Snooker 10 Fastest Ways To Improve

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when we talk about the best players to have ever played the game we reference their ability to cue the ball exactly straight and the way they're able to play shots without any side spin but the reality is these talents are highly overrated now don't get me wrong they might help you play better snooker but nowhere near as much as the 10 things i'm about to show you now and surprisingly no one ever talks about them if you can play shots exactly straight it makes the game so much easier but it doesn't guarantee you can actually play it here's what i mean the simplest way to explain this is even if my q action's perfect and i push my cue through exactly straight right through the center of the cue ball there's no guarantee i'm going to line the shot up correctly and snooker isn't all about putting balls there's far more to it than that even though it is a large chunk of the game but even when we're talking about pawning the balls there's a lot you can do that can help you become a far better player like the better position i'm in the less it matters how straight i can strike the cue ball so here's the 10 fastest ways to improve at the game starting with the most helpful when the majority of players first pick up a cue they find the hardest thing to do is to play a shot absolutely dead straight when a player can't cue the ball straight they usually think this is something to do with their cue action maybe they're holding the cue too far back too far forward maybe they're queuing across the ball in one way or the other or they're just lining up to the cue ball with right or left hand side but most of the time this is a simple failure to understand how the balls interact it's an incredibly easy mistake to make and can cause you to miss the simplest shots by a long long way the problem is if you think this is caused by a technical reason even if this is the way you're sighting the ball then you're going to have a problem because the cue ball is a fairly big object it's very easy to misunderstand the size and shape of it if my subconscious misunderstands the cue ball to be this shape then i'm automatically going to think i'm striking the object ball on the left so without thinking i'm going to be aiming too far to the right it can take just a little bit of time to work out whether cue ball and object ball are going to collide so before you change anything with your technique just make sure you're actually aiming where you think you are to do this all you need to do is line up some close straight shots and try to play them absolutely dead straight with the cue ball being so close you'll be able to see its reflection in the object ball this doesn't actually show up on camera which is why i'm using this giant silver ball bearing from here you can try aiming the center of the cue ball to its reflection and if you find the shots don't go absolutely dead straight from this distance then you're struggling to understand how the balls collide fortunately this is easily fixable by just practicing this a few times and if you start missing shots in the game just assume that this is the problem and you need to focus more on lining the shot up rather than losing confidence and ruining your technique the next best way to improve your game is to get you pointing in the right direction and handily there's a fairly straightforward way to do that this is all about starting the shot with your cue in the right position pointing in the right direction if you imagine a straight line coming back from where you're aiming on the object ball then all you really need to do is get your cue on this line the position of your cue is determined by where your body is and where your body is is determined by where you're standing so if you can find the optimum position for your foot relative to this line which is usually somewhere on or around it then you're going to start the shot with your q lined up perfectly to play it so you can then imagine the straight line running so roughly where you need to contact the object ball and you can just imagine where you need to stand on that straight line and once you've done that you should be fairly locked in position and it should be difficult to actually miss the shot from there the next thing that's going to help me is to know roughly where my q hand ends up when i've played the shot so that's roughly there if it doesn't end up where it should do you can sometimes work out that you haven't followed through properly or you've queued across the ball it's sometimes just good to think of it a bit like a target as this happens after you play the shot it's just a good way to test you actually struck the ball as intended this next one is the easiest to explain yet it can be the most difficult to get right and that's when you get down on a shot not to change your mind or move to just stay in this position even if you think the shot's going to go wrong the problem with moving when you're down on the shot is it makes it very hard for you to know exactly what you did which makes it very difficult for your body to understand how to repeat your cue action consistently if you consistently move on shots you'll probably find you won't improve at all if you think you're going to miss your best option is to just get back up off the shot the next thing that's going to help you the most is practicing shots around the black if you're not used to snooker at least to start off with playing balls off the black spot feels very difficult it feels an awkward place to play position and it feels quite difficult to pot the ball sometimes so it's a good idea to spend a lot of your practice time around this area of the table if you're new to the game then you might want to try repetitive blacks off the spot and also putting the black from a lot of different positions this could be awkward locations or just shots that you find difficult if you're a little bit more experienced at the game you might want to try spreading a few balls around the black spot or just practicing this routine it's just about maximizing your practice time around the shots that make the most difference because if you're good around the black spot you're likely to score a lot more points and after we find haroon from baraka algeria we can look at even more ways to improve your game if you've got time the next thing that's really helpful to practice is playing safe and there's an easy way to do that just place a black on this spot the cue ball in the d with this routine you're not really looking to pot anything instead you're trying to get the black or the cue ball into safe zones on the table the two safe zones are behind the bulk line or with a ball close enough to a cushion that you can't squeeze another ball in between if at the end of the shot the black or white are in a safe zone then you get another go however if they're both outside you have to start again you also have to start again if they're both inside the same safe zone so that's in bulk or on the same cushion this means what you're usually trying to do is get the cue ball and black on opposite sides of the bulk line and the easiest way of doing this is to play traditional safety shots and when a ball is going out of bulk you can also look for the added insurance of getting it near a cushion you can even put the black although it goes back on its spot so you only really have one ball then to get in a safe position which can make it more of a challenge something else that can really help you snooker is when you're taking on pots play them as shots for nothing and this just means playing a pot at the same time as playing safe this comes in two forms so this can be getting as much distance as possible between the cue ball and the object ball or to play a shot in such a way where you use the position of the balls to make your opponent shot harder should you miss so you're not leaving as much on now this can be a good idea but if you overdo it by playing safe on shots you're likely to pull you could leave yourself out of position or even leave yourself in trouble you also don't want to reduce your chances of putting a ball on a shot you'd normally expect to get as with everything the trick is to know when to run away and when to play the attacking shot and leave the cue ball in prime position talking of which weirdly positional shots like these cause a lot of problems for a lot of players and they simply don't notice it but you're trying to get the cue ball somewhere there on the shop like this but sometimes you'll play the shot and the cue ball will end up there and it won't seem like a massive problem because i've only just gone too far but that makes it very difficult to play the shot slow enough to end up on the next red and that in turn makes that shot difficult and missable by focusing more on position on the more straightforward shots you just make the game so much easier to play here i'm looking to leave myself an angle but not too much angle on the black so i can come back up for this red and by doing that i just make sure i'm not only leaving myself an easy black but when i get to the black i don't have very much to do at all to get back to the red so i can try and leave myself now fairly straight so i can just get back onto the black after i put the red because i'm still thinking about position all i'm really doing is working out how to maneuver the cue ball around the table rather than thinking about putting the balls so all i'm doing here is i want to leave myself fairly straight on the black so i can just play the red below it in fact i just want to leave myself this side of straight so i've got an angle to play down onto the red now i know this is nowhere near as straightforward as i'm making it sound but the big trick to it is just to focus on where you want the cue ball to go and play it confidently even if it doesn't get there just play it as though you are going to get the shot right because if you start thinking about hitting harder hitting it softer it's always going to go wrong so just try to play it with confidence no matter you know how bad you think the shot's going to go here to show how i'm thinking about this i'm placing the other cue ball where i'm hoping to get in two shots time it's not perfect every shot but it does show you what i'm trying to do thinking like this turns it more into a jigsaw puzzle than a frame of snooker and it's a great way of compiling bigger breaks before we look at the last two ways to help your game let's find george from shipton on stower in the united kingdom players usually don't notice when they bring their cue back they can move quite a bit so this could be side to side movement or lifting their body up in the air right at the end of their back swing you just want to be careful of this because if you're moving as you bring your hue back you're going to be in a different position when you push the cue through it might not affect your current shot but it might hurt you long term as a shot the break-off is far harder than people think it is and it could be one that you definitely want to get right even though it's the first shot of a game it's by no means an easy shot and it could see you gaining a huge advantage or leaving your opponent a straightforward chance so if you want to find out more about how to break off including how you can pot a ball off the breaker and why you probably shouldn't have a look at this video and remember don't just watch play and make the commitment to becoming a better player by subscribing to the channel and visit the website see you later
Channel: Break from life
Views: 632,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snooker 2020, snooker, snooker improvement, snooker improve potting, improve at snooker, snooker aiming, snooker aim, snooker aiming techniques, snooker stance, snooker how to, snooker how to aim, snooker how to stand, top 10 snooker shots, how to improve at snooker, how to improve snooker skills, how to improve cueing in snooker, snooker how to improve potting, snooker practice, snooker practice routines, break from life, break from life snooker, improve snooker aim
Id: 4L4sEisRF0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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