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james i think we're being followed oh they're coming back they're coming back we're about to get robbed and i'm gonna catch it all on camera guys got a gun he's got a gun he's got a gun he's kind of good the guy's got it bro my car just died just died i hope i don't regret this [Music] what is up fam welcome to another haunted adventure i am with my friend james this ghost town is so massive it's probably going to take a couple of videos for us to comb the entire area we did visit a certain part of this ghost town a couple years back you may remember where my friend haley reese was scratched on her way out at some point we are gonna try to make it back to that hospital and spend a little bit more time there and see what it was that scratched my good friend hayley reese this may be our last chance ever to see this ghost town in place they've already started knocking down some of the buildings i will show you that here in a second it looks like there's some buildings that were burned down there's one right there in the front too wow if you were born i don't know maybe in the 2000s let me know if you know what this is [Applause] what kind of books are these oh look it says children's hospital on it these books are so dry we do have to be careful with rattlesnakes there are people that come here and like to start trouble this place is massive there's just so much to see here how come we never seen this the last time i didn't see it at all hey there's books everywhere too look at this or like a bomb went off public school superhero these books are actually in good condition too let's try to stay kind of close together so we don't get lost is there a lot of tripping hazards oh wow check this place out [Applause] it's really hot outside too it's the desert for you i mean there's just like so many houses some of these i think they've done like rituals and like not good stuff oh we found that's how some of it remember we found those rituals at that water park wasn't that far from here that was right like that was really close to here i don't know upstairs uh probably not best idea yeah these stairs look a little shot these stairs weren't so bad the dining room the foyer this must have been a living space and then a couple bedrooms upstairs yeah it just keeps going now in case you're wondering there was a military base that used to be near here and these were more than likely for military families what i don't understand though is that some of this concrete looks brand new what sign there it says if you're a bimbo call me who's got a number hey look a rocket ship see this concrete like it looks like it was just laid yeah you think they put some bodies underneath ooh could you imagine people have done that before hey check it out it says insert here do i insert my camera in there you know what that kind of looks like what looks like a hole in the wall it's a little too high though actually it's about the right size you could do that do it you're tall so oh yeah yeah it's eyeball it's a eyeball peeking camera insert here oh hello hey hello is there somebody in here hello oh my god dude just look look at this place i mean there's just buildings forever i don't know i couldn't i couldn't find i don't see anything i don't want to walk up there the stairs don't look that dude they're pretty bad i'll just be really careful there's somebody up here bro this place is like in really bad shape man you know it's so hard to believe when i'm somewhere like this that no families once stayed here you know people lived laughed got sad like they were in here i mean it doesn't no it doesn't bother you what that noise we heard was this place is falling apart was it the wind bro there could have been something falling apart up here bro it sounded like footsteps i don't know that's debatable oh shoot okay careful yeah i just don't want to fall through a hole in the floor i mean there's police is not safe i kind of looked up here this is why they're starting to demolish all these houses that once stood i mean little by little you can see there's a lot of windows missing a lot of doors but i don't understand the concrete situation this concrete looks like it was just laid within a year and these places look like they've been abandoned for way longer my god it just keeps going i cannot believe how many buildings how many houses apartments like it's insane it's just so much out here dude i think we're being followed oh they're coming back they're coming back oh i need to get out of here they're coming back why are they coming back i don't know we're like sitting ducks right now watching people be like hey are you oh my gosh tv honestly i hope that happens [Applause] we're about to get robbed and i'm gonna catch it all on camera if i do i'm gonna give him the camera and i'm gonna take the sd card off you told me about that dude yes about so many people getting robbed out here and he just went toward our car our car's right back there i'm hoping they're just exploring the place like we are uh let's just think i would think so except they just killed boxes didn't waver say hi well i think that maybe when they seen us they either wanted to rob us or maybe they were like feeling comfortable maybe they're like oh their car's way over there and they're over there so let's smash the car real quick oh they're coming i think these guys are either here for us or they're here for somebody else they just started putting some really heavy equipment i think i think they're armed guy's got a gun he's got a gun he's got a gun he's got a gun that guy's got a gun they're out there with guns i just saw them pull guns out of there are you serious yes they got guns and bulletproof vests on i'm not lying are you ready i just heard him say are you ready did you hear that dude you don't think they're gonna like try to hunt us because they pulled around and they saw us and they came back and that's when we went and hiding do you even have service higher why would they have guns out here either they're doing a drug deal i think i think that's what i thought just stay still don't even back here yeah there's a window yeah that's how i got in honestly bro what if they were hiding oh remember all that fresh concrete that i seen why would fresh concrete be in these old houses like this that are abandoned for so long what if they have drugs that's what it was or money underneath the concrete since we're close to mexico what if they're actually so this is actually pretty genius some drug tellers do this instead of doing a hand transaction just like with um moonshine right what they do is they stick like the drugs they're getting ready and then they leave and then the next person comes or they're getting ready for a deal they're either picking up money or picking up drugs or dropping off what if they're meeting with somebody else for a drug deal dude we might be like in the middle of a freaking drug deal right now did you stand here i think they're so over here they're shooting they're getting ready to shoot over here [Music] [Music] those aren't gunshots no it's not it sounds like paintball or airsoft that's airsoft those are airsoft i'm only a shark nevertheless i don't want to get shot with an airsoft gun either but what if they got real guns okay i feel a little bit better that those aren't like actual guns however i have been seeing these like trends on tick tock where people are shooting people up with like airsoft guns and we have some you seen that yeah and maybe they saw us and we became targets for them because think they were shooting right it sounded like a couple hit they were shooting right at this house no they did i heard it hit the house a few times i just don't want to be soon what they're right there they're right back there they see us walking down the street so they know we're here somewhere yeah we need to be really really silent [Applause] i see a lot more fresh concrete in place now i don't know what these guys intentions are but just to be safe we're kind of walking on the outside of where they're at where i seen them but they had like ski masks on bulletproof vests [Applause] dude look there's like bullet holes in the walls we're just gonna try to stay out there wait there's just some guys having a good time yeah i mean that's some services that's a possibility bro it's a possibility my fear is that there may be doing like a drug deal or something or here to pick up some goods from somebody [Applause] that was a good idea to get away from that area yeah yeah they're over there i mean maybe they are like doing airsoft that's what i'm thinking but who knows maybe they're looking for us have you ever been hit by airsoft pellet never i've been hit by a paintball yeah that hurts so i can imagine her i remember my ex-wife her uncle came over and i was like you ever like played with somewhere like there's no balls in there and you're like you just have the co2 and you're like you know you blow air yeah i was like oh watch this it doesn't hurt and right in his back like an inch away there was a ball in there bro you got i never heard yeah i never heard the end of that story oh man it was like it welted up like like yeah it was like all purple like it was it was bad for slivy come home for sly i don't know is it silvia no oh sylvie sylvia sylvie or i don't know what is up with this bro are these like these are razors bro they're no that's not just barbed wire bros there's a straight razor oh wow i just don't want those guys to start hunting us there's bullets really so people do come out here and shoot yeah i'm not sure what kind of bullet that is it's hard to make out these are huge maybe like a a 40 or 50 caliber oh here's some more it's everywhere yeah bro these are these are actual like rounds too that haven't been fired off really yeah some i mean ammo is expensive i don't know anywhere it's probably from just actually dropped it yeah is that the only one you seen like that no there's a couple of them here check it out [Applause] you're right they've never been fired what the hell they look old too people coming out here shooting i mean it could be pretty new hey it is so hot out here and what's crazy it's like we're not even sweating ah that's the only place you can come and not sweat but still be really hot if that makes any sense [Applause] oh my god yo i know we were a little sketched out right now but for very good reason it was kind of weird that that car pulled out and then went back as soon as they saw us but they're kind of keeping to themselves on that side of the ghost town i'm thinking that they're just here having a good time playing paintball or airsoft i couldn't zoom in as much as i wanted to so i don't know exactly what kind of guns they were using but they're not making loud bang noises so i assume it's something more for fun recreational than [Applause] what we imagined in the first place but check this place out now we're in like probably one of the main roads of the ghost town there's just so much here bro there's so much here like how long has this been like this now the hospital that james and i went to we've been here a couple times you didn't come with me the last time when i brought hayley and my friend matt no i wasn't there kelsey was here as well we came in the middle of the night i heard about it yeah but this is on the same property as that hospital but we never explored this we never got to really see we saw a couple abandoned houses and buildings but this was a lot larger than we ever imagined wanna go this way oh hey how far can an airsoft bullet travel yeah dude you don't think they're i hope they're not coming could you imagine oh man where are those guys that they just they do a drive by and we get shot up but airplanes that would suck and they have masks on so we wouldn't even see who they are wait they have mask on they have masks on that actually concerns me more than anything uh well let's not think too much about it what's crazy is there's mountains in the distance with snow on them like how crazy is that it's scorching hot down here and there's snow from a distance well i'm sweating a little now but it's not terrible this is a death trap look at this hole oh my gosh this has been like this a long time bro long time someone definitely fired this one off right here look at that whoo some big old bullets dude were those fired yeah these were fired off for her it says come home sylvester this must have been like a hangout for somebody that went missing it's kind of sad [Music] yeah what's in here are you here sylvester i thought there was somebody standing right there it was just a big hole we literally had to get back in the car to explore this place a little bit better because it's just it's way too much just on foot but yeah right there look they just started demolishing like they're working on it they're going to start taking all these buildings down one by one so this is like the last chance we could actually film here probably probably dude look at this side wait these are the same thing like apartments look at them over yeah wow bro the whole thing is lined up with them that's all paintball like markings too really yeah people must come out here and have fun and go paintballing that's what those guys were doing there's just so much oh man what is that almost looks like a school dude it just it just goes on look it just goes on forever yeah bro straight up find the best spot we should find the hospital yeah you want to go back to the hospital hell yeah what is this over here these like little storage spots for people i thought at first they were those storage containers that is the weirdest thing i've ever seen yeah because it seems too small to be like i think they're they're storage yeah like they're like little they're not big enough for garages though like you know your car okay they're like little mini storage buildings like sheds yeah okay for people's stuff like extra stuff that's pretty unique having that in front of houses it's a parking area this is what the concrete should look like for its age i don't understand why there's a lot of fresh concrete like it almost looks like it was just laid right like i said there's way too much to see if you are on foot we have been walking quite a bit but we didn't want to leave our car just parked really far away and not be able to get to it the very large ghost town like all these streets here what's going on with the the middle of the street i was kind of weird i'd love to come out here at nighttime wow on our way out when we grabbed our car we actually spoke to the gentleman that we thought at first were like drug dealers that was just our anxiety working against us but they were in fact airsofting so we were right about that and they said that sometimes they have events here like airsoft events even paintballers they come out here i mean like hundreds of people and they just go to town if you've ever played call of duty this does put out some nuketown vibes now nuketown is this small nuclear site like where they used to test like nuclear bombs probably like my favorite map everybody's favorite map because it's small and you just go to town shooting each other up but this is definitely a lot bigger than nuketown huge i mean nuketown would probably be just right here this is this is newtown but it does put off those vibes like in the middle of the desert everything's destroyed i mean legit looks like a bomb set these places off you know i wonder i mean did the weather the weather do this years of neglect probably like i said there is a hospital nearby and we're gonna check it out i won't let you go until we find that haunted hospital super haunted by the way i do want to add something too james as my witness i tried to fly my drone in the air and i was having all these technical problems i was recalibrating the compass over and over again kept saying that there was a strong magnetic interference i thought at first that it was my drone or maybe there was some wrong i mean i even thought hey maybe it's some kind of curse here in this abandoned town but then i got a clear indication that we are in a no-fly zone and it did give me the option to fly if i wanted to in the no-fly zone but you don't want to mess around with aviation they will come after you like that though just to be safe did not fly my drone even though i can probably keep it low enough even if there's airplanes because there is an airport pretty close by don't want to break the law let's explore some more i feel like the only way to really see what the ghost town looks like and how large it is is with a drone shot remember the ghost town in florida that we went to like how much larger do you think this ghost town is honestly i feel like we haven't even seen all of it still we haven't so i really have no idea but i would say at least five to ten times bigger at least probably ten times bigger it's massive the other place was big yeah it was a whole subdivision like a huge subdivision which by the way is now occupied so they took similar buildings they were in nicer shape than than some of these but these can all be redone like structurally a lot of them are good structurally not all of them obviously some of them are definitely beat deck but there's a lot that are in really nice condition they really honestly like i would buy it for like 30 grand and fix it up and like buy a couple more nice ones and make a nice little imagine if they sold these off it could be the fan neighborhood yeah a one week sale or auction where they come in like you bid on each individual one some of them aren't work jack diddly maybe just the land value dude i mean it's just it keeps going let's go this way i just wonder if there was like any type of thing that like maybe the drinking water was bad or like we are in the desert yeah like was there another reason why like was it did it turn into a nuclear site right right something like that with most things it's usually money yeah but i mean if this was government owned this is worth a lot of money yeah this property if you owned it somebody likes tacos says some of these are changing the way they look that's why the tree fell on the house over there i think they got a lot of scorpions oh yeah giants gotta be all over the place have you been able to find like a newspaper or a magazine in any of these places no not yet keep your eye out because i'm curious the date on them you know what i mean like something even like a mail card or something that would have a date dude check this out it just keeps going it's an entire like it's a huge neighborhood it wouldn't be possible to explore every single building you know well you would need like a month all right and honestly it's hard to tell which ones are like haunted if there's any haunted history and some of them more than others but this whole area in general does have some haunted history especially the hospital and we're gonna be going there next here but there's a little bit more to see and that's what we're doing right now yeah you see how the roads are like they're they're beat up and then you have fresh concrete and other places oh check this out look see this is what i was talking about it's a perfect example this is what they're doing because the land is probably more valuable than the buildings this used to be a baseball field right here oh wow what and then there was probably some houses around it are some buildings and look they're all being demoed that's abandoned too it's maybe like a rec center really yeah oh there's more dude there's like one it just keeps going there's mike recording a drone shot there do our phones have way better stabilization than our cameras they do for uh they had this huge boulder here blocking something i don't know i thought at first this was maybe a school yeah these are different though yeah they're more like apartments i don't even know what kind of base it was i believe air force base there was probably more temporary housing and then there was permanent housing too like if people stayed just for a short while right all i envision is kids playing outside and stuff the laughter yeah oh bro me just look at this this just blows me away it just keeps going this is crazy so i just lost footage very important footage where i'm shooting some b-roll using my iphone actually because of the stability and as i'm in the middle of shooting this these b-roll shots of the ghost town the car just shuts off just shuts off we were listening to music and i tell james like bro turn the music off turn the music off and like i didn't think the car was gonna start back up but it ended up starting back up i mean we lost power completely lost power bro i was even recording you recording on your camera oh yeah okay and then mike we're talking about of course the whole like car losing power of course and then my camera just shuts off doesn't even tell me that the battery is getting ready to die the battery just died no warning indication nothing i don't know what's going on i have no idea i almost feel like we should go back to where the car i was thinking shut up honestly because maybe there was something i'm just curious like what if it does it again or like did it mean something you have no idea what went through my mind when that happened i'm like oh my god we're in the middle i heard it in your voice i don't i don't even know if i was recording right then i probably wasn't because i was playing music but like just when your voice off camera i was scared to turn that down yeah i knew it was serious like i thought it was cops or something to be honest with you well like i'm like what do you see i thought it was something government connected you know like they can just send a pulse oh yeah and turn your your vehicle i mean it lost all power could you imagine if it didn't start there was no power there was no electricity or no it just shut off bro turn it off turn it off what am i missing bro my car just died just died it's it's it completely completely just that was the weirdest i've ever i'm glad it started you know what i almost thought it was like some military like it just shut off that was weird we're sitting there listening the song on my phone and the car just died and he's like dude dude turn that off and i was like start recording so as when we were at the bottom of the hill over there i went to go give the car gas and there was there was no power maybe whatsoever maybe let's get what do you think about maybe getting out for a minute or two maybe something with some legally feel anything okay um where do you think it like first shut off at it was like right around me a while remember i i think it shut off right around here okay so where did we see them well we never we stopped my outfit maybe in this area all right because the car started right back up no it did right but we coasted for a little bit because i was having to turn the music off and record she didn't break right away but let's get out of here so i was filming this side of the ghost town it was just a smooth shot with my iphone and then the car just stopped it lost all power so we stopped up there maybe it was right around here you know what i'm thinking i remember going down this hill like we probably lost power right around here and because i went to go give it gas because it wasn't coasting anymore because we were getting ready to go up a hill and that's when i noticed that it was completely like powerless all right so let me ask you a question do you feel drawn either way right now i feel like dude i just i want to see if you match up with me or if we're separate i'm thinking something right in here really okay yeah see i was actually thinking something there because hey that's where my eyes first rain fixed on it and but my other thing was we stopped all right i mean the car turned off right around here we ended up stopping really close to that building and there's no other buildings right there okay you do have a point so it kind of like it could be that but we lost power in front of that building but we ended up after we lost power in front of this building so how about this why don't we separate you go in that building i think that's a great idea i'm gonna go in this building maybe even go to the next one all right if you yell really loud or if i yell let's just meet in the street okay all right you got it that's probably the best way to do it you're gonna leave this door open though i probably shouldn't do that there's more bullets i wonder if somebody was maybe murderers somebody in here that's just the wind hello [Applause] what is all this sonora will be free open for unite this is very similar even though it's further away it's identical to those two-story houses that we were in a little bit ago this one isn't missing the ceiling entirely whoa okay these connect to the other the other houses thought that was a closet i was coming right through here the car just shut off just lost all power my rental car is a nissan altima it's pretty new it only has i think 4 000 miles on it i could be wrong about the mileage right it doesn't have a lot of miles but if somebody out there has a nissan altima and that's happened to them before do people just come here and let their frustrations out like those i don't know what that was but reason why i got out is because i feel the place is falling apart maybe something was trying to invite us in to trap us i thought that was a clown at first nothing really out of the ordinary i mean i can't say i was able to explore everything though oh this is a mirror image of the apartment we were just in right now and this seems to be the bigger bigger size eat-in kitchen looks like there's the front door living room you know dining area right here and there's a like a little breakfast bar area and then that's the upstairs going to three bedrooms i think there's another another room off to the side there's a like a half bath oh my gosh this has been abandoned for a long time i just heard james screaming i think he found something or maybe he's being attacked i don't know oh gosh yo james james [Music] james where you at what's the matter you didn't scream right now what i heard first of all you weren't just back here no i was in the buildings over there so that wasn't you bro you serious not me dude i've been recording this whole time watch like i've been recording for like 10 minutes is there anybody else here maybe it was those guys playing airsoft yeah it could have been but i don't know dude because straight up you'll see in my video i was back here i said for some reason i would pull toward this house more than that house for some reason uh-huh i go in there and i'm like if if there's you know a way you want me to go after i filmed in there nothing really happened there's a way you want me to go let me you know make a noise well then all of a sudden i heard it sounded like this but i was all the way over there are you sure you didn't yell when you heard those noises because you were scared no because like it wasn't a scary noise i thought it was an actual person i even went all the way out the front walked all the way around recorded she saw nobody there and came back in here i thought you were in trouble man walking back towards where james was going to be which he said that when he went to this building he felt more drawn to the building across the street i was all the way in two buildings over kind of by where the car's at and that's when i heard like a it sounded like a guy screaming it could have just been a coincidence driving through here but i've never had that happen with a newer car and i mean you can see the nissan altima is brand new it's a rental hey there is some debris over here where it did shut off maybe there's something around here it's all garbage [Applause] someone's shoes some toys a lot of toys okay somebody learning a different language maybe japanese not sure directv remote [Applause] i know what you're thinking hey omar won't you dig through that you may find something cool under there like a rattlesnake no thanks you got a cool little curling iron right there pretty sure there's just somebody dumping their trash but being that this is a ghost town that not many people come to they could dump some other stuff too just use your imagination did one of you guys turn my car off what about you did that turn my car off we'll never know all right we do have a little bit more to see so let's get going check out that hospital [Music] so right behind us is the haunted hospital and came across this location i never seen this before either i don't know if it's maybe like an old school check it out man what is this you know what this looks like like a driving range like for golfers you think that's what this is oh look there's like a kitchen right here or maybe a shooting range either shooting range or something with with golf well is there a hill up there [Music] not really no all right it was this was a golf course or something i think i was right look at that phone oh yeah it's a golf ball yeah you're right oh wow creepy creepy vibes coming back to you they would do some of those airsoft events here too oh wow so we're gonna see a ton of airsoft bullets inside what the heck we've caught a lot in there before even during the day bro i'm remembering a lot of stuff that happened there like i had bad vibes at this place i don't even know if i want to go inside i mean well heck we're here all right fam so we found the hospital where my friend haley reese scratched in case you missed that video make sure to check it out we were here at night time you weren't here right no no yeah it was kelsey matthew and and haley reese and uh yeah we got spooked out we had to leave here in a hurry and of course when we met back up with haley she was she had these deep gash marks which that happened a couple years back and she still has the scars she was going to a trip to mexico oh god so even though it is daytime i mean you can see how dark it is in there [Music] [Music] very cold very cold in here tell me if you could feel it oh yeah instantly instant like probably 20 degrees cooler shouldn't it be a lot hotter in here with no ventilation well that's good because we'll hear stuff oh did you do that no way did you do that what's in your hand what's in your hand i have your light oh okay i have the light that's all i have in my hand i didn't turn my light on bro i was recording that though it sounded like something came from up there bro the minute we walk in are you kidding me this place never disappoints day or night bro it's almost like they remembered us as soon as we got in here do you remember we did a fan meet-up in san diego and some girl came and she was showing us some scratches on her ankle that came from this hospital yeah she she said that there's something really evil here we need to be really careful i would say you want to separate you tell me go completely alone pretty intense like yeah cool separating just watch your head okay just watch your head be careful in an hour we'll meet back at the car this is a raw video so there may be a couple mess-ups especially when i talk but i figured this would be the coolest way to find answers and here's the thing the last time i was here it was at night i came with a friend of mine hayley reese also came with my friend matthew and my friend kelsey davies oh boy on our way out of here my friend haley got scratched so horribly that she has scars for the rest of her life we believe that that may have been a spirit but we're not trying to rule out that she could have maybe rubbed up against something and it scratched her that way we did say that as well but we're down in the basement right now it's really dark even though it's daytime outside i got some light what's in there i'm actually terrified i worry about wild animals maybe being in these places would you imagine like a bear or something [Applause] okay that little turn that i just did i usually cut those parts out of my videos there's a lot of cuts in my videos only because you don't want to make your videos boring want to make them fun whoa that's a lot of tumbleweeds cool i thought these were flytraps but they're not look it's daytime outside and look how dark it is in here nice upside down cross actually no it's not nice it's rude i don't know why but something's drawn me in here it is really easy to get lost in here and get spooked oh you're talking [Applause] uh reason i'm wearing a mask isn't because i'm afraid of i mean i'm afraid of getting corona anybody is but it's because there's a lot of dust in here and i don't want all that dust going into my lungs what the heck james boy i heard you before and i turned around and then i was gonna go up there but where is the morgan exactly i can't i think it was like outside oh it is okay yeah maybe that's why i don't ever remember it yeah it's disconnected so you won't hear because i don't want to click beat each other well i'm gonna go up there right now there you are well i mean this place is massive you could well no you go up there and i'll go this way hey look i don't know what it is but there was something in here yeah there's something in here really yeah dude i can't believe as soon as we walked in we've heard that that was really cool oh yeah if you did miss our previous videos we ended those videos here so this is your first time watching either of our videos we like i said we went to this ghost town it was really cool but towards the end we found this place and we entered in and we heard something in the ceiling i thought james was messing around at first yeah i just heard that can you do that again there's noises you touch me no i didn't touch anything all right you go in there are you going like raw footage too yeah uncut so far 11 minutes and 44 seconds where you at i'm straight ahead so oh where am i at um i'm at eight minutes right now oh okay there's so much to see it's all this garbage [Music] i hear music what is that music oh all right there's a guy outside i think he's like a graffiti artist i just saw a guy outside with with spray paint you could hear his music turn my light off i'm pretty dark with all my life but not too bad so in our very first video we thought we were gonna get assassinated some guys showed up kind of following us and they had guns pretty intense video car ended up shutting off not sure what else we caught but hey being that this is a raw footage video not gonna have probably any music at all whoa i forgot how awesome this place is but yeah let us know if you see anything if you hear anything pretty windy up here [Applause] not much has changed over the years [Applause] what just hurt somebody whoa what we're right in the middle of the desert nobody out here some people do come and visit of course the people that had the guns earlier you have to watch that video so you could see i thought they were for sure like cartel members but i think most people come here for the art well some people come to tag up and do art their own art and then then they're spectators like me that enjoy seeing the art is that okay i think so definitely brings back a lot of old school memories that looks inviting what the heck okay i thought those were bullets i did find out so many bullets in the ghost town close by i can't even see in there whoa cool what is that an x-ray machine it is this is all that dust as soon as you walk on it starts going up in the air whoa that looks like a broken ankle for sure oh is it is that a bag somebody coming out here to drink anything cool down here you got to be careful coming to places like this because you can easily fall into holes i mean look at that that's like a maybe a three foot drop not enough to kill you but definitely seriously injury but more than likely this is where the radiologists would put the x-rays and view them those were x-ray lights right there now place the x-rays like right there let's check them out i do not want to fall into a hole this another x-ray room or probably the same one i don't know say cheese i have no idea exactly where haley was at when she got scratched but i'm gonna ask if there's anything here that knows what happened to my friend haley let me know i need answers what scratch haley reese are you in here i heard you can you do another tap for me do a tap in here for me again i figured that was something else [Applause] that's where we entered and we saw the x-ray table there another upside down across there's a lot of neat graffiti here not gonna lie and probably layers of graffiti yeah see people come over here and they tag up on top of other people's tags no matter when i come here i always always feel the same feeling that makes any sense at all and uh it's it's not a i can't describe it it's almost like a it's a sad feeling it's definitely a sad feeling but it's frustrating it's like a frustrated feeling like i feel like whatever is here is frustrated perhaps somebody died innocently why is this covered up like this so i wonder if there's another way in there there's a ton of nails this is the room i think wrong i think it goes over here yeah what the heck it's like the the hulk broke out of here or something after getting pissed off this is a safe space feel free to nap here no thanks oh oh what up james all right yeah i don't know i just i thought i heard something at the end of the hallway but maybe it was you that way huh which way it was down the hall this way toward where i was or that way no this way the complete opposite way that wasn't me i come from the opposite direction a lot of noises in here this place is so freaking spooky bro it is did you hear the guy playing music yeah what was he doing he's tagging up the walls yeah he's doing graffiti i saw him with a oh he just did not care i didn't get him on camera but i saw him i don't know if i got him on camera because i didn't see him and i was just like i know there's somebody else i don't know what they're doing you might have got him on i better go find omar just to make sure it's like yeah yeah no he's he was cool i don't know if he knows that we're in here but hey whatever we're being pretty cool pretty quick going that way or this way here um that way it's super dark in there did you go that way yet i don't know that's pretty freaking spooky bro in there yeah something i can't remember what happened but nothing just happened to me in there but when i was here one of the other times i remember that area something crazy happened i just don't remember what it was um so maybe you'll notice things that i did you know what's funny about james it's like some things will happen to him or he'll catch something on video but being that he can't he cannot see at all out of his left eye and the little bit that he can see from his right eye is very limited but sometimes like he'll just be like walking around with his camera and he catches things right but he doesn't even see it yeah like that's cool because people can like let me know when it's like me watching it for the first time yeah so like i can kind of get a good feel you know nothing i love these no edit videos what do you guys think comment below do you guys like knowing videos no yes let us know people love them but i wouldn't do them all the time yeah like that the cinematic stuff yeah but honestly i love filming them no i know it's so much easier right oh what are these little rooms what oh wow always got to look where your feet are going those little holes what the heck wait a minute i think i think this is the morgue i could be wrong what not three times and he will be left i hope i don't regret this did i just open the door to something oh my god it's scary oh if i'm not mistaken this is where we were told the mark see there's a freezer right over there i didn't know that it was always like the last time we came here we went outside of the hospital and through that entrance right there i'll say something though it does not matter when you come here you're always going to feel off just off i've never personally had anything attack me like a scratch or anything like my friend haley but everybody's experiences are different yeah this is definitely a freezer look at that [Applause] yeah this is where they would put bodies for sure oh gosh and you know it makes a lot of sense because if they brought in the bodies using that opening right there like a hearst or medical examiner's office i mean it just gives them easy access corpse of a what is there anything behind i don't think i've been in here put that there just in case i don't get locked up perfect i heard a very faint like laugh whisper like little kid gloves it's weird [Applause] it's all good i got scared too i got scared too are you just sitting in there huh you just sitting in there no did you get you no i just walked in oh damn okay that was good though i needed that because this it gets really intense in here sometimes bro especially when you're alone well when you're alone it's really crazy the mortgage over there it is yeah oh perfect on this floor uh yeah so let me show you where it's at um sure okay so it's right over here right around the corner yeah cool you can feel the energy in there it's kind of off all right i'm gonna walk this way it's crazy like this place is so big but james and i just kind of end up in the same places i think we have the same type of energy if that makes sense yeah for sure i feel like i see somebody in the distance clothing all black they're just standing there straight ahead [Applause] i think it's just a hole yeah like this from a distance it looks like looks like something it's really really hot outside and when it's really hot outside in most places it's going to be 10 times hotter inside a place like this well when we got here it was the exact opposite it was actually really cold from the moment we walked in [Applause] i see from far away that kind of looked like somebody was standing there but it's just an illusion it's like a woman looking down it's kind of weird this may be a cafeteria or something i remember this i was here with mo and somebody caught it was like a some kind of sheet or something moving now i believe that it was maybe an animal that was underneath the sheet and it was moving it it was really weird and it was scary i wonder if it's in here still it was like a like a drape or something for a window it could have been something else yeah i don't see it people have fun here i mean hey better for them to do it here than at their own houses right very dark is whatever scratched haley in here can you make a noise or a tap or something why is it like somebody standing over there somebody standing over there so whoa i've never seen this before cool check this out what see this is the cool thing about exploring a place more than once is you get to get to see some new things i didn't see this i i don't i don't think i did or maybe i walked right past it and didn't notice i definitely did not walk up these stairs right here and they're very steep so let's uh let's do this carefully i think it probably goes on the roof that's pretty cool pretty easy going up going down might be a different story i just want to see the view because the desert is beautiful oh wow whoa oh man this is cool look at this there's even like little places you can access too up there i'm not sure how safe it is to walk up there i mean i've seen some holes down below i wouldn't chance it would not chance it the five years ago me would have definitely been walking all over this roof but you can see it's not it's not looking very safe so okay just walk backwards i think we got it [Music] so probably not even going to tell james about this because he will walk up there and i can see him getting hurt so yeah no thank you it's nice to get some fresh air really quick too these are tough a lot harder than it looks whoa what's over there let's go this way [Applause] okay i remember going in here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember this the freak okay um i know that's not james playing around if it is i'm gonna kick his butt and he probably has his camera recording saying hey how are we going to prank omar i remember being right here it was night time and we were doing a spirit box kelsey and i and we got some pretty gnarly responses [Applause] and that is when haley reese got scratched well it was following that event so i'm going to put this down right here i almost want to go in that that looks like a safe this might have been a pharmacy i'm not mistaken so let me fix this here i am using a little tripod okay there we go i usually edit all this stuff out just to give you an idea okay bam very cool i think i can breathe okay right here now this spirit box that i'm going to use i don't use it very often the reason why i kind of stopped using it for a little while is because i didn't want to encourage people to bring dark energy into their lives and that is possible when using spirit boxes like the one that is down in the description if you do want to use it just be very careful okay this is wind that's just wind but crazy that that happened as i'm talking about spirit box but i do want to try to make communication with whatever scratched my friend so let's go to the app [Applause] you do have to make sure that your ringer is on that's the only time it works so i was here a couple years back i brought a friend with me named haley and she was scratched by something i want to know what that was i guess it'd help if i had my volume up oh i have my ringer off what's your name what scratch my friend haley is it me i heard is it me a nurse how many spirits how about this how many negative spirits call this place home i thought i heard many yeah yeah many [Music] is there such thing of troll trolls souls see i would have cut that out of my video souls are there any souls that are trapped here is there such thing as souls being trapped he's coming here's the thing when i use a spirit box app i feel i mean sometimes i feel like we're making communication with something but that's the thing that i don't know i don't feel that when we pass away we're trapped like there's promises that say otherwise and there's things that are written that say otherwise but of course everybody has different beliefs we may never know i do feel here here's the thing though i do feel that our loved ones come and visit us in our dreams and maybe in other ways too just to let us know that they they care about us and that even though we're sad they're they're there they're there and they're they're at peace but i feel whatever is here is not at peace and it is confrontational do you want to hurt people that come and visit let's walk around with this it said yeah yes [Music] peace i did hear peace a kid a kid is there something pretending to be a kid or is there genuinely a kid here perhaps a kid spirit leave am i supposed to leave okay this just told me to leave and it even said to go that could mean a few things that whatever is here doesn't want us here or whatever is here is trying to warn us i don't even hear james anymore oh my gosh this is the elevator shaft you could easily get hurt in here i think we're good [Applause] [Applause] i remember taking pictures right on this very same stairway right here it was kind of like a like a thumbnail shot like kind of like so and those stairs are cool bro you scared me stay to your left there's stuff right in front of you you're gonna hit yeah stay to your left more right in the middle there's stuff coming down from the ceiling yeah well i just got something on the spirit box and it said to go go leave leave usually when you hear things like that it's good to pay attention either if it's bad or good you know don't know but i hope you enjoyed the video if you want to see more raw videos like this that are unedited let me know here in the comments gotta go for now before we leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 1,246,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haunted ghost town, Ghost town, Haunted hospital, Haunted asylum, Omargoshtv, Omargoshtv fake, Omar gosh fake, It got her, Pure evil, Abandoned ghost town, Creepy videos, Long scary videos, Long scary video, Creepiest videos, Scariest videos, Paranormal videos, Entertaining scary videos, Scary, Terrifying, Full movie, Scary vlogs
Id: _09H6CLKgMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 24sec (6024 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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