SO I MET OMEGA FLOWEY in Undertale (+ Asgore boss fight)

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[Music] [Applause] no one thinks it's funny anymore so what is going on guys this is Ryan here and welcome back to another episode of undertale we've got to get straight into it this time guys because I think I ended the episode at a fairly crucial point at this moment in time that we are in the last corridor you can see us silhouetted right there and hold up I gotta try something I am basically invisible the last episode was probably one of the most impacting so far at least for the storyline being revealed it showed us a lot about the monsters versus the humans and Britney who the bad person isn't all this evil were Saints through the pacifist run first and now I completely understand why when it comes to this point here you don't want to go genocide especially on these monsters most specifically now I think the moment I proceed forward we're about to go through some crazy antics and so let's go ahead and do it man wait you like the video let's do this so in the light we go look at this this is called the last corridor let's find out why well we get stopped before so ever who's waiting for us right there it's sands now something okay I'm not gonna told you yet hold up the bowels chiming dang this place is really really really important so you finally made it no voice for sans though see talking of sons I've got this really weird idea in my head that maybe he was the human before something but I don't know so I'm not gonna go pondering that stuff like that ah is this supposed to be a voice line here I'm kind of confused the end of your journey is at hand in a few moments you will meet the king I'm not even doing his voice for this I've just realised together you will determine uh the future of this world that's then now you will be judged you will be judged for every action or for your every action you'll be judged for every exp you've earned what's exp it's an acronym it stands for execution points a way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others when you kill someone no exp increases when you have enough exp at your love increases love to is an acronym it stands for level of violence a way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt the more you kill the easier it becomes to distance yourself the more you distance yourself the less he will hurt the more easily you can bring yourself to her to others yo that music came from nowhere but you you never gained any love course that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or naive just that you kept a certain tenderness in your heart and then watch the struggles or hardships you faced you strive to do the right thing you refused to hurt anyone even when you ran away you did it with a smile you never gained love but you gained love does that make sense I mean kind of maybe not now you're about to face the greatest challenge of your entire journey your actions here will determine at the fate of the entire world if you refuse to fight as God will take your soul and destroy but if you kill as go and go home monsters will remain trapped underground what would you do well if I were you I would have thrown in the towel by now but you didn't get this far by giving up did you that's right you have something called determination so as long as you hold on as long as you do what's in your heart I believe you can do the right thing all right we're all counting on you kid good luck even gave us the wink as well to finish up as we transition back sans is gone what if I gotta save that game man but right now he was posing us with one of the most detrimental decisions of our entire playthrough we can kill a score take his soul and get back or we can not kill him but he's gonna take our soul I don't think I can give in like by this point dude I think we've came so far being the pacifist what if there's something we can do to convince özgür that were not the bad person or of a plaque eeeh throne room right there and another save points it's just after the heart of a second there is another way we can go here I gotta check every single route before we commit to anything by this point why is the sound gone so silent are we walking downstairs maybe why the Frick what the heck have we found it's a coffin there's a name engraved on it Ryan it's empty that's kind of awkward right so the last soul that they won is mine and I guess all the other hats that they have together they're the other souls as gone kind of morbid gonna be real maybe it's another way I mean there's loads of rides in the world it can't be the only one in this place you know at least I think so long listen guys whatever okay we save here the throne entrance we have nothing which to say about our determination and it's interesting how this leaves pretty much like welcoming us in let's do this look at this place peaceful the golden flowers as well all over the place that says gone his own little palace his place of calm dude oh oh just a moment I have almost finished watering these flowers such a kind guy here we are he's gonna see us looks a lot already like toriel howdy how can i he knows exactly who we are Oh uh-huh continue as Gor I so badly want to say would you like a cup of tea but you know how it is ringing the miking guys don't care it's walking over see what's he doing he's turning nice day to day huh birds are singing flowers are blooming perfect weather for a game of catch where's this going on school think we're all ready you know what we must do when you already come into the next room look at this that's very interesting right very interesting he still seems very very passive is to anything in the room we can actually look at I mean maybe the throne here it's a throne I mean that it is and there's another safe point immediately after what up this one here it's another throne covered up by a white sheet and the same so we could save right here dude the throne room so this is it them once we go through the door we're coming basically to the bowel I mean I got nothing else to lose I'll tend so much coming in again guys just think of it like a visit to the dentist just goes away every single time in between solo one hand on the micro all points for this and that's the same one are you ready not particularly if you are not I understand me I'm not ready either ready to take the 7th soul and complete all of the ones that they need ha it's very interesting how there's a safe point after each of these that one there was called the end it's like it's given next time in between to prep ourselves so we can almost save every single I don't know how to explain it you guys know I'm saying listen guys I'm hype we get this go this is the barrier this is what keeps us all trapped to the ground if if by chance you have any unfinished business please the way you must hang the final chance or at least my first plates are at this game I feel like I've done everything I wanted to like yes I'm gonna be missing stuff because you guys have probably seen everyone else play it like for the second the third time and you may have even done that yourself look for me I'm ready for this dude I see this is it then this is it here we go about must commence ready not really the final heart container aside one this is it a strange light fills the room Twilight is shining through the barrier it seems your journey is finally over you're filled with determination oh yeah we do this bout right man human what's he gonna say it was nice to meet you very very short-lived as well huh goodbye Oh yo he removed the option for mercy wave I can still act though surely right but we can't leave this a score attacks the head caught up one second so will you talk to him let's do it equality tell us what you don't want to fight him his hands tremble for a moment yo this is no good all right we've got a living we've got a laugh every bit of diet let alone we keep talking to him you tell us go again that you don't want to fight him his breathing gets funny for a moment okay it's alright guys if we get hit a few times for this one you've got to learn how the system works okay see silence talk again you've firmly tell as got to stop fight recollection flashes in his eyes as got attack dropped and his defense dropped - okay so you know I really like how this works with the whole like but patting me invincible ask you let's talk one more time seems talking won't do any more good I don't care I'm gonna keep talking whoa holy crap this is a winner is that not the voice of a scorned of I think about it like the loan holder he's been encouraging us this whole time no way hang on a second let me hear his voice one more time I think it's the same it's the same thing so I've connected the dots at least that sequinned resting right I scored this whole time every time we go he encourages to keep going okay we're gonna try get used to this a little bit more though guys okay okay we got through the first one right that just about by the way now let's try and talk to him again doesn't matter his breathing gets funny for a moment okay then we learn to talk about here for this one and then we stay in the same spot we don't even have to move for that so let's do this one more time you firmly tell him that you don't want to fight recollection flashes again attacking defense drops okay so this is this one here I'm not gonna focus okay doesn't even work dude does not even work that was decent I guess at six damage one thing I should have really gone is some snacks but doesn't matter seems talking what do anymore good it doesn't matter I'm gonna keep doing it if we get to this face here I don't understand is it like a bottom corner thing we go to like the bottom that's alright we'll try that next time as we probably won't pass we're gonna keep doing this guys we're just gonna keep doing this whoa yo this is trippy as freak we're doing it though token more time I guess and do I keep doing this I don't really know what more I can do here okay fine the little ways through here but yeah decent what else could we do I'm not gonna find the guy I refuse maybe you might just keep holding out that might be the thing that we can do here okay whoa that's a difficult thing to dodge to HP on this one already dude let's try it one more time it already sets like it won't do any good maybe there's something we need 1/4 bomb Quattlebaum corner yeah there's a plan to that maybe the earth pressures give us the hints in terms of how we've got to defend those things right or how we can get around them we'll remember that for next time all you can do is fight well maybe I mean before T gonna die as I said before with this one guys but oh ok guys I had to look this up because I didn't know what else to do here apparently you have to fight a storm off because I was gonna commit to just trying to talk but when it says it does not think it really means it does nothing so maybe if we just talk for the first three or four attempts with this to droppers attacking defense then we find him I guess I don't want to do this one I really don't want to do this wait said about him killing of twice before not sadly that's really interesting dang dude all right let's get through these two phases okay we guys attacking defense to drop right here oh man I don't know why I'm struggling so much I'm at 1 HP already this one's a disaster I'm gonna have to go back and get some help ions but this what we gonna do do we I don't even know how we attack in this game so we don't press space trying to remove a net hold still ok I get how we dodged that then that's another thing at least I've learned so how do I even attack this man like like this oh I didn't like that hundred 18 damage it's okay if we don't do much damage with this one guys or like we don't even I don't mind at all I really don't cake let's do this one more time give them like that yeah it's just gonna be a habit of get like used to the way we're gonna dodge these you know more time yeah more decent I suppose do 31 this is probably where I'm gonna be my end cuz this is what I did last time yeah there we go yeah we're definitely gonna have to go back and get some health arms for this bow man there ain't no chance I'm gonna be able to get around this if we don't do that so give me a second guys let's go to the burger shack now so welcome to the mount brown burger & pororo of the glam burger spark up your dates we've got a thousand gold let's see what we can buy man lamb burger here's of 27 this one has a 40 though hero sandwich attack up as well in Bowser that could be worth doing maybe if we've got one of those we can see what it does let's give it a shot man 300 G's there we go he is very very happy about that purchase too right now we've made that purchase there I think the next thing we're gonna do is definitely go down the shady alley down the side because these two people there's something the good stuff pretty damn cheap dude let's take a look then sir buy junk food 17 HP see that's much more effective and it's a lot cheaper as well at the same time so I guess we'll take that aha the empty gun it gives you plus teletag but it's not included it's literally just an arm you equip and it just increases your power maybe that would be worth getting then like there's a reason why the game is giving us items like this at this last point and I'm gonna buy that I guess if worse comes to worse I could try and like do a butter grinding find some mobs and I think now I'll just buy it quite a bit of junk food all right so unfortunately I'm gonna have to equip that you equip the empty gun I really don't like the idea of carrying around that thing so if I go over to my stats 9 let me see my attack I think is higher okay so with all of that now done I think what I'm gonna do is make my way back let's see if this might help out with in the fight because it's half that's going first what we're gonna do is keep that a little bit more to check and also try and learn his attacks as we go okay so we're back now guys with the items I want to see if he makes remark about him killing us three times before something I'm on the nos go let's get this battle underway first thing we do then and we talk let see what he says you tell us go that he's killed you three times he not sadly so he knows about this like consciously that's so interesting dude alright well get to the point where we lower his defense and then we'll go from there okay there goes his attack and defense now these are I suck at dodging this dude why am I so bad at dodging its right now oh my god two hits already come on okay we're not gonna do anything that's actually attack button yo a lot more with the attack stone probably because we got the gun right kake's we hold still for both of these we have to that's it okay good stuff now I'm gonna heal up let's just go junk food for now so we need HP maxed out watch the flames here okay in dodge it that was stupid and we're in dodge it twice in a row are you kidding me get strike in a bit better with this holy crap dude 82 I'm doing less damage than before though man why I quit the gun I figured that would actually help out a bit especially have less items in that case I'm already sure that was not good 416 that was actually not bad I see that okay let's try and dodge his scent so whoa whoa that was pretty decent wash up for a while I guess I gotta use an iron again then we'll go wait where's the thing I bought man is it the hero hood I think so we eat the junk food like what's the attachment so we move egg to don't move for those two aha nice that was one throws difficult thing and I think you'll be the easiest in time Missy pic not bad not bad hundred twenty-eight it's only a little bit more than usual dude like seriously it's not really that much more at all and that also moves up as it's coming down I've just realized hey I'm gonna risk this guy's we go 826 again it's barely that much more though that's all I'm realizing what's up yeah this is a done deal dude yeah and that was very good that's what we need more of we need those attacks okay I wasn't paying attention some things just keep moving thank goodness okay we've gotta really focus it at one too you know was okay no it was something that was terrible half the amount of damage we did before broke come on right now oh my gosh okay touch like so good stuff that's it okay ready focus now that was good that was good hundred forty seven we can went with that want to get more hits like that though the two hundred damage that's like key to this bow man you've really got to optimize as best you can for that was decent again he's one prick now this attack I'm still not back into dodging a man like I don't know what the punishment if there's really one at all we're gonna have to consume this so attackers increased by four HP maxed out I don't know that's enough case we move for two I'm still there we go wait you still hit me on the I don't even sound why I definitely help still I'm gonna get these down not good no good a doll a hundred only that's probably about a third HP down there dude nah come on give me a break it's this crazy man all right come on at least one of those within the crib 142 better better better better do we hold still for to to pin the food yeah we are come on let's go just give up never give up one crit 1 5 3 now not this attacking a score my dude 1 HP 1hp gotta use an eye on right now got a that junk food dude okay this one I can't gorgeous I don't get the pun for this but I don't know why I can't figure this out look that's - it's on this damn and like if I take two lives on the next turn I'm done already we're gonna risk it more these that was really good 208 we need more like that okay I don't know yeah I'm not gonna get around this one guys but it's okay it's okay we got to live and learn what this games all about he says he gets round it who's he gonna do okay so we moved to still under move again that's it gonna have to keep flying what you do make us do this a score you've got no choice running in three okay now I'll add some dodgy is actually funny effectively like that look how tight this crap is though man yeah all right come on you got leaks one of those in the correct one four five half health down what you're holding this is crazy okay we don't remote I took two hits down I was hoping to only take one still haha fight one more time there we go decent when passed half there with this guy these freakin attack to do how do you dodging I can't forget okay two in the curtain two twelve know if we line more of those up that will definitely be key okay I got a heal up after this we're doing quite Wow like all things considered I didn't think I'd get this far can you beat that now what's the attack with them okay we just keep moving keep it moving say were these crits I'm gonna really focus guys okay decent will nice and less to third stop tooth is up that's right no I'm not gonna figure this attack out when I don't I really don't think so look at that where's the sweet spot that was good that was good two nine nine this is getting close this actually getting kind of close thank you I gotta focus a bit one more hit and we're done I don't think I got no I got no more I am swell dude if we can get these all in the crib we may stand somewhat of a chance here that was these 300 oh wow 1 hp as guys low HP we do something do we talk to him maybe at this point I don't know what to do I'm gonna try to talk to him it won't do eyes a wasted turn I think that's it guys but it doesn't matter okay now we know what a crap what a couple you put a craft can we go around it ask as low HP alright let's take these with this one like that maybe know a bit more I thought I messed up my thorax and he killed him ah is this it don't know that is how it is remember the day after my son died the entire underground was devoid of hope the future and once again taken from us by the humans up today in a fit of anger I declare war I said that I would destroy any human that came here Mike's coming guys I would you said their souls to become godlike free us from this terrible prison of course the underground I must be horrible then I would destroy humanity and I met monsters ruled the surface in peace soon the people's hopes returned my wife however became disgusted with my actions that's why the chair was there with the like draped thing over right she loved this place it's his wife toriel right now I think it is truthfully I do not want power I do not want to hurt anyone I just wanted everyone have home but I cannot take this any longer I just want to see my wife I just want to see my child please someone this war is gone long enough you have the power take my soul and leave this cursed place no way man no way no way after everything kind of don't know about you and would rather stay down here and suffer and live happily on the surface human I promise you for as long as you remain my wife and I will take care of you as best we can we can sit in the living room telling stories eating butterscotch pot I know it story oh man I know it worse that's probably why you need the butterscotch pie as well maybe if we eat it when Oscar was here he would have said something back right could be like like a family now that's flat that's flowey I recognize those things straightaway yo Oscar just got finished with the Freak um what the heck please give me a safe one if I'm gonna have to fight this guy dude this is not good if it puts me straining the bowels my game just closed down like my game just legit closed down wait hold up a second let's see hold up I'm trying to sing my Fletch one day the or disappeared without trace what the heck is happening continued war war what about voyeur first started what happened I guess this is part of progression right it's a safe what do I even want to save my game on this um okay what file a rapist this is really really cool it's flowey what just like a TV howdy yeah it's me flowey flowey the flower I owe you a huge thanks you really did a number on the old fool without you I never could have gone past him but now with your house he's dead and I've got the human souls this is some twisted for crap boy I've been empty for so long it was great to have a soul inside me again I can feel them wriggling oh you're feeling left out aren't you well that's just perfect after all I only have six Souls I still need the five become God and then with my newfound powers monsters humans everyone I'll show them all the real meaning of this world this is so twisted man I'll forget about you things you don't soon fall it's gone forever but don't worry your old friend flowey has worked out a replacement for you I'll save over your own death so you can watch me tell you to blue oh secret over an over an over what do you think you can stop me you really are an idiot so he takes the souls though but thank yo what is going on are you kidding I can't move just when you think as God what's the worst now we're here what the Freak is this mess he's smiling on that TV he's going crazy yo now this bottles gonna be on fire I already know this we've got to find a way yo holy crap there's gonna be something we can do here in time dude hi yeah I don't really get how I'm supposed to touch this I already have no idea do we fight what's the Hang is going on dude like [Music] this ass go talk he's this is oh just a body's still talking never waking up dude everyone this is crazy [Music] constantly coaches think he's gonna break this recording if it keeps closing my game down I'm serious it's gonna be satisfied killing you only one time it's over and over oh man oh my goodness dude I've got to go like Doctor Strange you know any like two figures I had to do stuff okay interns haulers you got a look at that movie other guys you will get what I'm talking about so we've got to learn how to dodge this guy and get around his attacks I suppose look we know you're creepy we know you're intense let's get this pile of witless guy again this one's there we go I'm gonna hold down the bottom then I think this is where you can touch like the flames the sky at least let's get this go holy crap different attacks though yup no chance no chance dude this is unbelievable yeah I don't have to commentate this to be honest like fight I don't understand is this supposed to happen it has to be supposed to happen dude let's go give her some what's encouragement this is all just a bad dream yeah you said that before and he also said this before he's gonna close my game pathetic you're really gonna die you guys can't see the screen because I have to make it fullscreen every time so it's kind of bugging out in between there but I'm kind of ridding the line still so it's new dog every time mode maybe we can get some strength through something right to get around this guy but these different attacks though it's gonna be very hard to figure out a legit pattern to this come on we can do this okay maybe we can do this so yeah I don't know why I'm supposed to say yeah you even realize what happened if you defeat me nope you ain't telling us so we're gonna have to figure this out let's keep this girl flowy I can keep coming back time and time again you ain't winning this let's see what the message this time then oh my gosh dude maybe like where am I do I go here you get hit of your bad oh my goodness me Oh my game [Music] don't you get it there's no such thing as happy endings this is all that's left this is the fifth time now guys fifth time see how guys we died again and now we're here so are you really that desperate oh yeah okay skip to the bow warning what's going on what do i do what do we do um I fell - we know how I don't like this I really don't like this ooh wait there's a fight button or an act button oh boy get to that thank you okay you watch for help where's out then I can't survive like this forever guys hello wait yes how come I saw this thing absorb correct cuz we see look at the face in them holy crap dude holy freaking crap no like a Venus flytrap okay that was decent Dutch way oh my god what this is crazy it's absolutely crazy dude absolutely crazy okay warning again I'm how am I getting through this should I be I don't know okay what's this help me out here oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh get between okay this is bad guys we're stuck well the wall hold up wait they're not even hiring me or maybe there's a certain spawn them - you know she hit the UP button before bout that I did you bet I don't get what's going on kiddies get it get it I need more health water small help come on come on come on ma-ma-ma-ma-ma yes okay that was decent lowering the health oh boy wait ball - what ball to save I don't what is happening it's like changing my game are you seeing this he's not happy about us like progressing I suppose warning again what is happening this is so twisty just keep this going what do we don't sit on the bomb no not the lace you though oh I got those before right like this just move along no not this foreign we don't want to die here okay oh come on axe now we hover on this one for as long as we can like that that'll do alright um hold a music notes give me all those sweet sounds right there hmm that will do well it will have to do anyway how much of a choice well there is a way you can kind of like get in the Suites what's most a Dodge let's apply the game of course most likely is oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy fight fight again I guess we're doing late no damage so much eagerness with the lazy you see that not these things dude oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I guess you made it through again I don't know if this is like meant to happen maybe like it always happens when you get to this point in the house dad oh she's just old bad words like death sadness destroy [Music] betweens no I'm gonna get hit by that do more sadness get hit by the Hank no you call for help always call it Val come on come on come on come on give me those good words go that's the bus yo come on Vince do I need more I need more anymore I didn't get more oh god I did not get more oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh she's here where he keeps doing this like bulky load if you it's gonna be I can't even concentrate without going on dude my house oh no wait oh no what's happening man all I know is that with somehow taking down flowey oh boy yo they're cooking up all these fires escaping the Panzer you guys got to be careful with that you working in the kitchen with other people ain't gonna last long hey misty out one that's right there you call for help give me that help guys come on give me those pancakes falling from the sky instead oops boiled eggs boiled eggs oh my goodness all that good health right now I hope we can get past this next phase yep now this - here wow these are ready hot dog bite I don't know even if I should be fighting I don't know what else to do with flowey really don't know what else to do you guys okay now we're back again at this oh we're not even back at the whole like inhale pipe warnings warnings warning come on something here yeah yeah yeah you'll get a height you better have a good thing up your sleeve that's all I'm saying not a gun why you gonna get up you see right now oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy would you start she's like so it's okay okay shoot me that good stuff she wound that good stuff keep it up keep it up yo he's missing me like everytime with that that was not good or was it six hearts the souls before do we merge is like the seventh one in this it gives us everything look at this and the variations I hope even the boiled eggs and must amongst that good stuff come on that's all we need it's time we take down flowey this guy is just so fun I would defend drop to zero I still can't dodge this good stuff though maybe I can the fight where they're gonna play again we would gotta take him down he's searched upon character for this well I still can't take it down I don't see why I can't talk to all this snow test for every one of those I take I take like three hits again it's too rotten um wait it gives me a break no it doesn't completely hidaya oh my gosh um where's punish me up I liked eczema the hand off screen guys you have no idea oh my gosh oh my gosh music no even I can stop by again oh god no it's already picking up the pace just everywhere right now I miss the hope right there all boys get the in the face your mother's coming in punishment I think I got it this is chaos how can anyone do not be crazy press to know if there's like don't get ones on this thing these are supplied for supplies that's not the easiest attack please don't try that tickets weather okay somehow we're still alive I don't understand how the freak I'm still alive man boy oh my gosh I don't show like some happy I don't know dude give me a hug dog barking searching as best we can anyway get the head up he's gotta be close I'm gonna take that we actually got it you hold up you idiots don't tell me he controls this world look at this we can't even dodge this I am the god of this world and you golly that's right you're worthless friends can't save you now call for help somebody see what good it does for you so fast you call for help we tried it nothing happened wait he looks disappointed but nobody came boy what a shame nobody else is gonna get to see you die he's savoring this moment here it comes ah wait what hutch well I'll just load failed where my powers what are your powers the source what what are they doing manuals control no no you can't do that hutch you're supposed to a baby stop stop it they don't obey no one stop and that will be the last we see of flowey hopefully the true man is to this world disguised as an innocent flower not looking so good huh dude I'm still drawn to Mercy I really am don't Mercy's gonna be what are you doing do you really think I've learned anything from this no sparing me won't change anything killing me is the only way to end this it's like he wants us to give in maybe when I live I'll come back I'll kill you he's trying to convince this to not do this I'll kill everyone he's getting more and more demented I'll kill everyone you love dude do I really want to keep mercy on him didn't say anything I say again he's like really confused why why are you being so nice to me I can't understand them I can't understand I just can't understand flowey run away how the fruit you run with no legs though mystery Wade this is back where we began right this is back at the very wait what is happening this is what we fall into the hole what is going on what hang on this a right no no no no no no this is where the game ends Tammy Chang dude hang on a second get over with these credits these pre credits right now these are the end okay okay very cool very very cool yes I will appreciate these at the end more so stop giving me false hope that this is the ending it is not yeah so let me play the game again cuz that's what's gonna happen you're gonna let me play the game again right now like I said ring me hey yeah is anyone there well I'll just leave a message how does so it's been a while the cream returned and is now ruling over the underground she's in stated a new policy all the humans who fell here will be treated not as enemies but as friends it's probably for the best anyway the human souls the King gathered seem to have disappeared so what that planning happening anytime soon but even though people are heartbroken over the king and things are looking grim for our freedom the Queen's tried her best to not let us give up hope so well hey if we're not giving up down here don't give up wherever you are okay who knows how long it will take that we'll get out of here thanks are you talking to oh no buddy what nobody can I talk to them too yeah knock yourself oh wait a second I recognize this number attention human eye the great papyrus and now captain of the Royal Guard it's everything I've ever dreamed of except instead of fighting we just water flowers so that's ever so slightly different and what happened took to office with her research she's gonna find a way to get us out of here I'm done it's helping here too though to be honest her method of helping seems kind of explosion inducing but I think alpha sites having around oh hey what are you up to Punk yeah please don't need a phone hey who's in charge here me oh yeah that's right I quit my job as leader of the room God actually since we won't be flying anymore now either or God totally disbanded there's only one member now but he's extremely good he is coming yeah please don't need a skeleton anyways now I'm working as alpha slobber system we're gonna find a way out this done once and for all oh yeah I'm a gym teacher at the Queens new school did you know I can benchpress seven children awesome right hey I'm sorry about what happened to high school you were just doing what you had to it's not your fault he ah darn it I missed the big guy come on Undine snap out of it I guess I'll tell you how Office is doing well she's the same as ever maybe a little more reclusive than normal seems like something's really bothering her but she can get through it I'm here supporting her that's what friends are for right hey wherever you are I hope it's better than here it took a lot of sacrifice for you to get there so wherever you are you have to try to be happy okay for our sakes we'll be better in knowing our trouble was worth it we're all with you everyone is even the Queen hey wait a second toriel toriel do you wanna huh she says she's busy but if she know who we were talking to we wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours we have the message to spare you from that but come back any time okay should have to talk oh whoops this thing's almost out of batteries so wait could the shore be seeing you okay honey bye bye for now see ya punkk phone goes down this in the end why why did you let me go don't you realize that being nice it just makes you get hurt look at yourself you made all these great friends but now the probably never see them again not to mention how much they've been set back by now hurts doesn't it if you had just gone through without caring about anyone you wouldn't have to feel bad now so I don't get it if you really did everything the right way why did things still end up like this why it's like Freddy that I'm fair say what if I told you I knew some way to get a better ending you'll have to load the save farm for in the meantime why don't you go see dr. ralphus it seems like you could have been better friends who knows maybe she's got the key to your happiness see you soon just flowy it's gone it's my game gonna close it literally below is the whole game is the intro different like I'm kind of speechless right now I guess it's the same and will it reload the game back up everything seems the same continue wait what is going on I'm I am so confused right now I am so confused and I hold up what a hold up the King's there whoa whoa whoa if you asked if I'm ready I'm gonna have to say not now this is the bat he's telling us this like it's the first time I've ever seen this okay we've read all of this go back go back go back I see anything you want to do is important even something as small as reading a book or taking a walk please take your time what the heck is dude I'm so confused did I just like make no progression I don't understand what's happening the throne hasn't been taken back by poriyal what the Freak my brain is so frazzled I've got to go down to the coffins does it say my soul is in there I've got to see some kind of difference otherwise I'm like really concerned that my game didn't save and I did all that for nothing come on game give me something here let me take this coffin it's a coffin there's a name what it what is going on what is happening doctor office doctor office I don't want to save my game I don't want to save my game we go back to dr. ralphus that's what I said we need to do I don't really see how there's like any more changes anywhere I don't know what else I can do guys okay hang on guys let me check the safe it barely updated it said three minutes pass I'm really confused I am so confused what is going on I really am what about my inventory maybe I can see if my inventories gone down dude I really don't dispatch'd this is actually scaring me wait hey this is Undine shop papyrus this was your idea human you have to deliver something for me please I went Snowden in front of her purse see you punk okay now that's given me as this game would say determination something is happening guys something is happening we've got to make it back real quick that makes me so happy to know so we've got to go back to Snowden all the way back to the very beginning who's this fella Mexican looked for ready already calling on rush it sort of makes me feel like I could wear one to be free be who you want to be my guy don't let anyone tell you different okay so we're gonna make our way back wait she's here I forget anything what was the name again was it Muffet there you my dearie you were always welcome in my parlor just stay on your best behavior let's go through the spider mouse hole I guess is this the way back that we have to go right now I think I'm not sure looks like it's there a shortcut that I missed I feel like there was a quick way we could have gotten back here there's no response haha how about that so we can't go in the lab let's make it back to Snowden then guess the only real thing we can do is to go ahead and talk to Undine and papyrus kay we're gonna ride in the boat let's go welcome back to Snowden my guy then we're off that we are are we gonna now this is important how about this door here what a beautiful knock I don't answer oh goodness me is still with that about this guy let's continue to play monsters in humans huh he's still saying the same thing so what back then all the way back to the beginning let's take a look at papyruses crib then huh all right the mailbox is still absolutely overflow in - here we go hey I have something to give you but you're carrying way too much I got to drop some stuff oh wait maybe I can just go ahead and consume something so items let's see junk food is good to me you eat the junk food the HP was maxed out so I have a favor to ask you I need you to develop letter to dr. Elvis but huh why don't I do it myself well it's kind of personal but we're friends so I'll tell you what blood sucks I don't want to have to go over there so here you go you got the Undine letter oh and if you read it I'll kill you thanks so much you're the best how about papyrus we talked to him of letters but she can never seem to find the right words so when she goes to deliver them herself she always quit so she can go back and rewrite that's why she asked you because you have no standards so what about the mailbox it's a mailbox with overflowing letters still I don't know if that means anything now hang on one second here first of all we can't go in here everyone but we don't need to let's see if we can go into Santa's room I doubt it the door is locked of course okay then guys well for this episode this is what we're gonna leave everything here that was a pretty intense one though we actually fought a score even though we didn't need to and we did spare him still and we also fought with flowey and it turns out even though he was just like grunt monster he was the one that brought us back here and he told us there was another way out of this mess maybe a good ending where everything does work out who knows though I guess we're gonna have to find out in the next episode but thank you all the same for watching this one guys I really hope you did enjoy if you did why not drop me that like crate and then hey if you new around here want to subscribe for more videos just like this one right here so thank you so much for watching this video guys of course if we did enjoy and I will of course see you on the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 5,278,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Undertale part 1, undertale first playthrough, 8 bitryan, 8-bitryan, undertale funny moments, undertale meeting sans, undertale flowey boss, undertale flowey reaction, sans undertale, boss fight, undertale walkthrough, undertale playthrough, undertale funny, lets play undertale, undertale episode 1, good ending, undertale game, pacifist, first time playing undertale
Id: xM3iBvRmPHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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