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what's up guys and welcome to five nights at freddy's before the good memory there's a new fan game that i found over on gamejolt and actually my brother rexella told me about it and uh it's made by the same developer of that fredbear's game that we played a few months ago i know we play a lot of them but it was the one where there was like a door at the end of the hallway i need to make it to the door before fredbear woke up and actually chased and hunted you down i had to like find a key or something like that if i remember correctly it was a good game that's the point and it looked really good too so this is i think he released a bunch of like canceled and demos for his upcoming games so this is one of the games they released and my brother rexella told me to check it out and he was like hey you got you got to see this game it's a lot of fun it's pretty crazy it's relatively short but it's a good short you know for that fan game i think you'd really enjoy it so shout out to my brother extra be sure to go subscribe to his channel and comment something random on his video okay just something complete whatever first comes to your head comment that on his video that i'm gonna link down below and uh subscribe to his channel too because he's really close to 100k subs so be sure to go subscribe to him but uh yeah shout out to him because i wouldn't know about this game if it wasn't for him so anyways we're gonna be hopping into this it looks like it's gonna have fredbear and spring bonnie in it and uh looks like spring money's gonna be having his hands in the air like he's under arrest or something i have no idea what's going on with him and fredbear is gonna be staring at at something behind me i don't know that guy looks like he's staring into space he's in a whole other world right now so let's go ahead and hop into this and begin by the way if you guys want to see some more of this you know do smash like on the video down below we're gonna set a like okay usually we don't but 10k likes in this video that's what we always hit anyway so i'm like why not just send it to that and uh yeah let's go ahead and continue and hop in no this is a demo and no way showcases the final product just in case you guys were wondering all right it doesn't showcase the final product all right here we go oh a little cut scene a little cut scene all right all right like this right where's family diner that's you know relatively simple looking big old metal door though oh my imagine that's how you get inside the diner dude like you're going to your local chuck e cheese and it's just got like a gigantic metal door that just like goes it just opens and it's like yeah come on inside that's real inviting you know you're not going to get trapped in there oh wow left mouse button interact i told you this the graphics on this looks so good oh there was tips on the menu by the way which i didn't read but hey you know we'll figure things out okay if we lose i'll read the tips all right but if not i'm not reading them all right so uh look at that you got adventure spring bonnie and adventure spring bonnie again all right that's cool is there a flashlight somewhere because it said like f for flashlight but i don't have one all right i guess we gotta find one up ahead oh this looks nice all right all right look at this oh i see a little lefty over there i like what i'm seeing over there i like lefty all right little arcade room okay i can't go in there but i can lean in front of it in front of the window if i wanted to ah there's the flashlight all right give me this looks like we have a note here too here night guard please put the flashlight back whenever i'll come retrieve it in the morning oh okay i can take the flashlight home with me if you're if that's what you mean because you said whenever i mean i can literally take it home with me oh what the heck oh there's an animatronic in there there's an amateur okay well why would i go in there the door's closed like why would i go over there oh look i'm on the thing i'm on the wall that's cool okay all employees please read the rules on the board oh okay here's the rules out there wait there's no rules over there rules for the night guards don't eat on the job don't touch the robots don't pee on the floor don't touch the board don't crap in your hands okay i mean hey those are those are pretty good rules for not only night guards but just you know in light in real life rules okay i mean those are you never want to do any of those all right i mean you can maybe do rule number five but you gotta be in a special place for that one all right so 1 33 a.m all right lefty cut out what's this right here big old button don't know oh wow okay that's for the door behind me all right that's cool um what do we got a fredbear head there what's this power click and hold okay i don't know it's raining pretty slow how do i is there a way to turn on these cameras because it looks like i have oh oh wow look at this okay cool interesting oh there's fredbear wait is that that's behind me i'm relatively sure about that let me okay maybe it's not behind me i thought that was behind me because it looks like he's that looks like it's behind me oh it is behind me okay hello what's that noise why does it sound like that when he walks it sounds so weird he's making like a weird noise what is that it sounds like the developer like made a sound effect himself and then like put it on me like whatever he walks i don't know okay so wait what's over here what we got back here uh we got a party room oh yeah okay there's there's yoga mats on the ground this is where they do their stretching the animatronics you know they got to get their stretches in if they can't if they don't stretch before they start chasing you it's it's not a good look all right it's just not a good look so they come in here they do their stretches they do their yoga their push-ups you know whatever they got to do their hip thrust boom they're ready to go for the night all right so that's probably like their pre-workout before they hunt us down you know all right so what do we got okay what the heck is this room dude what is this is this where you play tennis like wall ball or whatever you hit the tennis ball on the wall what is that there's nothing in there puppet corner okay wow there's a lot of yoga mats in here wow dude is this is this a diner or is this like a workout this is a gym what is going on here do not enter do not enter do not enter do not should i enter i feel like i should enter but okay it says do not so i won't all right i'm gonna go all right i want to go on the stage all right i'm entering i'm sorry i can't i have to enter what what's back here what do you not want me to see is it just is it just do not enter because this is like where the animatronics go or something like what's the point of this shelf back here there's a okay this is why you don't want me to enter here i thought there was gonna be something crazy back here there's nothing going on that there's just an amateur i don't think he can oh no he could give it wait he's like he's oh he's not okay i was gonna say like he really cannot catch us all right i'm pretty sure i'll be fine because watch this maneuver i'm about to do right here boom jump off over the yoga mat he's gonna slip on a yoga mat and we're out of here all right close that i don't even know how i just lost him all right i mean the amateurish they definitely need a little bit of work here they're relatively slow and they don't really do much all right wait did i already go in this how do i go in this room why is this door locked it's freddy oh yeah it makes a locked noise which by the way the volume in this game is super low and i don't know why because for me it's like maxed out but i mean i can turn it up higher but it's this is usually where i have the volume at it's like really loud for games so this game is just like really low for some reason like it's super low like i'm looking at what the audio is for you guys and it's barely even like detecting it oh crap i gotta go to the puppet oh um okay see when i did this maneuver i didn't think it was that good of a maneuver that it would get you stuck like this okay no no no no come on that's cheating all right i was trying to get him unstuck and he just started chasing me cool all right well i don't know how long this demo is gonna be i think it's probably like two nights if i had to guess let's go and grab the flashlight again and try that out again are you kidding me though he was stuck like come on how how do you get unstuck like that like i was like okay i'm gonna help this guy out you know i want to have some fun i want to get chased nope bad idea all right so cameras here what do we got all right so we got the yoga center right there they're not labeled by the way there's camera 0203 that's it like there's no like name okay there's fredbear in there is he stuck again i didn't even go in there how'd you get stuck how'd you get okay there he goes i was gonna say bro you got a problem all right so i'm right here can i see myself no dang it all right i want to see what i look like all right so wait the puppets music box is this is camera three right here so the puppets music box could be this camera but that's not oh it should be this camera i think wait there's another yoga room then because this is the yeah this is the yoga room this is the other yoga room and this is the third yoga room dude they do a lot of yoga here what on earth dude those are yoga mats right guys i could be wrong but i mean i don't know i think those are yoga bats i you know i went to the gym a lot in 2019 as you guys know i lost a lot of weight i used to be humongous and i think i know what a yoga mat looks like but hey you know there's different shapes and sizes of them they could be anything you know maybe these are like little like decorations or something all right so wait this is the puppets oh there he is hey what's up bro how you doing you don't really do much puppets box oh wait how did this not run out last night i wasn't it was like 4am and i didn't lose wait so i just hold this oh wow that's super easy that is super easy oh my goodness all right well that takes like a second this is cool and all but i think this game it needs like in the full release if this i don't know if this is a demo and he's going to continue it or if this is like a cancelled game or what but in the full release i think it needs a little bit more to it because it's just going to end up like all the other fredbears games where you got to like you have two animatronics you gotta escape and then that's it i'm like he needs to go the route like what other games are doing where you have like a basement and you have like i don't know secrets and like upstairs and i don't know downstairs and all these crazy secrets and stuff like that because right now i mean just kind of roaming around here what is that sound effect he's blind too i was just right in front of him look he doesn't see you at all like unless you get really close there he's right there okay look the developer had to have created that noise whatever that noise is developer must have made that okay no no no no okay it's fine look i'm faster than him so can i close this by the way oh wow that look i lost him just like that all i did was close the door on him but i lost him dude it's that easy oh my at least i'm i think i'm an actual child in here because i can barely see over this gigantic door this door is huge though all right open this up let's go back in here again he's going into the puppets rooms i can't turn that pup box up but that's fine i'm gonna go ahead and go back here and do a little maneuver right here i'm just gonna dump over this and boom we lost them just like that which by the way they have street fighter 2 in here they have uh minecraft steve with the mustache i'm pretty sure i mean that might not be minecraft steve but that definitely looks like him i don't know who else has a mustache like that even though i don't think he has one but hey i'm just saying minecraft steve ever grew a mustache that's exactly how he would look with one so that's probably him the other characters in there i have no idea okay come on bro come on i gotta get to the puppets music box you're really slowing me down right now you're blocking all my routes and i gotta go all the way around you're really being a pain in the batuski all right is that a word for another word for butt i don't i think that's wait no batista i was thinking of dave batista or whatever that guy's name is what the heck is a batuski or whatever i said i have no idea all right so uh puppet i'm here it's uh oh right on time actually i'm a little early but i'm just gonna go ahead and wind this up while i'm here all right let's get this maxed out dude i don't think it's possible to get jump scare on this demo to be honest because uh yeah i can't even go in there so i i'd have to like let the puppet out to see that thing's dumb scare and then we'd have to just run straight into fred bear which oh no he got we got jump scared by him i'm pretty sure he's just he's he's a gentle giant to be honest i mean he's not really aggressive he just kind of like walks around and does his own little thing you know like look he's just he's doing his own thing like why would i even bother him he's walking around going that's what it sounds like when he walks he's doing like a little beat with his feet dude he's going wild but yeah he doesn't really do anything he doesn't chase you unless you like get right in front of him so like as long as you just do your own thing he's gonna do his own thing and that's it now this power right here i don't exactly know how you even drain power in this game because i've had my is he turning he's turning around all right you're being a real troll right now fredbear you're being a real troll how you gonna act like you're going that way and then just turn around all right get you and your little beat feet out of here okay this guy just walks and makes a beat every time he does all right we're going this way we're going to close that door behind us you can't jump in this game by the way but the tables are put away for some reason so i guess this place is closed but the mats aren't the yoga mats aren't so there's no eating here but you can still do the yoga all right that's all you can do here what about on this back shelf there's nothing here this like i wish this game had like secrets in it though or if he does if this isn't a canceled game i'd like to see like you know the the typical well the typical version of fredbear's game is this but like the the non-typical which is now kind of becoming typical where they have like keys in like hidden rooms stuff like that because i think that's the best way to like expand on the game all right he's going in there bro where are you going you're gonna go stare at the wall huh you're gonna play some uh wall ball okay no i'm gonna leave now all right let's go back to the puppet make sure that thing is all the way turned up all right let's go ahead and go back minecraft steve with mustache gotta remind you guys of that and let's go ahead and check on him all right so puppet yeah you are not doing much here all right let's go ahead and wind you up there you go get you maxed out we got about 30 minutes left and we're beating this night and if there is a second night it's gotta have spring bonnie on it that's gonna be what's gonna happen here and uh we'll just do like the we'll do both nights in this video if there's another one because i'm guessing spring bonnie's because he's in the the title screens oh okay so i'm guessing he's gonna show up here but then like what's gonna be on the third night because you've got fredbear spring bonnie the puppet then what's night three frameworks right by the puppet someone else or i mean the game's not even done yet so well you don't know but there we go six a.m or five a.m oh there it goes like wait what i don't know if i beat that oh that wait is that it hold on i'll press play again in a second i want to see the tips here because it seems pretty self-explanatory oh there's a knight too look it says knight two up there all right so wait puppet when you're sitting in the office the puppet's attention meter goes down run to him in puppet corner and click him which gives him attention okay so that's night one night two fredbear whole free room around the building he has terrible vision and as is as fast as you i don't think he is though because i i was able to really outrun oh maybe it's because of his terrible vision but i don't know all right so wait there's a night too then right this is a demo noi okay i continue but then again that said night two and it said fred bear but forever was on night one so is there a night two i don't i don't think no there's not a knight to you wait a minute it's putting me back at the cut seat again okay wait i can move i can move look my head bob's up and down whenever i hold the control button dude what if i just run away from this cut scene don't go in don't go i can like move dude no back up my character's actually moving oh man i'm going in all right we got to get the puppets jump scare anyways so and we'll find out if this is somehow a night too unless it starts the same every night but no this is definitely night one again well those tips are a troll i'm gonna be honest all right those tips definitely got me good i thought there was gonna be a second night and maybe it was just bugged out that it said fredbear again all right give me this and uh let's get on our way here all right so you can lean wait i just thought about something this has to be a demo for sure for his upcoming game because look i'm in here so i think i think yeah he releases cancelled games but i don't think this is one of the canceled games i think this is a demo for an upcoming game which i guess i'm on the wall which my brother rexter he i thought he was on the other game i don't know he should be like right there underneath my no right there on top of my picture okay right here in this little corner just put a little version of him right there i'm sure he'd love that all right which uh let's go ahead and see if we can get to uh the puppet here and get attacked though while we wait so um i'm gonna go and make my way over here oh there's fredbear can you wait he said he's fast he's as fast as me which if that's the case then he should be able to catch up to is that dude that noise is so intriguing every time i hear it what is it saying it's just the noise just doesn't match him when he walks it doesn't match like a a giant animatronic walking like i said it sounds like he's like it's like some kind of like beat sound effect all right come here fredbear you're apparently the same speed as me i want to test this okay so yeah i mean i i guess but then if he's the same speed as me what's the point unless i run into like a corner or something but look no i'm faster than him yeah i'm literally faster than him i feel like he can't be the same speed as me he's got to be faster than me to be able to actually be like a problem because right now okay no that that time he caught up to me i think it was just because i had less room to like run around him i don't know i feel like he's got to be a little bit more scary or something i don't know like right now he's pretty simple like he's blind he's like half blind you know he can't really see me very well and he's he's pretty slow to be honest i think he needs oh minecraft steve with a mustache he's in there too there's two of them all right that's good to see oh there's there's five of them in total there's probably a sixth one in this corner right here let me yep there is i knew it dude i knew minecraft steve would be in there all right fred berry you're staring at the wall to start all right let's go ahead and let's get this puppets jump scare though i'm gonna be messing around with fred barrel okay until we get jump scared and then we'll go and end the video after that so uh if you came to see the night you saw the night but now we're gonna get the jump scare and see what happens here how's all this drain by the way wow this is super slow i'd be curious like why even go to the office though cause like you can just free roam around everywhere unless in the full game there's gonna be a reason like stay at the office which would usually be the puppets music box but i guess in this game it makes more sense like go there since it's free roam but let's go and check wait what are these for by the way this like whole like i don't know a tree of of uh cameras you can't do anything to them so i don't know what that's for all right wait so these buttons yeah they just close the door which by the way what happens if you run out of power in this game because there is a power meter but does it even go yeah it is going down oh yeah now it's really going down all right let's go ahead and leave that down let's see what happens i'm curious do the doors just open and then that's it you can just free roam now or like do you get some kind of like a secret ending or like where the i don't know they do like the typical like five nights at freddy's you know like freddie and finnaf1 do they do something like that or what happens here all right we're gonna leave the cameras here uh i'm gonna stay in this room because i want to see what happens if that runs out but whichever one runs out first okay if it's the puppet then we'll get the puppet jump scare if it's this then we'll see what happens with this but i think i'd rather have this one out before the puppet because i have a feeling the doors are just going to open and we're just going to be able to leave i don't oh i heard him i heard him doing the beat dude i heard him where is he there he is there he is he's doing a beat in the yoga room with a puppet there he goes at least you know where he is at all times you just hear like a subtle beat coming towards you like oh yeah fredbear's on his way you know he's he's doing his little beat he's on his way oh he's stepping right on the yoga mats bro come on you're gonna dirty them up imagine like you do yoga at a fredbear's location and you leave your mat on the ground you come back the next day it's just got huge animatronic footprints on it like dirty feet footprints on there i'd be like all right bro that's the last time i leave my yoga mat on the ground or do yoga on a fredbears oh oh okay that scared me yeah wait did i hear someone no it's exactly what i thought would happen the door's just open but you don't really need the doors so like why why where did fredberg go i gotta listen for the beat guys hold on he's making a beat somewhere around here i don't think i don't think he's in here all right puppet let's go ahead and get your jump scare come on bro where are you oh it's about to run out all right well i'm gonna start it whenever the puppet escapes his little uh box and i mean this isn't really a box it's like curtains or something but hey we'll wait and see what happens all right guys look the puppets box has run out it's officially empty um once again it's not a box it's a set of curtains but what does he do does he wait does he like run out of it or something or do i just immediately get jump scared because that could be kind of terrifying if you forget about it but nothing's happening okay does the puppet not exist in this game puppet come on what are you doing i i was just i was really waiting for this moment you want me to walk okay now i'm scared i'm gonna jump scared at any moment now i'm kind of scared it's just gonna randomly jump scare me and it's gonna it's gonna really scare me i ain't waiting for a jump scare dude i really do okay or just i'm just gonna walk around a little bit i'm just gonna see what happens no nothing's happening all right i'm gonna go on the camera this is what's to cause it right here go on okay i can't go on the cameras because i ran out of power can i i can't close the door because i'm out of power wait can i still recharge it oh dude that's so broken that's so broken i can just increase the power again i can use it what the dude that's so pro that's op dude that's literally op why even bother i can just leave the doors closed at all times then can't i because look if i close them and then i hold this yeah dude i have infinite infinite power hack guys i figured it out all right guys i guess i've been in this video here i don't i don't know why the puppet doesn't have a jump scare maybe it says it on the gamejolt page i have no idea but that's weird all right so i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys did smash like get subscribed if you're new and i'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 220,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan games fusionzgamer, scariest animatronic, animatronic, plushtrap, fredbear, spring bonnie, fredbear's family diner, five nights at freddys, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf vr, animatronics, fnaf fan games, fnaf 7, fusionzgamer, fuzion z gamer, fuzionzgamer, fusion z gamer
Id: UBVmv6vQa2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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