Snakes Can Be Cute Too - Funny Snake Video 2021 | Pets Town

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i found this looks like a big ant egg or something when i was like oh my god something's sticking its head out oh my gosh if you find these little white eggs this is what comes out of it a baby snake [Music] who's this coming into my house dude oh hi jake what are you doing here right hit hiss oh [Music] look at this distinguished gentleman look at the way he is sitting yes very distinguished [Music] i put my snake on some eyelashes don't play with her don't play with my [Music] rules [Music] huh [Music] snack i'm a snake i'm a sweater little snickers snack i'm so slytherin and sneaky because i'm a snake slithering in your car i'm trying to sleep can you stop farting i'm trying to sleep thank you look at this distinguished gentleman look at the way he is sitting yes very distinguished i see i see oh look how beautiful she looks now again this skin has been soaking for a while it doesn't hurt her at all i know there's a lot of weirdness on the internet about people helping their snakes shed but you got to remember that when they're supposed to come off it's supposed to come off it's a pretty interesting video this is the death troll of a little hognose snake see how it'll pretend like it it's dead it's laying down this is actually your defense mechanism you can see right here but then you just flip it over and he'll continue to try to roll around but again this is just completely a normal hog nose and that's the way that they kind of thwart off predators for the fact that they try to act like they're dead you can see his tongue is still coming out if i just left it alone it would flip over and crawl away like nothing guys i have something very cool to show you today these are bromi blind snakes they're one of the smallest species of snake on planet earth you're stealing right to jail you're playing music too loud right to jail right away you're driving too fast jail slow jail you're charging too high prices for exciters glasses you ride to jail [Music] all right
Channel: Pets Town
Views: 15,141,626
Rating: 4.742867 out of 5
Keywords: Pets Town, Pets, cute, funny, cute pets, funny pets, funny pet video, funny animal reaction, funny pet reaction, dog reaction, cat reaction, snake, cute snake, funny snake, snake bite, snake egg, snake egg hatch, baby snake, snake video, longest snake, snek, snek meme, big snake, giant snake, Snake TikTok, Tiktok, Snake compilation, snake TikTok compilation, reptile compilation, snakes, tiktok snake, snake tiktok, reptile tiktok
Id: XJ2hd2cKAJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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