanity what did MSNBC really think about Trump prior to the 2016 election MSNBC gave massive air time to Trump on behalf of the DNC which saw Trump as the most easily defeatable candidate you'll be aware that the Biden Administration has funded Mega candidates in order to manipulate electoral outcomes that's not the kind of political ideology that I want to back in itself described Pied Piper strategy the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates hoping to turn them into the new mainstream of the Republican party in order to try to increase Clinton's chance of winning part of the problem of course as well is that similarly MSNBC and CNN benefited from Trump deify trump required Trump in fact what a perfect example for the whole damn ferrago the fact is that they both benefit from figures like Donald Trump that are divisive and incendiary and drive eyeballs to the screen to their channels for whom their advertisers not because they truly care but just that's the way that the business model Works Trump fueled a five-year run of record ratings and profit for Fox News MSNBC and CNN that began when Trump first ascended the escalators of his eponymous Midtown Manhattan Tower in June 2015 to announce his candidacy for president CNN generated an average of a billion dollars in profit annually for its parent company a t thanks to its coverage of trump CNN and Fox News became among the greatest profit generators for their corporate parents and MSNBC began to catch up as well in 2018 the year after Trump took office their revenues jumped by four percent to 5.3 billion dollars 5.3 billion dollars that's a lot of hatred for Trump maybe though as was claimed on the Bill Maher show MSNBC are motivated not by profit but by their ideals let's have a look MSNBC is owned by Comcast which is a charity that helps children in Africa oh no sorry which is a subsidiary of General Electric the 14th largest defense contractor in the U.S oh when are these children gonna get helped and the homeless too the top three institutional shareholders for MSNBC are wait for it Vanguard BlackRock and State Street Corp now on this State Street Corp is something to do with Sesame Street that's not a good look here is what you will not hear on MSNBC you will not hear experts who criticize insurance or pharmaceutical companies and you will not hear experts who criticize Wall Street remembering of course that Wall Street owns the insurance and pharmaceutical companies neither MSNBC nor Rachel maddowell ever called out Wall Street for its influence of elections in 2016 Wall Street contributed 184 million dollars to candidates and parties in 2022 and MSNBC aired an interview with a New York Times columnist blaming inflation on workers getting covered relief money rather than on corporations using their Monopoly power to fleece consumers with higher prices that then fund giant executive pay packages and shareholder dividends this is one of the contentions I have if I may say with the conservative media I don't think that there is any left-wing media because if you had a left-wing media which it would be impossible in the corporate space they'd be saying things like Hey listen we're gonna have to do something about the corporatization of American political life that's what they say they'd have to say the pharmaceutical Giants making too much money the insurance company is making too much money the arms industry is making too much money no one's able to say that because they're all owned by the same interests you will not hear criticism of our demented War budget but GE does let War material competitors like Northrop Grumman Lockheed Martin and Boeing take out pricey ads on their networks stories that lead Watchers to criticize any of these entities are likewise spiked many of the retired military leaders in employed by the networks as paid contributors have secondary affiliations that are rarely if ever mentioned leaving viewers in the dark about whose interest they're promoting a responsible News Network would say here is this person who we're presenting to you as a military expert but we want to tell you also that they sit on the board of Raytheon or Lockheed Martin just so you know there are some biases at play that's what an alternative a genuine alternative media Source would look like let me know in the comments and chat if you agree none of the leading networks including MSNBC makes a regular practice of announcing its military analyst Financial ties to the Pentagon connections that could color their on-air comments during his Ukraine coverage MSNBC even failed to include disclosures when the network invited on former Homeland Security secretary Jay Johnson who serves on the board of directors at Lockheed Martin the world's biggest defense contractor now of course I wouldn't make any glib claims about msnbc's relationship with Lockheed Martin or Jade Johnson's relationship with Lockheed Martin but personally I think it's relevant if you sit on the Board of a weapons manufacturer and then go on the television and say that there should be a war and that we should spend your money public taxpayer money on weapons as Julian Assange said the function of government is to extract public money and put it into the hands of private companies how often over the last few years have you seen that template play out MSNBC now regularly features Bill crystal that's not Billy Crystal out of Harry Met Sally and Monsters Inc who I like and I believe is against War who Bears major responsibility for the bloody 2003 invasion of Iraq and one of the ineffectual Godfathers of the neoconservative agenda taken up by the bush Cheney White House again that's not Billy Crystal who was not involved in Iraq and I believe was generally speaking suspicious that they would ever fired weapons of mass destruction John Goodman cable news viewership jumped during Russia's invasion of Ukraine CNN Fox and MSNBC collectively averaged 6.4 million viewers in Prime Time up from their January average of 4 million so not only are they connected to the military-industrial complex through their ownership by Comcast and ultimately General Electric who make money through selling weapons but they drive viewers to their channels through reporting excessively on the war as George Carlin taught us there is no need for conspiracy when there's a convergence of interests Phil Donahue's 2002 program Donahue was canceled in late February 2003 during the build up to the Iraq War despite earlier statements timed cancellation to low rate in Donahue was msnbc's highest rate show that month a leaked NBC internal study revealed that the studio was concerned that Donahue would act as a home for the liberal anti-war agenda at the same time that our competitors are waving the flag at every opportunity so it seems that there is a historic tendency to extract voices that are anti-war or inconvenient for what I would broadly describe as corporate interest for me that is not a description of a channel that is meaningfully better than their declared opponent Fox News let me know in the chat but I'm sure that's all there is to it I bet other than Trump and being funded ultimately by the weapons industry and driving eyeballs to the screen via war and not declaring interests and they're reporting on the pandemic and their inability to apologize for the neglectful and incorrect reporting throughout the pandemic and their accusation that anti-vax people should be shamed and all of that stuff other than that I reckon that an ethical organization so different from any other media Outlet oh no news outlets entrusted with promoting transparency and privacy are also lobbying behind closed doors against proposals to regulate the mass collection of Americans data the IAB represents both data Brokers and online media Outlets that depend on digital advertising such as CNN the New York Times MSNBC and Fox News in a letter IAB called for the FTC to oppose a ban on data-driven Advertising networks claiming the modern media cannot exist without mass data collection the industry has grown in Leaps and Bounds now generating billions in Revenue the lobby being reveals attention the israelia center of the discourse around online privacy major media corporations increasingly rely on a vast ecosystem of privacy violations even as the public relies on them to report on it so there you have it the mainstream media establishment whether you're talking about conservative or liberal in this case we're focusing on MSNBC because of course that public appearance led to the claim that MSNBC are significantly better than Fox News but we've just heard that they are significantly connected to the weapons industry through their ownership they support the war and allow other military-industrial complex figures to promote war on their Channel we're aware of how they behave during the pandemic and how negligent their reporting was they benefited from Trump they capture your data package it and sell it so is this an organization that you think is pure and valuable do you think that this is the best that we can do for the American people do you think this is the function of the media because this is what I believe is possible for me media you can have transparency accountability authenticity integrity and open conversation with your viewers that's not based on piety pomposity judgment and condescension that we are together looking for better ways to organize Society create better systems hold the powerful to account and create systems where they aren't so powerful address many of the legitimate issues in American contemporary life that are causing the vision and conflict our MSNBC any better than Fox News do you think you deserve a better more open media space let me know in the chat let me know in the comments because in the end it's you that answers these questions not the media the media are just supposed to give you information and then you decide for yourselves because you're adults you're intelligent and we're Awakening together but that's just what I think let me know what you think in the comments below I've just told you if you enjoyed this video watch however of these turn on the notification Bell And subscribe we will not misuse your data that's another pledge we can offer you join me every day on Rumble and become a member of our community over there until then if you can stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 3,013,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, bill maher, fox news, MSNBC, trump, donald trump, clinton
Id: 0A0dOUC149M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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