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hi everyone welcome back to another video now in this one I'm going to show you exactly how I aim and cite snooker shots now on the internet you'll see loads of videos all about aiming at the point on the back of the ball trying to keep that in your mind doing the center to the edge so you aim the center of the cue ball to the edge of the object wall there's all these tips and tricks on the internet helping you to aim and pop snookables or I don't use any of them and I'm going to show you in detail exactly how I aim and cite all of my snooker shots okay right so let's start off by looking at a nice straight shot to the middle here now I always think when you're talking about citing a name and it's just easy to start off with a nice straight shot now I'm also going to show you in this video exactly how I aim and cite angle shots and how I check that they're going in so make sure that you keep watching this video now these three things I'm interested in when I'm citing number one is what the shot looks like to me when I'm standing up here and I'm going to show you with some D in detail exactly what I'm looking for when I'm standing up number two is what the shot looks like when I get down to it so when my head is over the queue what the shot looks like and again I'm going to show you in detail what I'm looking for there and number three part of my aiming is micro adjusting and just checking that everything feels absolutely perfectly and adjusting if I need to now that's a very very big one and it's a big misconception when you're looking on the internet and talking about aiming I've always said in all of my previous videos 95 of your aim you needed on standing up which means what I've been saying to players is that five percent is done when you're actually down on the shot and in reality it's probably a little bit less than that it's only very very fine adjusting but I think we're all led to believe that you do your aiming here and then you get down and you're not allowed to adjust it or do any aiming at all when you're down and of course if you do that you'll just miss shots all the time because you've got to make sure that the shop looks perfect to you when you're down so let's look in detail at the three things step by step that I'm doing when I check that I'm gonna pop this ball right so part one of the aiming I'm going to show you from my perspective as the player so I'm walking around to pop this blue and this is what I'm interested in as a player so I'm mostly in the standing position looking at the blue and if I look at the blue and I stand here it obviously looks like no I'm not behind the correct line if I stand too far over this way no it looks like I'm not behind the shot and there's a point where I can focus on the blue I can obviously tell the pocket is there and I can tell the white is there but I'm looking mainly at the blue and there's a point obviously isn't that in the Middle where the shot looks good to me so I don't need to worry about which is my dominant eye any of that stuff that I've talked about in previous videos I think it just over complicates it really you just want to get where you think is behind the line of the shot and to me if I stand about there like that you know I'm pretty happy that for my sighting that looks good so you've just seen what my eyes are doing there so that's what I'm looking for the feedback I'm getting as a player as I stand behind the shop and what I was doing was obviously I was too far to the side too far this way and there's a point where my brain if I generally look at the blue and this is the big thing as well that I'm not looking precisely at the blue that I'm trying to look at a perfect contact point I'm just looking at the blue and I can tell by looking at that the pocket is in the background the white ball is you know in the foreground here and I can see those things in my peripheral vision and as I look at the blue I can feel that I've pivoted one way too far or the other and then there's a point somewhere where my brain settles and this shot looks correct to me right so I'm now going to show you what I'm looking at when I actually walk in and get down to the shop I'm not going to do this using a queue because it's just easier to get the perfect camera views for you so when you go down into the shop you're then getting this effect so you wouldn't quite be that close and this is what I do my mice would be looking at the blue to check that the blue is going to pot into the pocket obviously you've got to do a check on the cue ball as well to make sure that your TP seating the keyboard correctly but this is what I'm looking for as I look at as I look at the blue and I'm not looking for any precise points on the blue here but as I look at the blue I can tell that if I do that well I'm straight behind the white but it looks as though when I look up at the blue the blue is going to pop to the right of the pocket as I move around it looks like well I'm still behind the white but it looks as though to me the blue is now going to pop to the left of the pocket and then if I move around here yep I can get the confirmation that that looks better it looks like now that will pot into the pocket so this is what I'm looking for when I'm aiming shots that's too far to the right of the pocket that's too far to the left and then I'll get a point where I go yes that's the confirmation that that pot is going in and again I don't need to look at the where is it the pocket in the background it I can tell it's there in my peripheral vision but I don't need to look at the pocket so what I was looking for down on the shot and what you just saw me doing there was I would have been having my tip at the center of the cue ball and then if I keep my tip at the center and move that way it looks as though the ball is gonna go over there to me as I look at the blue as I go this way my tip is still in the center of the cue ball but it looks as though the blue is going too far that way and then somewhere in the middle of those yep it looks as though as I look up at the blue with the pocket in the background I can feel that it's going in and I'm checking my teepees right at the center of the cue ball to make sure it all looks good so that's what you saw me doing there now what I'm not telling you to do is to move around on the shot like that to find the aiming that's not what I'm doing I'm just exaggerating and showing you the feedback that my eyes are getting so what you've got to do is go from that standing position and then like I say you're doing 95 of your aim in there and then when you get down you're almost there you're pretty much going to be bang on and the last little bit is just the tiny tiny little two percent of fine tuning to make sure that image that I just showed you down on the shot looks as though that ball is going bang in the center of the pocket so if you're trying to put it Center pocket you've got to get the feedback that it looks absolutely smack on now just to highlight the point for you about fine tune in a shot I've got a long red here so I want to pop this red get onto the black now this is a great example and the one I always use when I'm teaching people on the table I always say can I really get from the standing position up here to absolutely within less than a millimeter down onto the table so that there's no aiming left to be done when I'm down on the shot and making sure that I'm really zoned in on that pot and it looks good and I always say of course not there's no way I can get down within the tiny tiny fractions that matter here and make sure that this long pot is going to go in so what I'll do is I obviously I'll stand behind the shop exactly as I'm doing before on a longer shot here I may have a glance at the white the red maybe look at the pocket predominantly the biggest thing is you want to be looking at the red so that's what I'm looking at I'm getting all that feedback 95 percent of Miami is done then I'll walk into it slide in now this is where I will feather at the white look up at the red and make sure everything looks absolutely perfect and only then will I pull the queue back playing the shot and hopefully if I've done all those checks correctly the pot should go in now unfortunately not all shots in snooker are going to be absolutely dead straight pots and in actuality we don't actually want those shots of snooker players we want angles because it makes it much easier to maneuver the cue ball around and make bigger breaks so that brings us on to then well how do you judge the potting angle and for a snooker player that is a guess you are guessing at what you think the potting angle is obviously Ronnie O'Sullivan's guess is a very very good one now this loads of different aiming methods online for picking at Angles you'll see people talk about a common one is picking a point on the back of the ball and then you try and keep that point in your mind and aim for that point and try and Pop the ball another one I see is the center to Edge which is where you aim the center of the cue ball to the edge of the wall you're putting and that makes it Go in I've done ones on the ghost ball and in actuality I don't use any of those aiming methods that is never the way I've aimed shots in snooker so I've got to guess these potting angle from the same two positions that I talked about earlier I've got to do it standing up down on the shot and then a little bit of fine tuning if it needs it so only if it needs it you don't want to just get into the habit of doing that all the time so I'm going to show you on this angled shot what it's going to look like to me when I make my guess and George this angle okay so I'm going to show you from my perspective again how I go about picking up this angle on the black so I've got a as I say it's a it's my best guess isn't it of the potting Angle now I'd say when I line these up this is what I'm doing I am basically here I'm focused on the black that is where all my attention goes so my eyes are looking at the the black wool here obviously I can tell the pockets there and I can tell the cue ball is there now if I stand behind this line I would say no that's no good I'm just going to send the black right into this cushion here um if I move over here like this so I'm standing behind the white still you can see but I would say the white is going to hit the black so thinly now that it's going to send it over to that cushion over there and then I've got to say make my best guess and because I've done this a lot this is the way I aim on every single shot I just feel the angle so I can tell we've with reference to the pocket I'm going okay that feels like I've put about the right angle on it so it feels like it's going to catch it about right and it's going to send it into that pocket and of course the more you do it like this the more you just build up your angle recognition and this guess is obviously a very very accurate one based on lots of previous experience so you just saw me there from a standing position and what I'm doing as I said before is I'm looking at the black and then as I move around here I can feel when I think that I've got the correct angle to send the ball into that corner pocket there so now I need to get from this standing position down into the shot so obviously I'm not doing this with a Q again because it's easier to show you what I'm looking at so I'm looking at the black here to pick the angle obviously when you're actually aiming a shot you would flick between the White and the black and the white and the black because you're checking that your TP is heating on the cube or where you want but when I look up at the black this is what I'm looking for so I would say that if I look up there the black is just going to go to here if I move around to here it looks as though I'm going to hit the black Way Too Thin to make but it's just done by feel it just feels like I'm sending the black over here and then as I move around it feels like I can yeah get to a point where so you'd be about this high on a shot wouldn't you so yeah that's too straight and then it feels like that's you know about the angle to send it into the pocket now obviously I'm not doing this when I'm down on the shot where I'm moving around all over the place you go from the standing position pretty much down to where you need to be and then as I say it's just that little tiny bit I would just be fine tuning to make sure it feels like the black is going right into this pocket here now I just want to add here almost a little bonus tip just about what my eyes are looking at and when as I walk into the shop now I don't like the idea of analyzing your eyes too much because I think if you focus on when you look at the White and the red and exactly what your eye patterns are doing you'll completely miss your natural timing off but there's one important thing I do which is that when you walk into the shop you'll be looking at the cue ball to make sure that you slide into the correct point on the cue ball for that given shot now this is very very common for almost all of the professional players that they will be looking at the white as they do their walking so I'll be doing it here so we already know now all about my aiming process so I'm looking predominantly at the red here when I stand up I'm obviously behind it feel feels like that's about the correct angle I'm doing it all by feel and then when I actually walk in I'll now flick to the white so the second I go to walk in I look at the white make sure that go down then I'll look up at the red again so as I'm going in I'm sliding down to the center of the white that's what I'm looking at and then I'll start my checks between the two and then I'm not analyzing exactly what my eyes are looking at so I'm looking at the red here then I look at the white to slide down to the correct part of the white white red white red make sure it all feels absolutely locked on and then when you're happy you can play your shot and hopefully yep if I was playing something like that nice shot to nothing but yeah I think the the important thing there that I wanted to share was that when you go into the shop the very common one amongst almost all of the pros is that I will be looking at the cue ball as they go in to make sure that you're going into the perfect point of the cue ball before you start your aiming checks so thanks a lot for watching everybody I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did remember to give it a like if you're new to the channel and you haven't already subscribed please consider subscribing that just really helps me to keep all these instructional videos coming regularly for anyone that's interested in any personal one-to-one training sessions I'm working on this very table helping players to improve their game all the time so if you look in the description box below you'll see all my details there get in touch and I'd love to help you personally with your game and as always I'll catch you all in the next video cheers
Channel: BartonSnooker
Views: 208,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snooker, snooker lesson, snooker 147, snooker training, snooker coaching, snooker routine, routine, ronnie, judd, ronnie o'sullivan, judd trump, snooker help, practice, snooker practice, snooker practise, tips, snooker tips, coaching, learn snooker, training
Id: DsgFDwVdjxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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