MY FIRST TIME PLAYING UNDERTALE. (& I love it) | Undertale

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okay well yeah guys we're doing undertale now undertale is a game I always see pop up despite being four years old people are still asking me to play this thing because yes I've never played under sail before so today I figured you know what we're gonna actually check out what undertale is all about on what the experience is it's maybe a one-off video it might turn into a serious ill or depend on how the lights go for this episode the ball is in your court guys let's get this started ah long ago two races ruled over steam get out the freakin way dude humans and monsters one day over account between the two races than always this happened after a long battle the humans were victorious they sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell wait undertale so we went underground right many years later [Music] mount a bot 20 something something we don't even know we don't need to know legend say that those who climb the mountain and never return Calvin ascension fight that someone found it away in to the underground right they tripping on a vine dude did they like headfirst straight down there all they dolphin dived into the hole and I'm guessing this is the tale of undertale right come on character lift your head up like the fall yo are you sure they're not dead this does a game in here something hang on just one moment I have no idea and that's the intro for undertale so what is going on guys this is Ryan here and yes welcome to undertale we're doing it right now guys I don't really know what to say about this game this is just something that so many have asked me to check out so that's what we're gonna do it the game is all just begins by telling you basically how to play this so Zen to confirm X to cancel look I'm gonna begin the game so name the Fallen human tech shaken as much as my forehead is right now they say fall in human you already know I got a name after myself right there listen we are done right now is this name correct oh dude I think this text is just as nervous as me right now posting so this is how we begin our adventure the adventure oh yeah Ryan guys we're a different character and here we go ah my dude we're good look at that walking around so we survived the fault we landed in what looks to be flowers now listen I feel like I have to preface even more so I've seen no gameplay of undertale I've never watched anything about it the only thing I know is the megalovania theme tune I know it's like a pacifist and a genocide root and yawning Allah I want to do the pacifist thing first dude partly that's the best way to experience this game first so let's do this howdy i'm flowey flowey the flower okay I want nice to meet you too the underground aren't you so confused you teach you how things work around here I guess little old me will have to do ready not ready already see that heart that is your soul a very culmination of your being your soul starts off weak but can grow strong if you gain a lot of what stand for white love of course you want some love don't you don't worry I'll share some with you okay flowey thank you so much don't here let me share through little white friendliness pellets are you ready move around get as many as you can so well I catch these thing ah you idiot whoa whoa die this evil dude we all right in the middle here somewhere oh boy we're good ah who the Freak someone land the beacon who is this lady right here what a terrible creature torturing such a poor innocent youth ah don't be afraid my child I am torial ketika of the ruins I passed through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down you are the first human to come here in a long time come I will guide you through the catacombs BAM dude this way thanks very much tutorial look at this purple doorway where I played this on drums right now hold up the music up this is so cool right now hold up she guides us through so pictorial can I take this place keep the shadow of the ruins looms above filling you with determination HP fully restored ayyy let's go actually taking us through by the way I don't think I'll do much cutting for this series dude doesn't seem to be a serious us like that welcome to your new home innocent one well thank you very much allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins all right you stand along those pallets in a certain way so we want to copy occasion fusions between diversions and dodges one must some of them to move from room to room please adjust yourself to the sight of them so these guys right here okay do I don't want to poke this there we go thank you only the fields may proceed the brave rooms of foolish ones both walk not in the middle road we have this over here too can we touch that looks like an elevator some kind to make a progress here you will need to trigger several switches do not worry I have labeled the ones that you'll need to flip thank you very much so first of all sign here press Z to read signs where did I just read the sign oh is this over here stay on the path oh I already drifted off to read that so put a button right there so what do we do toriel the first which is over on the wall so we simply go over and press this here there we go what did that change there's another one right there and she's labeled them so that drops the spikes splendid I am proud of you little one let us move to the next room dude I love her she's just like walking students I have no idea what is going on kind of curious about this switch but let's listen to a first floor I don't want to mess up as a human is living in the underground monsters may attack you you will need to be prepared for this situation however worry not the process is simple when you encounter a monster you will enter a trial wall you are in trying to strike up a friendly conversation sofa time I will come to resolve the conflict practice talking to the dummy okay so this is the whole passive history about the game right if you don't want to fight stuff yo let's have a nice conversation right you encountered the dumpee all right so I don't want to fight him so let me not do that okay it's missed so dummy stands around absent mindedly alright guys I'm just responding this here because she said to talk I didn't talk at all so you talk to the dummy it doesn't respond okay so that's good right it doesn't seem much of a conversation toriel seems happy with you yes I knew I did something wrong I had to be sure you warned you and 0 XP and zero gold yeah this is how we want to do it ah very good you aren't very good exactly this is how I want to do it man I'm making sure I get this right also yes I've cleared my day completely guys so it's not like a second playthrough there's another puzzle in this room I wonder if you could solve it okay so follow her through how far does this puzzle go she's still League nerves down ah hold up so froggy attacks you so what do i do I think in column and the dude let's do it rogue Anton didn't understand what you said but was flattered anyway that's good Torrio's in the back whether she's staring at him she a presence her fur makes him leave right so we get nothing from that so bro why I get no gold though we're a puzzle in this room here or perhaps further on I see no with these therapists now let's check the Sun up here the Western rune is the eastern rooms blueprint the western room is the eastern rooms blueprint dude she sensed at all wait there's like a trail on the floor so this is the route we follow through this then okay one that way one up to that way it one down three that way it one up and two that way we already forgot this is the puzzle but here take my hand for a moment we hold up what is she doing know I kind of knew this already then it's too sideways then down then it's three that way so that's the third spike then you go up and then two more that way yeah okay a thanks twirl puzzles seem a little too dangerous for now well I guess that's a good thing right you have done excellently thus far my child however I may have a difficult quest to ask you I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself forgive me for this the free do this musics awesome writer stay on this why would she want us to walk to the end of this room what's the problem with this right I think you've been trashed you stick on the path ah sorry I don't get the test if it was even any old what is the meaning behind this huh you tried to touch me for we've got a column right there she's hiding behind that greetings my child do not worry I did not leave you I was merely behind this pillar the whole time what yeah I watched you come out from that so anyway thank you for trusting me however that was an important reason for this exercise to test your independence I must attend to some business and you must stay alone for a while please remain here it's dangerous to explore by yourself I have an idea I will give you a cellphone if you ever need for anything could just call would be good alright thank you very much yo ah 9-1-1 ya I've tracked down this underground or hiding out between do I just simply stay here or do I wanna go forward oh I see that frog right there but ring can be cool hello this tutorial you have not left the room have you know there are a few puzzles ahead that's I have yet to explain it would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself be good all right click should I wait for her is that what the game wants me to do right now I'm like this is too much responsibility yeah it's been about 4 minutes guys I'm still waiting I'm still weighing now I have a suspicion that we've got to pretty much take care of the stuff in the other room but let me just at least wait maybe there'll be a phone call or something I press C ok let me just see my stats for a second right now it's on level 1 I got a stick in a bandage for armor that's trash let me check out my cell say about yourself call her monk flirt with top with the free product say hello maybe so I'm dialing someone this is toriel you only wanted to say hello mother hello I hope that suffice is key click yeah you didn't tell me when do I go hi guys I wait for about 10 minutes and I'm life in joking I didn't get any calls come through so we know that this thing over here that restores weight playfully crinkling through the leaves it fills you with determination you should be fully restored so that's our save point system you can see how long I've been playing right there Oh froggy axe talk to the program or comprehend frog it didn't understand what you said but what's flats it anyway blood she's deeply a ribbit whoa whoa whoa so we know that these things are bad so we toss them that's a great mechanic so rogue it seems reluctant to fight you but that's good let's give him a another compliment I guess froggy didn't understand what you said but was flattered anyway a case if we flee don't slow me down we can simply escape them Rob I can't prevented him about 20 times I definitely know what I was doing so it says don't go off the path aka don't go that way there noted fully so what are we doing right when the freakish twirl another one of these hello well right fleet the second one now that looks like a trap spot to be honest she's there anything in this room is if I walk in that dude my legs might fall it's gotta be something here then do we like walking to it okay I'm falling down a hole dang but the free do we fall to trap doors another if it's a froggy what is that a whim son approach immediately okay well with this dude let me try and consult you know halfway through your first word whims and burst into tears and runs away I'm sorry you won up I sure hope that was a good thing to do right let's travel back to so only one of these nets alright let's check the other door here see where this one takes us back once again on the other side that's it then ring hello this tutorial for no reason in particular which do you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch I like cinnamon to be honest I see thank you very much okay well bye she's ringing again hello this is tutorial you did not dislike butterscotch do you I know what your preference is but would you turn up your nose if you found a hit right it's Pakistan thank you for being patient puts the phone down again okay let's check this room put on the pressure plate times the spikes up oh who are we in Carolyn this time just a froggit Vesta just simply I guess flee from these guys because they don't understand what we're saying Sam tell them some good stuff man tor a ringing again hello you do not have any allergies do you why am I asking no ease no reason at all at what tough dude you've got to be kidding me there's no wait I can figure this out right ah one of these is gonna be a trap hole oh man we're gonna have to figure this out it's gonna take a while wait where the heck am i go back that way what about the other way here hey looking at things this might be the path through this see please don't step on the leaves I think that's the hint and so we kind of make like the zig zaggy shape let's go back to the dorm we'll try this okay so maybe beginning here at least it's not beginning now okay let's see that that's where it puts Brian got it got it so in that case we start here it's the very bottom think to across like so then to the top then like this and we go down and simply oh I found an enemy right there so William I'm again just gonna flee this dude I don't want to fight these thing that should be it I'm just going through more pressure place now is there a specific order we go about this small small and mold small block to wait now let me see if I can maybe compliment this imitate check or let me try Flynn you wiggle your hips more school Oh God sexy wiggle from one squad from me all right let's try to dodge these a second here though just like so uh the best bet is to probably flee once again yeah so okay knowing that we moved the one that had the biggest like distance first let's do in this order whoa there partner who said you could push me around so you're asking me to move over okay just for you pumpkin hmm you want me to move some more dude what is going on alrighty house this is wrong way was that the wrong direction okay think I got it is to move back keep it moving yeah just like so you wanted me to stay that you're giving me a real workout but well just don't move this time okay good next room here so that restores health right think so and it's also a safe knowing the mouse might one day leave its hold and get the cheese it fills you with determination did we get determination from basically anything right now then so this cheese has been here for a long time it's stuck to the table okay looks like a ghost ah my man are you good to talk to it are they gone yet this ghost keep saying is said out loud wait the ghost was literally they're like sets ssssss mover with force no no no no no we asked you politely so it continually seems again are they gone yet okay this ghost keep saying that out loud repeatedly attending to sleep move it with force wait maybe we actually do I'm sure I'll give us at the compliment commander I mean I can't see the archway there which I think if we go off the path that's we're already too but I don't know if I should really stray off the path for at least my first video on this game I don't know what could happen I guess we'll move it I hope I didn't do any damage here comes a Napster block nap stab look ah got it let's tune in the back though so we can check floods cheer over it let's cheer him on right you gave napstablook a patient smile okay okay all right so he's crying right now something whoa whoa holy crap that was a lot to dodge nap stock book just looks a little bit better we try to cheer him again if you told napstablook a little joke okay now what now really not feeling up to it right now sorry I mean thanks man I appreciate not being killed today cherry seems to have improved at naps tab button looks mood again alright so let's do the same thing again what's your amok napstablook wants to show you something let me try what are you gonna do he's crying up I call it damper blue do you like it I mean it's interesting right napstablook eagerly await your response well chairman again oh gee wait what's wrong I usually come to the rooms because there's nobody around but today I met somebody nice that's good right oh I'm rambling again I'll get out of your way thank you very much and have it have a present ghostly life yes what is this here cobwebs spider bake sale all proceeds go to real spiders yeah I'll take the smaller thank you leave 7g in the web I mean I can't I have nothing money literally to pay over here leave 18 G I mean I could say yes but you didn't have enough gold alright guys we're gonna go off paths a little bit I didn't have any other way to go so we got a sign right here did you miss it spider bake sale down into the right come even made by spiders for spiders of spiders well I'd love to buy I have no money left literally really my friend never listens to me whenever I talk they skip through my words by pressing X dude I'm listening that's right wait pressing X dude this is amazing oh not you too so these guys giving us tips I heard you think f4 can make you have fullscreen figured that out but what does f4 stand for for frogs I have only seen a maximum of three frogs in this room this is troubling to say the least rivets okay so this is like a tip Jim Merritt Merritt I have heard you are quite merciful for a human surely you would know by now I monster was a yellow name when you can spare it interesting what did you think of that it's with what helpful or bad I mean that's helpful right it is rather helpful remember sparing is just saying you won't fight maybe one day you'll have to do it even if their name isn't yellow okay and as we concerned Torrio's calling hello I just realized that it had been a while since I'd last cleaned up I was not expecting to have company so soon there are probably a lot of things lying around here and there you can pick them up but do not carry more than you need some day you might see something you really like you'll want to leave room in your pockets for that click she hangs up after that okay there is just one switch right and lots of these possibilities where we can maybe fall down just one switch huh find the fight before looks drew near we can act yeah let me try a compliment it looks right now so we can pick on it don't pick on it right finally someone gets it it gets what bro I don't pick on you right now what's your problem Luke's is gazing at you okay act again so don't pick on finally someone gets it and he does the same attack all over again uh can i spare it then right now you won you and your XP and five got wait what does sparing mean okay pressure place at the back there so sparing I think that might be regards to what the front was telling us before right so a monster wears a yellow name when you can spare it it's helpful it is rather helpful okay so let's try and think about how we can use that a little bit more so let me imitate this mold you light a mobile with multiple you feel like you understand the world a little better sexy wiggler Oh it's muddy hang on let's touch these a second via rumor of line gelatin washed through I mean that's something right so his name is now yellow if you see does that mean now if I spare it he understands look yes it's yellow right there so we spare it you one you earned one gold for that so this must be the right thing to do it's like almost escape yeah yeah I wanna try it now with one of the frog it's so if we go over less compliment the guy he didn't understand what you said but was flattered anyways so maybe that means now he'll appreciate it so he blushes deeply but my dad still goes ahead in the taxes which is fine now if we act look it seems reluctant to fight you now we go ahead and spare it right so have mercy and then spare you want it you earn two gold okay we can also then afford I think to go back to these spiders own and maybe give them a contribution okay so if I go over here then leave 7g in the web actual thing okay some spiders called down and gave you a donut I got a donor listen guys as of late I don't know what's been going on with me but I've been obsessed with strawberry jam donuts alright and I don't get it right I just thought I can eat like three or four of them when I'm getting them okay so we're gonna save here once again now do I maybe want to get the other contribution to give to the other spiders maybe that's how we figure this out but then again we just have this room at the top here with seemingly six potential traps which we could fall down and this room here also speaks of a potential level we can find now I wonder how we can find it we walk over this so we fall down and it gives you tips so wait hang on a second if I go back up here I've got to figure this out in relation I think it might be the one to the left screen there and my gosh but crawled up close let's act alright so yes yes yes yes so the most of all so they can always be I guess spread but we've got to talk to this guy I don't care Oh God so both attack at the same time oh yes I'm sorry we got hit once more small weights pensively that mugger will not give me a chance I want a spare I guess hmm cha-cha-cha oh he's still here yeah what do you do he's dancing me gosh it doesn't care but doesn't have a care in there we hold up now I look here he's all happy so I can now spare him right you've won I got 2 gold for that this is slowly coming together so I think this one had the switch right I fall through here oh yeah hit the switch that something is well in the ground there you see that yeah I gotta see what this is man I need me some tears right now might be like a pumpkin ah that didn't look friendly a vegetable came out of the earth let's act we can talk we can devout no no no no no we want to talk to the guy plants can't talk dummy what do you just do huh what do you just do oh my god do these so he's dropping carrots on our forehead virtue Todd gave a mysterious smile ok I'm gonna try and talk to him one more time ok plants can't talk dummy okay my guys dropping five a day straight on my forehead my health is actually going down cackle something so maybe I should try and flee this from about Celia okay let's go through then one of these colored things here it's a switch press it no no no no no not yet leaves hold on let's read the bulletin board here the far door is not an exit it simply marks a rotation in perspective the freak you talk about where are we going right now this is kind of confusing right if you can read this press the blue switch well that's Wow all right blue switch back here then so simple enough right we go ahead and press this one it what's the first one I was gonna touch as well please don't be telling me you give me some bullcrap nothing happened yeah at least not in this room did the pressure place move they did I mean it's it press the blue switch now next that maybe the board tells me the same thing now listen first of all man I've got a lot of gold so before I mess with this stuff I think I'm gonna go back and save there's some kind of combination we have to figure out with the buttons maybe we press the blue one first and then something changed with the other ones all right now I've got a lot of gold so leave 18g in the web let's do it some spiders cooled down and gave you a jug um I'm sure off vanilla floor at some point so thanks all right so do I have to impress the other ones in a different order is there maybe a color sequence I can see somewhere then we just chance it okay well that's the whole point there is a puzzle here dude so I don't know if it's resetting though so do I have always have like memory press this again I'm not really sure dry with this one here nothing happened that's a good thing then right so we press that one oh god these are gonna interrupt a lot though try the red one they'll then so it's the switch will press it nothing happened that's probably goofy mints we pressed those first three let's now press maybe this guy yeah you notice there was a blue switch behind [Music] it's a switch you're a clicking sound alright well we're gonna go through what is this one if you can read this press the red switch okay is it hidden behind a pillow don't press it you can hear a clicking sound so that's good that literally was the simplest solution here okay so mercy these guys again another room with just pillars okay let's read this if you can read this press the green switch we don't know whether is there which behind one of those two pillars though try this one here I guess is to switch press it he hear a clicking sim I think I got lucky with that but it looks the things we did okay now we got some vines are we free of that zone though right I have no idea also what the Freak which way do I go I checked this way hold up to see the Frog know it ribbit just between you and me ice electorial come out of here just a little while ago she was carrying some groceries I didn't ask what they were for we're all too intimidated to talk to her ribbit this must be like a whoa there's a blade in the corner so we'll leave that for now at least I don't want Toro getting the wrong idea maybe this is a home here right oh dear that took longer than I thought it would she's gonna see us though right dude we're right next to you tall she comes over how did you get here my child are you hurt not a scratch impressive but still I should have not left you for so long it was irresponsible to try and surprise you like this well I suppose I cannot hide it any longer come small one let's go right so ignore the demonic tree right there now I'm saving just outside the house seeing such a cute tidy house in the ruins give you determination let's go man look at that save time as well guys you know what before we even go in the house man I think this way I'm gonna leave it here guys I know I didn't play for that long that's cuz I don't really want this to be like a fully fledged episode if this thing does turn into a series I mean that ball is in your court to be honest I said before but this was just me taking a look at undertale an interesting adventure to say the least I never really go into this with expectations because I don't really know what to expect after all but it feels like it does play pretty nicely and if this did become a series it would be a very very chill one you know the sort one when you just kick it not too much going on but yeah all the same guys this is what we're gonna leave this episode of undertale here and I really hope you did enjoy if you did that why not run in that like crate and hey if you new around here why not subscribe for more videos just like this one right here so thank you so much for watching this video guys of course if we did enjoy and I will see one the next one [Music]
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 1,327,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Undertale part 1, undertale first playthrough, 8 bitryan, 8-bitryan, sans undertale, boss fight, undertale walkthrough, undertale playthrough, lets play undertale, undertale episode 1, good ending, undertale game, pacifist, first time playing undertale
Id: 1SpR8lzfqmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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